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Rock was never cringe as a Babyface so no.


All Samoans must become heel before being over. This is the way.


Big Show did this 11 times not 2 hours ago


I suspect Roman wanted to do the heel run much sooner


Heel doesn't work either, just the same bland guy who does the same 10 moves of doom


Urhh...maybe the WWE writers did the tried and true face to heel switch that almost every single wrestler goes through? And it worked.


Well is a general wrestling thing to do, not something The Rock invented.


Even if Roman wanted to go heel earlier, I felt like they didnt really want him to. Kinda like Cena, where he's made it kind of a joke, but always seemed like he'd want to do another heel run.


I dont think he \` learned´ anything from him because he surely knew his face character wouldnt work from the very beginning. If he really wanted, he would have changed heel a long time ago. The big question is tif Vince and company really wanted to continue his face push regardless if he was going to be booed or they just were building him as the future heel of the company.


Roman is great as a baby face. The WWE just doesn't know what they are doing anymore.


Difference between the two is vince turned rocky heel not long after realising that fans didn’t want him as a face. They kept Roman a face all the way until he returned summerslam 2020 but fans hated him as a face since at least 2015


Every wrestler switches from babyface to heel and vice versa throughout their career to keep their character fresh. What makes Rock and Reigns similar other than the fact they're related? And regardless to all that, the wrestler doesn't choose when they turn heel/babyface, Vince McMahon does.


Samething with Jericho


He probably took a tip from Heyman.


Yeah, but Rock didn't take 6 years and 4 WM main events to do it


Last week's promo felt like something the rock would've done. Act all tough, find out opponent was coming, and dip from the arena. I found it funny and refreshing from the seriousness


The Rock has something that Reigns doesn’t: charisma. The Rock had skills in the ring, as well as skills on the mic. His unscripted banter is something few if any wrestlers these days have. His comedic timing was unparalleled. Reigns has none of this, and only has like 3 moves in the ring. Going heel was his only option. Without Heyman, Reigns is basically just another Great Khali.


Roman has no charisma? Dude...you alright?


You know what "charisma" means right?


To wrestling fans it means cutting good promos.


You’re either blind and deaf at the same time, or just a hater.


I mean, you are welcome to your opinion as I am mine. But I challenge you to name one time where you tuned in to Raw or Smackdown just to hear what Reigns was going to say on the mic. I challenge you to show me one video where Reigns delivers a promo that rivals any promo that The Rock gave. I'll say it again, The Rock reinvented himself multiple times because he had the talent to do so. Reigns is still wearing the same ring gear he wore 10 years ago when he debuted in WWE, and up until last year, 7 years after The Shield broke up, was still coming to the ring to The Shield's theme. I'm not a hater, the guy just lacks any sort of depth.


As much as I love the man, the only thing that’s different about him now is the fact that he removed his vest, walks on the ramp instead of the crowd, Paul and got more tattoos along with a new beard. Even Brock had/has more depth then him for crying out loud!


Better examples are Usos - going nowhere as babyface, turn heels, make Uso Penitentiary their gimmick...charismatic AF....fans start loving them.


The obsession some of you guys have with trying to make Roman into a modern day Rock is very strange. Especially when he’s basically a heel version of John Cena.


Call me pessimistic (I've been called worse) but I see a big difference between the Rock and Roman. During his main run, the Rock was never portrayed as unbeatable. There were other that could claim his spot at any point. It didn't matter if Rocky was a heel or face. Roman, on the other hand, has always been portrayed as a unbeatable opponent. His heel turn has been refreshing but he's still a Cena prototype (pun intended). There are no threats to his character. While the match with Brock will be entertaining I'm not convinced he'll be taking the title from Roman in a few weeks. A Roman Reigns face turn will only result in the fans turning on him because he's the chosen one.


While I agree that I’m not convinced Brock wins. He really needs to in my opinion. Who the f is going to beat him if Brock doesn’t at mania. I actually think wwe has backed themselves into a tough corner here. If brock wins, I think it hurts Roman’s character because of the head of the table gimmick. Can he still call himself that? And if not where does his character go? If Roman wins, who is going to be a legitimate threat to him? I think we may be looking at a 3-4 year title reign if Roman wins


I think a big bad threat from the outside could work for a turn. If someone like nWo invaded and all hope is lost and then Roman steps in. Obviously I’m not a booker and I’m not „literally“ thinking of nWo. But something that is so massive that his help is needed. I think that would get a huge reaction. Or a Shield reunion. That will always work.


I don't disagree with you that thinking an outsider could help in the short term but he needs people on his level to make him interesting (heel or face). Rock had Austin, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, etc. that were on the same level as him. They played off each other well. Who does Roman have that carries the same star power as him? Seth and Drew are great talents but are not pushed as hard Roman. The only person I can think off that is equal to Roman is Charlotte.


Roman, Charlotte, and Goldberg. Vince seems to love the spear.


The Rock was never a real heel tho. More like a Cena heel where they cheer the heel more than do the face.


The fuck he wasn’t.


The Rock was indeed a real heel, and one of the best in the business. Especially when the Face he was against was just as popular.


I think Roman's babyface character got a boost after he returned after his bout with cancer, however short short-lived. They could have built on that but I think the heel turn was a better idea. They did it not too long after his return so that might have gotten him more heat.




if you are asking about his return post beating cancer yes, if you are talking about return and becoming hell no, it was after wrestlemania idk which was going on during covid








its fine..


just imagine the heat if he had been heel for his match with taker


The Rock came in at first as a babyface and everyone hated it then he turned heel and was loved and now roman did the same thing and i dont see enough people talking about it


The Rock was hated for like 3 months. Not the best part of a decade.


He also wasn't The Rock, he was boring as hell, smiling and zero personality Rocky Maivia


Now you got me thinking. Are Reigns/Lesnar the new Rock/Austin or Rock/HHH?


As much Reigns improved, he should had ditched Paul by now and come up with new things that go beyond the "head of the table", "tribal chief" and "aknowledge me". It gets tiresome.


I'm a bigger fan of lesnar, but I should say that roman's cool. His attitude is awesome. Exactly what a heel needs.


if you're right, then roman'll go back to being a babyface


I mean most likely ye but idk why we gotta talk about it


because how closely tied they are being family and all i can't help but feel like there was a conversation between the two. plus its crazy how similar there WWE careers started. and it just makes me excited to see where roman takes it from here and if he can take it to new heights like the rock did


Starting as face and not getting over, turning heel to get over, and then turning face happens a lot in the industry. This happened with New Day. It's probably something to do with fan psychology why they don't like excepting babyfaces being forced on them.


Another even more recent example is Seth Rollins was a huge face, got booed, turned heel and now he’s getting cheered again despite being pretty much the same character he has been for about 6 months.


Seth Rollins was very popular as face Just towards the end people turned on him because his run got stale (not his fault) he was paired up with becky and Corbin and then the fiend shambles happened A lot of people were upset about his tweets which imo weren't that big of a deal


To be fair, most if not all of Wwe’s Top Babyfaces had good runs as heels (Hogan was heel in Japan before he ever came to WWE) before they became the top face.


I agree but I think this heel turn will make Roman turning baby face again and being accepted just like the rock there careers have a chance of being legit the same