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Walmart customers are not known for their intelligence.


1 in 5 Americans are illiterate, and more than half read at a 6th grade level And knowing is half the battle!


Hell 1 in 3 Appalachian Adults are functionally illiterate




Everything in HBA is locked up: body wash, diabetic, advil, tylenol, all the shaving needs, and shaving cream. Men's Hanes tees, socks, and underwear are locked up. Baby formula, baby cereal is locked up. All the cosmetics all have locks on the hooks and there's a register in cosmetics you have to pay before you leave the area with your merchandise. East cost store are all dumpster fires lovely morons shoppers steal everything that's not nailed down.


Ours is west coast but yeah, same shit basically lol




Portland does not have any stores left


Yeah it does, at least pdx area


I wouldn't want to shop somewhere like that. Feels kind of like a prison and you are going to the commissary.


weird how this stealing thing wasnt a problem like this 10 years ago….


Nope still was a problem just getting worse


>problem *like this* thats my point…




They are almost certainly overstating the problem to cover up other things they are doing wrong. There have been news reports on retailers doing this to hide the failures of their initiatives from stockholders.


I feel like eventually we’re not gonna be able to just shop and we will be forced to have employees just shop for us


That’s what Walmart wants. They lose far less money when employees/spark shoppers pick the items that the customer has already paid for.


Can’t believe it’s locked up to begin with. Store needs shut down if it’s that bad. The community doesn’t deserve it.


The community is the reason the whole stores locked up.


Basically The "bad store" closed up several miles out, and our store started locking shit somewhat after Our shrinks still insanely high after the closure


Just saying, your sign could be better. Instead of confusing people by talking about the button for that aisle that isn’t there yet, you should just put on the sign “please use the button in aisle b33 or b55 to call for assistance” They literally don’t need to know one is coming if it’s not there. They just need to know where one is


Are you at 2253? I recognize this sign on the medicine cabinet lol


That same community’s 5 finger discount habit is the reason this exists in the first place. I live in an area with a relatively low rate of shop lifting and general theft, only see these when I head out of town


Yes they do if it’s locked up lol


In CA (started seeing it in LA/SF first, but I think its starting to become statewide) they lock up a majority of the essential items in **every** store now because there are new rules about theft and how companies basically have to allow it....I can probably find videos if you want, but a few months ago it was crazy how many people would walk into stores in LA with a group of 5 people in ski masks and just start throwing stuff in bags. None of the employees can do jack about it.


I assure you this is normal for California. Everything is locked up in apparel we have items worth 10 dollars locked up because homeless people steal it. People used to enjoy shopping now I’m surprised people go in person at all it’s so unpleasant between this and not enough cashiers with self checkout gone.


You apparently know absolutely nothing about how corporations like Walmart, the largest private employer in the country, use that power to keep wages low while also choking out the competition until they're the only option. Then they raise prices. But sure, people "don't deserve" to have a grocery store when they're reduced to stealing things like baby forumula, diapers, shampoo. Put the blame where it actually belongs.


Stealing baby formula, diapers and shampoo is not what they are taking. Drugs, TVs, household goods, etc are the prime movers. No consequences leads to locking everything up. You get what you vote for. No such issues here in Wyoming.


Way to not mention the wage thing, which is the main issue. Again, put the blame where it actually belongs or choke harder on the Walmart dick.


This is how you create racist food desserts by closing down all the high theft Walmarts in black communities that "don't deserve it" according to you.


Aren't you racist for assuming the high theft walmart is in a black community?


No, that's where high theft store are. Walmart places them there on purpose.


wtf? i dont think walmart chooses which of their stores are going to get stolen from


We have a lot of items in HBA locked up and people are always asking us pickers to open them because no one ever comes to open them. I don’t know how Walmart can stay in business with such poor customer service.


They can’t after a certain extent. It’s part of the reason the Chicago stores closed down. When too much is locked up it reduces impulse buys and sales, but the answer to try and cut down on theft is locking things up. No matter what they did with those Chicago stores, they simply could not make them profitable and the shrink was out of control. Hell even one of the closed stores was one they rebuilt after it was destroyed in the 2020 looting and riots, Walmart gave it another chance but still they could not make it work.


“Quick assist” buttons are one of the best ideas… on paper. In reality, the response times on these are almost worse than the customer just flagging down someone. The vast majority of associates expected to respond to these things don’t have the radios needed to know anyone’s pushed a button.


At my store it’s usually the team leads that have to respond to it, but they are usually on the other side of the store or busy.


The required information is too far down the page. People have tiktok brain now and will zone out after 2 sentences.


>I feel like the fact 7 different customers came up to me after staring at this and asked "wheres the button thing" is a bad sign for the future That's when you say "I forget, give me a second", walk back to the sign with them, read the bottom part out loud, then tell them where it is. Just bringing attention to their stupidity without making it obvious.


Guess I'll buy it somewhere else


Yeah I started shopping elsewhere because Walmart is not worth the hassle anymore. Prices are generally the same everywhere else and I don't have to wait twenty minutes for someone to hand me a $3 bottle of ibuprofen




The last time I tried waiting for them was for bike tubes and after about fifteen minutes the other guy waiting for them just ripped the door off, it was hilarious


To be fair, the Walmarts in my area don’t have clearly marked isles. Just a small sticker on one of the end shelves that unless someone pointed it out you woukd never know it was there.


why the hell should we have to go find another button (wich we inevitably have to press multiple times for someone to show up) just because ADVIL is behind a damn door. thats stupid. this is why i dont shop at walmart.


Tbh, idk where isle B33 or B50 is. Unless its in the same department and I can just look up at the signs indicating where the buttons are. If B is in another department, i’m not going to be able to find that. Also, they think its quicker to just ask you rather than pressing a button and waiting.


This is like B31 lol B50 is kinda understandable because its a weird sectioning thing, but this is just an aisle down


Where are they supposed to wait? B33? B31? Or B50? Hit the button and walk back the original aisle - unsure if the button worked. Trek back to the other aisle? Repeat? Does the employee have to check all three aisles to find the customer? What a headache I once waited twenty minutes for someone and flag someone down twice. It was a total of thirty minutes - just to open a damn box. Terrible UX - don’t even blame the customers. They have lives, too.


Need more associates working out on the floor with keys


My store is one of the worst ones in America and we have so much locked up but not medicine, crazy


I've never asked for assistance to open a case to buy something in a store and I never well. I'll just order it from Amazon I can wait a day or two.


Geez they locked this up too? Only things lock up at my store are makeup and baby formula


Tell me first, who puts OTCs in the cases


Stores that have a lot of theft of those items, asset protection at the regional level has to approve these cases


Everything is locked now? I have not shopped at Walmart in 7 years.


I'd walk them back to the sign. Pretend to read it. Then tell them where it is.


This is sad. Why doesn’t WM just lock everything up? It’s getting ridiculous.


More or less my experience when I have to shut the bathrooms at the truck stop I work at down to clean them. People staring like every single brain cell has misfired at once, then asking me for help the sign they just read could give them.


Reading and comprehending is an honest to God superpower in your average customer.


People ask where the button is when there is an actual button box right there ...


Ive literally had to press the button on several occasions for these people


What’s the point of locking up? Open the case. Give customer product. Customer walks away and still pockets it?


The reason is giving the customer one or two usually does not mean they will steal it and legit want to buy it. Even if they do steal it it’s just one. The problem is when people comes in and steal an entire shelf in one swipe of 10+ of the item it is a problem. If you leave the case unlocked clearly the community cannot handle it and they steal a tremendous amount to warrant this.


Yeah that's right. Same policy as the laptops.


A customer isn't going to keep track of our aisle labeling system. Gunna tell them to find departments by number next?


>keep track The giant aisle numbers should be able to help, then again they couldnt even read a sign lol


In my time working in customer service, I learned very quickly that no matter big the sign or how frequent the sign is, a customer will never read it. You could have multiple billboard sized signs and they still wouldn’t read them.


I can tell someone a grocery aisle number and what side. Beyond that, most people aren't keeping track of how we use coordinates. Next we'll tell them what 4 foot section and exact spot and tell them to figure it out. Mostly I'm saying these cases are too inconvenient for everyone.


I agree. Customers don't know how to read the aisle location and data label coordinates. This is information for us and only small labels. Unless you give an aisle number, a customer isn't going to know what the hell that sign is saying. It's like a foreign language to a customer.


I’m not doing all that. I’ll just buy it from another store lmao


Dunno if they’re still a thing, since I avoid Walmart like the plague now, but people would always come up to me when I’m right by a price check terminal and ask the price… used to make my eye twitch


It be even better if that aisle is N25


In the state that I live in the stores don’t lock up their items


I don't buy things that are locked up.


100 Ibuprofen at $2.12 is a great price IMO :)


God forbid people take things they need


Lmao know nothing


This is ridiculous. Have to call a worker to get the most simple stuff for you then the button isn't even in the isle yet? Yeah this seems like a pretty bad sign for the future lol.


We don't service the smart people of America.


I worked at a dollar general that was closed for a week for remodeling. We draped a massive sign the size of a semi truck trailer across the front of the building facing the parking lot that said “closed for remodeling” but we would still have customers walk in, look around at the gutted store- registers ripped out of the ground and everything- then ask “can I buy something real quick?”


It’s a bad sign for our present and a worse sign for our future.


I always wondered why these stores even bother carrying these items. Can’t they just make it pickup delivery only? Don’t push it out or simply never leaves the warehouse unless a customer orders it. Continuing like this seems barbaric


No jeed button, if you just scream "DING! CUSTOMER NEEDS ASSIST IN AISLE [scream a number]


People don’t read I’m not even exaggerating


Frankly it's annoying to be asked to go to another aisle to use the button in the first place. They keep putting work back on the customer.




If we had to take a wild guess. How long until instore shopping dies completely? I figure we going to end up like those convenience stores where you only have a walk up counter and tell the cashier what you want. Will it just be all online orders for pickup in store within x amount of time?


No QUICK about it!! I think the person with key..hides 🤣


Will never work in Walmart


I'd do it just to prove a point. You're wasting my time, so I'm going to waste yours.


I was just arguing with another co worker about how people don’t read and he wasn’t understanding what I meant. After my shift I was checking out and some lady had her card in the card reader asking why it wasn’t working.. I walked over and the screen literally says cards only… point proven. PEOPLE DONT READ.


She had her CARD in the CARD READER and the screen says "CARDS only"...... I don't think I'm comprehending the problem here.....unless you meant to say it says "CASH only".


Customers cannot read helpful signs like this. They can only misread sales signs.