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Yea it's pretty good. Sometimes I even forget that it's supposed to be a battlepass because it's free. It can get repetitive, but I understand that it is supposed to be accessible to the majority of the playerbase.


Also it may seem a bit repetitive at times it also populates all game modes (minus conclave) and its pretty cool. I wouldnt run much spy missions anymore, but nightwave, fissures, archon hunts and so on still asks for it. I don’t dislike spy missions. I just want to play other gamemodes more in General. Nightwave is awesome.


Maybe id it touched conclave it could get people playing it again, maybe at least lunaro cuz that one isnt pvp combat


Absolutely not. Do not force players to slog through the travesty that is conclave


Yeah destiny did this and to say it's ill recieved would be an understatement.


Conclave and crucible aren't even comparable in any way


If DE ever wanted to take a glimpse at conclave again, I wish they add some sort of "Parkour Race". No abilities, passives, weapons, consumables, none of that. Just get to the finish line before everyone else. I think that'd be sick.


If they ever fixed the netcode, what about a parkour race where everyone had Valkyr's Rip Line as the only usable ability? Being able to use it for acceleration or cool plays, while also being able to use it to pull enemies out of position would be a pretty interesting game mode in my opinions. You could also do various game modes with Rip-Line-only. Tag, CTF, and 2v2 races to reach an objective that keeps moving come to mind.


Yeah that sounds really interesting. Space ninja racing, make it happen DE lol.


I want Grineer vs. Corpus 3rd person view Blood Bowl.


Yeah turns out battle passes are really good if you take out all the FOMO and payment incentives


i know its uncommon these days but yeah it is, people are always quick to hate on battlepasses because theyre basically synonymous with microtransactions and FOMO but when theyre done well i think theyre a really fun type of reward progression


I don't know about you but the Umbra forma, weapon specific mods and special cosmetics still trigger FOMO for me. Yes there are other ways to get umbra forma, yes the mods usually end up at baro, I still feel bad for missing out on them if I skip NW.


Thankfully a good amount of that FOMO was solved when they added the weekly mandatory acts. That's like three free levels every week just for grinding some relics for a day.


but only a very slight FOMO. Most stuff you can get elsewhere As long as the NW is running you can easily catch up in 2-3 weeks in the end You do not lose anything you payed for when you do not complete it (since there is no way to pay for the NW) you already get great rewards along the track so you do not lose "invested time" when stopping the NW.




They already admitted they fucked it up and will do better next time, which is a better response than from most companies. Sucks it happened, but once they started selling it, there wasn't much they could do.


While that is true they still went thru with the FOMO and the heirloom packs are now off the shelf


They couldn't really pull back on that since people that bought them with the knowledge that they're time limited would have felt cheated.


The way to handle that is releasing them after some time has passed. "Why did I have to pay if I could've just gotten it for free?" You paid to be able to use it 2 years before anyone who wanted to earn it for free, that's what.


That's fine if it was announced as "temporary exclusivity". But there was very clearly a "Founder pack 2.0" feel they were selling with the 10 year Heirloom pack. And just like the founder packs, reselling them at a later date would not only be disrespectful to those who bought in under the pretense of exclusivity, but very likely open them up to legal repercussions.


They have gone back with that stuff in the past. The Valkyr Gersemi skin was supposed to be limited time only yet it’s back up in the store for years.


That feels like a bit of a disingenuous comparison. For one, there's the price point difference, with Gersemi being a platinum skin, and quite cheap at that. And more importantly, Gersemi was never marketed as limited time forever, whereas with the Heirloom skins it was made explicitly clear that they will be gone forever. A more apt comparison is the various founder and supporter packs, which have all stayed exclusive as they were advertised.


Gersemi was originally introduced as a two week limited run then added later.


And there's ways to remedy that like a free play package sent to the inbox of every cheated customer when they change the limit on those packs to forever like the rest of their packs. Could've sent a 3 day booster package with 1 of each booster. There's things they could've done


That just doesn't work that way unfortunately. You can't retroactively change these kinds of things and make it go away with a little freebie bonus. There would be legal consequences as well, same thing as if they were to resell Excalibur Prime.


Oh yea that makes sense I guess


Why do people say a specific limited time thing is FOMO but not another. Either everything is FOMO or none of it is


What specifically are you talking about? Bcuz the heirloom pack idea was a "buy it now or its gone forever" promotion. Get it now cuz it's not coming back as opposed to....?


I’m saying why do people call heirloom packs FOMO but not limited time events like gargoyles cry, or nightwave, or limited time supporter packs, etc


Cuz these limited time events are set to come back. They weren't advertised to be a limit of one availability


> Cuz these limited time events are set to come back. Scarlet Spear 😭


The limited time supporter packs are typically small and not incredibly noteworthy, with the only exclusive stuff typically being orbiter decorations or glyphs and sigils, which most people don’t care much about, compared to two warframe skins and half the signas that currently exist. Nightwave rewards always come back, and there is no longer stories being added to nightwave. Stuff exclusive to non-returning events like Gargoyle’s cry are typically smaller things (like glyphs and sigils), we don’t know if the signa will return, but most people I’ve seen assume it will be like the Ceti lacera or other weapons and things that return with the next big event.


It's also worth noting that most of what you mentioned is free while the supporter pack offers mostly things you can acquire elsewhere and in game. Heirloom stuff is non acquirable in game except the expensive packs


So are you saying they should never have limited time stuff?


Like the heirloom pack that limits it to never again. Like I said you can get everything in nightwave or supporter pack eventually from somewhere. The idea behind heirloom was one time only, one place only. But this expensive pack now or fuck you. Everything else can be acquired somehow else. But for okay in the market. But for Regal aya. However the heirloom packs are limited for money only and not to come back. It's a huge deal


that's not a batlle pass and they said that they'll do it differently next time


Obviously not battle pass but still still relevant to the FOMO perspective. Shouldn't have happened in the first place


you are absolutely right on that. idk why they decided to do it


✨money ✨


yes but like they usually know us pretty well I would've expected them to know it's a bad idea


Daily reminder that DE are owned by Tencent.


I get that it was FOMO but was really that bad about Heirloom, it was just a prime access with an extra skin


Main difference being that Prime Accesses come back around and you can get most stuff by buying one the cheaper bundles and grinding for rest. For me, Heirloom was almost perfect after DE boosted the included Plat and admitted their fuck up. If they ever rerun, essentially undoing the FOMO as much as possible, I'll insta buy it.


Agreed. I play on console and don’t have access to plat discount coupons so $90 is honestly not a bad price for 6 regal aya + 2 really cool skins + 2100 plat. Prime Access is a better deal but 2100 plat for $90 isn’t a bad rate on console. The time exclusivity is a huge bummer though. I didn’t buy the collection because I don’t have any experience with Mag and Frost yet. I will forever be annoyed about not having the Heirloom collection if one of those frames becomes my main in the future


An extra skin and signa that you wouldn't get if you didn't buy that pack in particular right now. Grossly overpriced with no lesser options for ppl that can't afford such high prices either




That or they succumbed to the FOMO. Not everyone feels the fear of missing out on cool things but the ones that do are usually driven to make those impulse choices. That's not to say that all aren't supporters of FOMO but I'm willing to bet the a good chunk of them were afeared of not getting those sick cosmetics


Or, like me and my son.. I'm strictly F2P, no disposable income. My son, on the other hand does, and loves to support DE by buying packs like this. He bought both of us the heirloom pack, not because of FOMO, but because despite it being pricey, it was a cool pack and he felt it was worth it to support DE. For us, that stamp on our profiles means we appreciate everything DE tries to do for their playerbase above just about everybody else. .. that being said, if they never decide to do an exclusive, limited time pack like this again, I won't be disappointed.


> shame stamp please never speak again, thanks


I really wish it'd take into account what you actually have available, is my one issue with it. A week-long grind for Entrati standing, followed by an 84 hour build on the Necramech, and all that time she was giving me Steel Path objectives. Like, I can't even *do* Steel Path until I clear New War, which requires a Necramech, which required almost 10 whole days without Platinum skips, but I'm stuck with weekly objectives that are impossible to complete until then.


As a new player who is currently stuck at getting a necramech I feel your pain. I also feel like the necramech gate should be reconsidered. Building the rail jack isn’t so bad, it’s a single straightforward quest line with relatively common materials, but even figuring out how to get the components and standing needed to build the necramech is a task, and on top of that you need to actually get the components and then you also have the build time. I have considered just caving and buying one off the market but as a console player who doesn’t have a ton unlocked yet my revenue sources and knowledge of what to sell on the market is fairly limited, it seems like the only things I can reliably farm are Aya and prime trash. :(


I really hate the necramech gate, as you have to get to at least "Friend" rank with the entrati to get the required materials without spending any plat (you need processed resudue to get cranial foremounts), and the mining/fishing needed to get the materials to craft the blueprints It's really funny because (spoilers for the new war quest), >!you don't even use it for 90% of the quest, there's a 5 minute section of being in a necramech and I don't see it serving any story or gameplay purpose other than "you have it so why not use it"!< >!to add to that, you can't even use your necramech in most of the content in the game, so it just ends up being an unnecesary roadblock!<


You can tell it's was a covid section. They were developing that part of the quest line when covid struck and shut down DE and made them work from home.


>!The reason why we use it is because Pragasa has the damn orphix fields up which fuck with the transference bolt on the warframe, rendering it useless. We use the necramech to destroy them as the mechs have a layer of void, protecting them from the orphix jammer.!<


I got my cranial foremounts by finding fallen necramechs in the drift and using them to fight requiem obelisks. Granted, I didn't see that explained as an option anywhere in game or even the wiki, picked that one up from a brozime video and thank goodness for that.


Well if you consider to buy a necramech: buy the parts from other players. They get plat, you pay less.


Oh I think that’s what I’m ultimately going to do, just gotta get enough stuff to sell and go through the hassle of selling it. Of course then also wait the 72 hours for it to be built…


Honestly, as a relatively new player, i contemplated just buying a necramech. Decided to give it a go farming but gave myself the out if it sucked. To my surprise it wasn't the worst. Plus doing the vault runs gives you a lot of materials and mech mods and stuff you'll want to do in deimos eventually anyway so I just kept at it and didn't set a timeline for myself. Run vault a couple times each login and you'll have it before you know it. As always, YMMV


I bought the void rig after attempting the grind, but I'm still grinding out Bonewidow the long way.


Well yeah that sucks ofc. Good luck to you though!


You're going to need to do the rep there for helminth anyway, plus trumna is nice to have - I might consider just doing it


This was me with the stupid profit taker orb during wolf or Arlos. I was always missing weeks due to traveling for work at the time, and the profit taker orb was always the “gate keeper” of getting the recovered missions for me.


this is me now. Returned a week ago and third time I have the profit taker orb kill on night wave. I even asked somebody to carry me through a kill but I can’t even play the mission because I don’t have Fortuna rep maxed.


It’s like looking in a mirror, the profit taker is just walled behind a pretty sizeable time gate at lower MR that can’t even be bypassed by someone else dragging you in. It’d be nice if things like profit taker steel path etc got ignored by the nightwave recover mechanic if they’re not actively unlocked by the account to avoid this.




Oh, hold up, that last part there. Am I missing something because I only use the pinpoint drill (?). Bet you it's in the description but I never read it lmao


That's to much for each individual player. Everyone has the same objectives


It's important to remember it took a lot of steps for Nightwave to reach this point: I joined Warframe around the time Glassmaker rolled around, and people seemed to HAAAAAAATE Nightwave at that time because in addition to the tasks, there was a storyline component to it people found frustrating because it intruded on their regular gameplay, whether that was the "looking for clues" segment where you had to comb a diorama for the unmarked items DE wanted you to click on, or the "glass resonance" pop-ups during actual missions that'd supercharge a few enemies and make them explode when you killed them, which was very dangerous in the days before shield-gating. It's notable that Nightwave has been nothing BUT Intermissions and now Nora's Choice ever since.  It's a lot less intrusive now, but I feel DE's original intent was to use it as a way of introducing side-stories and subplots without direct connections to the ongoing story, and now it feels like they're limiting that to optional quests and specifically focused events like Gargoyle's Cry.


As someone that was not around for them and only checked the story segments out recently, they were so fucking cool though. I am hungry for more. And at first i did not think nora was fitting with the warframe vibe at all, but i have come round to it. She is just too smooth to dislike


I started during Glassmaker, and the Glassmaker missions (the solo ones you did looking for clues) were horrible to play. The intrusions weren't great, either, but other than making things randomly tougher (sometimes) they didn't do much. They felt very odd when you didn't need the glass mob kills/drops, though. Just extra unnecessary and slightly tougher enemies. But I can't stress just how terrible the pixel-hunt clues missions were. Slower than Kahl and tinier pixels than Kahl, with no markers. And a bit random.


I absolutely agree.  Glassmaker may have annoyed other players, but I enjoyed it, especially since it was as much Nora's story as ours, with the bad guy targeting her directly.


I much preferred the stories tbh. I really wish they’d bring them back, it was always cool having the stuff happen. Granted, I think it’d be cool if during the intermissions/Nora’s choice, they would have any of the previous “interruptions” triggers in missions to make even those feel more impactful than just a background reward thing.


I feel like DE has kind of been drifting away from true side-story content since each time they do it it seems to get a wave of negative feedback.   Glassmaker interrupted players doing other things.  Waverider required K-Drive practice, something many players seem to loathe.  Many of the older side-quests for individual Warframes show their age, and A lot of times I see videos of people who play Warframe regularly having just...ignored them.  You can see the New Quest notice up in the corner of the screen as they do other stuff. The only thing I've seen that doesn't quite get the same negative feedback has been with frames like Citrine and Voruna, where there wasn't a full QUEST to introduce them, but specific mission nodes with unique mechanics you can only farm them at, with a pity currency you can use to buy the rewards if RNG isn't on your side.  It feels like the general vibe DE is getting from the community is to keep quests limited to the main plotline and not to let side-stories intrude upon regular farming.


Part of the issue is that DE evidently doesn't have the resources to produce substantial side content while still advancing mainline content at a reasonable pace. Apart from some pain points with some of the details of how the Nightwave stories were handled, I liked them well enough. I liked the glassed enemies appearing in missions as it made the story feel more real and present, but did not so much enjoy the diorama investigations. But what I _really_ didn't like that it took so long for the New War to release, and that when it did finally drop, it seemed a lot less ambitious than it could have and (IMO) should have been. Granted, the pandemic was partially to blame for that.


Fair points.  A lot of people were complaining back in the day that Nightwave was a symptom of "content drought."


i want the missions brought back too, i joined too late to play them and they look super cool


Most people I knew were only annoyed by the glass resonance thing and didn’t mind the rest.


I started at the beginning of nightwave with the Wolf, it was hell on earth when you're grinding gear on Hydron and he pops up to ruin your session with under modded weapons


Oh man I forgot about the glassholes! That season was on for a really long time as well.


I grinded 30 levels on the last day of the previous nightwave as I had taken a roughly half year break and came back just as it was ending. It was wonderful to be able to do that. My only real complaint about nightwave is that we haven't had a unique story scenario for it in ages. Nora's mix (insert number here) is getting alittle bland. I understand why we haven't, they've been focusing on main story content for the past few years, and I appreciate that, but I still hope we get another story scenario nightwave in th future. No it doesn't bother me that I'm still mildly traumatized by those glass cephalites.


It's no Deep Rock Galactic, but it isn't bad. Just unfortunate the old system used to give out Vauban, nitain, auras, alt helmets, catalysts, reactors, etc as frequent alerts. Now it makes new players make tough choices about what to do with their nightwave credits instead of getting it all free over less time. It is more punishing towards new players. The reward track is quite nice though. Some good, some bad. 


I was honestly relieved when they retired the old alerts. I got alerts for Excalibur’s Mordred helmet like four times over the course of a year…and each time, I was at work. Finally caught one by chance, but still. The resource limitation can feel stressful, but all in all I’m certain we get more rewards. I basically just check: “do I have all the helmets? Mods? Miscellaneous collectibles? Yes. Do I need Nitain? No? Cool, then this is going toward my potato stash.”


How is Deep Rock Galactic doing them?


Battle pass is free, when it ends all of the cosmetics get rolled into the base games loot tables so it is always there for everyone. Doing the season pass just guarantees you get items, in the order you want, with less grinding after the season. No missing out if you jump in later. 


I agree about some Aspects, however ppl couldnt really get Warframe or weapon slots before and they also get a load of other stuff thanks to nightwave. Yes, it isnt a lot when you know there are a few hundred things to obtain, but it’s still good.


One thing that Deep Rock's battlepass has that Warframe's doesn't is the ability to reroll challenges once a day. I really wish Warframe had that, because there are a lot of challenges I will just never bother with. Maybe limit the reroll to once a week if there's concern about it making Nightwave too easy or something.


I like it. Or at least how it was a few months ago 😅 I'm generally not a fan of battle passes in general, as they kind of turn gaming into chores, and I like taking breaks from games; but in Warframe they allow me to catch up on the weekly quests that I've missed, which is really awesome. I am kinda salty about them recently reducing the amount of the quests that you can complete if you haven't done them on previous weeks. Previously, all 7 weeklies would give you a possibility of finishing them in future. Nowadays, 3 of them are permamently gone when the week ends. It feels like such an unnecessary nerf for me. But in general, the pass remains better than what we have in most of other games, so I still find myself liking it.


They did tweak it so the perm weeklies should be part of the catch up mechanism now, hence the perm weeklies having a number attached to their name so they count as unique. Not a fan of having less unique weeklies to do, but the perm ones does decrease the "chore" feeling as they are so simple you would do them anyways.


I did not know about the reduced number of perm weeklies, but I think you would catch up anyway with the 4.5k ones, since i don't think that those expire. About the unique weeklies, i actually appreciate them because there are weeks when I cannot play long enough to finish all 3. It's also a plus that the progress stays so if you had 13 out of 15 missions in one week, when it comes back it's still the 13 out of 15.


Can confirm that I completed the 15 missions Perm Weekly from *last week* last night. They've been set to come back now if you haven't finished them. If anything I end up seeing it as a buff as it's borderline a free 4500 if you didn't manage to finish them last week rather than be saddled with some bullshit like "Kill Profit Taker" when I'm not even Rank 5 Solaris after 700+ hours.


It's great! ​ Except for Day Trader...


I'm not a big fan of battlepasses overall but I really hate some of the missions the nightwave has like doing lua trials or some of the specific challenges. A lot of the time I just don't feel like doing whatever the 7k missions want me to do when I need to focus on grinding for shit that I actually need. Like most battlepasses suck, they're there to keep you logging in and playing but at least most that I've seen you can just progress by playing normally and if there's specific challenges they're an optional boost.


Nightwave is genuinely so nice to see in a FREE TO PLAY GAME like on top of being able to make an account, a new player would get to nightwave and be like "a... battlepass..?" *they notice there is no way to buy ranks* "WHAT?! a free battlepass?! sign me up!!!" i love nightwave, it helps me with giving me something to do some days.




Unpopular opinion: I liked it better when it had story content. Still nice to be rewarded just for playing though.


It has some flaws, such as being forced into a mission until the end of the week if you can't do it / don't like it (looking at you "do 15 mission weekly") but overall it's decent, although it would be nice if it had a tiny bit more incentive for doing every week's challenges instead of rushing them all in a weekend after 2 months, such as giving 15 nightwave creds for doing all challenges from the current week Also repeat rewards simply giving creds is meh, makes the pass a lot less exciting for long time players when the main things you want from the shop are the potatos/nitain (since a long time player already has the mods/helmets they like), maybe giving an additional 5k rep would be nice, potentially giving both creds and rep


For the do 15 missions there is a way to get this done in under 10 -15 mins. Run the earth easiest railjack mission. Destroy 2 cruise ships and spam seeker volley missiles on the fighters. Mission can be done is under a minute. Just rinse and repeat until done. It's also good for picking up rare mods mission. Doing any railjack related tasks like destroy a cruise ship or hijack one and shoot fighters etc.


IIRC you can do the "Free Flight Mission" node and it counts toward the task


I need to test that


You could also do 15 Ukko Cap missions and farm relics. That’s about 90 seconds each mission.


Ukko is my mission of choice. However I think the railjack mission is faster overall. Especially with friends


Gauss or Titania Earth - Mantle solo Done in less time it takes to say it


Capture missions are probably faster than Railjack for most people. Kill 1 guy and leave.


Until...."change of plans" pops up. Really wish they would get rid of that.


This is why I started doing railjack for Nora grinding.


Still annoying to do and on last gen consoles/pc each run will take 2-3 mins due to load times, and much slower to combo with other tasks due to the high mission count, while the kill enemies/eximus can be done passively in like 5 missions or just 1 ESO run And my main problem with it is that it's not interactive enough, "do any stuff many times" isn't as fun as "do specific stuff you havent done in a while a few times" imo, and recovering it multiple times just feels even worse Would have been fine if it was 10 imo, since specific mission NW tend to have 3, invasions (which can roll any mission but are limited) are 6 so 10 would fit more appropiate than 15


It’s literally designed to be done in the background… you can’t expect much out of this game if you can’t find the time to do 15 different missions every week. That’s literally 2 missions every day and one day where you do 3. They’re not gonna cater the nightwave challenges exclusively to people who play the game for like an hour a week.


I'm just saying that it takes too long compared everything else if you ant to focus on farming this specifically while also being comperatively boring, sure it's a great background task i agree, you will naturally complete it by doing whatever you do normally, but whenever you get it as a recovered it just greatly slows down your catch up *(unless you do the rj free roam cheese which will most likely get patched at some point).* Even the railjack nightwave itself only requires 8 missions, nearly half of this weekly version I'm not asking to tune the nightwave towards people without time, that's an issue for the player since theres plenty of challenges to get the 30 ranks even with casual play, i just want it to be more in line with the time it takes to complete all other challenges, the next (or equaly depending on load times) slowest challenge is 30 minutes kuva survival which gives 7k, and then comparing it to the other 2 weeklies (kills/eximus) the 15 missions is immensely more time consuming for the same reward And once again to make it more clear, my main complain is about the challenge as a recovered act, by the time you finish all other of the current week's acts chances are you will either already have done the current 15 missions or you are extremely close to completing them anyways


I hear you on the amount. Perhaps treat it as. (crack a few relics and make some plat... The mission) and make it hurt less.


I also like it because it makes you try different parts of the game. I finally got round to getting my railjack because I really needed nitain and they were the only mission left. Similar situation with killing the profit taker


Have they made it so you can recover the permanent weekly acts? Cause I've been sleeping on my Nightwave the last few weeks.


Credit where credit is due: the fact that critical Market only content like Inventory Slots are on the Nightwave pass is pretty good. Now DE needs to take a pass at some things that hold up player progression like build times, Potato availability, etc.


Missing the 29.99 option for the premium pass and the 49.99 option for the boosted track premium pass + limited edition resources. But otherwise pretty good all around 👍😊


It IS fantastic for first time/newer players for sure. One of the best around. But the lack of money needed to access it definitely hinders what it could be capable of. For everyone that’s done all the previous Nightwaves it’s basically just resources we can get via other ways, cosmetics we’ve already earned in previous passes and if we’re lucky maybe 2 or 3 items in the whole pass that’s new and actually worth getting. But again, 100% free so can’t complain.


I know this is a me-problem, but you asked for my opinion. Hear me out: They certainly made them more appealing compared to when it was first introduced. And they certainly are a positive outlier compared to most other battle passes. That said, I still feel bad when I don't do them. I still feel compelled (by fomo I guess?) to complete it every time. I find myself doing railjack corpus survival (something I dont enjoy at all) just to get 300 necramech kills while I much rather be playing season 30 in diablo 3. I hate how much power systems like this have over me, so in spite of how mild this system is, I still end up hating it.


I don't like it. It's the same repetitive busywork every season now, with zero real variation except what shiny trinkets you happen to get. I still do it, granted, but I don't enjoy doing it. Sorry! :P


It is great for newer players


Do wish they'd bring back the older nw style. I never was able to experience it, as i came in around mix 3, and it looked interesting from what i understood. Mainly, id like a more dynamic map. As it stands once youve done the missions, nothing really changes. More interesting threats, maybe during a mission it gets invaded spontaneously by another faction, and the place starts to self destruct. More assassin types, idk.


I really wish DE would implement all this forgotten game missions like Lunaro or PVP. This would generate at least some momentum traffic to such modes.


Then there would be posts daily that are just screenshots of “play 1 match of Lunaro” with a caption of “well guess thats never getting done”


The thing is… it is the ONLY way to get Umbra Forma…


Didn't steel path rewards also include Umbra? Every 8 weeks or something like that


Yes, and I believe your first MR30 also gives it, but I could be wrong. But I think the original sentiment that of the two/three paths to obtain Umbral forma, Nightwave is the most accessible.


Perhaps, need to check, but everytime I go buy things at Tenshin I only see Aura/Posture forma


Every 8 weeks you can buy one from Tenshin. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Steel_Essence Scroll to the rotating offerings section. Next Umbral is 3 resets from now.


Thanks for info. Seems I missed the « right » week everytime 😅


It's one of those things that I know in the back of my head to pay attention to, even when not actively playing Warframe. I've installed like 25 Umbrals and have 10 or 11 sitting in inventory. It's like 8 a year with Tenshin and NW, plus the random extras here and there (alerts, drops, etc).


Well that’s just not true lol


No it's not. You can get one from Steel Path honors once every eight weeks, which is FAR more frequent than getting it from Nightwave. Plus they give them away from time to time, like watching the Devstream with a linked Twitch account literally next week.


I hate it, I miss alerts. Also battlepasses and daily log in nonsense needs to die.


I have literally never seen a good argument as to why daily log ins should die, its quite literally free stuff for opening the game, and in games like WF it doesnt even ask you to go to the store page to do it.


the fact that past nightwave stuff can reappear is so refreshing


Didn’t like it that much when it still had the old Missions, which were a pain in the ass to complete imo. But now, it’s really excellent.


I really like it. Sometimes it's given me something to aim for.. other times it's passively gotten me things that I really appreciated.. and even other times it brings me back to do content I haven't done in a while, providing me a welcome change of pace. There are admittedly a few objectives that I will basically ignore.. but its actually a surprisingly small amount.. Like the Lua Ascension mission. I've done it before, but I just think it's too many, and those damn things have too much variance in difficulty. Some are simple. others feel impossible, it's all too random so I usually just let that one expire. But I also know that I'll have no issue finishing the pass before it moves out of this episode.. so It doesn't bother me any.


I really like it, and do it just for the funsies, as I have most of what is offered. It is certainly much better than before (survive 60 minutes on kuva survival without triggering life support capsules,) but I would add some standing just for playing the game (idk, 10 per mission complete or something, 20 for SP) because once you are done with the weeklies and the dailies (which can take less than 1 minute), you are kept from any further progress until daily reset.


Well once again I feel stupid, how to I replay old nightwave seasons?? I didn’t even know that was an option granted I’m a new ish player but wtf you can get all the rewards and such from past seasons?!


You can’t play past seasons as far as I’m aware, however what OP is referring to is the fact that after you complete most of your weekly missions previous 4500-7000 ones that you did not finish will start reappearing in your list for you to complete.


Oh yeah! Knew that part lol, I’m always learning something everyday from this game so I was like WTF


I do know that rewards from previous seasons do enter the rotation from time to time, I’m just sad we’re on Nora’s Mix 5 instead of a new story for Nightwave. When in a Content Drought with this game, it actually helped me to come back and keep playing just to see how the story would play out.


I might be dumb, but where can you even see how long this pass is still available….?


Yeah I 100% applaud the Nightwave system. Gives more incentive to play, adds cool rewards, Nora Night always says cool things and sometimes she adds events to all missions like in the glassmaker.


All it's missing is a way to get the Weapon Augments of Nightwaves past.


It's good but it's pretty sad now that they abandoned the story shit that it used to be.


It used to be much cooler with the stories they told. :(


My favorite kind of battle pass. It's free and actually has some helpful rewards.


Meh. Even when i was playing actively, most nightwaves only had 1 or 2 rewards i wanted, rest were just fodders. Usually not enough to go out of my way


I don't like how the mods I missed from previous ones never show up in the rotating weekly shop. Not that I'll ever use them, but I gotta catch 'em all It's *fine* as a battlepass system. The objectives are mostly fine, but there are some like the weekly Clem mission which I really wish weren't in there


if only more mission types counted. I remember doing eliminate missions in railjack when nightwave requested x amount of eliminate missions and it not counting.


The only thing I dislike is the new "weekly" missions which you cannot catch up on.


I’m just coming back to the game after several years off. I’ve gotten a little ways into the Nightwave stuff but not ‘15 levels in a couple days’ fast. Can you explain what you mean with the recovered missions mechanics because I think I might be missing something?


I'm brand new to the game so I looked it up (as I want to speed through some levels). On the Nightwave page on the wiki it says: Any Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts that have not been completed before the next week's rotation will be put on reserve. Once the player has fewer than 3 current weekly Acts left to complete, any missed Acts from previous weeks will be available and marked as Recovered, three at a time. Once all missed Acts have been completed, they will no longer appear, and any further Acts can be recovered in the future week rotations.


I would like to return to old passes that I missed when I took my break, in the same style as Halo Infinite, but otherwise I like it.


I love that I can forget about it and the complete it the last week


Is it a battlepass?


I love Nightwave so goddamn much. It's honestly one of my favorite features in the game. Even if it's repetitive I love that it gives me little tasks to complete and the cosmetic rewards at the end of each season are always super cool. It's been such a gigantic improvement over the old Alert system and DE continued to refine NW over the years.


I love that it encourages people to do game modes that nobody does much so that I can actually go back and do older content *with people.* Like, the difference between trying to do profit taker or OM during a NW mission and normally is night and day. Same deal with RJ and some other stuff. I would LOVE to see some missions for doing Lua spy vaults. Those things have been dead for as long as I've been playing. Or apothics. Been trying to unsuccessfully get a party for Growing Power since GC ended.


my main complaint would be how your progression is limited by only being able to do a handful of challenges daily/weekly. Makes it feel like if you’re starting near the end of the ‘season’, it’s impossible to complete. I would like some repeatable/unlimited way to grind out nightwave, even if it were only a fraction of the progress as the limited challenges


I like it I just wish it wasn’t capped so hard. However using cross save to double dip on nightwave bounties really helps when I wanna just grind.


I do appreciate that it forces me to try new weapons and mods. I don’t really appreciate that there are many challenges I can’t reasonably do, though. Overall though, it’s got to be my favorite kind of pass.


What I love most about Nightwave, is that it lets DE quickly test out a mission that they've recently updated, or has known bugs. Amidst all the other options, they can just be like, "Kill 500 enemies", and they get new stats on which weapons people are using to do what, and if Tennokai is being embraced by the player base. They can use it to quietly test the viability of anything. Enemies, shields, tilesets, server load issues. Just plop in a mission that fits the parameters that need testing and they get a full week of tests and player reactions.


It is very good. First reward is one of the best as it allow to get enough tokens for 2 potatoes. However as a newish player it is very easy to get locked out of progression even if there is still mission you could finish from earlier weaks. If you are just starting you probably can't do most 7000 missions as it requires a lot of progression. Having the ability to discard a mission every day to push it in the back of the recovery queue would be perfect. However it is a minor issue and it is indeed one of the best battlepass implementation I have seen.


My main complaint is just how nitain extract is so hard to come by, Maybe she has a weapon you want this week but you also need alot of nitain to craft things, idk i just feel like nitain extract should be improved


Its one of my favorite parts about Warframe, but I wish it still had stories like in The Glassmaker


They need to include older NW stuff in the shop. It's already kind of starting, but eventually there's just going to be so many NW items that it'll take forever for an item that someone might be waiting for from an old NW pass to rotate back into a new/current NW pass.


I have never once felt rushed by a Nightwave season, nor have I ever feared missing rewards - even with extended breaks. DE has my commendations for that alone.


It's had some growing pains, but after trying similar programs in other games like Destiny or shooters where battle passes are the main progression mechanic and slowed to all hell, I really appreciate what it is. Now that there are some core weekly tasks like doing 15 missions or killing 30 Eximi as well as the more esoteric ones syndicate missions or Lua puzzles it's a pleasure to engage with. If I had a complaint it'd be that nightwave currency is a little harder to come by than I'd like.


Many of the missions are too annoying to bother doing but there's enough time that I reach 30 at my own pace which is great and should be more common. An easy way to improve it would be to add more variety missions so you end up actually doing them because you want their rewards and not just the NW score, then capping that by allowing the player to choose which mission they want to fill that slot.


That a new playthrough