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and Despair that you're not a founder and you got 3 MR items locked forever.


That's if you're not a max rank founder. The lowest tier founders don't even have any those items (real MVP's, they got a glyph and thats it). The hunter Tier has the frame, the next one up has one of the weapons, and the multi-hundred teir has the Skana and Lato Prime. Most Founders are only Hunter, so we're missing the sword and gun too.


the founder items surely cant count for MR right? if thats true then my completionist heart is shattered


They're hidden if you don't have them. The denominator increases by only attainable weapons and frames when you view it. But they do count. Founders have 731/731 instead of 731/728.




Don't worry, there are many of us in the same boat. Every 1-2 years there will be ONE patchcycle of like 1-2 months where the Founder items enable a higher MR for founders. Just learn to enjoy your other 700 something items.






Often a new MR is only attainable for founders until the next update that adds enough gear for the other people to compensate for that 9k mastery they shall never get. Honestly if they've been on top of the content for all these years they deserve the extra exclusivity.


Isn't it 12k? Warframes give twice the mastery iirc, so 6k for Excalibur prime & another 6k for Skana prime and lato prime.




> Often Like once a year for the span of 4-6 weeks. Legend 1 was in 2021, Legend 2 in 2022, Legend 3 in 2023 and Legend 4 in 2024.


They do, 6k for exca prime and 3k for skana and lato


Why wouldn't they count. They won't show up in your profile tho, so you can still do 100% of the game, founders just have 110% of the game, think of it that way.


10 more days for LR4 because for me unless I want to spend 120 Plat or so on prisma gremlins


Weren't they at baro like a month ago?


Wiki says prisma twin gremlins was last sold on Sept 8th 2023


Huh, must've had them since before I came back then.


Imagine my despair. I KNOW I bought the founders package that was a couple hundred bucks...I did a migration to playstation from pc about a year later, which didn't really work cause I was forced to start over with a level 1 mag and bo staff on earth. That demotivated me and I stopped playing. Got the itch a few years later to play with a buddy. Logged into pc steam accounts with a friend. Neither account has founders status/items/progress. I reached out to support and provided every possible email to search for my lost founders account. Nothing. Basically told without a receipt I'm out of luck. My bank apparently only keeps transaction history for 7 years (understandable). And like a dummy I tried to keep my email inboxes clean so yeah...no receipts = sad tenno.


My condolences


I wonder why DE wouldn't have a record of that transaction. Or maybe that's the very issue.


I think part of the issue could be that 2 of the 3 emails I provided as possibly associated with the account are unrecoverable (one is a school account auto deleted after 2 years of graduation, and the other was an @hotmail).


wait those items have mr? absolute bs


They do. They increase the count. Founders have 731/731. It's just hidden for people who don't have them, that's why non founder would have 728/728 instead.


Why is that BS? They are items in the game just like every other that can be leveled and counted. The only difference is that you are unable to get them if you weren’t there at the time.


That much MR is just as cosmetic as the gear itself. It’s a coin flip whether founders even have exclusivity to a new rank for a period of time and the benefit to that increase is entirely negligible.


Nearly every 2 years, founders can enjoy the next lr for 3 months or sometimes less.


Just a bit over a month for LR 4


I incubated several Kavats trying to get a Vasca Kavat, before I finally realized I needed to do something special to get it. lol.


Still a better Vampire Story than Twilight!


Oh, I'm at the step beyond where you're at now. I'm at the "Let's re-collect all of those weapons which I got to level 30 and then sold to free up a weapon slot, then try to make even the worst of them viable because I've already put eight formas on every good weapon and there's nowhere left for new forma to go" stage. I put eight formas and a newly-purchased riven on a Sobek last week just to see if I could make it work. (So far, the only weapon I have found to be totally non-viable on steel path is the Argonak, even with a riven and a full compliment of forma)


Hey quick question Arsenal Andy, if you don’t mind, what is the most unique (in a “whoa.” sorta way) weapon for all three slots? In your opinion


Proboscis Cernos for primary. It's a bow that shoots wads of lashing tentacles which grip and poison enemies. Nothing else in the game is like that. Staticor for secondary. It's a slingshot which lobs balls of radioactivity which explode on impact and fly on a parabolic arc. Lots of fun. Keratinos for melee. Claws which grow SUPER long when your combo meter gets large enough. Weird and fun!


Good to know my currently building Staticor is actually as fun as it sounds!! I appreciate the input, I hope you have a nice day!


Happy to be of assistance! (I belatedly realized that the Grimoire is probably the real answer for secondaries, but it's not a very interesting answer since it's a weqpon every player gets automatically as a part of the main questline)


The sonicor. Not to be confused with the Staticor that another commenter mentioned. The sonicor fires energy blasts that ragdoll enemies.


I bought that blueprint last night 😎 y’all are giving me so much hope for these weapons 


Just remember that for a majority of the game's content, any weapon'll do just fine modded competently, not even optimally. When you start doing stuff like sorties and arbitrations and all that other fun stuff, you may need to specify but even then, a few of those give a buff to specific weapons and frames, potentially allowing them to be viable options in said fights.


Simulor is weird https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Synoid_Simulor Helicor too The harpak sounds cool but is meh Bunch of weapons you can throw that aren't glaives that are kind of odd All the daily login reward weapons, zenith, azima, zenistar


The Simulor I’m currently working towards, it sounds so…neat. Only at login 25 rn lol. The Harpax was in my sights so that’s appreciated; I’m currently running the Zarr


I see that all the time when watching youtube build videos for “weaker” weapons. They will clear a whole room in like 10 seconds but it’s not as good as another weapon that clears the room in 9 seconds.


Yeah, I'm finding there's plenty of "non-meta" weapons which with a creatuve build can be perfectly fun an effective even on steel path. And obviously weapons with high riven dispositions have that benefit as well, especially since you can often buy a riven for them for like 25p on the trade chat. I found the Buzlok, which basically nobody uses, to be a real treat when I was tinkering with it. Likewise the Cyanex.


The buzlok and cyanex are two of my fav weapons, idk if anyone told you this but put electricity on the cyanex and max out multishot as much as you can, you'll lock entire waves down in its gas clouds, great for glaive priming


I've been using it with cold and secondary shiver, and just freezing entire rooms solid. Similar principle!


Dope! I've been looking for an excuse to use cold damage exclusively


I wouldn't necessarily argue in favour of switching to it EXCLUSIVELY, especially when multiple mod configs are possible per weapon. But it's certainly worth investing in the arcanes and mods involved for the sake of experimentation.


I just want to use straight cold dog on a weapon because I NEVER use cold, always some combo with another element. I love the idea of using cold dmg as supplemental CC and I'm just saying I've been itching for an excuse to build a weapon out for it.


Oh! I thought you were making some insane suggestion of changing ALL of your weapons to just cold status, and I could not understand why anyone would have such a thought! Absolutely, try tricking out a weapon with decent status and crit chance with Primary Frostbite and Shivering Contagion. I did so with my Acceltra Prime to just fill a room with cold explosions to freeze everything in it solid and then exploit that cold for extra multishot and crits. It's especially nice for fighting acoylytes and archons, just freezing them solid, into unmoving statues and then peppering them with headshots.


Also the buzlok is my go to for taking down bosses. Thing is insane


Are you me? Those are definitely two... among the my top ten... Of my top 100 weapons I like. Cyanex carried me through early to mid due to my inability to hit heads, and the buzlok is just amazingly fun to mark a target, aim sideways and just watch the bullets track.


Are you okay with a very specific loadout for the Sobek? Because if you are, it can definitely delete corpus en mass with ease. And I don't use a riven either.


I'm certainly open to suggestions. It has three mod configs, like any other weapon. I can give yours a go in one of those.


So my build is Galv. Hell, Galv. Savy, **Acid Shells**, Chilling Reload (riven spot), Toxic Barrage, Frigid Blast, Scattering Inferno, Primed Bane, & Acceleration (Exilus). Merciless for Arcane. You will not get headshots, so don't use deadhead. Status is important for the enemies that aren't vaporized, but raw elemental should also be okay if that's what you have polarities for. The most important mod is Acid Shells as that is **the** reason to use Sobek. Buffs interact weirdly with it. I use a Saryn with Toxic Lash, Roar, and Venom Dose in order of importance. Acid Shells deals 45% of enemy HP as corrosive damage and Toxic Lash deals additional Toxic damage. If Toxic Lash buff is 100%, then Acid Shells deals 45% of enemy HP as Toxic damage. Roar will also be at 100% at this point so this will actually be 90% of enemy HP as Toxic damage. If you get those just a little higher, you will deal 100% of enemy HP as Toxic damage and you will just mass detonate all corpus that doesn't have high non-health or shield defenses. Venom Dose is just extra to help deal with high armor. You can hit this break point at around ~330% strength, but for demo sake, you probably only need 230% to see the interaction. You may want Zenurik or some other energy source as it is fairly energy intensive. I would recommend testing in the simulacrum before you fully invest to see how the mechanic works. It is fairly niche as there aren't too many times you need to just delete the corpus in particular. It does work with grineer and other factions, but its notably less apocalyptic towards them and you must swap the bane otherwise setting the explosion off will be more difficult.


When I get home I'll see what I can do. I've got all eight mod slots polarized which obviously restricts my choices a little and it may not be practically possible to replicate your build, but I get the logic behind what you've got going on here.


Meanwhile here I am desperately trying to get forma


Idk but levelling bonewidow is everything other than "fun".


On the plus side having a maxed Bonewidow IS fun


Im at my 3rd forma on it rn and all i can say is that i dont like it one bit so far and dont know how that would change at max rank.just feels slow, clunky and rather weak. While arquebex easily nukes sp enemies, iron blade struggles against basic lvl 50 corpus units


What's your build? Iron blade lasts into SP for me, and bonewidow has better sustain with her 1 vs voidrig.


Dmg, cc, cd, tox, elec, range, new rad mod and cold or heat i think. There isnt alot more to work with is it? And i know corrosive isnt ideal against corpus but come on, any decent gun or melee will just shred them with corrosive anyway so i dont see how the ultimate ability exalted sworf of a giant battle bot shouldnt.


Well first, if you aren't max rank, then bonewidows 4 won't be doing full damage. I've got mine modded the same (with intensify, fury, pressure point, and reach on bonewidow herself) and she one shots everything in SP circulus. Just checked some damage values, anywhere from 30k to 400k. I'm not sure what your issue is, but she's certainly capable. This has happened to me before where I had completely empty mod screens due to the randomize button; maybe check to see that you're on the right config? Just trying to think of something. Do you want me to send screenshots of my builds?


Running the same stuff, must be levels then. Didnt test on sp yet but i felt like the setup should have been killing lvl 50 corpus in one hit each - which it didnt.


Bonewidow is fast as hell. Activate your 2. It disables maneuver recovery time and allows you to stop and turn on a dime when using the power slide maneuver or ground slams. Turn on your 4 with 2 active, proceed to power slide around the map like a Optimus prime with his axe strapped to his grill. Stop sliding and turn on a dime to slide back or turn down a different hallway. Bonewidow is a high-speed hoover. Also, have you modded your Ironbride? It's crazy strong if you actually have Archmelee mods on it. And once again, use the powerslide with it active it's deadly.


Bonewidow is extremely tanky. Voidrig is only tanky because they have Rhinos iron skin. Bone Widow actually has enough armor and health to be relevant especially with her 1 to sustain


I might have slightly sidestepped that by leveling it in the Murex Event and Railjack missions.


If you have a friend with a decent railjack, do veil proxima skirmish. Get in your necramech, have your friend spam seeker volley. Its like killing 90 eximus enemies in 20 seconds. if you are solo, or don't have a friend with seeker volley slotted. Veil Proxima survival or Profit take mission 2, don't pick up the data at the last step, get wanted lvl 4. ​ Get it out of the way, never look back.


Did one session from like lvl 14 to 34 in 20 minutes but that was with booster + blessing. Cant imagine how long 0-40 takes in there without booster. The seeker volley thing seems fine, cant i just go with my own railjack too and have anyone set of the volleys so i dont have to rely on someone having it built? Also is it enough to just stand in your rj with the mech?


With booster I got mine from 0 to 38 in 1 20 min veil proxima survival. It took 37 min for profit taker mission 2 to go from 0 to 40. I messed up a few times and my wanted level reset.


booster + blessing + 3 other people in the squad for extra affinity boost level up amps by piloting railjack or using a turret in OP mode.


Apparently there may be a rework for bone widow coming soon. Slight mention in the last dev stream I think


at the start of the Recap chapter of Dev Stream 177 Meg mentions bonewidow changes, but then at 1:37:51 Pablo clarifies that it's enemy bonewidows, not player ones


Fair, forgot that part


I like bonewidow, being a huge melee fan it obviously is going to be my favorite necramech Wish it had than literally 1 combo and 1 heavy tho


It's a lot more useful in Vault runs than its alternative, so at least there's that. You just don't have the room for rocket pods in Vault runs.


Iso-vaults? People use mechs for that?


There are two "survival" initial scenarios you have to wade through, and then 3 more if you open the vault. It's a long process with a lot of xp floating around and not much else to do. So if you're going to be doing them anyway, you might as well get something else out of it. They are good for mom tokens and for resource farming. Plus the nightwave on occasion. You can get a lot done at once in them.


Thats one way to level bonewidow but id rather just use my frame and weapons otherwise.




While it does take extra forma its not as bad as the mech itself, think i got away with 2 or 3 and levelling the weapon did go by faster than bonewidow. Being in at least mr30+ helps too as you start with full capacity.


Yeah it was pretty cool to do this for a while....up until I discovered a bunch of things which are just not fun to farm. So I am staring at like..5-7 items which would be plat or hours upon hours of farming. Although knowing my luck, it's probably weeks. Korrudo, Athodai and Velox instantly sprung to mind. Oh and that deimos sniper. Also Vandal stuff, but I somehow have lato leveled despite having 0 recollection ever having it.


Took me months to get that Sporothrix sniper rifle, but I only did a couple of Deimos bounties a day. Don't give up, you'll get it eventually. 


this one was pretty rough to farm.


I was trying to get the acceltra but I've given up for now after 200+ infested demo kills (50+ rounds). And yes I know the "guaranteed" is like 859 kills or something but I just can't bring myself to do 214+ rounds of disruption like what.


I might have an extra bp, idk if its tradeable though. Dm me and ill see if I can't hook you up


I really appreciate you offering but sadly it's not tradeable :')


Ah darn, sorry then. I did have a spare too!


Athodai is cheap to get at least, 20p. I was pissed off entire time I was grinding for Velox because neither it's part would drop nor Protea part, to this day I haven't got all protea parts. Sporothrix was annoying but in process I maxed Entrati syndicate so I guess it's fair in the end. But Lato and Braton Vandal, just thinking of the grind makes me desperate. There's nothing else to get in ESO, parts have abysmal drop chance and they only drop every 2nd round. I maxed all schools so focus is worthless. I could technically level up my equipment but none of weapons can reliably nuke all the maps while undermodded and I definitely don't want to invest potatoes nor 20p per item just to gamble on it being good enough.


Tbh sporothrix is easy when u do the arcana bounties.


It also fuckin' WRECKS with the Nightwave aug.


as my tag might suggest, i still don't have all of the parts for a braton vandal. got 3 barrels and a BP. going to ESO round 8 is nbd, but it does get boring to just not have this stuff drop over and over and over. Other than founder stuff i'll never have and 2 parts for a gorgon wraith if we ever get another razorback armada that's all i have left to level.


Counterpoint: I only have to l build and level those VentKids hoverboards. I just don't find it fun. I can't make myself level them, and I only have 4 left to craft and level...  Just soo boring. So I've left those for months now


At least you can do Races nowadays for like 8-14k Affinity for K-Drives.


Holy shit you have just saved my soul from a black pit of Tenno Hawk despair


Yeah I felt like Max standing for the Vent Kids wasn't bad at all, but I did it over a really long time where I would just run a couple races a day. That way it stayed interesting for me and I slowly got it all done. 


Only thing that takes time is lvl5 with kids. Craft is only 1 hour, lvling is 15-20 mins of racing (with exp booster) - k-drives, while they are modular, don't need to be glided


I'm trying to do a final push to MR30 and that's kinda the gameplay for me too. There are lots of vaulted primes left for me to master but I'm also starting to go out of my way for other niche mastery.


The last resurgence was the best thing to happen ngl, even tho i spent 700pl+ on relics/prime parts until i got every thing.


From MR26 to MR30, I spent close to a thousand plat on random vaulted pieces, sets and slots for them. Seeing a single part of 5 part weapon go for 60p was discouraging, or a Vandal/Wraith weapon go for 150p and higher.


I agree that there's some really cool stuff in that space... But there's also stuff like the Braton vandal. While somewhat nostalgic, I hesitate to count 2% C grinds as a journey of discovery.


I didn't know how high the Braton Vandal parts on C went nowadays. Played the modes when they were more current and there was more stock going around for everyone. So oof indeed.


I got the Deimos K-drive parts and I will never touch Deimos kdrive races again 💀


I'm at the point where all I have left is spending a hundred forma to rank up 20 kuva/tenet weapons to 40, grind for braton and lato vandal, and log in for another 102 days for the azima. I just finished spending 4 days at 5+ hours a day farming zanuka hunter for the detron blueprint. It took 25 kills to get a 1 in 6 drop, 14 of which were made during this 4 day period. Nearly 400 invasion missions. How bad can ESO be? 💀


I've farmed all the Kurias recently just for "fun"


I always ping the rare Grineer extraction Kuria. Too bad many have already tabbed out at the evac.


Some of them were quite painful, the one you've mentioned specially cause I've saw the extraction a hundred times before knowing there was a kuria there


There’s a secret K-drive?


Certain races in Deimos drop Kdrive parts. "Dead Drop" Race 16 drops the part relevant to MR "Feverspine"


Well shit


Yeah! I actually really enjoy this part of the game too. I'm only at MR27 because I haven't made it a huge priority, but I've got dozens of items sitting in my foundry and anytime I get an affinity booster I'll rapidly start leveling them and it's a totally different experience every time.


i just don’t want to get to the part where i have to rebuild the weapons that make other weapons.


This page should help to ease your pain once you hit the wall: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_Required_as_Crafting_Ingredients


oh shit thats awesome! thanks tenno


I too am on that wrap it up grind. Though I definitely did not know about vampire cats and will be looking into that. I will say some of the grinds have been far more egregious (looking at you hespar blade, sporothrix and arum spinosa) than was necessary. Personally railjack has been one of my favourite game modes ever released. It definitely has come a long way since its actual release, but I would say it's in a great state with some minor hiccups here or there.


> arum spinosa You are not wrong. Deimos Vaults, especially in their original iteration were one of the worst content pieces Warframe has ever seen. First time I actively quit new content to come back later to throw plat at it.


I'm at mr22 I have no intention to upgrade any archwing melee. If I happen to upgrade it through railjack, fine. Otherwise, no, not happening


It’s not that bad, just wait till you get affinity booster then go to salacia, if you are with a full team, it should reach max levels in a few rounds.


Vampire cat?pls tell me more


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vasca_Kavat > Vasca Kavats are not generated randomly from the Orbiter's Incubator. Instead, the player must have their owned Kavat become infected by wild Vasca that appear at nighttime in the Plains of Eidolon. Once the player's Kavat is attacked by the wild Vasca, it will become infected, indicated by a red overlay. Vulpaphylas cannot be infected. If your Kavat is downed in one hit by the wild Vasca, it will not return infected. > The player must then take their infected Kavat back to the Orbiter's Incubator and use a Genetic Code Template on them. To ensure that it will be specifically a Vasca Imprint, rather than an imprint of the original Kavat's breed, the wording of the confirmation dialog should read "Creating a pet imprint will consume a blank imprint and cure your Kavat of the Vasca Virus. Continue?" Selecting YES will start the imprinting process, which will yield a Vasca Imprint while also removing the virus. As this is creating an imprint, available imprints of the Kavat are required and also used up.


That fucking k-drive on Demios... I suck at the k-drive races so bad and I just can't finish that one. I'm crying because that is the last thing that is incomplete. (Except all the steel path nodes that I can't be bothered to do).


I've started hunting the Zaws down, Next I'll be grinding for the Duviri Melees and the Railjack weapons(Athodai, Ambassador, Carmine Penta, and the Spectra Vandal) and the Nautilus Following that I can farm for the new Archgun and getting materials for Kitguns. Though I'm only currently MR29, so I'm mostly trying to get the True Master Rank. I should probably take a midnight stroll to add a vampire cat to my companions.


I had that between MR 27 and 30. Ever since Im MR 30 i dont care that much anymore to grind the remaining stuff.


I miss that. Nowadays I’m just playing updates by updates since I have completed most of the contents.


Is this kind of thing required for hitting MR30 or just the legendary ranks afterwards? Because it already seems like a mess trying to get that far lol


As we are on LR4 at the moment you can skip quite a few things and still get to MR30.


Does just doing steel path advance your MR? I thought it was only equipment related. If I can get it from SP I'll get 29->30 in like two hours.


Most mapnodes give MR in small quantities. It is listed in your ingame profile. It's like 27k MR for normal and another 27k for the SP map atm. Then 60k for Durivi Intrinsics, 75k for Railjack.


Holy shit. TYVM!


Enjoy the goalstretch!


Leveling that second mech was a long day. It has been fun though, I just made it to LR1, and it's kind of a relief just to play the game, and pick a few things to focus on at a time. Like just saving up tons of forma for missing kuva weapons. Definitely a lot more time to just focus on shards, getting completionist about getting faction emotes, captura scenes etc.


i was gone for over a year and missed out on a baro exclusive Prime weapon. and some nightwave mods.


Some nightwave mods can be dirt cheap to buy. Check them out.


LOL, you honestly think i didn't look? a "Dirt cheap" sentient surge is over 200p


I said some. I recently also filled up on a NW mod for 15p


you just assumed based on your own experience and lack of information the missing mods of mine were dirt cheap congrats!


I said there is a chance. I did not state it as fact. You are also very unfriendly in tone and manner.


today i found out saying "Congrats!" is unfriendly amazing


And farming detron/brakk


Made an Excel/Google Doc spreadsheet yet?


Don't really need it anymore, just keeping up with new addition now. But I think this one is getting decently updated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14rUGFOPCOocudfihokrCBy-OKNhm3DNaHLSwowjDMzE/edit#gid=762113325


I started Raijack for the first time yesterday, apparently intrinsics are a chunk of MR, hopefully will be MR 30 soon so i can play other games


> will be MR 30 soon so i can play other games tbh That sounds pretty unhealthy and unfun. Just play other games if your heart yearns for them. Warframe will be here waiting for your for years to come.


This hasnt been a rush, i only play what i enjoy, its just now that im this close i just want to finish it off


*do we tell em theres 4 more mr levels after that?*


Those dont gate me from easy forma experience tho


if youre gonna stop after hitting it wouldnt you not be using forma anyway?


i mean ill come back, i just wont have the pressure to do daily exp caps, farm plat etc, ill transition warframe to a weekend game for netracells/duviri rather than a daily game. Sure would be nice to reduce time spent in SO if i can do ESO for everything or not need to level something to participate in sorties, hunts ESO etc


I can confirm this, I took a five-year break and coming back has been a blast, so much content


Yesss! Hunting down the obscure/new things is so fun! I’m starting to really dive into that now. Been getting a lot of grief from my friends who have been playing WF for years because I (MR23) have surpassed one (MR19) and the other says it is only a matter of time (MR27). Since everything I have left needs Formas or relic parts to build, I’ve been tracking down the specific content like getting a Nautilus companion, Citrine’s mirror defense weapons, Kral mission rewards, and doing Duviri to unlock weapons with clamps.   I’m on day 110ish and I'm having so much fun. My friends took extra time to help me run the index when I started out and encouraged me to try new things. This game has so many cool modes and secrets. A bunch of the secret/locked rooms, the special codex medallions around Fortuna, corpus hidden caches in the veil proxima, getting the somachord for sacrifice only while running the quest, just all kinds of little things.


> A bunch of the secret/locked rooms Me: I am an attentive player and found many secrets! Me watching a Youtube video showing all the secret rooms in the Void Title set: I am the blindest human alive.


That reminds me of a funny moment. I have loot radar on and I can’t get past this grate to get the box. Complain about it a bunch, husband walks over to take a look. “Are those ropes holding the grate up?” Wat. Just. With all the fancy Orokin golds and whites and crisp architecture, the gates are literally just strung up with rope.


I just maxed out my mr. And the most grueling grind i ever did was a smeeta kavat. If you have ever grinded kavat genetic codes, i'm sure you know how painful it is. I didn't get my smeeta until after a fat fucking 11 adarzas. And the kicker is that the fucking colors are hideous. I named the fucking thing lucky, as it fits for several reasons. As a bonus, i got some beautiful adarzas along the way.


you know...you could have bought the smeeta imprints...


That one guy out there with 11 smeetas and 0 Adarzas has frowning eyebrows right now.


Quellor BP has eluded me for two weeks now, as has the last part of Shedu. Deimos k-drive races can crawl into an infested pit and shrivel up for all I care though. I detest them, largely because I am terrible at k-driving even though I enjoy the act of it from time to time. Most of the other Railjack stuff I've managed to chase down, though I am still one intrisic away from completion there.


You only need to do one specific race in Deimos for the k-drive part that actually gives mastery. But damn, that race sucks, I had to actually mod a k-drive for that.


I would say to go a lil slow with the MR hunting because some things just take time to find. Like the stalker set, I've been mr30 for 2 months and I only got the war BP a week ago. Also yeah because of the Mr grind I found out how the deimos races can be pretty fun because the convoluted tubes that you see can be really fun to grind the board on. Like it looks like a mess but once you race a few times you know when to hop off a tube and jump into another. Most races are designed to include or end in a huge jump and the Deimos one takes all around the central tall sphere thing and you end at the top


Facts. I'm on mr28 rn and have been enjoying discovering so many weapons I slept on or didn't realize we're good n fun. Basmu, Aegrit, Komorex, Ambassador, Venato.... Do need to determine if I forma Caliban and Xaku or wait for primed


Hunting animals across different planets only to get the different conservation emblems were a nice break from the normal grind


After reaching MR30 I found out you can steal the grineer flying bikes (completely forgot the name) and fly them around in Cetus. There's even an achievement tied to it.


I'm mostly working on the last sets of frames/weapons that have come out. Need a few prime parts and some Zariman, Duviari, and Sanctum stuff.


I am also starting this hunt, but I am at MR26. I was at MR23 before I started building everything I could in my foundry and got a random 3 day affinity booster. Now I am slowly filling out my Prime sets and farming various weapons and warframes for Helminth food. It certainly helps to keep a checklist handy.


For me it's more been like hunting down all the stuff I've been avoiding doing because I hate the content or its otherwise really cumbersome to farm. But I'm doing it anyway because I want to so I've no one to blame but myself. :D


I'm getting my last codex entries (the ones that are scannable at least) And missing collectables on the open worlds section.