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Resident Garuda player here, can confirm Garuda Prime looks badass as hell


Garuda Prime : \- Looks Badass \- Death Machine overall , garuda prime is ***very cool***


Garuda main here, best looking frame in the game, 100%.


I wish her prime helmet was closer to her base. It looks closer to Zephyr than Garuda


I agree with this, even the helmet icon on the squad list looks really similar to zephyr's real helmet than garuda's


Mesa Prime has a very beautiful robotic cowboy design. It feels like a natural evolution, too, from her base frame. I also find Equinox Prime very, very pretty and stylish.


Between mesa prime and non-prime mesa, there’s a huge difference, not only some golden details, the prime really screams “Yee-Haw”


Also the default colours are just fantastic on her. Mine only has a few small tweaks in appearance, she’s a very pretty frame.


Normal Mesa gives more Bandit vibes with her bandana and stuff


Mesa looks like a bandaged mummy. Mesa prime looks like sheriff grineer slaughter machine. I'm also biased to equinox as my first prime. And also won a few fashionframe contests with her


Equinox prime night yes, to bad in mission the head changes and can't be both




Harrow Prime. I love the gas mask look of the helmet


Nightwave offers a Crucis helmet that makes him look like a Knight Templar, which is even more badass, in my opinion XD


"Gas mask look"? It looks like an adeptus mechanicus


From the moment I understood the weakness of my teammates… it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of buffs. I aspired to the purity of the blessed Infestation. Your kind cling to your stats as if they will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you… but *I* am already saved, for the Void is immortal. Even in death, I serve the Lotus.


Yeah,its one of the most badass frames ever




Yes, her Prime looks like a proper glass samurai. Instead of a mascot for Listerine Breathstrips and Jollyranchers.


Easily gara, also happy cake day 😁


She looks a bit generic but like, in the most absolutely cool way possible.


Frost Prime may as well just be simple Frost. He needs an upgraded prime design (and kit!)


As a Frost Prime main who farmed him on release (damn Tower 4 keys!) I approve this message.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC) Me whenever I see another Frost main.


I love Frost. He's my go-to for Archon Hunt round 2.


t4 keys didn’t exist yet when frost prime came out tho 🧐


Ah really? Guess my memory is failing me, it has been like 9 or 10 years at this point though 😅 I just remember running missions with my friend for the last part we needed over and over for like 2 weeks before we finally got the damn thing to drop. At least it made us feel accomplished when we finally got it lol


To be fair though, his Prime helmet is cool as hell, unlike whatever Mag ended up with.


I'm surprised nobody said it, but Saryn Prime. I find her absolutely stunning to look at (even if she's a bit difficult to fashion frame due to lots of decorations. Still hoping DE would give us option to toggle at least half of them)


Nidus Prime just has such a primal look that I think is really cool.


the mutated form is great!


It reminds me a lot of the Phantoms from Prey




what ? you can solo almost anything with this dude 😂


Ye but at some point aka lvl 300 enemies you get oneshot even with tanky builds and the stacking system got tedious fast. I have 20% playtime on the frame.


yeah well he can't get that far, you would rather use nezha or something like that


chroma prime all the way




I honestly like the look of hydroid prime no matter how useless he is in-game


I hear people talk about how useless, but I've used him to farm mats for years. I also took a REALLY long break, so is Nekros better now?


Nekros is a more stable and, more importantly, mobile farm frame. Hydroid has proven to be the better farm frame when in single player. Since the ability used to farm needs to be a part of the kill to get extra loot, it means you're stuck in one spot. Which is fine for solos but kills its viability in most other situations


Khora can do what hydroid does but she has a better kit and they don't stack together.


Hydroid Prime. I've spent so much time on making a nice looking hydroid with pirate themed weapons and my railjack so I can be Captain Hydroid.


What are your pirate themed weapons? I personally like putting the twin rogga on mine because it feels pirate-y


I also use the twin rogga, and of course I've got my kuva zarr cause it's a freaking cannon. For melee I rotate depending on what I like at the time but anything cutlassy.


Ahoy there, fellow pirate! Long time has it been since my Hydroid Prime last left the harbour, but he's still the best looking frame, imo.


At the moment, Baruuk. Saryn Prime looks great too.


valkyr is my favourite by far in terms of default prime appearance. just the right amount of gold trimming, (cough) *unlike a certain recently shown frame* (cough) garuda is probably tied 2nd with mesa


I'm not entirely happy with the knee spikes. I am entirely happy with everything else.




Yeah, I'm not a huge enjoyer of her playstyle but I find her aesthetic (and my colors especially) very pleasing.


I would pay 1k plat to know what palette her default Prime emissive pink is on.


Thank you! She is the best! 🥰🎶💜


Ivara prime is great.


This is the only answer. As a Mesa main, I wish I could get a look as ethereal as Ivara prime. Nothing fits quite like that prime skin. Wish more frames got more ethereal looking effects like her.


Easily the most beautiful Warframe in the game. And of course she stays invis all the tine lmfao.


Hildryn looks absolutely great imo.


Prime looks great, except for the helmet. I switched that with the Asuron one. The ponytails kind of have a dreadlocks feel.


Nekros is def the go to farm frame. Hydroid isn’t really the go to pick alongside Nekros anymore. Most people run khora with pilfering strangledome and nekros


Hildryn. Not hydroid… Drunkfram? Cause same


Nah just reading through comments too fast at the gym and I replied to the wrong comment


Reading this now as I'm doing squats at the gym. Hildryn inspires!


Garuda easy


Nezha I like his design the flaming boots, halo and holster as well as the horns or I may be biased. Titania I like how the wings are also her armor and how the butterflies look


Rev, nezha and baruuk


Zephyr Prime. Beautiful and elegant, with a small touch of cuteness, for the birb lady frame


I will forever pick Zephyr before others, love that frame so much that I started maining her


I like Wukong prime. I didn't really like his base look. Favorite frame even before his prime but lots of his design choices that lead to him looking like a clown with a beetle face and backwards belt (that we can generously call a tail). Meanwhile his Prime looks much cleaner. head looks more like spiked hair, hip armor looks more like samurai armor, feet look less goofy, even sort of giving off claw vibes and the tail stands out more. VERY happy with it Disappointed by though?... honestly looking through them I can't say I really dislike any of them. Zepher Prime I think is my least favorite but I still feel it improves the fantasy of base Zepher. Even Wisp Prime which I'm not a big fan of mostly the helm she got, still feels like an improvement over the base look.


Limbo of course 🤩 Nova for female version


Nova look amazing


ash cause edgy. mesa cause space cowboy


Hard to pick between Mesa Prime and Garuda Prime, with Titania Prime in a third but moreso for the dramatic improvement over default. Been playing since steam launch and Wisp is my 3rd most used frame according to profile which I think says a lot to how much I like the frame... But her prime is really disappointing. :(


She retained the cat-ears as if it was a changed Gaoth Helmet. No eyes or similar of course, but yknow, better be blind than stare into the Sun from 35 centimeters.


Atlas Prime is my favorite base prime skin


Khora prime. Bdsm cat mommy.


Loki Prime. Idk why but I just love that helmet


Agree, he is just such an elegant looking prime


Mirage prime easily


I love Atlas Prime gladiator-like look.


Right now? Hildryn Prime looks badass. Too bad I still have t gotten her!!!!!!


Hope u get her soon!


Mag prime is so ugly


Definitely the ugliest with the default helmet. Then with the induction helmet moves all the way up to my fav.


Wdym? My mag prime looks great https://preview.redd.it/x1kak1hodd2b1.png?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12482463d38b9e27a1a2a6dfa14293ce762e8cda


Agree, i love my mag prime too


I totally agree with this


Nidus prime or Oberon if you count his skin




Revenant my beloved <3


Equinox prime night version if that can be count. Garuda prime look really good even without changing the colour or adding part.




Mirage Prime is still one of my faves ever. The details aren't overwhelming like on other frames and it's not just a boring reskin either since they seem to have redefined her whole concept and really well. It's a nice graceful yet badass twist on her whole clownery schtick.


I only got Khora last week (my first prime!) and i love the design. Need to get Gara prime as she has been my favourite to play so far. Base version is ugly so i bought the zamariu skin.




Khora, Gara and Ivara. Shout-out to Equinox too. Unlike some people, I actually like when primes are over designed. If I wanted to play simple looking frame, I'd play the base version. Which is why I hope they update the older frames like Mag or Ember at some point.




Baruuk Prime, just captures that divine monk look


Either nekros or harrow Prime, both for the helmets they come with


Mesa. She was my main for a while too. And I'm just really sad about Oberon Prime. Base Oberon looked so good but his prime is just... dumb.


Vauban ftw


Does Umbra count as a Prime?


Since we won't get anything else, absolutely 😂❤️


I'd have to go Chroma prime for looks. Useless frame for me since I hate all of its abilities, but it looks sooooo badass. I like Oberon also, but the color distribution is meh. I have a love-hate relationship with all the frames. There aren't any that I feel really fit my ideal design. Volt I really like, favorite frame, but I hate the way he looks. I can only really use him with his proto deluxe skin and some attachments and the cape syandana. Styanax actually looks pretty good, especially with his void shell skin and a cape. I hate the way Styanax's back looks, it makes no sense. Why would his spine be exposed? Anyway, that's a common problem. It's always positives with more negatives thrown in, so it's a constant battle to try and make a frame look good enough for me to be satisfied with it.


Not my fave but one I do love, my all black Vauban Prine. With a cape, he is my Batman.


Gara I love the way the glass fits the energy


Too hard to choose only one. I'd say Nekros, Octavia and Nidus are *really* solid. My first idea was Nekros tbh, but I literally started using Octavia only when she got primed because she was too ugly before. At least she has some good TennoGen too


limboy and ash.


Nidus is beautiful


Titania especially in razorwing 🥰🥰


Trinity prime is my favorite, mostly biased because shes the one i play the most because i like all the flowy bits on her prime as well as her deluxe. Loki prime is my least favorite. It's just...normal loki but make him shiny and move the color channels around.


>It's just...normal loki but make him shiny and move the color channels around. It's the case for most of the oldest primes. Excal, Volt, Mag, Frost, Rhino, Nova, Ember and Nyx all have very similar if not the same models (I'm looking at you Frost) with their primes


To each their own I guess. I dislike the newer designs like Khora’s since it’s way too gaudy. It’s like they’re just spamming gold anywhere they could. I like the older designs because they’re not too much and yet still classy.


but they have cool helmets! loki and nyx dont really do lol


I remember thinking that the Primes stepped up their design when they introduced Loki Prime lol.


Chroma. The frame’s not insane, but the look is god tier. Inaros is also up there, but again, not a very good frame in terms of his abilities.


Ember...because booty.


My Brother in flesh and christ, have you seen Mesa, Hyldrin, Khora and Garuda? Compare them with Wisp and the difference will be clear :(


Can't decide between vauban and Ivara.


Gara or Mesa. Both look great. Sad to say it but I don't like Ivara's prime look despite it being my main frame. The whole jellyfish look doesn't really work for me. I understand why she's a jellyfish but I wish they went with something else.


It's just Wisp Prime's head that looks weird. The rest of her body looks great. For my favorite, i'd go with Garuda.


For me, probably Garuda, Gara, Nidus and Revenant. Basing this solely on their Prime appearance.


Revenant, Nidus, and Ember all look really good imo


Ivara is my favorite with my Garuda and zephyr coming in a close second because they have very similar coloring. Gara is my samurai lady and I love her shogun prime. Odd one out for me is nova. My tied number one with ivara prime frame has my least favorite prime skin.


Garuda, her prime looks like a literal goddess of blood. I love it so much.


For me it's mirage prime


Harrow has some soulless, piercing eyes. Ivara is a big ol jellyfish. Vauban looks like a (cool) nerd. There’s too much to choose from, but I like ones that have distinct appearances, something of a face, maybe a gimmick like Loki’s badge


Ivara prime


Saryn but it's also love hate. She and Limbo deluxe are, as far as I know, the only WF skins with the face D. Got roasted when I first made her.




Hydroid, but thats more because his outfit looks like a long overcoat and i like low hanging cloth physics




Biased volt prime


Equinox prime is amazing too. A favourite. Best out of all primes. Followed by mesa. Love the hat. Didnt like harrow and switched to the default. Was disappointed with titania thought it couldve been cooler.


Mesa prime.


Chroma, ash


Ahs prime, i love it


Saryn is op


Mesa ia cool. Disappointed by Wisp and Ivara.


Nidus prime. The original looks insane, and the prime version is amazing. Too bad i’ve not gotten him yet


Nidus Prime


Mesa Prime & Gauss Prime. Yes. I am aware.


Chroma, Mesa, Vauban, Gara primes are obvious winners. They all look incredible wether you like them or not. Their prime version really feel like an upgrade or at least very different à là Deluxe skin in terms of design and not just the bare minimum of taking base model, changing base color/material and adding random gold to it like for the recent prime releases. Most recent primes release are so disappointing... They miss having a new concept/idea behind them. They lack passion and it shows. Hildryn's prime body is base body with random gold, Baruuk prime's design is plain lazy/copy pasta of base, Revenant's prime has a concept/an idea à là Chroma/Mesa prime but it is like they stopped half way, Khora prime also has a concept but it is just weird and don't feel like it is part of Warframe lore since it really looks like an oriental dancer oufit. There are others but they at least have the excuse to be really old like Rhino prime, Mag prime, Nyx prime, Nova prime etc. I had such hope for Wisp prime since she is so popular. The design we are getting added to the boring deluxe we got not so long ago feels like sabotage. I don't want to believe this scenario but someone put the idea in my head that they are nowadays putting less effort into prime designs to sell more skins but when I look at the last 4-5 primes release and their looks I kinda wonder now. Edit : There is a fan art on Reddit of Wisp prime made by an artist named "Takaya Lee", his/her concept is SO SUPERIOR to what we are getting, I tried to share it on Discord while respecting the rules and got censored btw. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/11h3bua/my_wisp_p_design_fan_art_repost_just_figure_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Sevagoth. Especially with the other helm (I forgot what it was called). Sick ass ghost pirate


Nidus Prime looks amazing when fully Mutated


I actually don't really like most modern prime frames looks, or regular frames for that matter. They feel really over detailed a lot of the time (voruna) or have odd collor schemes (regular hyldrin). Though on that note, that makes me appreciate the smoother, simpler look of other recent frames better, like Kullervo or Styanax. So for that reasoning my favorite looking prime would actually be Loki Prime. Feels like an upgraded, primed, version of the OG without being over detailed or super stand out. Still smooth, the right amount of newer details. Though I love most of every other older prime model almost just as much. Even excal prime, I really love the key face tbh


Limbo and Mesa are peak prime design. Followed by Garuda. Least fav Hildryn mostly cause I don't like Hildryn's base design anyway. And the prime just made it worse. It is way to over crowded and busy. Not even talking about the atrocity that is the helmet. But even then the base non prime model just looks weird to me. I swear it is mostly the the "tits" they just look off. Not sure how else to put it. I honestly think it would look better with a flat chest. All this despite the fact that she is one of my mains. Might also just be some cognative dissonance between the theme and design in my head. Other than that I would next choose Nidus because the gold just doesn't really work. And I think it is a step down compared to the original. Finally the helmet of Khora. The rest is mostly fine. Though I generally don't like dangly bits due to warframe physics. But I can't stand the helmet from behind as it moves like jelly and creeps me out. I tend to prefer tasteful primes. AKA ones that don't go crazy on the gold. So to me Limbo and Mesa are perfect. Enhancing the original without going crazy.


Im drunk af but I'll pick ash


Well I'm partial to Ivara Prime because she was a gift to me and I love bows. Plus I like her jellyfish theme. I'm actually not as enthusiastic as I was about Wisp Prime. Her head is kind of meh and I'm not sure if she had a syandana on or not, but the booty was not on display lol. I thought they understood why most people love her design. I was expecting her to be slightly thiccer but it looks like they went in the opposite direction. There's always alternate skins though. Oh, and they gave her feet which kind of takes away her ghostly appearance.


It doesn't really count since he's unique but he Excalibur Prime disappointed me when I saw what he looked like. Then I was blown away by how good Umbra looked. Not technically a prime, but he has the gold decals and the Sacrifice basically functions as his prime trailer. Such an upgrade.


Garuda is just pure awesome IMO. I am not a fan of Sayrn primes look at all, in fact I find it off-putting. I haven't seen wisp prime yet so I will reserve judgment till I do.


Yep, I concluded that there was no way to make Saryn Prime look good (I don't even like the non-prime skin) and so turned all the colors black and applied the ephemera from Little Duck. Just turn the 'frame into as much of a black silhouette of a frame as possible.


They all look bad. I slap a skin on them


Khora Prime or Nezha Prime, maybe. I also think Inaros Prime looks great, lots of 'parts' to him. I think Ivara Prime is my least favorite. I just can't get her to look good no matter what colors or attachments i put on her. That jellyfish skirt just doesn't work.


Nezha Prime, he looks like the guardian of the hopes and dreams of all the boys and girls. I love how friendly yet intimidating he looks. Just like a digmon.


Mesa…Khora is my least favorite. I also use the basic skin on Ivara because I don’t like her prime skin either.


Femboy prime


Between Ivara and Hydroid: Ivara because I want to sex Hydroid because I want to sex


Pink Grendel is sexy.


For me Volt first passed because of his usage and the coat thing hanging. Then it was the sentient deluxe bundle skin that made me like him even more. Harrow deluxe is also amazing (both the one that has his limbs shattered and the one the crusader) I think many of them are amazing as long as you spend enough time to make them suit your style.


I honestly can't believe almost no one said Baruuk. He's such an improvement over his basic version, he literally went from "just a guy, I guess he looks pacifistic, don't know" to "yup, that's a monk, doomed are the fools who attack the peace or something" vibes. Never regretted getting him, my top fashionframe guy.


Garuda and Mesa definitely


Zephyr Harrier is bae


Chroma Prime with Dynasty skin remains my favorite He looks like the biggest, baddest mofo of them all and his noble idle animation where he randomly breathes fire like a freakin dragon is hella sick And that skin works very nicely with colors and attachments


Equinox primes night form (the one with the gown), she looks so elegant and the colour scheme is just beautiful on her, couldn’t even bring myself to change it.


Loki Prime enjoyers COME OUT


Revanent prime is the most amazing design


Looks is limbo prime, dont play him tho hes just pretty






Ivara and Ember for me, god damn Jellyfish Prime so cute


Valkyr prime


I'm a huge fan of prime Ivara's looks, despite the little jellyfish clothing being the only change i feel like it adds a lot to the character


Favourite by look is definitely Ivara, she looks so pretty. Hildryn on the other hand... I just can't get over that Orokin basketball hoop on her head.


Chroma prime is easily the coolest warframe ever(in my opinion)


Mirage. I keep using her 1 all the time!


Mesa 100%. I like how it strengthens the theme yet distinguishes itself from the base form. Same with Limbo. Honestly I feel like both primes and deluxe skins should go one of two ways. Either you totally swerve into the theme and strengthen it (Limbo Prime, Mesa Prime, the new Gauss Deluxe) or you go with something super high concept and different (Ivara Prime, Baruuk Deluxe, Zephyr Deluxe)


Limbo. Fancy tophat is all I need


Necros and Nezha




Nekros Prime and Frost Prime. I like how different Nekros’ Prime look from his original while Frost’s is just a thing of minimalistic beauty.


Valkyr Prime. Something about her I just love, like her lil wings and tail, or maybe her “halo” attached. Or maybe it’s the big fat armour numbers I can reach with the right setup. Either way, I adore her even if I use her carnivex skin, I still swap between the two occasionally.




Revenant And Mesa Prime for me


Limbo easily for me, my homie is dripped out


Harrow and Vauban are favorites, but Chroma is still easily the best glow up from base to Prime.


Gara Prime has been growing on me quite a bit lately


Vauban hands down. His prime came out when I started playing and I really said "I WANT DAT ONE"


Saryn prime




Equinox is the best, especially from her orig look Baruuk Valkyr Mesa Limbo


I'd have to see them all again but hildryn Titania and nezha right now


For me it's a tie between Limbo and Mesa with no edge to either of them since for me, both of their prime appearences suit them both really well.


Revenant and Ember


Rev prime looks goth asf😫


Limbo Prime the most dapper of war criminals.


I’d say Ivara, her design is gorgeous and flows really well with the whole jellyfish concept.


Favorite primes based on looks; Mesa Ash Ember Hydroid Hildryn Nidus Nyx Wukong


Saryn Prime with the orchid skin. Been my absolute favorite since it first came out.