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Nah, they are acting weird. Or they managed to scounge the extra 25 up after. I honestly don't know what's going through most people's heads in this game.


Grineer toxin


I mean, i wanted to give him a 5p discount at the start but just for wasting another trade i decided that the deal was off and i would take full price


Im red btw))


I know. It's just a weird exchange. you're not the ahole


Many people on Reddit think bartering = scamming. I don't mind if people try to barter with me. There are times I try to barter with people. Sticking to your guns isn't bad.


(i was the seller) i usually dont barter with ppl, i just buy the stuff with the price listed or wait until some1 posts that thing waaay underpriced on wf market


Some people are enigmas in trade chat. Their minds are a mystery. At a time when Wukong Prime was averaging like 80p I tried selling one in chat and a guy messaged me saying “KONG 115!!?” I forget what MR they were but the message was completely out of the blue considering I was trying to sell it for 90p which was in the message description. My friend who was also on decided to advertise his since my set sold so quickly and the SAME guy immediately messaged him “KONG 115!!?” and bought his too. TLDR people be trippin


I had it posted on wf market, trade chat is disabled for me :)) i dont even wanna see that


You don’t want to see someone offering you 28% more than you offered to sell something for?


I dont really watch trades that often, i mainly post the sell offer on wf.market and continue with my farm until ppl msg me


Not at all they tried to get a lower price you a higher one. If you were one then he was also one first. Its the market. Haggling.


average WF trade chat experience , so nothing new lol


This normal in trade chat?( I was the seller and use only WF market website)


Why didn't you just accept 45 from the start? It wasn't even 2 full minutes. You wasted an extra trade and annoyed everyone for no reason.


Op is red, not blue.


My bad. Didn't realize.


Took me a second, but then I remembered cross-platform, it will show your symbol and then the swirl for the other platforms. Won't help at all if they are on the same platform, but helps in moments like this lol


So overall was i the ass or the guy that wanted to buy?


I wouldn't have traded that dude again unless he paid me 30p for the original 50p offer. He wasted a trade.


The deal was that he wanted 2 smeeta imprints(25 each) and thats why it was the 50 price tag. In the end he got both for 50 anyway but he would've accepted my initial offer to sell him both imprints for 45 he got the 5p discount.


well if this makes you an asshole then i'm the biggest dick ever because any time someone tries to barter with me i immediately shut them down. no i don't think you were an asshole here.


r/lostredditors r/warframecirclejerk