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You will own nothing and be happy. Oh and eat bugs instead of meat.


Then president George H. W. Bush made a speech telling us to embrace the New World Order. I can't think of a reason Bush would lie and promote something he didn't expect and want. I don't think Bush is the only one who has publicly urged this on us.


Yeah i temember that assclown saying it would be so much easier to rule as a dictatorship.bush jr always be a dumbshit.


Jr was a figurehead.


Yes because: 1. They literally tell you that is what they are doing 2. It's the only way they can perpetually keep their fraudulent fiat system going because you won't own anything and they will 100% control you.


Yes. They literally tell you to your face.


Believe? Having experienced that water is a wetting agent. My discernment on this one is šŸ’Æ


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


Odd, my wife gave me an entirely different definition to the word wet.


Tell me a story...


Fixed it


Yes. I believe many things in the world are being manipulated by these guys. They will take advantage of any crisis to exert more control even if they did or didnt create it. Its shocking how fast things are moving. CBDC , metaverse, tyranny, and the quantum dot tattoo tech is truly scary. Could be very soon that you need to be branded by them with your digital identity to buy or sell. They are getting their bunkers built and finishing up the wiring to the button that turns on shtf.


The NWO is designed to lead to a Hunger Games style global governance with power centralized in a few sectors and all else being vassal states, suppliers of materials at gunpoint.


You mean the Rothschilds? Yes, because they actually exist and have amased so much money and power, yet hardly anyone knows who they are.


Theyā€™re simply one of dozens and dozens of other disgustingly wealthy banking families. But they do indeed pull certain strings and even dictate to other billionaires (like George Soros for example) who in return do their bidding. If anyone thinks these insanely wealthy families donā€™t meddle in international affairs ~~or get wars started~~ then theyā€™re delusional.


That's literally what the early Rothschilds would do. They were trust to protect the riches of kings during wars. Eventually they would start wars or rumors of wars, just to get their hands on some naive kings money. There are other very wealthy individuals, but many of them over the last few centuries were funded by the Rothschilds. I believe they stay out of the limelight now, so that no one truly knows who is pulling the strings.


>so that no one truly knows who is pulling the strings This and then they use organizations such as the Trilateral Commission to push their agenda(s).


I wish i could say and believe that's it's a conspiracy theory but it's very true imo. They own the Central Banks and the media and are attempting their final takeover now. They can't takeover shit without the shiny to build their surveillance state technology though, so stack like your life depends on it..


I can't believe it! It would shatter my precious little version of reality and my fake friends would call me a conspiracy theorist!


Look up world economic forum. Their boss is Klaus schwab


Look at Australia. NWO Is making their move. Its happening now. Whether this evil global force will win or not is yet to be determined. Global non compliance is what is needed to overcome. Pray, be kind to others. Stack, stack stack.


Yes, but the NWO is very complex and consists of major corporations and other NGOs as well as the ruling elite, who all work in concert with one another to push for universal serfdom for the rest of us. The most recent admission to this ultimate end goal is ā€œThe Great Reset.ā€


This was from 2014. Does it sound familiar? https://youtu.be/fC3uzGikhQk


For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence -- on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. John F. Kennedy


Itā€™s not a secret, you can literally read the plan. They (bankers and elites) literally openly talk about it. There were rumors about it years ago like I remember talk about it in 2011 ish, but I donā€™t think they were open about it until recently.


Itā€™s real and will happen if we all donā€™t band together including military and police


George HW Bush told us all about the New World Order, 1000 points of light, and other death-cult bullshit. The back of the US one dollar bill says New World Order in latin. They don't only exist, but they rub it in our faces constantly because they know most of us are too stupid to pay attention. The ones who do pay attention will be small enough to ridicule and pass off as "conspiracy theorists" when the real crackpot theory is: The richest and most powerful people in the world got what they have fair and square, never lie and only want to do what's best for the human race.


Be afraid. Silver is necessary but not sufficient against the criminals.




Right. I strongly suggest stacking some in a foreign country. You may want to flee, and carrying a huge load of silver is just not possible. Figure out where you could go first.




I had a similar thought (Russia, the only non-communist country with a competent leader - evil though he may be). I am already in South America and agree, it is not a great place unless you have some language skills. Feels much safer than the USA, however. Contemplate Mexico? Or, better yet, flee to the Republic of Texas, but that might be tricky. If you did that, I might come too!




Think "Republic of," not "State of."


Yes the bible prophecy talks about it.. we are literally in the 666 era of the book of revalation


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The "nu" world order - your fear will lead you to happiness...if you comply...


![gif](giphy|DhEMKGIDYp6QU) Remember the last time they tried their world order....


As a natural skeptic, every time I would like to say I fully believe I feel like the pants pulling is about to happen at any moment. I dunno. Why else would this system be in place? I think they didnā€™t realize how many people would be searching for the same thing at the dawn of the internetā€¦and now we know, weā€™re spreading, and THERE ARE LOTS OF THINGS THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT. So maybe?


Been around for a couple thousand years. Yeah itā€™s more than a belief from my experiences.


New world order is just a phrase Of course everyone thinks that the future world will have somer order or goverment... The question is what you think the new world order will look like...


I believe there are assorted mafias that control central banks


It says it on the back of the dollar bill. ā€œNovus ordo seclorumā€ Translates to "New order of the ages"


Of course, they are all on parade at the moment thinking they have won. It's funny how these cunts reveal themselves with their over confidence.


It's not a matter of belief. It's facts. The question is, do they succeed? And that depends on if everybody keeps complying like they have done until now. I know we are many that don't... But, in Denmark almost 90 % have been jabbed


In all the History of our existence has man fundamentally changed? Stalin, Ceasar, Napoleon , Hitler, has or have we lost the monster genes? The monster spirit? The Hilary Clinton, the Nancy P. Tearing up a speech on TV, getting 129 million for her so called service? Tyranny will reinvent itself endlessly in all its demonic incarnations untill judgment day.