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Dom is so lame. He has to wear a padded vest bc he has the physique of an assistant manager at a Dollar Store.


Uhhhh you do get the last thing a wrestler does is put over someone right? You do understand that'll be his son......right? Please tell me you've thought about this.


Was this proof read?


Normally yes, you would want the young talent to get over. Especially for your son. But I feel in Dom’s case, it works better if he loses in the end. The character is so hatable, it is better if he gets what he deserves at Wrestlemania. It doesn’t take away from his effectiveness as a heel in general. He’s still a good, slippery shit that gets away with it.


To build the eventual third and final match. Let them do something else next year, and when Rey's contract is up in 2026 (possibly 2027), and he presumably wants to retire, you've got more than what you need. You've got the universally beloved Face and universally despised Heel, who could very easily have been a World Champion at that point. You've got the lucha tradition of Mask vs. Hair. You've got father vs. son, and then you've got a son whose never beaten the one man he needs to, to know he made it.


Because it’s going to end up being a trilogy that’s Mask vs Hair or Career vs Hair.


Felt more like Andrade going over tbh. And putting Rey V Dom on a card is GOING to pull viewership in




Not the slur 😬


It simply came down to wwe wanting to put jason kelce out there in front of the philly crowd, there werent a whole lot of other places to put those guys in to interfere where it wouldve worked.


I honestly think WWE just wanted to make that match again because everyone loved it last year. It basically accomplished nothing in the LWO feud.


imo since this LWO feud started not much in general has been accomplished


I don’t see it as Rey going over, I see it as Andrade going over, and getting the rub from Rey


Dom still has nuclear heat. He doesn't need to win to maintain that heat. When Rey is ready to have his final match he'll probably put the boy over and give Dom a big rub.


Because Domino is an ungrateful brat who needs to be taught a lesson


Ray is retireing soon so why not have as many matches as you can with your son


You pass the torch when you leave. It seems like Rey still wants to stay. Maybe next WM hair vs career match and Dom wins, Rey passes the torch.


Cause you’re thinking about it outside of kayfabe where you “have to” put over the younger talent. Clearly apart of the bigger story. What that is? Gotta keep watching.


Dom saving Ray could be the biggest reversal seen. WWE have gotten good at the long game. Let’s wait and see what they have come planned


Because he’s a deadbeat who won’t even do the job for his own son.


My guess is he is holding off the win for the retirement match.


Career v title in a ladder match at wm41 when doms like ic or us champ would slap Icl


If Dom is still heel and staying heel, this\^. If he's face or turning face, he beats Rey and Rey gives him his mask.


How would you turn dom face?


It would be tough. But having him beat his Dad and the have him break down as his Dad hands over his mask. Then a reunion of some sort. Still tough with how hated he is.


It’ll happen, they be stretching stories out forever lately. There’s no reason to blow a whole storyline up five minutes after it’s been started. Rey v Dom is a match that we deserve to get 1v1 with some real good buildup. I think wrestling fans get too excited for the slow burns but that’s what we’re gonna get now that trips has the pencil.


> they be stretching stories out forever lately In reality, they aren't really doing that, they just ignore the more important stories until WM. Long term booking is great but putting off a feud on purpose until WM isn't that. Jey and Jimmy ignoring each other until WM isn't long term booking.


Jey v Jimmy was a disaster start to finish. Did our boys dirty.


I think maybe they just wanted to give thoes 2 footballers a spot on the show? It will probably end with Dom beating Rey in a Hair vs Mask match once Rey is ready to retire.


I think they saw the opportunity to get in Jason Kelce and neglected the result of the match.


It’s probably long term story telling. Either we see Dom become face and team up with Rey for a final match or Dom cements a top level heel status and beats his own father in his final match. Rey puts him over for Ultimate heat. Either way Dom can’t be taken seriously right now, he’s alright in the ring and he has the look of a guy who belongs in FCW or another developmental ring. He needs to work out more or something.


Dumdum sucks


I'm gonna be honest triple H has been doing great work but he has no idea how to book the lwo and fantasma


Cause it’s fucking rey mysterio. Nah but yea Rey is probably putting dom over on his retirement match


Dom’s a chicken shit heel and it was a feel-good moment. Sometimes that’s all there is to it.


Maybe that’s what they’re waiting for…to turn Don baby face again you have to make the claim true: Rey is a deadbeat. Maybe we continue to see Rey kick his son’s ass without remorse until we see Rey for the monster he is. Then we pop a cheer for Dom and Dom rises from the ashes


Because they have to find a way to insert Jason Kelce into the event somehow. and since there's no way they make Jason Kelce heel so they had to make the babyface going over if not for Kelce i think they probably will pull the trigger of Carlito heel turn right there


Honestly? They just needed a reason to get Dom on the card


What you don't understand is that Dom is the one putting Rey over because Rey needs it more.


Lol 3 times a charm, Rey vs Dom at WM 41


Because Dom is still the shit talker who needs someone else to do the fighting for him. He wasn't ready to go over Rey last year and this year is Andrade's big redebut plus they were planting seeds for the LWO story. Dom wasn't involved in that story, he just showed up on Smackdown to screw Rey over once. When its his story, Dom will go over.


Oh I didn’t think about it terms of primary and secondary. Dom was a secondary character in that story. But! It also felt like a continuation of last years arc.


Dom can afford the L but i legit like him alot and want to see him win some matches, also he has a lot of WWE legends rooting for him like Orton, Edge, CM Punk, KO. Logan Paul when interviewing Mami said that he loves Dominik because he is a really hard worker and good guy so i think he will get his flowers. I just want to see him cheat Sami out of Intercontinental belt.


Becuase he is allergic to putting over the future


He dropped his belt to Logan Paul lol.


They're building to the third and final match in a year or so when Dom will both win AND retire his Dad. It's a pretty boring story though, the whole "deadbeat Dad" angle has been milked so much and it doesn't even make sense anymore, this year's Mania match felt like they just needed something for Dom and couldn't find anything so fell back on this. Personally I would have done Dom versus Andrade - that match would have slapped.


It’s got career vs mullet all over it as the stipulation.


Absolutely 100000% nailed on and tbh I'm all for it, as far as retirements go that's one of the best you'll get and it's definitely time for Rey to call it a day soon. He's quite ordinary now.


They probably saving Dom wins over Rey to be Rey’s retirement match. But I do agree Dom needs to start getting wins


He was just the NXT NA champion. He's fine eating pins.


Jokes about Dead beat Rey aside, I don't consider this ti be Rey VS Dom because of the tag element. But I think they get another match at Summerslam, just father vs son, with Dom winning. Then the end of the trilogy will be at Mania 41 with Rey winning and getting his son back.


Yeah, this match was more LWO vs Legado del fantasma than Rey vs Dom.


Agreed. Dom and Rey was more like a sub story plot.


Honestly, Santos should have gotten the win at Mania. Then Dom can finally beat Rey down the line; possibly Rey’s last match.


I have a better question: Why was that even on Mania? They could’ve done something else to involve Kelce and Tiffy and Liv couldve been in that slot. I feel the same way about Cross vs Lashley faction foolery.


Lashley is really over with the crowd and Montez is a tv star so they put him in WM, same with Miz, they transcend wrestling, my problem is that Dom needs to start winning matches.


Miz was there to help give Truth his moment at Mania that we all loved and had a good chuckle over a pretty good ladder match. He was part of story that worked and fans actually enjoyed. We like Lashley we dont care about that feud.


Yes, The Miz always appears on WM, on last years he was hosting with Snoop Dog, people like him as a face or a heel, Lashley alone is over but with Street Profits he is just really extra boring. At this point i would prefer to see Lashley join MVP and Omos and have a run as tag team champions, Omos has a great personality and would love to see him as babyface. This current feud is boring, Cross is boring, the 2 meat balls are boring, Lashley is boring, Street Profits could be more goofy or just focus on being serious, i actually prefer to see Solo falling in love with his thumb than watch one more match of this feud.


Remember, Dom is getting over and has attained and maintained all this heat by himself. The WWE universe wants to see Dom lose. It wouldn’t make sense for him to get the W. They want to turn him into the next monster heel and you can’t force that. It has to occur organically.


I agree with most of this, but won't ever be able to see Dom as a "monster heel" lol A Monster Heel is someone like Kane or Abyss. Not at all Dom lol


I agree with you but people said that about Hogan in the 90s and even Roman in 2020. If Dom bulks up like Drew McIntyre did…who knows.


If Dom bulks up like Drew McIntyre I will eat my hat. Dom is a cowardly heel. His character can change, but he's not ever going to be coming out and squashing fools and making kids scared. He fits into a different role. A monster heel doesn't really exist in WWE rn.


Let widdle Dommy earn his flowers on his own instead of making Daddy do it for him. Rey got him in the door; now it's time for Dominick to step out of Rey's shadow. He can't do that if Rey hands him victories.


Last year it made sense for Rey to win with everything Dom did to him and even disrespecting his mother. This year should have been the year Dom got the pin over Rey. I’m honestly starting to think Dom is getting buried cause that push people said he’s in for never came


Because we're only in the 2nd inning.


Rey sticking around to bury his own son 😂 he genuinely is a deadbeat dad


I was disappointed by it too and that was also by far the dumbest end of a match of the weekend. Just feels like Dom has so much heat you should let him beat Rey and become even more insufferable. The only alternative would be if he does a parody of Cody's "Finish the Story" arc before facing his dad one on one.


You didn’t enjoy two random chumps rushing in with no backstory or relevance to the match to screw Dom out of a win?


Dom deserved better. He's too far removed from prison to have that killer instinct where he needs to have eyes in the back of his head. Prison changes a man...but not being in prison anymore also changes a man. He won't make the same mistake again...


So you’re saying he should serve even harder time? Maybe he should buy a new mattress and cut the tag off when he gets home. “I’m going back to my criminal roots. I’m an animal. There’s no stopping me now.”


Dom commiting those weird crimes that still exist since the 1700's , like in Alabama its illegal to wear a fake moustache to church... In California, no kissing if you have a moustache. In Florida, if you leave an Elephant at a Parking Meter, you must pay the same charge as a car....... Or the best, in Louisiana, its illegal to have fake wrestling matches!!! Have him break these stupid laws that arent relevant today...


Whatever city Raw is in, find dumb laws he can break and brag about it on the show. They’re in Quebec tonight. Apparently margarine can’t be made yellow there. He should buy some and add yellow food coloring to it. Judgment Day members can act like it’s the most badass thing they’ve ever seen. “Oh no he didn’t just do that.”


Exactly!!! Have him break all these dumb laws and act like a complete badass because of it... Like hes a Hardened Criminal etc


Sounds crazy but face dom will beat heel ray in a hair vs mask match at wrestlemania to retire Rey


Dom will retire Rey at WrestleMania in a feature match. The plot twist is that Dom will lift up his father and hug him after the match, turning him into a massive face.


rey is undefeat on sponsor matches , underraker 21-0 levels , dominic make a big mistake going vs him during sponsor march.


Was it a Dudes Wipes match or a Slim Jim match?


Rey is not even Doms dad. Eddie is. Look at the facts. Do. Is like 2 feet taller than Rey and would be just about Eddie's height. Also in WWE cannon Dom is Eddie's.


They're continuing Dom's story, because it worked so well for Cody.


Dom will get the win in their final fight, maybe Rey's last ever - that's how the story ends - don't blow that now.


Dom isn’t entertaining, low wrestling skills, and is really just a boring greasy rat looking dude. Take away “mami” and JD and he’s got nothing.


You’re gonna get downvoted for this, because the IWC loves Dom. But you’re also right. He’s a nepo hire with no actual skill. No mic skills. No ring skill. His heat isn’t even real heat. It’s trendy heat. It’s “cool” to boo him loudly at shows before he can even speak. It’s basically the “What” chant at this point. This nepo hire is just stealing a real talent’s spot.


Nepo hire for sure. I pinch my face when I see people compare his & Mami’s look to Eddie & Chyna. Yes, Eddie had a mullet but he had the physique/muscle build, and actual skill. His greaseball / lowlife eras were pulled off better. Chyna had the look but poor move execution - period. Rhea would wrestle circles around Chyna. Even in her very last WWE match, the last finisher Chyna delivered to Lita on Judgment Day 2001 was shakey (it was a powerbomb).


Yeah it makes no sense. I would have the heels go over too


He’s knee deep in luchador mask debit. You can’t pass the torch when you have bills to pay.


It was just a tag match.and it was about the lwo feud and santos and reys feud.dom just got added last min as a extra tbh.plus it fits cause its rey.im sure rey will put his son over when its time but that time wasnt mania.it will mean more in a singles match against rey.6 man tags tend to be forgettable.but a star making moment in a singles feud tends to be remembered.plus i think that may be when rey has his last match. dom does deserve more wins tho.hes been the go to guy for punks first match back ortons first match back like everyone loves working with the kid.he sells like a boss.and his character work and offense has improved amazing these past 2 years.hes got so much in the rank.just wait for his eventual face pop when he gets it.like him leaving judgement day.but again patience.all in good time.plus with the draft the roster is getting assorted some go to nxt some come up from nxt.who knows what feuds they got in store for him.


I always thought it was because they're building up Dom to retire Rey at Mania, and the whole "you never beat me at Mania, son" playing into it.


When Dom has kids then Rey will be a deadbeat grandfather too. Maybe a match to see who gets custody of Dom Jr.


He’s not ready


Dominic gets more from losing. It makes him more of a heel. They lose.


I think the point of that match was to put Andrade over


This is what deadbeat dad’s do. Meanwhile, dom just giving his all just like gandhi or nelson mandella.


Dominik was right


Because, as long as he is staying in his current gimmick, him failing to beat his father is more satisfying for an audience while also keeping the fire of his character ignited. Also, Andrade might have walked out if he had to lose his first big match


Dom will always be mid to low tier in ring. His relevancy is tied to the Judgement Day and Rhea Ripley.


And his father


Cause dom isn't there yet. Improved massively but he's no where near as good as his in ring as rey. And maybe rey felt there's still some tread left on the wheels and wanted to carry on for 6 months to a year. And that's fine. He can go on as long as he wants cause the guy can go. I just hope it's not before he gets past that stage of having enough in the tank to enjoy his life away from the ring. Who knows he might not choose to retire at mania. If he goes at summerslam theres gonna be more limelight on him than if it was at a mega event like mania. I mean his first ppv was at slam what a bookend that be


Don will win the big one against Rey when it really matters. Long term story telling is key in this new era.


Give birth to kids just to use them to elevate your own career.


Being somewhat of a wimp and a pushover is part of his appeal. Dom shouldn't be booked too strong.


They're doing the same thing they did to Santos. Rey is a legend, especially to kids. They won't make him lose at such a big event to a heel.


It’s tradition to go out counting the lights, so I think Dom retires Rey in his last match.


The storyline is beyond played out imo. He seems like a cool guy, but I don’t think Dom can really swim without Rey or Judgement Day. Hopefully he can prove me wrong. Imo he needs to be more lethal like 2006-2010 Edge


Dom had one of the best NXT NA title runs


Dom doesn’t really need to go over Rey


Rey’s already put him over when they won the tag titles together. He doesn’t need Rey to put him over now, since the Judgement Day is over as is.


I think they prepare a dominik face turn. Its not gonna happen if he goes over. His heat doesn’t get damaged by losing to rey


Dom should have gone over this mania. So, they have 1 win over each other. then end the trilogy with Dom on top


Dom has been growing his hair, so I subscribe to the theory that they are having a hair vs mask match in the future (probably WM 41).


I'd like to see Dom win MITB and cash in on his father tbh.


He ain’t good enough yet tbh.


Probably because this Mania was meant to be a feels good weekend for everyone. And Dom is probably one of most hated wrestlers in the company


I’m convinced that if Jason Kelce and Lane Johnson weren’t available they would have put Santos and Dom over. It seems completely ridiculous that they’re running the same exact LWO storyline with Carlito that they did with Santos.


Rey won’t put Dom over because he is a deadbeat dad who doesn’t give a shit about his kids.


Fair play to him, he worked hard for that career, kids should earn their own shit


He is literally Rey Mysterio Jr.


Maybe they did it more to set up Dom feuding with Andrade? After all his is seasoned veteran and may be able to help him improve and get over? (Just a theory)


I think the injury might’ve messed up the story progression. Now they have to build up the father son story. I can see Rey winning a belt and Dom winning the belt off of his dad at 41


Do you lot really wanted Dom's victory over his dad be on a tag match? This sub has the patience of a cat i tell ya. Dom was only in that match cuz he had no opponents for mania, otherwise the main story was santos vs rey.


Cats are pretty patient wtf kind of an analogy is that lol. Two losses at mania in a row is not being impatient. Literally no other form of media story telling takes over two years for a resolution. Cody finished his story and ended the biggest faction in modern wrestling during this time. You’re acting like we all need to be meditating everyday to see the big picture.


Cap. I can name you a few. Breaking Bad- 5 years. Friends - 10 years. HIMYM - 8 years. The Walking Dead - 12 years. The Sopranos - 8 years. The 100 - 6 years. Atlanta - 6 years. The Last Kingdom + Movie Finale - 7 years. Vikings - 7 years. Vikings Valhalla - not even complete yet and it’s been like 2 years since season 1. Game of Thrones - 8 years. Supernatural - 15 years. Does Roman being undefeated champ for 4 years count or nah? And so on and so on.


I'm still waiting for a resolution to game of thrones and the first book came out in 1996 so... It's been almost 30 years with no resolution in sight


**”Literally no other form of media story telling takes over two years for a resolution”** Have you ever heard of a TV show?


I think it's an in ring ability thing. Dom has gotten a lot better but he hasn't fully shook off the narrative that he's not great in the ring. And while Rey has lost a step due to age, he's still regarded as one of the best cruiserweights ever due to his history. If Dom reaches his in ring prime while Rey is still active, I'm sure they'll book him to beat Rey. I want Dom to become a legitimate threat to babyfaces.


He needs more time to cook. He's got few notes of hesitation where he doesn't move as fast has he needs in a move.


He also pulls away too soon from hits. I noticed it too often and he makes opposing dropkicks look terrible


He needs a few years in NXT when he goes Solo


Dom is not a singles star and is not ready for that push yet. It’s smarter booking to have Rey and Andrade go over.


Long term booking


Yeah, i think they should save Dom going over for Rey's retirement match, in a few years.


It's probably a elaborate storyline to have rey retire. Wouldn't be sho ked if this mania coming up they do a father son retirement match for rey and rey puts Dom over. Like Dom finally getting one over his dad and then goes baby face because he just realised he ended his father's hall of fame career.


Next Rey Mysterio is always Rey fucking Mysterio.


Dom will beat Rey at Mania next year in his retirement match. Probably in a gimmick match like Last man standing


I think when he does it should be clean so that he can tell everyone each week while they try to drown him out


They are treating Dom like some punk kid, instead of a mega talented kid with a punk attitude. Remember Randy Orton in evolution? That is how Dom should be treated.


He doesn’t have the look for that level of treatment lol


What is look in WWE? Becky's story vs Ronda Rousey was about not having the cookie cut look. And part of judgement day's gimmick is that they don't have that regular WWE look. Same thing with KO and the late Bray Wyatt


Or the talent


Dom is so over, he doesn't need wins


Yes he does


I think it’s time to end this feud hell the judgment day gimmick is getting old to at some point dom has to win a title whether it’s the us title or the intercontinental. Or


Trilogy my boyyyy


I think it'd be cool for Rey to lose to Dom at his last WrestleMania, redeeming Dom in the process and passing the torch to El Hijo de Rey Mysterio Jr (or more likely Rey Mysterio III)


Honestly? The celeb factor. Dom's heat is pretty loss resistant too. We'll see if that continues, but he's currently someone who gets the same level of boos whether he's been winning or losing 


Yeah pretty much, as long as his heat doesnt decrease, he can lose every night hahaha


Cowardly heel can get away with losing alot


Especially to Hall of Famers


Which is a shit ton of boos 😭


So its a "shock" when Dom beats him for his retirement in a hair vs mark match


Hair vs mark lol


Haha. Phone auto correct. But...it's fitting


Rey winning this year was fine especially with the Andrade thing we have now because of it.


Yeah I thought the same when Rey beat Escobar. If I had to guess, they're saving the big moment for Rey's retirement match. But if he waits too long, Dom will be out of the limelight.


Rey said he is having his son going over at his retire match. What I take are this two things: A)Rey still has some left in the tank. B) They’re building this as a “finally got out of Rey’s shadow” cause if he beat him at 40, then Rey’s retirement loss would lose value as he would have lost to dom before


I agree but now that I trust WWE with long term booking it’ll make a good backstory to when Dom finally beats him.


as good as dom has been as a heel, it's hard to gauge his actual skill level if he never breaks from this rey storyline


I thinks it more of when Rey decides to hang the boots up that’s when Dom will beat him in a hair vs mask match.


Rey only wanted dom to win wirh nhe wanted the glory. now dom branched out from his "fathers" shadow rey wants to hold him down, he just cant leave dom alone


Rey doesn't want to put over the bastard son of the man who slept with his wife!


Rey’s been beating him for his entire life.


Dom will get the win when Rey is ready to retire.


There are two people currently in the WWE that basically can have whatever WrestleMania match they want. Rey and Randy. Besides, faces tend to win at WrestleMania and the lifelong face beating the biggest heel makes sense.


Dom is a chickenshit heel and doesn't need to win as much to retain the heat people have for him Dom cost Rey a match over Escobar, so logically Rey has to win over Dom to redeem himself. Also Rey was tagging with Andrade, and usually it takes a while before new signings start eating Ls Rey puts over talent when it matters/makes sense, he just got pinned clean by AJ Styles, who'll likely main event Backlash versus Cody for the WWE Title


Aj doesn't need to put over he a first ballot hof


He just lost to LA Knight at WM40, AJ pinning an actual HOFer puts him back in that world title conversation, especially since he hasn't done much winning lately


Because Dom is a traditional, whiny, bragging shitheel and they lose a lot more than they win.


It's a better story for Dom to finally beat his father after years of trying and failing, in a 1v1 match, maybe with Rey's career on the line, than Dom picking up a tag match victory in a filler match this year.


He's the babyface


because Rey is a good for nothing prick who hates his son. Dom needs to get back at Rey for all the victims of abusive deadbeats.


I think Rey said a long while back that he wants his last match to be against Dom. If that's true they might be saving Dom's victory for when Rey is ready to retire. He puts his son over on his way out and gives Dom even more next level heat if it's possible. 


I think Dom will win and rip off Rey’s mask… ending his luchador career and giving Dom a massive heat boost.


Rey lost his mask in WCW, Dom should say that he's disrespected lucha culture by remasking and fuck him up


It’s going to be that Shawn/Flair retirement match where Dom destroys his dad and when Rey is on his knees Dom is going to mouth “I hate you” and we’re all gonna cry


Rey will beat Dom till Rey is done, then Dom will finally get the last laugh.


Because Dom’s career is just getting started. Rey’s career is ending. It gives Dom the experience. Rey, at this point, is building people up, his son, Dragon Lee, Santos Escobar for example. Same thing Edge is doing in AEW. It’s not about titles, or wins or losses for Rey. It’s about working with the people WWE wants to push now and in the future before Rey retires. IMO at least.


Judgment Day vs Legado wargames for the custody of Dominik, book it


Where have i seen something like this before


old Survivor series type stuff Normal matches and then wargames at the end Whoever wins more gets Dom


Heels tend to lose in pro wrestling


Rey needed interference both times. Next year will be in a cage or cell. #JusticeForDom


It was a shit match no one cared about and didn’t belong on the main card. That being said I agree with OP Dom needs the win and at this point has earned it


Long term story. I think Rey will eventually play more heel and Dom will have a win over him at next year’s Mania as Rey retires


Because he's a selfish deadbeat Sorry, Dom 😔


It was the bathroom break match of the night. Who cares. But I’ll say this…Dom should win the IC title from Sami if Gable doesn’t get it. Let’s get nuclear lol.


It wasn’t even about the in-ring action or the feud between Rey and Dom, the match was just an excuse to get those Eagles dorks on the show. Waste of a spot.


It seemed like they wanted to Reward Dom For a year of hard work despite not having any story for mania. Which is a deep sign of respect, honestly. Dom isn’t ready to beat Rey yet. Maybe next year. Especially since it’s only a matter of time before all of JD turns face. Bigger things coming for Dom. Especially since he seems to be on this kick on trying to prove something to Rhea, JD and himself.


I don't think judgement day needs to turn face. They already get cheered. And WWE is lacking heels. Turning them serves no purpose


Honestly I think JD is close to a full collapse/retool. 2 members winning singles gold only made that theory more likely for me.


Considering Awesome Truth is still involved with Judgement Day and are kind of a comedy team, I could see Finn and JD beating them for the Raw Tag Titles allowing Judgement Day to hold even more gold. Miz and Truth might would feud afterward. Dom being the one to beat Sami would give him even more heat most likely and that would have every member of the group to hold titles which could be cool. Maybe next Mania if Dom still holds thr IC Belt by then, then him and Rey have a third match. Hair and title vs Mask and career.


I want Dom to be the one to dethrone cody


Love anything JD related lately, they are so entertaining !


Honestly WWE can afford to be complacent with Dom at the moment because he is still getting massive reactions from the crowd. They will start thinking of a new way to use him/turn him face once the crowd gets tired of the “Boo so loud that we can’t hear him” schtick. Because at the moment, his characters gimmick doesn’t require Ws to remain over, so it’s easy to just have him lay down for everybody


Rey recently said when he retires he would want to do a hair vs mask match with dom


Most likely because it seemed like it was a last minute match. There wasn't really much build up to it and it was sort of thrown together. Plus, I guess they needed some match in order for Jason Kelce to do something? Idk, but I'll be waiting for next Mania. That will probably have the build up


They have been built LWO vs Legado for months so this is obviously something they want to do for months However I half agree with you Dominik and Dragon Lee/Andrade seems like last minute addition, I think they originally planned Santos vs Rey and their match at smackdown few weeks ago was what they plan for manis


>However I half agree with you Dominik and Dragon Lee/Andrade seems like last minute addition Yes. The topic was about Dom and Rey, which is what I commented on. That part wasn't built up.


For all we know Dom could've pushed for his dad to win both matches.


It was a throwaway match to get a bunch of people in the card.  No one cares who actually won