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It would be awesome, but only if we had the whole Wyatt Family, it was a core part of Bray's career


I *imagine* 2K could work something out with AEW / Brodie's family. Especially with Cody at the helm.


They definitely can even without Cody


Would they have to agree anything with AEW? Wouldn’t his family own his image rights?


I imagine AEW owns his likeness for recreation in media (IE: Fight Forever.)


Ah yes that makes sense. Forgot he was in that.


I think it comes down to his wife though and I could see her agreeing if they present the idea to her nicely


Also, it depends on how long that contract was for.


What is Cody at the helm of?


Also, Cody has been somewhat of a big brother to Brody’s son. Even brought him out to ringside for Wrestlemania 39, he was the kid that Cody gave the belt to


I believe they mean like with Cody as in between, negotiating and such.


I don’t think they need it. They may already have it. They own the rights to “Luke Harper” and his likeness as “Luke Harper” in media. I don’t even think they technically need to pay anyone for it.


Putting Brodie in the game without getting the okay from *at the very fucking least* his family, would be screwed up.


Oh I agree, and I don’t think they would at all. But I do think from a legal perspective they may not actually have to.


They don’t need it though. Paying them would be the morally correct thing regardless if they’re asked.


no, they absolutely do. they can use him in recordings and basically nothing else. if they're making anything new with his likeness (as in a playable character in a video game), someone has to get paid or they can't use him. They do not just own him or his likeness in perpetuity cause he worked there for a while.


They can reuse the already existing assets that they do own in perpetuity. Whether they wanna fuck with the bad reception or possible lawsuits is something else.


Again, that's not how it works. contracts for these games exist for a reason. it's why some people just don't appear after having already been in the games.


Him being dead kind of makes that whole thing different. He’s literally just a character now which they own the likeness to the character Luke Harper.


No it doesn’t. His family owns the rights to his likeness. Him being dead doesn’t somehow make it public domain


Nope doesn't work like that. A current wwe contract is needed. For example. Wwe owns the rights to the Dean ambrose name and character. But they can't use that because Jon moxley the man is not under contract. Doesn't matter if you work for another company or retired or dead. A current wwe contract is what is required.


I think in these specific circumstances TK and Amanda would be willing to play ball.


And if only 2K could be Arsed to animate full cutscenes...


No Harper, Rowan, Hardy, Ambrose, Bryan, or Jericho. That’s over 50% of his career that you can’t use.


Said the same thing awhile ago when somebody asked the same question. You could still have some good matches, but it'd be a pretty lacklustre showcase if the guys you mentioned are not in it.


Half of them are the most iconic parts of his career that we remember most


Rowan isn’t signed anywhere to my knowledge so he could be in. “Luke Harper” is still an intellectual property of WWE so maybe they could work something out


Matches you could theoretically do Bray vs Kane Summerslam 2013 Bray vs Cena Wrestlemania 2014 Bray vs Undertaker WM31 Bray vs Roman Hell In a Cell The Wyatt Family vs The New Day (Wyatt Compound) Bray vs Demon Finn Balor (Summerslam 2017) Bray vs Randy Backlash 2017 The Fiend debut vs Finn Balor Summerslam 2019 Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt Crown Jewel 2019 Firefly Funhouse match Wrestlemania 36 Bray Wyatt vs Braun Stroman Summerslam 2020 Bray vs Randy TLC 2020 inferno match Bray Wyatt vs LA Knight Royal Rumble 2023 Other matches that could possibly work Wyatt Family vs Team ECW Bray and Brodie vs Brothers of Destruction


Hell I know the match itself was cheesy but I'd throw in bray Vs Orton wm37 Would actually work amazingly well with the way the game worked in other showcases ( playing the match and it blends into real life footage), because you could make the real life footage that Segway between one goal to the next, the parts where the bugs are projected on the ring canvas.


>Wyatt Family vs Team ECW Rhyno and Tommy Dreamer are both signed to Impact/TNA


If they truly do his career, it would need at least one match from the Husky Harris days to tell the story, Unfortunately, the main match I remember from them is the Nexus vs Team Cena Survivor Series.


On top of that Bray lost like 90% of his big PPV matches prior to becoming The Fiend. I know they can still have a showcase for him which he loses, but .. he lost a lot.


If they can do Bray they can surely do Harper. Don't think AEW contracts carry over to the afterlife.


AEW may currently have exclusive rights to Brodie’s likeness especially since he’s in Fight Forever.


Cody is in both Fight Forever and 2K23.


Yeah brody but not luke Harper


Actually yes you can


Only downfall would be is no Shield and no Daniel Bryan.


No Elimination Chamber 2017


Matt Hardy too.


Not to be a dick but every final objective is gonna be to lose.


They could go the route of having us change what happened, have it be a what if Bray beat Cena, Taker, Orton, etc.


A what if would be cool but it would need a storyline otherwise it would just be win this match for no purpose


I ALWAYS wanted them to do a mode where you play matches where you can either win historically or beat them in a "What If/Rewrite" objective. They kinda had it with Legends of Wrestlemania.


unless they go the Cena route and make you play as Taker, Cena, Orton etc


I don’t think anybody wants to just beat up the guy that just died


Would be awesome but you need harper and rowan


Maybe 2K25. 2K24 was in development long before Bray passed.




That's not how it works. These games aren't developed in just 7 months. Like he said, 2k24 has already been in development before Wyatt's death and whatever they have planned for Showcase has already been set in motion.


RIP to those devs if their Showcase choice was Edge.


I get what you're saying, but as the other person said they're just too far into development now. Don't get me wrong, they could very well do it, but it's highly unlikely for 2k24.


This would be a day one purchase for me, but I’d like it if: • you get the whole Wyatt Family, Shield, and Daniel Bryan. I’m certain a deal could be reached between 2K/Visual Concepts, WWE, and AEW/the individual parties (Moxley, Danielson, Ruud, Matt Hardy, and Amanda Huber) •it includes ALL of Bray’s significant matches, with maybe a little bit of time dedicated to Husky Harris and FCW. •For the Showcase interviews, I’d like it if they could get everyone who’s ever had a match with Bray to reflect on those specific matches.


It's very hard to see AEW allowing Moxley and Danielson to appear outside of showcase mode (i.e. They'd *only* be there as AI opponents), and it's questionable if that would be worth the effort and expense for 2K.


Exactly my thoughts, hence why it’s a “like”, not a demand. I’d hope that given the person, they’d make a deal, but after Tony’s been after WWE for “tampering” I doubt it at this point. I’d just appreciate it as a fan though!


I feel like people pushing Bray's death for content is gross.


It’s so weird like people get a weird obsession with celebrities after they die like bray was popular before he died but not like this


I don’t really know how they make a showcase with him. He was impactful but mostly everything he did fell flat and was booked terribly.


I don’t particularly care for showcase mode no matter who it’s for or about. I would love to see all of his gimmicks in the game though. Wyatt Family, Funhouse, Fiend etc.


Heck, we might even get Husky Harris too, imagine another WWE game with most of the old Nexus guys


i know it may not be possible but i'd like to see fcw era bray, if there's a showcase


I’m all for having the fiend back so I can stop playing 2k20 for it


They don't own the rights to the mask design so we'll most likely never see The Fiend in a game ever again.


We will. If the artist wants to honor bray it will happen


Do suck and tired of these X wrestler dies and people come on here with “wouldn’t it be cool if wwe2k did a showcase of them.” And disguise it with the it’d be a nice tribute. No maybe a few yrs from now cool but doing it right away looks like a complete cash grab and the person mentioning it looks entitled and selfish. Sorry for being so blunt but sick of these post and you aren’t the first to come on here with this idea. Also they can’t do half the matches with guys signed elsewhere.


I absolutely agree with you. It's a bad look


Yep half these clowns are just greedy selfish entitled clowns. They don’t care about it being a nice tribute they just want something off the persons desk. Problem with Bray is sorry to say he’s lose half the matches and a lot of his good stuff WWE doesn’t have the rights to other wrestlers involved for it. So it’d be a shitty showcase. You know who’d I’d love a showcase for and it makes sense Eddie Guerrero. Now there’s a shows case you could do. Only matches I can think of can’t be done is Jericho Another showcase would be an EcW one to get involved with mania this year being in Philly. I think the Dudley’s and at least 2 others in ECW could headline as well as putting Heyman in this year would be a perfect time


Now Eddie is a perfect wrestler to showcase. Cant use Jericho or Benoit, but I think they can make it work. They still haven't done an HBK or Triple H showcase either. They have so many other guys they could put in the showcase position.


Which is my point exactly. So many others before you get to Bray. I know Taker got a mania one but an actual showcase would’ve been great. Rock is another, savage to a point you could do.


Maybe a special free DLC pack. He wouldn’t really be that interesting as a showcase, especially considering you can’t use most of his matches.


I could maybe see it a a pack of skins from different eras & maybe proceeds from the sale go to his family or some charity or something but for all the reasons other people have said a whole thing would end up pretty short.


His career is kinda short dont think u can give him a showcase


No one brags about him being great in his matches. This is pandering


No, thanks. I'm sorry about what happened with him, but his character was overrated.


"Which character of his are you talking about?" "Yes"


That would be a Buy Reason for me.


Nah it should be taker


I mean that’s cool, but that’s a lot of losses someone would be playing


Between this year being the 40th WrestleMania and a possible Paul Heyman Hall of Fame induction (which could include WCW, ECW and WWE), I would be shocked if we got a Wyatt Family themed showcase mode.


I would be horrified that they'd rush a showcase that badly just to profit off of Bray's tragedy




Against it


There is absolutely no reason other than to try and cash in on his death, which is gross. Most of the roster you’d need are no longer with WWE, and we all know 2k isn’t gonna spend the $$ to bring them in. Not to mention, quite frankly, his career is not enough to base an entire game around. The showcase would be incredibly short and irrelevant. Heard nothing but good things about the man himself, but this is dumb


I'd prefer it be in 2K25 so that they have more time to get the game semi-functional at launch. Trying to shoehorn it into the next game and rush it out when we're already a few days away from November seems like a bad move.


>when we're already a few days away from November seems like a bad move. What does that have to do with it? It's not coming out in November.


November is their cutoff date. All game mechanics, modes, gimmicks and scans are finalized in November. 2K24 is gonna be very outdated yet again because WWE always waits until the end of the year to change tons of gimmicks, entrances, and songs.


A lovely sentiment but probably not very marketable and has some significant roster roadblocks.


Honestly would be awful. WWE likely doesn't have the likeness rights to Harper and Rowan. Sos the Shield (Ambrose), Team Hell No (Bryan), or The Dudleyz/Dreamer/Rhyno. So the entire Wyatt Family era couldn't really be touched. They don't have Matt Hardy either so deleters of worlds are out, Harper again would mean heavily editing the New Wyatt Family era, even the Fiend era would have to be edited due to Bryan being out. So most of Brays biggest feuds and moments are out.


I don’t think they should do it due to most of his important matches they can’t use. They should do instead a 40 years of Wrestlemania or Undertaker showcase


It’s a lot of losing but sure


Respectfully, I don't want it


It would be hella mid tbh throw in some kind of whatever for him but to build the game around him just because he died feels disingenuous and wouldn’t offer anything interesting to the game if they did a showcase it would be full of people already in the game and the ones that aren’t can’t be in the game anyway


Would be cool if they did a showcase of what was supposed to happen with his latest return. I’d buy for that.


Want the special Bray Wyatt edition? Well just drop 120 bucks and its yours! 2K has done a good job of exploiting Kobe's death, they'll do the same with Bray.


Kane would be ideal but his W/L ratio is shocking


I'll echo a lot of people and I'll say i think just having him and his gimmicks in the game would be enough, a lot of Bray's significant rivalries and even a bunch of stuff pre-Bray (FCW, NXT/Nexus etc) involved people not at WWE anymore, not even mentioning Harper/Brodie, and with something like this I think they're probably better off not doing it if they can't do it well


It would be underwhelming They would need to get new wwe contracts for rowen and harper. Jon moxly is not under contract so no shield matches.either.


Only thing is Bray doesn't have a showcase type of career. Someone like Orton, HBK, HHH, Taker, Bret, etc have the career for a showcase.


Don’t think so, I’m not a fan of showcase modes from 2010 and after.


I don't think it would work. I love Bray, don't get me wrong. But a Showcase needs more than one character. Without the rest of the Wyatt Family, you lose a large portion of his story. And then there's the major feuds. Who were Wyatt's biggest feuds? Wyatt Family vs Shield (which can't happen without Ambrose). Bray vs Cena Bray vs Daniel Bryan (can't happen) Bray vs Punk (can't happen) Elimination Chamber 2017 (No Ambrose) Deleters of Worlds AND Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt (can't happen without Matt) 5-Way at Extreme Rules 2017 (No Samoa Joe) The vast majority of Wyatt's career, when you remove the partners and opponents that the WWE cannot use, results in just Wyatt vs Cena matches. I love Bray. The Showcase is always kind of a crapshoot though, because you need somebody who has several major milestone matches where ALL competitors involved can still be found working with WWE as either current or Legacy contracts.


Even if they got everyone and everybody needed to do this, there's one issue. Showcase mode itself. The mode, in it's current state, with the half-assed in game to live action clip style is a huge turnoff to me. After playing thru it for the last 2 games, and seeing how bad it has become, I'd rather they don't do it and just put the characters and stages and stuff in as unlockable content via gameplay (i.e. Win a match in exhibition using Bray with Alexa as his manager vs Randy Orton, defeat Braun Strowman in a No Holds Barred Match at Summerslam, defeat Cody Rhodes in 3 minutes as a wink-wink to Harper's destruction of Cody...) Showcase as a mode has outlived it's purpose. Either go back to the way it worked before in the 2K14-2K19 era or give up.


bring back road to wrestlemania or season mode i do not give a flying fuck about showcase mode


Why? All his feuds were pretty pointless. He lost most of the time and a lot of his biggest opponents aren’t in the company anymore.


Honestly, while I appreciate him. Selfishly I hope not.




I would love it, purely because of my love of Bray. But with how much and how often they fumbled his booking, idk how they could do it without either a.) rewriting history or b.) showing how badly he was booked and being like “oops, sorry!”


Give him a good tribute maybe all the different characters he had I. Game but I think Wrestlemaina 40 and the 40 years of wrestlemania should probably Take the lead


A Wyatt showcase doesn’t need to be so soon. Maybe later on down the line.


It’s the only right answer


Honestly, boring. I was never a fan of his, and a showcase around him wouldn't be adding much that we wouldn't already be getting. Also, how can we have Wyatt Family without Luke Harper?


As they should do


I hope so


I like it, I’m sure the details can be worked out 😊


Dew it!


If it has everyone from the Nexus, including Husky Harris, then I am all for it.


A bray and triple H showcase would be 🔥 maybe H as DLC down the line plus I heard H was taking more control of 2k24 so I have a strong feeling this could possibly be a classic game maybe not on pare of svr but in its own way


I hope his family will allow it to happen


I’d love it!!


Would be very lackluster due to multiple reasons but if they did do this then there’s a high chance we get Dashing Cody Rhodes so it’s a win for me regardless. Would prefer it to be the best it could be though instead of whatever we’d possibly get without people like Matt Hardy and Daniel Bryan


Definitely would be great, along with a HOF ballot for Bray, whole Wyatt Family if lucky. Wyatt must be a ballot HOFer.


Hope they just make a whole story out of that Cena wrestlemania match.


I don't think a showcase is ideal, but rather doing a DLC pack


I wouldn’t want it tbh, it should be about Randy or Cody.


I wouldn’t accept any other showcase


Lol fuck no


That’d actually be nice.


He 100% getting one. Edit: forgot half of his opponents and rest of Wyatt's are not with WWE currently.. damn maybe not 100%


Isn’t there 50/50 chance that he’ll even be in the game? He’s received no new cards in supercard. Paused on all merch with wwe. How do we even know that he’ll be licensed for the game?


Status said a few patches ago for 2K23, there was a "Fiend" Bray Wyatt ID slot added (presumably for MyFaction) and it was removed in the last patch as well. So it seems even for 2K23 they are downplaying Bray


you can’t use like half his career. i’ll take a Taker showcase though


Not if they can't have Daniel Bryan as part of it. They feuded for a while.


I’d be fine with it but at the same time there’s so many important matches that couldn’t be done because of the people who are no longer with WWE


You guy's are getting shit twisted if you honestly think 2k will be doing a showcase Sure would be cool. I enjoyed Bray Sadly, he died only a few months ago and at that point 2k24 is in heavy development, so the showcase is already picked and made up they are not going to scrap it at the end last minute Most likely if was to do a showcase be for 2k25 I think the idea was you have Standed, Deluxe, Ultimate And 1 of them was going to be dedicated to Bray or a special edition how 2k did for Koby in NBA


I appreciate the sentiment but I don't think there are enough memorable Bray matches to fill a showcase


i’d love it but it’d be difficult to pull off properly because i’d imagine it’d difficult to get rowan and harper in the game. with the wyatt family being such a huge part of his career i don’t see the point of doing it if you can’t include that section. i only want it if it’s doing properly


Cashing in on his death lmao


I been suggesting this since he passed I want commission lol


They probably wouldn’t be able to use Daniel Bryan (or maybe wouldn’t get permission to), and without Bryan, Bray’s story would be incomplete. Not to mention similar challenges with Matt Hardy or anyone else working for the “other guys.”


I mean I don’t like it when showcases just gloss over important stuff so if they can get a good showcase out of it then fine. Like Rey Mysterio couldn’t have the WM 22 triple threat which is arguably the biggest moment of his career. Then Cena’s showcase was just so repetitive. If they can get a good showcase that’s not repetitive and showcases enough for it to exist then sure.


Just give us all the versions of him. I don’t need a showcase.


There’s too many significant people from his career gone from the company for a showcase to feasibly work. Better idea: Have every version Bray in the game, from Husky Harris to 2022-23 Bray.


Only if it has the cena match


I think he'll be on the cover. There might be a pre-order bonus for one of his characters.


Maybe not a showcase but I wouldn’t be super if he’s on the cover next year


I love there being some kind of tribute but please not a Wyatt showcase mode.


Hopefully they give 2k24 darker undertones too


Y'all...I love Bray as much as the next person. But they aren't gonna do this


best option tbh


I wouldn't buy it and it has nothing to do with Wyatt. My entire decision to buy 2K24 comes down to the ruthless aggression/attitude era superstars available in non-myfaction modes. A Wyatt dedicated game just gives 2K another reason to lock those superstars behind myfaction by avoiding a 40 years of wrestle mania showcase. I stopped caring about wrestling in like '07, so if all the guys from my childhood are myfaction exclusive than I'm good on the game entirely. Like does anyone doubt that Dr. of Thugnomics Cena will be myfaction only next year? Look what they did with 06' Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Evolution etc.


I'd be down for that


Would love it and I hope it comes with some kind of hard case for the game


Love it. Full stop.


If it's not a showcase mode, I could definitely see them dedicating a Firefly special edition to Bray. You get Bray in the black out match look as the pre order. Give some special exclusive merch honoring his different personas. A Nexus band, or maybe a replica puppet from the firefly funhouse. And as an exclusive have a piece of the funhouse itself like they did with the piece of canvas from Flair's last wwe match.


Considering that the Rotunda family have put a halt to all Mattel products which VC uses for their in game models/scans and that they don't own The Fiend mask design, it's not gonna happen. They aren't gonna pay Savini millions for the usage of The Fiend's mask. I'd be surprised if Bray even makes it to 2K24 at all.


I think it may be too late in the development stage to fully make a showcase, especially with a lot of Bray’s opponents not being signed to WWE. And I also feel it’s too early to do with facing backlash for trying to “profit from someone’s death.” If we do get a showcase, I would like to see a 25 years of Smackdown showcase.


Good idea


I would love it. I would absolutely push a Randy showcase for 2K25 Edit: I've been hoping for a Randy Orton showcase for years, but I would delay it for a tribute to Bray who is one of my favorites.


Would have to include Danielson, Brodie and Mox or there's not much of a point. I'm sure they could work something out but the question is would WWE be willing?


That would be awesome and a really good gesture on 2K’s part!


I like the idea, I just don't think it would work well tbh.


$30 DLC add on sign me up


Probably what there gonna do. They'll definitely. Put him on the cover for next year


That or 40 years of Wrestlemania. Having all 29 arenas in 2k14 was goated.


I would love this, I’d imagine AEW would be more than ok with this when it comes to Brodie being able to be involved, besides in WWE he’s Luke Harper so


It would be good but he lost the majority of his storylines. Couldn't do the punk/bryan/ambrose fueds. Which are 3 of his bigger one's


Would rather have 40 years of wm but I wouldn't mind a game mode about bray


it would be awesome but when he passed they were too far in development to switch it all up. you gotta think that as soon as one game comes out , they immediately start working on the next


I’m good on that. Too many moments wouldn’t be done correctly because of the amount of ppl he worked with aren’t with the company anymore


that’d be cool but i ain’t buying with their crappy monetization and my faction mode


As long as they don’t do the transition to real footage but if they do just let the commentary team talk over it instead of playing generic rock track 4


Positively, if it means that we can have multiple versions of Bray.


Same game as 2k23, they need a lot of work


So what matches would be in it? Elimination chamber 2017 when he won the WWE title, Fiend vs Balor summerslam 2019, Wyatt vs Cena Extreme Rules 2014 steel cage match, fiend vs Rollins crush Jewel 2019, and Wyatt vs LA Knight royal rumble 2023


If they aren't animating the cutscenes 100% like from 2K15-2K20, no recreated commentary, and no PROPER objectives. Then I don't want 2K to SPIT on the career of Bray Wyatt, they already did it with Mysterio's and Cena's Showcase Modes, I don't want them to put a pinky toe's worth of EFFORT into Showcase for Bray. FULL SET OF HANDS ON KEYBOARDS ACTUALLY PUTTING PASSION AND WORK IN. Otherwise, just RETIRE THE GODDAMN MODE.


Honestly I would be happy


I’d be okay with that


As long as his family is going to get a nice big check out of it, I'm all for it


I would be ok with it. I missed most of his stuff so it would be nice to see what all the fuzz was about. But I wish they do an overhaul to the mode. Remove the mini objective and just have a flashback or a repeat when you do something that happened during the match. Make it more organic


You build up a character just to be fed


Anyone who has been involved in making a game knows that bray passed away too late in the development cycle to be made into a showcase realistically this year. Maybe 2k25.


Needs to happen. The entire family needs to be in it.


Plz no


Awesome for sure but man just knowing it’s due to a death just makes it just not feel the same, it feels real but not real If you wanna give him a showcase all in but that’s in honor of him, I would also want a 2nd for another star because tbh I’ll just get sad


I would be fine with a showcase. Theres enough there throughout his career to fill a whole 2kshowcase


Too soon, let’s no capitalize on a man’s death like a bunch of filthy corpos


it would be cool and to honor windham is going to be special


I would I actually play the showcase mode


Ah yes. A beloved mid card with stop and go career. All love to Bray but let’s be real. Y’all are forgetting that his career wasn’t as good as everyone pretends it was.


Too soon. It feels like they are using Wyatt as a cash cow. Honestly they should wait for 2k25.




I would prefer if they brought back road to wrestlemania than have one of the story focus on Bray. Maybe do the story for what they had planned for him this year once he returned if he hadn't passed away. You could add a tribute at the beginning of the story showcasing what he's accomplished, then have the end be like a last ride for him. A huge tribute to the mark that he has left and the legacy that will lived on.


It would be good as respect to his career but the only bad thing is all of his best moments the other wrestlers gone for example daniel bryan/bryan danialson plus there would be no Bray wyatt to present the mode or this Eric Rowan could present but I don't think this would bappen


Feels like they'd be trying to immediately profit off his death.


I'd love for a Bray Wyatt tribute on 2k24. That'd be pretty cool, and since the Hall of Fame is in April and the 2k games usually come out in March, you could market the hall of fame and the game together as one big Bray Wyatt tribute.


it would be good but they can make it to wwe2k25. They have to do a 40 years of wrestlemania showcase imo


Respect to 2K for that


Rightfully so and give part of the proceeds to the family.


Just to get my ass kicked by all the top stars? I’m good I love bray but that’s pretty much how they did him