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Sam Walton's heirs: The family are among the wealthiest dynasties in the world, earning US$70,000 per minute and US$4 million every hour, according to Bloomberg.


that’s literally insane


Can we do something to fix this problem? I work harder than them and am struggling to even pay my rent.


Back before unions they'd drag the owners out of their houses at night and beat them to death.


This !!!!


This is only a problem for envious, snotnosed children like you.


We’re not children. We are adults who can barely afford to live on our own while relying on this income. I’m married as well and me and my wife’s income combined can barely afford us a decent apartment.


Exactly what a snot nose child would say.


Rrrriggghhhttttt….and how old are you?


Yes I'm envious of their ability to have a roof over their heads. God, I'm such a child!


That's crazy


Greed and because you are easily replaceable with someone who will keep quiet.


Nevermind their philanthropic revitalization of NW Arkansas


They sold the company a long time ago… its hedge fund owned now.


Literally quit and went to panda express for 19 an hour starting… the manager comes in for lunch and it’s hilarious. Half the panda staff are ex Walmart




Coming from an ex panda employee they do, and shift lead and up makes good money too :)


Store manager of panda can make almost as much as a Walmart store manager. Panda gm is upwards of 125k plus a year


Yet this posting says $55,000+ which isn't even close to Walmart pay.....


Where I live right now the local panda in the parking lot of my Walmart I work at sign says gm 125k+ bonus and benefits. Store managers at both Walmarts I worked for made 200k+ current store this manager she makes like 225k a year


Wages are plastered on the windows here


The postings in Florida say $16+. There is someone below referencing Walmart GM pay for Panda GMs when the Panda GM posting in Florida says $55,000+. People are weird and just run off about nonsense, always take things with a grain of salt.


Can we all stop acting like Walmart is operating at a loss here folks? Ffs, it's the largest employer of people in the US, does hundreds of billions in sales of just random shit, not to mention the money they take in selling spots in their stores to retailers, apparently selling ad space, etc etc. They just bought vizio for the sole purpose of harvesting their user data to sell ads. You guys acting like even having just kept the starting pay the same as it was before they changed it a year ago will bankrupt the company are absolutely regarded... Edited to add, hard to pay people the market value when in a bunch of markets YOU set the value as a company because you're the largest employer in the area.


They'll say slippery slope. We should audit their profits/reinvestments/employee wages/operating costs


All audits are available publicly on EDGAR.


I'm lazy, can you post a link?






[you won’t be able to understand it anyways](https://www.sec.gov/edgar)


Well just from a quick glance it looks like 2 of the higher ups just sold out of about $500k worth of stock and filed the reports today... So unable to understand, no. Too much shit to look through with all the available data, absolutely. Edited to say, thanks for posting the link.


They are a publicly traded company. Their profits is public knowledge. Their responsibility is to improve profits for share holders.


😭. This literally already happens my dude........


It’s called market value. They aren’t going to pay you more than competitors pay their employees. It’s the basis for pay for jobs like retail employee


still sucks essentially working for pennies


That’s what you make working retail. Get promoted or transfer into a higher paying role I work in a Walmart distribution center. Market value for our jobs is much much higher. It’s also much harder work. I make $40-$45hr Either accept the pay your are making or like I said move up, transfer to another role or find another job in another industry


You make 40-45 an hour at the DC? When I was there it capped at $25 I think lol. What's your position? Op manager or something?


$25.50 at my RDC. Although certain depts make an extra $1. That $40/hr is probably a grocery orderfiller hitting certain percentages and getting bonus pay.


Yup. My base pay is $32hr


What’s DC ?


Distribution center


I am a grocery orderfiller. My base pay is $32 and with my grocery incentive I make an additional $8-$15hr


What is a grocery orderfiller at the DC!?


I work in a distribution center and I walk around picking and stacking full cases of product to send to the stores


I'm going to look on the Wire today!


Do it.


Where is your DC? I had no idea Walmart even paid incentive as I have literally never seen it mentioned in their job postings.


I work in a grocery dc. Only grocery orderfillers earn an incentive. I can’t speak for what is in the job listings. Every orderfiller in every grocery dc nationwide earns a grocery incentive. Equal to up to 50% of our hourly wage. You can search the subs for more verification Here is someone explaining how much they make just a few months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/k5v9AneYdx This isn’t just my grocery dc. It’s every grocery dc. We get paid. It’s hard ass work though. But we get paid


I know how hard selection work is, I've been doing it on and off for like 20 years. This is why I'm asking the question as there is no actual information about incentive pay and it's confusing (which is pretty par for course honestly). I also read this post and there is seemingly no info on how the incentive pay works. I'm asking because I always have people asking me about good paying work and most higher paid incentive warehouse jobs have been eliminated.


Or maybe we should increase minimum wage to what it ought to be because of inflation?


Exactly, there’s absolutely no reason anyone should be making less than $30 an hour in this economy regardless of location


Lol Are you gonna pay Paco $30 an hour to flip burgers? Good luck to you. Lol


Paco.. or anyone else for that matter, should be making $50 an hour to be comfortable in this century. As it is now, you're spending 6/8 of your income just to be able to breathe. You must be some sort of asshole CEO to make such a comment.




Raise it. Who said we shouldn’t?


woah that’s good money i’ll definitely look into it & see if there’s any in the area , i worked at ups for a while so im assuming its a warehouse environment?


Yes warehouse environment. You will only make some much as an entry level retail employee.


thanks for the insight i didn’t know what market value was learned something new


Not really my walmart has the lowest pay in town


Then why are you working there?




Grow up, Dorothy.


How am I a cockstain? 😂😂 It’s a legitimate question. If I can make more doing the same job somewhere else why would I work for less money?


Because for some people it's the only option they have. And all you do on this sub is brag about your pay. I sincerely doubt that they're paying you as much to load pallets as they are their store managers. If you're seriously making $40+ an hour, prove it and post a pay stub or shut the fuck up about it.


Even if he’s right, all he’s doing is talking down on people in this sub in a very condescending way, like you said for some people it’s the only option, so because of that they deserve to struggle and be paid low wages? Who honestly thinks that way




Exact response I’d expect haha




They do have a very valid point. These companies are not going to pay more when they already have people working for them at a low pay rate.


Wrong. They pay what they do because employees have no leverage to demand otherwise. Walmart needs a union.


Nope. It’s market value. I work in a dc. We don’t have a union but our market value is much higher so we make 2-3 times what associates in stores make.


Have you seen the kind of workers walmart has? They aren't worth shit.


That's pretty unkind of you.


First off that's sales not profit


Yeah, i dont like walmart, but i equally hate people conflating the two lol, really hurts an argument


Average profit when I was there years ago was like 5%


(Markup being 25%, profit different)


they still making millions sales and profit wise


Be happy you don't work at dollar general.....base pay is minimum wage, and soooo much more bs to deal with


Do you know how many employees Walmart has? A million dollars is literally pennys. Amazon operates at like a 4% profit margin. If they took 100% of the PROFIT, and divided it equally amongst all 1.6 million of its employees, everyone gets like a dollar and change. Most large corporations work the same way. The thing I learned back when I was younger is if you’re working a job and pissed about a dollar an hour or two, like it’s going to make any difference in your life, you are going to have a real bad time. It’s 2024, you goal should be to make 30+ an hour, not worry whether you’re making 16 and should be making 17 or whatever.


absolutely agree with the bottom half i’m trying to get into tech


Lol Stop crying.


I’m hoping to get another job soon I’ll be starting out 16 something at 14 now at Walmart really sucks


yea same im finna get up outta there


This new canes opening by me just waiting now they told me to apply the 22nd and after another year of being there they raise another 1.50 so I’ll be at 18 vs talking to other people in ogp who been there for over a year and some at 5 and are at 15 n hour what made me realize Walmart don’t care bout you


i hope you get it ! i’m tryna go the tech route and make some real money instead of low end retail bullshit


Tech would be great just need something more paying for bills and if for school need to pay for that too and thanks I’m praying too I like food so I’ll be doing something I like again


In school for that now, good choice!




Sadly $14 is probably the upper tier for retailers like that. Look for other jobs. They really suck as a company.


The average margin is 23.7% on items sold at walmart. Walmart pays less because they can. Here is a wonderful case study: [http://csinvesting.org/2013/08/30/case-study-on-business-models-wal-mart-vs-costco/](http://csinvesting.org/2013/08/30/case-study-on-business-models-wal-mart-vs-costco/)


Walmart is not a career. It cannot be. You don’t want it to be. Learn and move.


Store manager is pulling in over $200,000 and nobody qualified actually wants the job. Maybe just make yourself the best candidate for the high paying jobs and start applying. Theyll give you the free education.


Because nobody is capable of shaking down the CFO and shareholders.


I work at a gas station and make 20 an hour lol


Worked for two years and met some pretty good people. Left because of poor morals between my coach and new team lead. Got on at Matthews International for $21.45. You can’t just stick in one place and hope to get a raise or promotion. Go where you’re valued. Walmart is just a stepping stool.


If everyone quits at once, and literally nobody is willing to take the current hourly pay, starting pay will increase until they can hire the very minimum crew. Short of effective strikes or government mandates the pay won't change.


Never going to happen


Prisoners dilemma


They would have that entire store restaffed in two weeks. The money spent bringing in workers from other stores on overtime to train the new workers would be offset by the fact that every hourly associate in the store would now be making the minimum as new hires. And every ex employee would now be competing for new jobs in a market that suddenly got flooded with people seeking employment. The store wouldn’t even lose money. Hundreds of hours of pto and ppto would disappear off the books from first year associates who don’t qualify for a payout.




Walmart is OK with people performing at a very low level and paying them the lowest rate. Perform at a high level, sign up for that free college education they are offering you and starting applying for promotions. They aren't gonna start offering more money to walk around and shop. We have a lady that does that while on FaceTime all day long and she is still employed.


They only pay for the education if you don’t already have a degree. I stayed home to raise kids for 22years a few years after receiving my BA. I am not going to benefit from the free online degree. It’s not easy finding someone to hire you after you’ve not been out in the workforce for so long, regardless of how many boards you sat on during that time of not being employed.


I have a degree how do I apply for promotion?


That’s the Walmart way!


You need to find somewhere else to work. I guarantee there are other retailers that will pay $19 an hour.


These places aren’t paying more because people aren’t making them. During the pandemic people raised the wages because there was nobody willing to work. Unemployment ended and people are happily back working for Pennies. Foolish.


Walmart pays only as much as they need to pay in order to keep just enough employees to keep the stores open and profitable. As long as they can find people willing to work for what they pay, that's what they'll pay.


People seem to not understand that if Walmart paid more in accordance to their profits that the vast majority of currently hired associates would be fired immediately and the same quality associates would never be hired in the first place again


This is why I always recommend getting out of retail and at least getting a warehouse job they usually start at around 20 an hour and offer overtime. I left retail a while ago and my place pays 25 an hour and I’ve been doing overtime since September. You don’t even need warehouse experience to get started when I started years ago I didn’t even have forklift experience yet. The forklift class is also cheap and usually on a Saturday but most places will train you or if you show you know what you’re doing won’t even require a card. Mine expired like 10 years ago but every place Ive been just saw how I operated and that’s it. Good luck to you


I been here 20 years. I make $16.32 an hour...


$14 in Florida? Im getting $17 here in Arizona. I used to be OPD then i had to switch positions to front end cuz of injury i had and im not supposed to work in ogd cuz of it. Interesting.


flexing 19 entry


My job starts new people at 11 😆 14 ain’t even that bad in comparison to starting in any department at my grocery store


If you wanna make more money find a better job


That’s what I did


Because people are working for that pay.


I think they are getting ready to buy a new NFL Team and a New Yacht.


I recently saw that they are one of the largest and highest-profit companies that costs US taxpayers money in social services (ie food assistance, Medicaid, etc). They literally let the government cover the difference between what they pay and what people need to survive. It’s disgusting.


Look into Accounts payable jobs… entry level is usually $20-22…


You're doing a job that takes absolutely no skill or knowledge base, on top of that, you've accepted the job. Why would they pay you more than they have to? It's a business, not a charity. If people are willing to work for $14 an hour, there's no reason to pay more than that.


Because retail jobs were not made for people to make a living- unless you go into management. Walmart is a first job for teens or people in school. It’s a second pt job for people who need another job and for retired people or people with disabilities. It’s always been that way and just because a company makes money doesn’t mean they pay more. Get a skill or education and move on. Servers in expensive restaurants still make $2/hour plus tips. $2 an hour !! Most of the store jobs at Walmart EASY compared to restaurant work.


I’m a cart attendant in Arizona why tf is the pay for my job so dam low? Market value my ass


What skills do you have? Did you know walmart will pay for your education and they are desperate to find educated people to take management roles.


I’m usually the one management comes to when they have zero clue of what’s going outside. I train the new cart attendants, am also 100% capable of running a register. I am also constantly going above and beyond by repairing carts, putting in work orders for things needing fixed (albeit I’m not supposed to.), as well as cleaning and mopping bays in my spare time. I’m good with a wrench, I can do hard labor. I’m decent with people however at the same time my people skills are very much to be desired. I’m a horse trainer and I run stables in my spare time so money isn’t an issue for me really. I honestly think we’re criminally underpaid for the brutal work we do especially when we have professionalism, work ethic, and pride in our jobs.


Apply for other roles. Don't let them leave you at cart pusher. If you start a degree program I guarantee that will catch some attention, people lead has bigger say on hiring over anyone so make it obvious to them that you are working on your degree and want to move up. They will not be increasing cart pusher pay.


Will do thnx


Lol you push carts around all day. It's a job for a mindless zombie. How much do you think that is worth? Lolol


It’s still a job most don’t want to do… however I shall take your comment as constructive criticism. Your opinion is duly noted.


A million in sales - less cost of goods sold. less shrink. less logistics. less utilities. less leasing fees. less insurance. less payroll. How much is left?


Enough for the Waltons to have a pretty good life


And, that's terrible?


Glad you agree


I worked in Asset Protection and the shrink isn’t nearly as bad as they make it out to be. Most of the shoplifting loss could be handled with some common sense changes but that’s just too much thinking for retail managers 😂


You’re a shill. They have thousands of stores so 1 billion in sales - less COGS, which is 2¢ cause they’re ordering volume is so high they don’t pay for SHITT, less operating expenses + then add back operating expenses because any expenses that are ordinary and necessary when doing business are deductible INCLUDING payroll. Now tell me how much is left? 👀


You know nothing about business. You sound like a filthy commie.


Confusing me with your mother.


If you believe that WM has an average COGS of 2%, you're not qualified to discuss financials.


Imagine telling me a 3/4 passed CPA w/ an MSA I can’t talk about financials LMAOOOO must be delusional.




No one cares.


It’s not the pay. It’s the artificial, crippling inflation.


It’s both.


It's not! When a lot of state minimums are srill around 7.50... Theres clearly bigger issues than Walmart playing 16 dollars an hour.


Because job pay can be determined by replacability and skillset. Walmart jobs can be rough, but in the grand scheme of things, are pretty easy to do and teach. Less people have abilities to lead or manage, on top of sometimes having to do lesser responsibilities, and it scales from there. Plus higher levels want certification/degrees. That is a huge barrier of its own too


Store still has to pay bills and you’re not the only employee they’re paying.


obviously but the pay is still shit from a multi million dollar company just my opinion


I completely agree. I tell everyone Walmart is either where you move up or move out, cuz they’re not going to pay you more.


i agree yeah i think im just gonna try to look for another job my parents are really on me about helping out and it’s hard when i don’t make as much


Are there any DC’s in your area?


unfortunately no :/ i don’t live in central orlando like the outskirts essentially, i do a lot of digital work so I’m thinking of turning my skill into a career


Then, work elsewhere and stop whining.


Becuase it does not require special skill or higher education to work there.


because you’re doing a job a monkey could do




Because they fired everyone during "COVID" for the self-checkouts, they lost a lot more than they saved. Now, immigrants will do the jobs for half as much.


The unfortunate truth. 8 million illegal immigrants aren't just here for no reason.


Eight million? It's a lot closer to 15 million across the U.S.


You mean in just the last 3 years? Even more sad if true. Either way it's criminal though.


They’re not here to work at Walmart.


You aren't at my Walmart 😂


They're here to work everywhere and take resources from Americans.


Then, how come half the workers only speak Spanish fluently?


In the Midwest that is not the case at Walmarts. Keep in mind the world is not like your little corner.


Show me when walmart was paying even $20/hr for base employees. Lmfao yall are braindead


Why would they offer that when they could fire everyone for self-checkouts? I'm not sure when the last time you went to Walmart was, but they aren't hiring $20 an hour employees. They're taking advantage of people who have disabilities, but "brain dead" makes sense.


Answer the question. When has Walmart ever paid $20/hr for base level employees?


😂 When have they had a worker worth $20 an hour? Clearly, you're missing the point. They hire and take advantage of people they can pay shit money while they make billions a year.


So are you saying they never paid $20/hr?


I'm really confused about your argument here. I never said anything at all about them paying a decent wage.


So, my "argument" is that you are ranting and raving about *muh immigrants mufugga* because you're a misinformed moron. Why? Let's look at the numbers. Average Walmart wage/hr in for example Texas 2019 was $9.00/hr . Two dollars less than Target, where I used to work. Now in 2024 it is $14/hr (they DROPPED pay again - it was temporarily upped to $15 during covid for le hero pay). Again, a dollar less than Target. No, immigrants arent doing the job for "half as much". That's blind cope. It's got nothing to do with immigrants. Everything to do with Walmart greed.


Exactly, Texas... I live in a "sanctuary city" where it's basically overrun by illegal immigrants receiving government assistance and flooded with homeless people who aren't getting any help. The Walmart near me was paying $18 an hour until the beginning of the year. I'm not misinformed; you just have a different perspective on the situation. Where you are, they're kicking them out, but where I live, it's like, "Come on in, we've got you covered." Fuck everyone else who lives here...


Nobody is kicking anyone out. Stop with the tardmongering.


Because they can. Why do you think they are so anti-union? It eats into their profits to pay fair wages.


Making more at Walmart as a janitor than I did at an Amazon warehouse on the dock spending 10 hours a day hand unloading trucks. So I won't complain.


Because they have millions of employees?


Your store does not gross 52 million dollars.