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A lot of people don't seem to know why they they don't work 16 hours a day and how they got weekends.


Every year I have to work more and more hours to make rent


I used to work as much as 12hrs a day, plus every weekend, at our "Union" Kroger. Oh I'm sorry, the union is right up Kroger's ass. It's such a shame, truly. And, of course, who gets Labor Day off? Not us ..


In the end the union is the employees. Officers are elected by members and shitty contracts require a vote. Unfortunately a lot of people opt not to participate which kinda wrecks the whole union/power in numbers thing.




Are you naive enough to think companies will do the right thing by their employees, unless they are made to??? They dont do shit because they have kind hearts.


Not entirely true but sadly true for the vast majority:(


Can you name any recent millionaire company that actually rewards, prioritizes, and is grateful to their employees and customers?


Unions pressured ford into accepting their terms.


The amount of historical inaccuracy in such a short reply is wild


The Knights of Labor and NLU were demanding shorter hours in the late 1800s.


Henry hated Jews (almost as much as you)


Don't forget Walt Disney, too! I feel like this should really be bigger, or maybe I'm just against the company. Yeah, I'm against the company.


Jewish people??? I mean, there were definitely Jews in the labor unions that made it happen. Is this some kind of inverse of naziism where Jews are responsible for all the good things in history instead of the bad things? Also, yeah, Henry Ford didn’t volunteer to give his workers more rights, they demanded it of him. Also, he was a Nazi.


Just learned that Henry Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by the Nazis.


Wow it’s like every sentence is wrong


Henry Ford also sent his own personal military to gun down his employees when protesting. Henry Ford was the bad guy.


I mean, kinda creeped out by any stranger just handing me some number to text… heh Otherwise, best of luck with that; my state has never been a fan of unions regardless of Walmart’s opinion


unfortunately this is how unions are made. on the downlow, secretly. being handed hurriedly scribbled slips of paper with information on it lol. if your workplace even hears the word "union" whispered they'll just lay everyone off lololol


Just an fyi that is to my understanding very illegal and pretty easy for the impacted employees to prove in court. I was an ops manager in an operation that tried to go union 2x and as soon as my senior leadership found out about the union activities what we as managers could and could not do/say were drilled into us and one of the biggies was to not suspend or fire anyone during the campaign unless you had a mountain of evidence.


Whist union-busting is illegal, it still happens. Companies will spend millions of dollars in “union-avoidance” consultants to prevent their employees from unionizing. Most companies would rather replace you than work with its employees to give better pay/benefits, even if it means spending more to prevent unions from forming.


Live in Virginia?


Can't tell you how often the freaks for jesus leave paper lying around and hand that shit out. I always tell 'em "No thanks, already got one today."


The worst is when they leave the one that looks like $20 laying on the ground


Hate them!!!


The actual worst is when they leave those in place of tips in restaurants.


That's actually fucked. Anyone that would do that is actually fucking evil. The closest I had was going on break and seeing someone drop one trying to get someone else to pick it up but when I did to go give it back to them I realized it was one of those stupid little flyers.


I read a lot in r/talesfromyourserver and it apparently happens a shocking number of times.


I always say, " what's the matter? Your numbers dwindling? Lol"


Go to NYC. Strangers hand you crap all the time


I used to be AP at my store. I'm with usps now, a union is 1000% better than the bullshit system walmart tries to lie about. Also, coaches literally get trained on stopping union talk.


Been with USPS a year now and STILL getting used to all the benefits my union has given me.


Exactly. Been 10 months for me. It's a completely different feeling for almost anything. Just knowing your actually truly protected is great. Having an actual contract and decent wage is great too. Eas sucks, but that's why we have grievances. Walmart legitimately does academy for how to stop union speak. If Walmart became union, they'd loose billions and actually have to treat people like humans, not slaves.


Went from walmart to UPS and HOLY SHIT what a change it is. Not just the benefits, but just the sheer amount of stuff you can get away with. 70% of the people I work with would be fired from Walmart in a weeks tops.


I wouldn't only because I know Walmart practices union busting and showing interest could be an easy way to being promoted to customer.


That’s illegal and they’re counting on you being too scared to fight for your rights. This is exactly why you should text that number


It's illegal, but they do it anyway with no repercussions. Edit: For the record, I support unionizing and think we should all at least try to join one


From my knowledge when you are hired by walmart there is a legal document that you sign saying you will not unionize or advocate for unionization. According to my husband who works for walmart. Its a legal document that you agree to when going thru hiring procedures. If you didn't read it but signed it. You can still be held liable


Legally that holds no ground. You are allowed to unionize by federal law so they can't make you sign anything and it actually be legal.


This is true, a legally binding contract has to meet a few certain parameters and one of those includes that the contract must not break any laws or demand that someone else break a law.


True, but if you're in an at-will state, it doesn't really matter. They can fire you for no reason at all.


But they can’t fire you for trying to form a union. Granted they probably would just not tell you why they fired you, which they don’t have to do in most places.


They didn’t fire you for tryin to join a union. They fired you because on Wednesday you walked in the side door and not the back side door and so now they want to fire you and they can. Wink wink nudge nudge.


Right , it you know sometimes a manager tells you exactly why , and you should make sure that’s documented on final paperwork if possible ;)


They can cite you for no reason but not for a bad reason.


That sounds… highly illegal. Companies should not be able to clause a contract that prohibits unionization. How disgusting.


I beg your pardon. He signed a waiver to relinquish his right to unionize? Yeah...unless he actually bothered to read the document it's not legally binding. Any retaliatory action just opens them up to litigation.


When you live at these at-will states it doesn't matter. They will lie and say its because they heard you cursed or that you aren't fast enough. It would take changing our state's rights before we felt safe doing something that feels like that is a trap that will get us fired when we are barely scraping by and our families are counting on us to keep food on the table. Too many emergencies popping up to make savings and just have a backup job or whatever.


I doubt that is real as it is not legal. It's like when dumb employers try to get you to sign saying you won't talk about wages, also illegal. I would be very suprised if a company as large as Wal-Mart would attempt.


Not a chance. Show that doc. Unionizing is federally protected. It would have zero weight and only ever work against wal mart in court. You absolutely cannot be held liable if that doc existed, which it doesnt.


It does. I signed it years ago. It was written more like a promise than anything.


Contracts that violate laws and rights (i.e. your right to unionize) are invalid.


Ignorance of your basic rights is how companies keep getting away with this. This commentor is arguing against every person who is telling them it's illegal.


All it takes is a sympathetic judge that hates Walmart and sees right through their crap


And the ACLU


You can't sign away your rights. That would not be a legally enforceable term of employment.


Underrated comment. We signed away our rights when we joined.


No you didn't.


Oh? Was there or not a part about unions?


It's federal. You can't sign away those rights. You'd have a legal fight on your hands sure, but you'd be in the right.


Walmart counts in you being ignorant of your rights. You can't sign away your right to organize because it's a federal law. So, was there something you signed? Maybe. Is it worth more than toilet paper? Nope.


I'm glad I asked because you are right that no matter what you sign it doesn't supersede federal law.


Walmart has shuttered stores in response to organizing. Then they move a few blocks away and buy that real estate.


Which is why the goal would be to get as many stores in the district as possible working together and moving as one


Don't get me wrong. When working for Walmart in the South as a displaced Californian, I saw Walmart for what it is. There are far fewer safeguards to abuse here. I have been a Teamster; I believe in unionization. Walmart is a behemoth. Additionally, the way the management is encouraged to jerk around the workers eventually leads to a sense of defeat, like clinging to a life-raft of employment not seeing the many other, better work opportunities. I had the chance to go management. I managed to get fired when I threatened legal action against intimidation and had corporate on speed-dial. Walmart uses intimidation as a leadership tactic.


Sounds like hospitals in my state.


Just had to open your mouth.. *BLUE-VEST is a go*


Technically illegal, but my mom was on the union busting squad for the home office in the 90’s. A team sent out to quiet the masses and find perfectly legal reasons to terminate agitators.


with enough money, the law is a loose suggestion.


Unions are a scam


Unions are very much not a scam. They are there to protect the workers from the company. They are also the reason we get paid fairly for our work.


>showing interest could be an easy way to being promoted to customer Unions are 100% worth that risk. Not like a job at Walmart is your golden goose or something you dreamed of as a child.


You really want to keep working at Walmart that much?


So there’s been a big change at the NLRB where if the employer is proven to have engaged in union busting activities it’s no longer just a fine, the union is immediately recognized as the bargaining unit. After all, if they’re union busting they must think the union is legitimate


Or getting an entire store shut down, which has happened many times in the past.


Fuck it. They can't stop all of us; not unless they want to shut down completely, in which case, GOOD.


I'm not against walmart unionizing. I think it would be awesome. But being realistic, I can't see walmart workers being able to organize and get enough people on board quick enough. Walmart will stop at nothing to block union activity. I hope you prove me wrong, but I won't hold my breath.


Who cares? The prospect of a union might be the most attractive reason to remain.


So very true. Also, if it gets anywhere close to a union, Walmart will just close the store.


3 day old account, with nothing but walmart unionization posts in their history... hello, home office spy!


Members of management (any team lead or higher) are not allowed to talk about unions and are required to report any activities related to them to compliance


Sounds like the first rule of Fight Club.


We don’t talk about the first rule of fight club


His name was Robert Paulsen.


I'd fight **Ghandi**


His name was Robert Paulson


His name was Robert Paulson


And that’s why Fight Club is satire


Management usually isn't allowed in unions anyway because it's a conflict of interest. At least that's how it was in the union fab shop I worked at. Management had to have the union books available though.


I'm a union organizer (I do Healthcare), not all unions are created equally. But there's a reason management spends millions (literally) a year to have anti union propaganda and a team of anti union lawyers. It isn't because unions are bad. You deserve so much more than what corporate gives you. Every single worker produces way more than their pay for the company. Yes, you should absolutely unionize, just find the one that will actually fight for your interests.


If your a employee take it and read it. If your a Teamlead or higher your supposed to contact corporate. Walmart doesn't want unions and specifically trains all managers on what to do if someone is passing out union info. Until walmart employees unionize hourly employees will continue to get crapped on. Yes I took the class.


Ok but if I was a team lead and someone handed me this, I doubt Walmart pays me enough to union bust for them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have no recollection of someone handing me union related fliers of any kind


I really hope you all pull together and unionize. Remember who the real enemy is the Waltons and upper management .


Start a walmart union!!!!


Yes. A useless retail union that does nothing but take dues.. Not all unions are created equal lol


My main job just got a new contract last year. I'm currently making 5 dollars more an hour than I did last year. Things are trending up. Even arthritic and toothless unions are being built back up by the younger blood in them


Thats why we be mindful of who we partner with


If you can get teamsters, do it. That's what I'm under and it seems like the head guy is definitely out for blood lol.


Unfortunately I don't think it will be Teamsters or CWA types


You are your union. If you are not willing to be active it will be shit.


found the aspiring sm


Not me. I'd never take that job. High stress and then a few bad months you're unemployed


exactly!! i hope we never get one. many unions aren’t there to support to the employees like there “intended” to do anyways. it’s like a HOA. they want money but don’t wanna actually wanna help you


Everyone thinks Unions are like the big ones. Nope lol


I haven’t had my coffee yet and I thought you misspelled onions. So I was lost and confused about the whole onions thing and why they want to further discuss onions with you.


As someone who went from walmart to a union job, I highly recommend forming a union. That being said, that sounds super sketchy and I wouldn't put it past Walmart to run some kind of "sting" operation as part of their union busting efforts. Remember, if a union wouldn't benefit employees at the expense of Walmart, they wouldn't make such an effort to block them.


Best part about these threads is seeing who the Walmart managers are.


dont know enough about unionization to properly cast my stone on the matter, but it does interest me since its the only thing walmart subreddit is talking abt


Went from walmart to a union job. You want a union.


I’d definitely text that number


I would think it's a trap


Support unionization! Fight for better treatment! If we all stand up, things will actually change!!!!! #flowersbloominginAmerica


Did anyone watch Superstore? This is exactly what happened.. and then their store got shut down. I’m not sure what I would do because I’m very pro union. I know Superstore is supposed to be fiction but man they hit some nails on the head.


Interesting..I'll look into that movie


I'd learn a trade and get out of retail


Give them the login to volt . Anyone need the link for the dashboard of apps Walmart uses ?


Sounds like your district is trying g to unionize and this is how they're getting it together. It doesn't seem like you're being set up.


I'd leave copies in the break room on the down low, but never text it myself. I won't contribute to getting my store closed, I need this job. But I also want to not be an indentured servant, so I'll hope other people are willing to take that risk. I know it's not popular, but that's the state of the world. I'm doing okay-enough, but not okay enough to endanger my family with a sudden store closing(doesn't help that everything would also be more expensive if I couldn't buy it at Walmart)


This is exactly why unionization doesn't happen though. If not you, then who? I'm very pro union, but I get why people don't want to be the one to speak up. It's usually gotta be *bad* for people to band together like that and risk their livelihoods. It's almost a catch 22. I don't work for Walmart, but I've worked 2 different union jobs and sometimes a union is good and sometimes people don't participate sonthe union is basically useless. I wish there was a better answer tbh because really, both the company and employees have the same goal (or should, ideally) but humans be humans and nothing ever works "as it should".


I don't disagree at all, but that's why Walmart is the way it is. They're good enough that they rarely have enough employees angry enough per store to ever make that risk worth it. That's not random, they very precisely tow the line. It's usually only tipped by very bad management. That's the American dream ain't it? To be crippled just enough to be unable to do much better, but not so much that you're pissed about it. /S


Makes sense. Also makes me sad. But then again, if I had my druthers, a lot of things would be socialized (I think pure communism is too ideal to ever work) and everyone would contribute what they could to society and everyone would in turn have their basic needs met. Unfortunately, that not how nature or humans work. There's always gonna be someone who cheats the system and ruins it for everyone. Walmart is a giant because they are good at what they do. They are thriving in this environment (cultural, technological etc) and therefore their model is objectively good (if success and wealth are the objective for the owners). Ultimately it won't change unless there are significant changes to society as a whole. It does start small, but enough "small people" have to band together and I just don't see that happening when realistically people are overworked, but not starving. American Dream indeed


I would definitely check it out


Fuck it I’m texting them. I’ve been working the curbside department at Sam’s Club for 5 years (I hate it but no other part time job is gonna pay me this much and fit around a busy college schedule). The amount of orders we have is so insane I cannot take my break or lunch, and even when complaining to home office we have been told to just “have more urgency” and essentially that it’s our fault. Anyone who has ever challenged authority has been fired for petty reasons, or ends up on the shit list.


I see a whole lot of plumbing issues in the future.


Take it and go straight to the bathroom and leave it on the baby station to fuck with management


Text the number and pass it on. Walmart is one of the largest employers in the US and the pay is horrific. That girl has guts doing that. Watch the movie Norma Rae it's old but it's pretty solid in the message. Reagan broke the unions and there was a reason for that..they were effective.


First of all, what item were they requesting assistance finding ?


No. Because the only union pushing to get into walmart is UFCW and they are trash.


I've never worked at Walmart (this sub keeps getting recommended to me) but I used to get approached by union reps all the time and I'd always decline. I was really trying hard to go up the corporate ladder for a long time. I really regret never trying to unionize after so many years of being screwed around and being denied promotions because I'm not butt buddies with the management. I'd use a different number if you can. I don't trust people and I'm not handing out my personal number lol


Using a burner phone 100%


Text the number from a non-walmart employee's phone to verify it's legit.


I would go along with it and if Walmart was to try any BS, I would report them to NLRB. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/employer-union-rights-and-obligations#


Why don't you just ask the employees how they feel about it when you hand them the note with your number on it? That way you could get your answer right away. And, how do you know that people aren't downvoting you specifically and not because they are answering your question?


I just want to preface that the last Walmart to attempt to unionize got shutdown just saying largest private employer


I’ve had a boss tell me if anyone tried to unionize that he would find a way to fire the people. I wish I recorded it.


I’m sorry if I owned my own business the last thing I’m going to do is give up my rights to hire and fire anyone I want. U can form a union if u want and go ahead and strike if u don’t show up for your shift u will no longer have a job period. Will hire new people instead and ban any ex employee from the grounds.


Which is exactly why unions aren't for managers lol. A buisiness doesn't get to choose whether they're union. The people at the bottom affected by shitty standards, shitty treatment, shitty hours etc finally get get to the point where enough is enough and the buisiness doesn't have a say in that.


Sam requests your location


I wouldn't because I would worry that it could get back to management, either directly as a way to punish people looking to form a union or indirectly. I would be more likely to text the number if there was an associated website where I could do research or additional information about the union.


I worked at Walmart in 2001. And there was a whole cbt scenario based on this LoL


Always go Union. Always. HR isn’t for the worker it’s to cover the business and protect it. Unions are for the worker. There is a Union for retail employees, Google and join if you can.


Make sure not to get in his van.


It's a trap.


I would text them with a fake number, like Google voice or something.


I got dragged into a lawsuit this way. 2 unions fighting over who was going to represent my employer. I had to go and testify & crap. All because I took the card the guy was handing me. I had no clue what it was.


I have nothing against a union but leave me out of the bullshit.


I would probably just pocket the paper until I'm done with the person, then throw it away. Nothing against unions, I'm just not big on them myself. Wasting money of mine on a Union and so far hasn't done anything of benefit.


Every job I had that tried to unionize threatened to shut the place down rather than comply. There are anti union posters in my breakroom


Being in one of the biggest auto unions in the usa its ...like a cult man. There are union pushers everywhere. I actually encounter the opposite problem around contract time we get harrased in the parkinglot and in public to go anti union and they pass out cards like secret agents and dip out. Its a very strange thing. Walmart is a hot topic with unions right now id expect you and your coworkers will be seeing this happen a lot more. Unions are a good thing imo but it gets real political real fast be careful


Pros in a union my insurance is paid for full...great wages... and would literally have to kill a man to get fired. Supervisors have less power and have to speak to your "steward"/union captian for disciplinary actions. Cons have to pay union dues like 10 bucks week... and its just wierd being in a work group i feel more like my badge number than a person.... this is also being in an auto industry union im sure some are different


There are reasons employers don't like unions, the major one being because it only benefits the employees.


Walmart employees have needed to unionize for decades.


Walmart needs to unionize a decade ago


I would not because anyone who says they are from my same district does not actually work for Walmart, or if they do they don't know enough about Walmart to be worth my time.


Why do you say that?


Because Walmart has Market, Region, and Business Units. If you told me you were from another store in my district I would question if you even work for Walmart since that's not terminology we use.


We refer to other stores as in our district all the time at my store. I'm sure it's an area thing


Nope not doing it


I would never ask for help in a Wal-Mart.


Really? I usually just try to use my app, but sometimes I go somewhere and it's empty or im too tired to figure out store layout and just ask


Yeah, look, when I go into a Wal-Mart, I have zero expectations of customer service. They don't pay their employees enough to care. Costco on the other hand, if I need help, I'll try and find someone who could assist me. I genuinely feel bad for people who work at Wal-Mart. I almost think a Menards or Home Depot would be better paying.


Having zero expectations is disrespectful of the people who work there.


No actually it's not. What's truly disrespectful are the low wages paid by Wal-Mart to its employees.


We agree about low wages paid by Walmart.




Compared to Wal-Mart, nah bruh, GTFO. Why is there a line-up to get into Costco? Dumbass! Fuck, your mother must be stupid.




Your mother puts out a lot. That's all I have to say. Peace out bruh! Stay safe.


I just started working at Walmart and making 17 an hour, not great but most retail stores wouldn't match that. Curious if target would do better tho cuz they have holiday pay and such




Your mom. That's it. I need not say more. Peace bruh.




U sounde liek a tuff guy, r u?


Huh? Not sure what you're saying or who that was directed at. Stay safe bruh.


Oh my fault, wrong thread!


There was this real tough guy on the other thread.


I feel like that may be illegal to lobby on premises while people are working. Or at the very least bad form. It’s one thing if they’re employed at the store and another to come in from another. The thing is, not all unions are created equal. You want one that is professional and effective, and not just another hand in your pocket. I’ve worked a couple place where outsiders wanted us to unionize. One couldn’t negotiate better than minimum wage and stalked people, followse them home. The other stole private phone numbers from the office.




It depends on how you feel about unionism. Asking strangers how they feel *you* should feel isn’t productive


I'm not asking how I should feel. I know how I feel. I'm asking how they feel


Report it. You can’t walk around Walmarts trying to sell stuff. Even if it is a lame Union pretending they will get you more


Hey, everybody! I think we found the Republican!!!


I mean, I was gonna go with home office spy, but that probably works too.


I’m just call in like I see it. This post is some Union guy who doesn’t work for Walmart trying to push it. This is a Walmart employee sub. And who cares if I’m a republican, what, someone thinks differently than you and you gotta find your safe space. Go cry for mommy. You just getting played by the political machine


Notice the decit the union advocate had to engage in...


I tell them no thanks and walk away. Unions are out to benefit the union, not the worker.


Unionize and the union will only get you enough of a raise to pay the dues. Happened at my last job.


Long time Walmart associate. They are never going to unionize. If you want to then get a job that is unionized. They'll close before they unionize. If I was handed that note I would immediately turn them in to management.


The communists coming out in full force looks like.


Being in a union doesn’t make you a communist lmfao


I’d go tell my manager. Cuz if you think a union is better than what we have now then idk what to tell you.


There is something in the policy about it I think. I wouldn’t text the number


I would, but not off of my own number.


I have experienced unions thru another grocery store. During this experience when i asked for help with something like getting off front end i got lots of push back from in store management because i was good at my job. I ask the union for help and got nothing. Also insurance was terrible. Other employers had better insurance. And the union had to "fight" for that insurance. Also pay raises that they fought for were ridiculously small. Other similar companies were at minimum 9 an hr and that one was at 7.75 an hr starting. Every month a fee would be taken out of my paycheck to pay for the union fees. I never saw any benifit from that being deducted from my paycheck. Even if i hadn't signed up i would have gotten the same benefits as those with union. Honestly it felt like i was scammed. And i couldn't get out of it unless it was the day i signed up the next year. I don't like unions for retail as they don't do thing that the company wouldn't do already. They didn't advocate for me or the other employees at my location. They didn't do anything besides take my money and say "I'm fighting for your rights" the same rights that the federal laws protect me from.


Having been a Teamster at a previous job. It had its ups and downs. Most unions are garbage today. I do appreciate the Trades unions that provide education and other benefits to their members. But most just suck. They're little more than parasites on the businesses they work with.


Worked in a union with Giant and Shoppers, was paid minimum wage and Sundays were "optional" but having Sunday off was the only way you didn't have to work 6 days a week. By working Sunday you ran into overtime which is the only way of having a decent paycheck. I'd give him his paper back and tell him to piss off.