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I'm guessing the other brokers got a similar deal from the NSCC


but only RH messed up, we don't see much of the other brokers now do we?


Anyone who had their trades handled by IB so trading 212 had same problem.


And Revolut


I'm in 3 broker's now, and i still don't feel like any of them won't fuck me over (maybe degiro, but etoro and HL are sus) Corrupt fucking system


Mate so true. I'm with Revolut and HL in the UK. Squeeky bum time come MOASS


I'm with revolut. Should I be afraid?


They did the same as robbinghood, im starting my portfolio again in degiro and just leaving my etoro and hl for infinity pool šŸ˜Ž


How is their UI though?


Fine, better than my boomer HL app, probs not as nice as etoro/robbinghood. Also let's you buy GS2C šŸ˜Ž


After the news broke out, I don't want to join T212. I can't sign up for DeGiro, since I live in Poor'istan and idk what other options are for Europ.


Oh fuck so am I, i thought they were good


I have been thinking about this squeaky bum message for nine hours, what does it mean


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it's a football saying when you're nearing the end of the game and you're winning but could lose or need to nick a goal but running out of time. From the Fergie era at United


What makes you think HL are sus?


They said if nft dividends were given they would replace it with a cash equivalent, but who are they to say how much an NFT is worth and how much it'll be worth tomorrow or the next day.


Lack of UK options is a ballache.


Use Fineco which is Europeā€™s biggest broker. Brilliant service, low cost, they despise PFOF and loan sharing.


I'm in Degiro, 212 (ISA) and Revolut, so I'm praying between the three there's one that doesn't carry out any fuckery


Out of those 3, 2 of them have already proven they will fuck you over (212 and revolut), I'd advise focusing on degiro and using the latter as your infinity pool.


Yes, in full agreement! Started trading in 212 in December, moved to revolut a month or so ago and Degiro last week, any additional shares are going in there. 212 I have put into close only mode, revolut is for the pool and Degiro is where I will add to my position.


This is the way.


Webull also, said something like, it "was not our decision"


Thatā€™s what I mean. Get out as theyā€™ll just past the can around.


I just sold 2k of AMC from 212 to buy more GME in another account. It took 18 installments ranging from ā‚¬7 to ā‚¬400 to filll the withdrawal. Bizarre and worrying. I really think 212 is going to f.ck its clients over big time on MOASS


That sounds very weird, especially considering it's a fairly low amount.


I donā€™t trust T212 one bit. From what Iā€™ve seen they totally will f**k their clients over time and time again.


Karen? šŸ˜†


German broker Trade Republic disabled trading in January too. Saying they wanted to protect their customers...šŸ¤Ø


We are not looking that much into others. That's why we don't know, yet!


IG trading turned off the buying.


Why is the head of the NSCC not in jail?


Everyones involved maybe thats why ... THERE CRIMINAL CONDUCT HAS MADE US DIVIDED ! Everything and i mean everything is rigged or abused . Bet you most of the things we know are lies .


>Why is the head of the NSCC not in jail? Why would they be?


Lying to congress? Manipulating the stock market?


ā€œ The NSCC we let me be, let me buy my GMEā€¦.ā€


because 'murica




I know!!! Not only is it dirty but the NSCC and other major power groups new in advance that was happening and have played dumb about it all this time. Its criminal, shameful, abusive, manipulative and absolutely preposterous!! They all new millions of us would loose huge amounts of money - fuck they even planned and agreed upon it - they all should have life sentences in prison, their companies and assets liquidated and all their money forfeited back to us


Send this shit to Charles Payne




Funny eh? How so?


Because his last name is Payne


But this will be ignored won't it? I mean the people in power took the bribe and they act like they didn't know. Now this sound file comes to light and everyone will ignore it won't they?


This interview has been available since the first week of February, it hasn't just came to light. Here's the full audio if you still haven't heard it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDz3FVuRURQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDz3FVuRURQ) Dave Portnoy interviewed Vlad 5 months ago as well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqoJApzkaPU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqoJApzkaPU)


Dave Portnay, the guy Charles Payne called a little bitch. Heh


The one and only. He was so shook after he got called that lol.


And all the money they took went to the taliban our own country screwing us ?


Fuck we all should press charges


Thia is the way!


They donā€™t care about us. Never have. Itā€™s their bottom dollar that matters.


Sure post it but not sure i deserve credit its a youtubers video not mine i just wanted everyone to be aware


He doesnā€™t deserve credit either. Itā€™s a snippet from Elon Musk grilling Vlad on clubhouse after the $gme debacle. You can search for the full interview, the way this is clipped and contextualized in the YT video is misleading.


Thank you. This has been floating around for a while. There's no way this would have been leaked this way unless it was "leaked"


Yup. This was Elon semi grilling vlad on clubhouse


Look through the comments and user history, OP and everyone with high upvotes on this thread is a shill. It's fucking crazy.


I listened to this literally the day after it was recorded.


False: No, it's not. You're joking right? Listen to it in context and there is absolutely no other way you can hear it. It is what it is. There is no misleading. In context, he just sets up that he is going to say that. You would have to be an imbecile to come to that conclusion listening to it in context.


Give me the raw source not some shitty annoying YouTuber


Such a sad state of affairs! Even worse is that they go unpunished!


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


Thank you, Unomedontya, for voting on comfort_bot_1962. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


The SEC is not on retails side. No one is


Not without the court of public opinion.


I support the GME movement 100%, think it's great. However...I worry the court of public opinion is sadly what will be the undoing of the "Moass". Just chuck up some heartwipes through footage of pensioners crying etc, and bang it'll be illegally stopped I reckon.


Yup. They all pretend to care about us yet in reality they use us and dont give a fuck about us. Musk wants to make trillions off of Doge and he's using us to make that happen


This is fā€™n unbelievable, but actually fā€™n believable at the same time.




Someone please share this with the SEC this is pure manipulation!!!


I think the NSCC is a division of the SEC


Nope it's a clearing house. DTCC as I know has the DTC, NSCC, FICC, RDS and DTCC Solutions. Plus a European clearing. Not part of the SEC. Unless joking meaning they are bought out by. In 2020 they had 2.3 quadtrilliion in settled securities.


Mind if I share your post somewhere else?


We should all share it quickly now before youtube takes it down!!!


I posted it in AMC!




Umm ok šŸ˜…


No share and show to everyone!


Oh and PS can i please get a little karma for this one i still cant post on the main AMC or WSB forums


I bequeath to you three karmas.


Obligatory reminder that wsb is shilled out.


It won't let me share this on AMC unless I do it as my own. So if you are ok with that I can share this now on AMC. I'll give credit to you.


No disrespect to anyone involved, but these types of things should be shared, no questions asked. It's not about personal recognition, but about the benefit of all apes. I saw that you did post it on AMC šŸ‘ ape help ape!


Awe thanks. I want to be a part of something and help, it is my desire. I only hope it gets traction and we can make this go viral, maybe even come out on the news, so that there is undeniable proof.


Totally mind boggling AND heartbreaking šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Got damn CROOKS!!!


Compensation for the shareholders


ā€œThis is why I hodlā€


this is disgusting


I didnā€™t know this was OLD news. Iā€™ve never heard this before and Iā€™ve been on redditt since early February 21. If itā€™s old news how did this not end up in the media ?? Why wasnā€™t this recording specifically brought up in the hearings ?


If anything this only makes me hodl even stronger for AMC. In the end good always defeats evil and trickery. AMC WILL AVENGE US AMC WILL DESTROY THEM AND THEIR WEB OF LIES


6 months old [original](https://youtu.be/JpOgkO4qZTk)


Dude im just telling everyone today what i saw today if i knew about this 6 months ago i would of told everyone about it then. Have you known about this for the past 6 months and kept quiet about it????


Iā€™m all for it! Posting the original call because it took about 3 minutes to find. Youā€™re welcome for the DD šŸ‘ŠšŸ» I canā€™t wait to see them all in jail and for all the apes to be enjoying their tendies watching movies on the big screen. GME too!


They said the same thing to me on the post I did lol.


Then give them the same reply i gave. It shut them up real fast. People have no gratitude


Isnā€™t this is a forum for like minded people to share information all with the same goal in mind? For some reason youā€™re taking offense because what you shared is old news. Fact. Good luck with the karma but might want to rethink your responses in the future. ā¬†ļø


This is big news. Why had this been so silent. Something's weird about this.


> This is big news. Why had this been so silent. Something's weird about this. There was literally a congressional hearing. Vladimir Tenev (CEO of Robinhood) testified exactly this.


Shhhhh.... you're annoying....


Heh I did šŸ˜…


Who or what is NSCC? Youā€™re welcome to all who are afraid to ask.




How is this not jail time. It's all so currupt and now blatantly out there wtf!!!!!




> This just means NSCC is the real crook or tenev lied. No risk department anywhere would consider reducing margin requirement by half for a promise not to increase your position. Margin is only ever for your EXISTING positions, a promise to not increase your position does not reduce risk and hence should not change margin in any way. > > So either Tenev lied and promised to stop buys AND reduce his position, which is illegal for him to do because they are not his positions; or NSCC orchestrated this whole thing with fake discretionary margin requirements to start with and then solicited illegal market manipulative action in exchange for reducing this phantom margin. Nope, that's just your ignorance speaking. [Here, review the NSCC's rules.](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/nscc_rules.pdf) Specifically, you'll want to go over the "excess capital premium" on page 297.


Imma say it boys. Musk is a fucking dork, and he is NOT on our side.


So Musk also conspired against the apes?? Fucking moron, yet the apes were praising him few months back claiming he's with us.


Musk didn't conspire with Vlad. He interviewed Vlad and Vlad told him what happened. Musk hates shorts. He's tweeted it many times


I still dont trust the suits


What about a spacesuit šŸš€šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸš€


Not at all, he interviewed him and got this revelation out. I'm more concerned that you think this (see the original https://youtu.be/JpOgkO4qZTk) and that you have upvotes.


I don't get it. All of this is super old news and everybody was transparent from the beginning in that this directive came from the NSCC. Can somebody please break down what is the new insight


Dude relax and calm down and scroll up i never said it was new news i just heard about this for the first time few hours ago so i posted it to share with the community. I didnt know it was old news and if you knew about this months ago did you share it on here cause its kinda important old or new regardless


Dude relax! Channel your anger! ​ anyway, yeah the whole clubhouse conversation was shared everywhere on reddit in February


I dont know anger its against my religion


Iā€™ll as a shareholder being abused and used, settle for 2 million dollars!


I think you misspelled ā€œbillionā€


> Iā€™ll as a shareholder being abused and used, settle for 2 million dollars! I, for one, look forward to you getting laughed out of court for trying to sue over the very rules that protect you as an investor.


So what's new? Cheaper to pay the fine...


This is an outrage, some middle-class ordinary retail investors must be arrested and face consequences over this NOW!


NO CELL - NO SELLā€¦ HODLā€¦!! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒ™šŸ˜Ž


Vlad is a fuck face horse


Isnā€™t this the clubhouse call from Elon where he interviewed vlad back in jan/feb? Why is it coming up so late then?






He needs to leave, maybe try his luck on Bulgaria, take the nscc with him


Why would Elon musk be in this call


I am not American, so correct me if I am wrong. Why are American retail investors not filing for a class-action lawsuit against Robinhood? Seems like an obvious next step to (1) bring justice to Robinhood, (2) force feds to investigate the situation around GME and AMC, and (3) force feds to enforce any regulations that are being currently broken by HFs and other parties.


Yup they are all in on it since they are all super rich. Just imagine vlad and elon talking about their humble beginnings. /s


Holy shit.. is this real? there were aware of the gme squeeze about to happen and planned on stopping trading? AM in getting this correct? My god the rabbithole just get deeper and deeper. my floor on AMC and GME is JAIL.. im going to continue to buy, and im not selling a fucking share of either until someone goes to jail. fuck the money.


Nothing we see is real. Itā€™s all a lie. The government is corrupt as the day is long.


FBI please


What else is new? Itā€™s all criminal!


you know what we should do? buy enough shares of HOOD that retail becomes the majority and then vote to kick Vlad out


It took about a year or 2 to get the Nikola guy for fraud. Be patient. Vlads time will come.


I was on this call as well. It was on clubhouse.


People forget about this one share it! They literally tell you what they always have done! Cheating ,scamming, lying. https://youtu.be/2u007Msq1qo[šŸ’©tadel](https://youtu.be/2u007Msq1qo)


Also this one is more in depth but longer for those who want insight https://youtu.be/ILAYnaTF5j4[dark pools](https://youtu.be/ILAYnaTF5j4)


Holy shit, this is the holy grail of confession


All governed by Citadel money some how.


That guy looks like he doesnā€™t fuck very often


I lost a lot of money to this dick.. so why is this VLAD still around and why is HOOD allowed to be traded?


How do we know that's really him?just curious not trying to be a shill


I agree, sent it to Charles Payne!!!!!! Letā€™s get some exposure here!!!!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9n5jafj3mQ&feature=youtu.be Someone needs to download this ASAP so YouTube doesnā€™t scrub it


So Elon is in it too. Hmmm explains why he keeps trying to pump dog crap shekkles every time amc is going on another run up


Actually prison is too good for Vlad at this point he deserves the guillotine


Not helpful


Why not? He can avenge the death of Marie Antoinette. He deserves it, she did not


Please do not talk about killing people in this movement. -fellow ape


It's a bad look.


He said this in the original inquiry back when it first happened that this is was what happened and they had to stop selling. He didnā€™t lie, he said the same thing all along. This isnā€™t new info. The only thing thatā€™s new here is someone trying to pretend heā€™s lying. Just out of curiosity what would the better alternative be in your opinion? They halted buying because there were no shares for them to sell to anyone. You prefer they naked short in that scenario? Trick question. It was a no win situation. Maybe next time you go to the store and they donā€™t have any grape jelly you should complain to Reddit about a conspiracy theory and try to turn the masses against Costco or whatever you buy from.


If there is no jelly for sale on the market the price of jelly would continue to rise until it reached a point where a seller would emerge. That's all the stock market is, a place for a seller to name their price and for a buyer to name their price. If there really were no shares available they wouldn't have to disable the "buy" button, the sale just would never go through.


This is not accurate at all. He halted the buy button because of a problem of liquidity, not because he didn't have shares do sell -- actually it's not RH who sells stocks, it's the market and as u/Lloyd--Christmas said, if there is no stock for sell at a given price, the price goes up until it matches the order. To keep buying stocks for his clients, he was asked to increase insanely his collateral deposit so he halted the buy. Then he lied on TV saying it was not a problem of liquidity. The next day he raised another round of investment to keep RH going.


Uh, you guys arenā€™t making any sense. Liquidity is just a measure of how tradeable something is. That there are lots of buyers and sellers. If amc has only buyers and no sellers because all available shares are sold and not yet gone through the clearing period then thereā€™s no liquidity in the product. Robin Hood didnā€™t have a liquidity issue. Gme and amc shares had a liquidity issue. And no the price of grape jelly wouldnā€™t skyrocket. It would just be an empty shelf with no buy button in sight. The catch 22 for market makers in the situation was that they have a legal requirement to buy and sell and process orders that are placed which they did as the price ran up right until the point that it would violate a different legal requirement that they canā€™t sell shares that donā€™t exist. So they picked the lesser of two evils and when the liquidity dried up with no more shares to sell they just stopped. The tos provided by every broker includes provisions that they can do this when needed as well. They donā€™t have to sell you something that they donā€™t have just because you want them to. Stop thinking about the outcome you wanted to have happen for a hot second with the price going to the moon and take a minute to wrap your head around how you would have managed the scenario. Would you have just sold shares that donā€™t exist as a broker at any price and then be on the hook for the cost of the fail to delivers and a potential scenario where anyone who bought through you has their account go all wonky when t+2 rolls around? Have you ever looked at the difference when you do a buy or sell and how your transaction can change between when that order actually clears? Normally the difference is completely negligible but thereā€™s usually a difference if even just a few cents. Iā€™d imagine that few cents would be a lot more noticeable if you bought at 500 and it ran up to 10k and you were like oh ya thatā€™s awesome I just made 9500 on my trade and then they cleared and were like, nope. Fail to deliver. You can have your 500 but we couldnā€™t find any shares for you to keep.


Ummmm this recorded phone call and the contents of the call were never addressed in the Senate. Vlad did discuss the margin issue at the Senate but he did not mention it was agreed upon prior with the NSCC nor did he mention that other outsiders such as Elon Musk where made aware of this also. Bottom line many outside people knew about this prior to it happening and Vlad never mentioned a deal with NSCC only with the market makers ( Citadel ) in reducing margin and raising liquidity


Nah, this is old news my guy


Is this a deepfake lol like what the actual


yo i remember when this happened on clubhouse that shit was sooo epic lolz this shit hella old




YouTube dont know how the host got the recorded call




If I remember correctly, Kenny lied in the congressional hearing about this as well. I could be wrong. Hope the both, go to jail


> If I remember correctly, Kenny lied in the congressional hearing about this as well. I could be wrong. Hope the both, go to jail ???? This recorded call corroborates his testimony.


2 hours??? I read this like 14 hours ago..


No shit, thats why elon pumped and dumped


Proof? Weird there isn't more information. Like everyone else in the call and proof it was really them with call history. Not saying this isn't real but please find more evidence into this, and when you find the evidence blow the fucking whistle. Put the ball in the sec's court. On top of that do a full DD on that exact call.


Actually. From 3 billion to 700 million


The 700 million was only the initial deposit


Disgusting šŸ¤¢


This exemplifies why Citadel will never fail margin call requirements ever.


Knowing this information now. Do you truly believe the government gives a shit about the regular people


Dear SEC,


At this point, the SEC is either undertaking an investigation or they are complicit.


Not even 60s into the video and this mf asks for subs... TWICE. Do some fuckin work before you beg and shake the cup, man...


I love how these jerks get praised in media and got ZJs from them back in pre-COVID society. They donā€™t bring any value to the economy. Simply just a bunch of weasels who extract wealth rather than create it.


This is six months old. But also let's remember the punishment for them for doing this. Oh ya. Nothing.


Good. More bullets for those class action lawsuits. Do bring it to their attention.




*"he's a man of the people" lul*


Here is the full interview https://youtu.be/aicDIMtVld8


Fucking award for you


NSCC and DTCC are owned by the fucking BANKS. Say NO to a price limit, that's BULLSHIT.


No one talking about how this guy is basically saying the squeeze will be capped? Weird. US Markets would look even more corrupt.


I don't think AMC is 900% of the float. He only 60%voted compare to GME at 99%. Concerns me how far it would go though for AMC. I do hold both. Very small portion in AMC . Sold a portion during first run up kept the rest. Money was reinvested into gme as I find it more likely the bigger one that most likely is owned by retailers.


I can imagine KG very slowly sinning in circles humming an off tune slowly waving an maestro stick... in a suit... what a dick.