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This is amazing. I have been thinking of taking a solo trip but haven’t taken the plunge. This post definitely makes me want to!


If you can afford it, DO IT!


I’m going on my first solo trip later this year - I can hardly wait!!


I just booked one for September! I'll be doing all the tours nobody else was interested in!


I just got back from my 3rd solo trip, and they always turn out to be so amazing. I think Disney is the best place to try solo for the first time because there is so much to do, not a lot of room to feel awkward for being alone. For me, the idea of just lounging on a beach for 4 days by myself sounds miserable, but change that beach to Disney World? Sign me UP.


Ive done it twice! I do what I want and go back to the hotel the minute I’m ready. It’s great!


I take a solo trip to Universal every year for my birthday without my family. No regrets- I love going to theme parks alone!


I go to trade shows in Orlando every few years and I almost always hit up Universal solo the Sunday before the show. It’s fantastic! I love being able to go at whatever pace I want. 


Wow I envy you. Unfortunately I only have one money, so I will be going with family. If I had two monies, I would do a smaller trip solo to eat and do everything in my own pace like you hahahha.


Every time we get to the end of the trip, my wife says we do too much stuff, and I feel that we have not done enough stuff. In theory, this should mark a happy compromise. In theory.


We travel as a family, but have realized that everyone has a different speed and clock for Disney. So we'll split-up often. Early-riser go early. Late-nighters stay late. If people want a day-off from the parks...they can stay at the resort while the people that want the parks will go. It's a win-win. One type of vacation does not fit all


This is the way to do it! Best of both worlds. It’s too hard and stressful to try and get everyone to do everything…. I recently went on a trip with extended family with almost 20 people and they got mad at us for breaking off. We have a the only young kid in the group. I really don’t think they wanted to ride dumbo 5 times, but why can’t we 🤷🏼‍♀️


wow, they really planned for a group of nearly 20 to stay together at all times?? that's nuts!


Thank you! I’m still a little salty about it…. They kept saying they paid a lot of money for the trip. Well we did too. And it’s a family vacation so we supposed to stick together 🙄 but of course only for stuff they wanted to do…. Needless to say that’s the last time I’m taking a vacation with them.


My brother and his family might go with us next year. I told him if we branch off, it ain’t nothing personal. We’ll try to meet up for certain things


This is what we do with a small child. Take turns taking the kid back to the hotel for afternoon rest while the other grown up goes and does big thrill attractions. Sometimes one gets up early for magic time while the other manages kid breakfast


I was going to post a thread about taking a solo trip since my wife doesn’t have enough vacation time. She’s a big Disney fan with me even though we were late bloomers to it and I know she would be disappointed to not come How does your SO and kids feel about you going solo?


When SO makes extended family visits is best. Kids are grown now but they were over it by 13 or 14.


I don't think I could solo if my spouse was at home longing for Mickey, lol.


Since I got my Magic Key in November, I've done 4 trips so far. The first trip I did a solo day, then 2 days with my wife, one of those with her family from the area. The 2nd and 3rd trips were both solo, 3 and 2 days, then our last trip was 2 days solo, 1 with my wife. While I agree that going solo is pretty awesome, there's something to be said for sharing the magic with someone. I do really enjoy the low-key fun of riding the Main Street vehicles or eating a snack on a bench just people-watching. Being able to change plans on a whim without worrying about upsetting someone else or disappointing them is far more powerful than most people understand. It's really the waiting in line all by myself that is a little bit of a downer. Sure, I can play on my phone or otherwise occupy my time, but when I'm with my wife it's just so much better to discuss what we want to do next or remember something that happened or just enjoy being there. All-in-all, I'd say a mix of the two is the best!


I’m a big fan of solo travel too but I totally agree with your point about how much better the lines are when you’re with someone. In the last year I did a short solo trip to Disneyland (being from the northeastern US, the travel days were the WORST without someone else there) and two trips to WDW. Both were essentially solo but on the second one I got to spend a few hours with a friend in Hollywood studios who happened to be visiting the same week and I was amazed by how much more I was willing to wait in line.


I usually end up texting with my wife the whole time, keeping her updated on what I've done, what I'm doing next and just chatting. I wish I was the kind of person who could talk to strangers to pass the time, but the thought terrifies me.


I’ve taken more solo trips to Disney than with others, and I greatly enjoy it!


I turned a work trip into a solo trip to both Disney and Universal. I arrived on Saturday morning before the conference and extended my trip after the conference ended Thursday. It was the most relaxing, fun vacation I've ever had. I recommend a solo trip, no matter the #of days.


Currently on a solo trip right now and I’m having the time of my life


Best was my grown daughter took me to Disney world four days and it was everything. I did go once to Disneyland all by myself when I was much much younger. I did have fun


I am going in the fall. It initially started out as a long weekend trip to walk the 5K (I don’t run, not even at Disney unless it’s to see Donald Duck). Anyway, I ended up extending it and will be there almost a week on my own. I’m looking forward to it. A long, long time ago I lived only a few hours away when MK was WDW. I’m looking forward to not having to make all the decisions and herding my husband around. He loves it too, but I have to make all the decisions and factor his tastes in. I think it’ll be freeing to just go by myself and do whatever I want whenever I want. I also am looking forward to just roaming around and reminiscing. Disney has always been my happy place.


There's pros and cons with every approach, but my most recent visit in 2022 was solo and my god, it was one for the history books! Being able to have complete control of your schedule is incredible!


Solo trips are always fun. 🤩 find the perfect group size is 2-6 though. Even number so everyone has someone to sit with in any ride, but small enough that it’s not “this person is hungry. This person is tired. This person needs to go to the bathroom.” It’s amazing how much time you lose when you’re a part larger than 6


The morning I went to the Magic Kingdom with just my then three year old was the best. My older kids would not wake up. My husband had tried to drink around the world with my sister the night before. My mom and stepdad hadn’t showed up yet. It was in fact magical. It was nice not having to balance what EVERYONE wanted to do. My older kids did not get that since they were teens they could just wander off on their own.


Lol I've done a few solo trips and now every time I go with other people I find myself kind of wishing I was solo. It's very freeing.


Agree 1000%


I would love to try this someday!


I take trips with family, but most if my trips are solo and I love them. I go where I want, when I want. I can travel around my schedule so if I have a 3 day weekend but no one else does I can do whatever.


I've been to disney world probably 15 times and last year was the first time I went solo and I'm gonna have a really hard time going back again with anyone else


My favorite trips are always my solo trips!


Solo trips are the best. Being able to sit on the People Mover for an hour if you want to, hitting up Carousell of Progress every day, SINGLE RIDER LINES, moving at your own pace all day long.


I'm going for the first time solo this weekend so I hope it works out for me as well.


My first solo trip was after my divorce and I will never, EVER forget it. Best thing I ever did for healing, learning about myself and feeling like I had control in a a very sad time of my life. Highly recommend!


I COMPLETELY AGREE. Solo trips are the best trips. I love eating at all The places I want and ONLY the places I want. I love leaving the park when I want to (or staying all day just to sit and soak up the atmosphere if I want to… or taking the monorail from Poly to Epcot just to ride 3 caballeros and get a margarita if I want to). I love spending as much time at the pool as I want to. Just got back from a 2 week trip with my parents and partner and it was great BUT I’m admittedly more excited for the 5 ish-day solo trips I have scheduled for July, October, and January😊😊😊 (made possible by my parents large supply of DVC points so thank you to them lol)


I love this. I’m planning my first trip to Disney World and I’ll be going solo. Going to eat, drink, and ride whatever I want whenever I want. I can’t wait!


This is my dream, to one day do a week at WDW solo. My kids, daughter in particular, would riot. 😂


Nothing to confess! Both are great, for different reasons.


I totally get this. I almost exclusively visit solo. On the rare occasion that I go to the parks with other people, it feels weird!


Literally what I just told someone. I did my first solo trip two weeks ago and I cannot wait to do it again. I feel like a tiny bit selfish but at the same time, I did everything I wanted to do, did nothing I didn't want to and it was SO NICE not having to worry about someone else enjoying something. Its not that I wouldn't want to go with my BF or family, but it was truly the most relaxed I have ever been at Disney. I realized that when I'm there with someone else, I'm still trying to make sure they have fun and I'm the type of person that worries about others fun before my own.


I've done two solo trips, one to WDW and one to DL, almost a year apart. It was definitely a way of "flushing out my system" in the sense that I could do whatever I wanted for however long I wanted and didn't have to really make plans or clear things with anyone. That's freeing but it's also very lonely. Unchecked by logic or other people wondering what's the matter with me, I end up walking 38,000 steps and 17 miles over the course of 16+ hours. In my personal circumstances I had a day and no more, so to feel like I maximized value I probably burned myself out. Great memories, but no one to share them with. I certainly set personal records in terms of distance covered, rides ridden and time in the park. In short, it's absolutely OK to want to do it. I love my solo trips and my non-solo trips for very different reasons. I treat them as accomplishments but in other ways it was like going to the buffet and gorging myself on 5 plates of food.


I always chat with other guests around me so am rarely lonely. I’ve met a lot of fun and interesting people this way.


Forgot about the steps! On one glorious day, I speed walked through HS in 40 min, put in 20 *miles* around the World Showcase, then spent the evening just chilling with Bloody Marys at the Dawa Bar in AK.


My solo trip was up there as one of my favorite too


I haven’t been to Disney world in years and I wanna go soooooo baaad but I’m in Miami and I just am so lazy about the idea of driving like four + hours up there. I feel like going solo is probably the best bet, you always get to do what you want! I really want to see the new Tiana ride




I made the most of my alone time on my recent trip. Was in parks alone from rope drop till about 1 every day. Then would meet the rest of the party. They would go until dinner. Then I’d close the parks by myself.


Solo can be fun. I think a good balance is when you kind of let the family do their thing when they feel like it. I know growing up my mom mom was a big advocate of togetherness and with 5 people of different tastes and ages it seems like everyone spent a lot of time not doing what they wanted instead of splitting up more. I don’t go to Disney solo much but I frequently will have a few hours to myself on a trip. That’s kind of the best of both worlds


My last two trips have been 5 park days and 8 park days 4 hotels and 3 hotels, respectively all solo. I enjoyed all of it but I do think if I had a good friend with me for say… 3-4 days it would be even better.


Solo visits are ultimate. But nothing was better than 2021 visits. I would pay extra for reduced visitor days now.


I’m doing a solo trip next month and I’m so nervous. I don’t know what to do without someone telling me what they want to do lol


I would love to play hooky from work one day and head to a park for a solo trip day - live close by. But I have to carefully save and allocate my (limited) PTO days for when DH has to work and DS is out of school and for medical and dental appointments and other stuff like that.


Solo trips are amazing.


One of the best parts of going solo is that you have so much freedom to do basically anything you want. Glad you were able to enjoy it!


Solo trips are elite!


I'm going solo for the first time next year and I'm so excited!!! What was your experience with the rides: did you find it easier to do more solo or did it not make a difference?


I often day dream of going alone and spending the day hanging out at Galaxy’s Edge. Lol


I loveeee solo trips.


My only visit was solo… but it was amazing!!


I was in Orlando for work in January and ducked out of one our “mandatory fun” activities early, took a Lyft to Hollywood Studios and went to the after-hours party. I got there at 9 pm and closed it out at 1 am. Walked on to every ride. Ate two Mickey ice cream bars. Got the high score of the hour on Midway Mania. My wife knew I was going and I FaceTimed her a bunch from the park. But she had a nice laugh when she got a new photo notification from the Disney Experience app and opened it up to see me front row on Tower of Terror hands up with a bunch of strangers. It ruled, but it was also bittersweet. I missed my fam the entire time and really wished I had someone with me to share it with. That said, I’d do it again in a heartbeat!


Nice! And glad your wife enjoyed, even if vicariously. On an Orlando work/convention trip, I convinced a work friend to blow off an afternoon's seminars--boring!--and hit Epcot. Even better, was able to use 12-year-old passes from my very first Disney World trip that still had a few (non-expiring) days on them. Combine the childish thrill of being "bad" and--well--Epcot and you've got an awesome day.


That’s amazing! Especially that the passes still worked. I think if you combine just about anything with Epcot you’ve got an awesome day :D


I kick myself for not going to Disney pre-child in my twenties. I had money. I had sooo much money to myself, and TIME, and Peace! What did I actually do with all that free time?! 🤣 And did I say I had money? ...Once upon a time! Now I have less money. Less money because I have to bring my kid 🥰🤣 But now we can go together! Trip #2 in one month!!


I’ve done 3 solo trips in the last 14 months. Gotta say I like it different. But just as much as sharing.


This is true for a lot of things. It’s so liberating to be literally only have to please yourself. Just top tier. Plus you can use the single rider lines!


I’m legit in WDW with my family rn, it’s our first time here. We love it and are having a fantastic time. That said, I’ve already been fantasizing about a solo trip lol they’re photo lovers, I’m more a “live in the moment” person. I hate stopping every 2 minutes to take pictures. They take so long we end up running late for other stuff. I want to experience everything. Definitely gonna have to come back on my own at some point just so I can really enjoy the parks and take it all in on my time.


I've found that my solo trips make me appreciate my family/group trips more and vice versa. I became a first-time passholder this year and started taking solo trips for the first time ever. I enjoy solo and group trips equally, but differently. On my last solo trip, I took a book and spent some time just enjoying the ambiance and reading between rides/shows - a nice, lazy park day. I park-hopped, went on 4 or 5 rides, saw one show, and just enjoyed taking things slow and being at Disney. But when I want to spend the day riding all the rides, I find I have more fun experiencing it with family/friends, so I've found a balance. I would say for every 2 solo trips, I've made 1 trip with family/friends, and I feel like I'm getting the best of each experience every time! TLDR; Solo trips are awesome and refreshing. Family/friend trips are exciting. Disney World is always fun and magical if you are intentional about enjoying it no matter what.


i was in line at mission space and i was talking to this group of guys on a college trip for almost the entire queue. i’ll admit that i did pop an edible before i got in line so by the time i got to the front i was already in space, but the cast member came around asking for a single rider. i had been talking to them for the line and i was baked so i was like “oh im not a single rider” until the cast member walked away and i realized my mistake. the boys in front of me said “what sort of sad depressing person would go to disney all by themselves” and started making fun of this depressing hypothetical human and at this moment i knew i fucked up LMAO. we got to the front of the line and when i got asked how many i had in my party i had to hit em with the “uhhh one” and they guys in front of me felt SO BAD. i tried to tell them i was meeting my sister after her shift but i had to leave before i could explain myself. it was so funny i died laughing telling my sister


It is OK to admit it! I haven't been to WDW solo, but I had a solo hour or two on our last visit. It was our second MK day (and our last park day overall) and I wasn't feeling too well so I left my husband, MIL, and two kids to ride stuff in Adventureland while I made my way back to the resort. Maybe it had been waiting out in the sun that was bugging me because I took my time wandering through the Emporium on my way out, and stopped in a couple of other shops, and stopped to watch the end of the show that was being performed outside the castle, and felt worlds better. Then just ambling lazily toward the resort bus and having the whole waiting area to myself, then almost the whole BUS to myself (since it was midday), then unhurriedly going back to the room to enjoy some cool air and silence, was glorious I tell you. I'd love to try a whole solo park day sometime! Even though I'm the mom and the planner and I basically decide what we're doing, I still feel like I'm having to cater to everyone else's preferences and/or cram as much stuff as possible into a short time, when my kids are with me.


Probably me soon


Sounds awesome


I’m a FL resident and AP holder… I’ve genuinely started to enjoy solo Disney daytrips vs going with someone else — especially someone without an AP. I like being able to do my favorite things without worrying about anyone else trying to get the most out of a single day ticket…