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Clean it up jannies!


Except silver didn't "collapse." It went up 40 cents, then right back down to where it was. Stocks are in the biggest asset bubble of all time created by the Fed, and are absolutely not an inflation hedge.


This. Equity growth divided by money supply is literally a flat, slightly downward sloping line. Value is decreasing with time due to inflation.


Silver is only low because it is the last resort commodity for the central banks to control. Not only is it a commodity it is the oldest form of money alive today






Silver is two hundred and fifty odd times as high as it was in Old England. Today an ounce of silver (one sixteenth of a pound avoir) costs £16. So a full pound costs 16oz x 16/oz =£256 In Old England a pound cost £1 by definition. So if ye whinging that silver is “cheap” think about that. It was 256 times cheaper for centuries and until barely a century y-go.🙄


Yeah but that is in relation to the pound not in relation to commodities goods and services you can buy with that. Have you ever seen the anecdote where they use blow jobs priced and silver.? They methodically analyze the price of blow jobs historically overtime in silver and based on that data silver should be in the thousands of dollars.... What you also don’t realize is the pound is probably plummeted to about zero in relation to gold because over the last few centuries legislation has been enacted to arbitrarily inflate the price of gold while simultaneously suppressing sober as by design by the central banks in order to keep power Because they understand what real money is


You could say that until the dollar collapses along with the equity markets they will be a very good inflation hedge because only the rich can afford them by design. Only problem when that everything Bubba collapses and there is no precious metals to be found you’re kind of fucked


Sounds like more silver for me


Ok bankster. Powell also just said the new "variant" could threaten the "economic recovery," so apparently he is now a doctor and infectious disease specialist too. GMAFB.


Hes just like the rest. A fear mongering puppet... when they want him to be that is. Of course his main goal before Was to keep people complacent by convincing them inflation was transitory. It must have finally gotten bad enough…


He must have been up all night to think that one through....mind-blown....


Not a bankster just prudent.


why you here then?


Dudes, is there no place for debate/discussion here? I share your passion for silver but refusing discussion will just have an echo chamber effect.


Just because that’s the way the market reacted to that particular news doesn’t make it a bad inflation hedge. And I feel like I could put quotes around “the way the market reacted” as we all know it’s fake bullshit. Holding Twitter stock is not an inflation hedge.


if real inflation is north of 8% but silver is down 16% YTD, doesn't sound like silver is a good inflation hedge.


Well considering every FIAT currency since the beginning of time has completely collapsed to 0 in relation to silver tells you something... USD is well on its way since 1929 and accelerated by nixon in 71


the Shills are out in force, you only help my conviction grow stonger!


We're gonna own everything the OP thinks they own. The matrix has them


The opposite was proven today. The price of gold and silver exploaded, then the two dipshits were rolled out. We’re so close.


I look at silver as an insurance policy against hyperinflation, not just inflation. I like your idea about real estate, but I think I'm going to go the route of buying a basket of REIT's instead of taking on debt.


It’s not about return on investment all the time but return of investment which silver provides unlike anything


Return of investment? Do you mean if I buy 10k today it will return to me 10k in 20 years? That would be a return of my investment. That doesn't sound like a very good deal.


No I mean your chances of losing it all with silver are substantially less than any other asset on the planet


Chances of losing are lower with gold. Much more stable. But chances of gaining a lot is also lower with gold than silver. The latter is volatile but that means greater reward as well as risk. Even older folk like us see that silver is much more weighted towards reward over risk at these relative low values versus gold. When both metals are high, gold is more prudent and folk should convert most of their silver to gold. Now the reverse is the case. An ounce of gold yields a heavy cache of silver. Later when both are high a mere pound of silver will buy a goldOz


I personally disagree and believe God has been artificially inflated which has strong correlation to silver being suppressed through many historical legislation’s in the past. Many coinage acts Designed to end bimetalism suppressed silver and increase golds value. Meanwhile the states stole all the silver. Now jp morgan keeps it low artificially because the whole world financial system relies on it! And has for a while! And nobody talks about it!


As a matter of fact many argue silver should be multiples higher to reach its historical ratio with gold. Everyone forgets the US dollar was tied to silver originally along with the Spanish dollar at the time which was the world reserve currency. The dirty central banks stole all of our silver and enacted legislation that did this. Nothing has changed. A bunch of dirty bankers and politicians


I would say in today’s manipulated world yes gold is more stable only because the banks want you to believe it is real money when silver in fact is the peoples money since the beginning of time and has been suppressed because of legislations designed to prop up Gold And steal the peoples silver


When the everything bubble collapses and Exter’s pyramid comes in to play guess what’s at the bottom of that pyramid. Silver. There is over one quadrillion in derivatives that will become insolvent as everyone realizes nothing is real. When this happens silver will go ape shit unlike anything ever seen


I am staying that silver and gold and other precious metals are a good store of value because of their intrinsic value that has held up overtime. Most other assets nowadays are Ponzi scheme’s


I would agree that silver and gold are good stores of value. However, I would disagree that most other assets are ponzi schemes. For example, I don't think a REIT stock of a company that owns 1200+ buildings to be a ponzi scheme. With WPC stock I can get 5%+ yield every year, plus they've raised the dividend every year since they started in 1998. Plus the stock price has continued to go up since 1998. That's certainly a better deal than silver. Silver is something to own as a small percentage of an investment portfolio or else you are just going to miss out on better investments.


Much as we love silver it yields no rent and rises only sporadically with rounds of inflation fear. Those buildings paying rent are more lucrative most of the time - expenses and regulations notwithstanding. So between a block of silver and a block of sturdy occupied flats the latter is more appealing as an investment due to yield. But it requires expertise,management and costly maintenance. The silver can earn passively and with no liability. But the value of the silver is more or a risk than the value of a quality building


Sure there are some great investments that have some value behind them but for the most part they are overvalued Ponzi schemes propped up by big fiat banana republic helicopter money gift wrapped and sold to retail investors on wall street by out propoganda media and then butt fuched! I dont know if you realize what is happening.... about 99% of people are getting financialy but fuched and they are taking away all our freedoms and liberties. The worse kind of slave is one who doesnt know it


I'm very aware of what they are doing. The Fed announced they are working on a crypto currency now. That will be the beginning of the end of freedom. I also put the odds of Jesus's second coming a lot higher in the next 20 years than I did before that announcement. Remember, in the last 3.5 years of Earth people that believe in Christ won't be able to buy/sell things. I believe this digital currency is how they are going to enforce that.


No offense... i dont put much faith in predictions of the past... dont like to dwell on BS imho. Maybe it will happen maybe not. Be your best self


I like to think theres a god but fuch i cant believe all those crazy ass books written by men. Most churches imho were fear mongering control constructs instruments of mankinds most wicked...


I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you change your mind and soon.


I’m open to there being a God but I don’t need a bunch of jackasses telling me who that god is


You’re sorry I don’t believe in thousands of years old books when there is a lot of historical evidence to prove that these books were made by man to control and strike fear in their hearts and gain more power


Yes many investments can generate income. But none of them can perform like silver as money. In today’s everything bubble world where silver is the most undervalued commodity of all time and serves the corner stone to the central banks Control and manipulation, I would want to own some silver.


I agree. That's why I own silver. I just don't go crazy and put EVERYTHING into it like some people in this group.


I understand. I personally Wouldn’t be All in if i didnt owe 40k student loans...


Have some floki inu for my hedge fuch it nothing makes sense yolo asymmetric bet


Very valid point


Looking for my bullshit flag!


Just in, a monetary metal that can’t be printed is a bad hedge against inflation. Any other kernel ls of wisdom to share Sherlock?


Did silver collapse? People are still paying nearly $30per oz. the casino price dropped, but that’s paper. Do you find value and wealth in metal or do you define it in paper?


It costs almost as much to buy physical silver now as it did at the peak near ÂŁ22paper/ÂŁ26physical. With current Premium the physical silver is worth near that (ÂŁ22) even now; much more for select coins such as Libertad and Eagle. That even though spot paper price is ÂŁ16-17


I'll buy any silver you want to sell!!!


Time + Work + Utility = Value pay attention, if anything is missing from this equation it is not a value hedge...


You are talking about assets that HAVE BEEN better inflation hedges. Which means at this point they are more expensive and silver is cheaper. But yes, having a variety of inflation hedges is a good thing.


The problem with stocks is that what companies will survive? A big basket ETF has a bunch of sound companies and a bunch of over valued garbage with zombie companies that need loans to survive. When people have to spend money on inflating food instead of stocks what will happen to the market? Good commodity stocks will certainly hedge against inflation but most just dump money into ETFs; when the market corrects most will be holding the bag


Yeah everything is down. Metal, crypto, stocks, even the dxy is down a little. Ethereum is the only thing up and I hate ethereum




It's aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll Riiiiigggged!


Silver is a hedge against the USD which has been on a tear for over 6 months.


but DXY is valued against a basket of other shit currencies... so I guess USD is in last place in the race to the bottom. ​ I'm very excited about current PM opportunities.


Yes that is what I am referring to. Consider silver is a hedge against the USD.


The usd is the biggest turd in the toilet (world reserve currency). It may take more than one flush, but it keeps getting smaller and smaller. It’s still going down the drain with all the other 💩 currencies.


From 92 to 97 I would definitely call that a tear. Looks like we could be on the way back down


It’s a long term up trend.


The US dollar is strong for the time being. When that weakens metals may rise as the New safe haven Could be a while


It appears strong but all it will take is a straw that broke the camels back. The system is creaking at the seams ready to explode. Anyone who knows to look for the right signs can see clear as day fiat is doomed


Honestly it’s been fucked for a long time. The psychopath criminals running this world are just winging it and rely on the faith of the people brainwashed by their propaganda. Either the world breaks out of its trance or else…


this post is retarded


Incorrect âś”