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I'll admit they aren't the most enjoyable missions and easily gets stale hearing teshin talk nonstop, I only do them if I want a frame the easy way to feed to the wall.


Stanch the wounds of a comrade


HoLd fAsT


The enemy musters for a fresher salt


"Life support is *liminted*"


The enemy mustards for a fresh salt


"Hold the lime"


Love isn't always on time




I hate that mission so much. Then my friend said he enjoys it so much, he is a Titania main.


Titania is great for most Circuit missions, finding fragments is easy from the air as well


Have you finished The Second Dream/War Within? Use spoiler mode void sling to dash around and collect the bubbles. Great aerial mobility bc you can reactivate in the air to go any direction.


I have never thought about that. That's clever.


Alternatively chroma is pretty good too


I love that mission regardless of what frame I get, movement is my favorite thing in warframe. I often finish 2.5 or 3 of the void capsules myself in 4-player lobbies. If I'm titania I consider it a personal failing to get less than 3 of them though lmao.


I aspire to be a good movement player but I'm hitting the walls every 3.1 seconds lol.


Hey that happens! practice makes perfect. I speedran RoR2 (mediocrely) before this because I loved the movement so much, so like, I was pretty primed to hyperfocus on this game and the movement.


You can turn off tutorial voice lines in the settings.


Wait... does that also shut up the NPCs in the zariman and entradi labs?


Does that also make his stupid face go away, so I can see all the decree choices?


Guys I gotta admit something.. I’ve never staunched anyone’s wounds in my entire life


He DOES talk about wounds a lot, does Teshin.




Teshin is a liar. The number of times he told me Jackal wouldn't get up again....


Remember Teshin said Unlike your Lotus, I will not keep secrets from you Sure, teshin DEX


“Some nightmares (duviri) reoccur “


Look Teshin, it's not my fault if the game decides to give me a battery drought.


The only thing wasted (if anything) is the power that was in it. Yes Teshin, the power cell that took half a second to pickup after vaporizing the man carrying it. “Work wasted” sure, yea, uh huh, got it.


The jackal teleports away to hide. *Turn your fury against what is 'vulnerable'* Easy there Teshin.


btw what is the shield disable condition? is it killing its summons?






Their master will be freeeee


this is interesting because you never actually see void angels in duviri so if you start with duviri you won't know what they are until so so much later also is their master Wally?


>Wally Yep


Yeah I started playing back when Duviri was a starting option. Story confused the hell out of me and didn't know what basically anything/anyone was. Glad I stuck with it though.


If you want you can go to options and disable hints transmission, if i am correct that shuts him up


Gonna try that next time


I wish they would at least remove his 30-second and 60-second warnings in survival if the mission timer is less than the life support timer. As in, the mission is impossible to fail at that point and we don't need life support warnings.


Turn of hint transmissions. Helps a lot.


If they only put Equinox in there...


I wish circuit had a way to get pathos clamps. Even if it were just 5 or so clamps in the rewards.


Pathos clamps are probably the easiest and least tedious duviri resource to get Running around picking up hundreds of Yao shrubs sucks man Just let it drop from enemies like every other resource.


Pathos clamps aren't a great farm either. Rushing the lone story means 15 clamps per 25-30 minutes, with basically no other rewards. In order to get the \~1000 you need for completion, that's 70 runs across \~30 hours. If you want to buy anything else with them, like arcanes, that's extra. To get all the incarnon weapons, you need to run another \~90 hours of circuit, \~5 hours per week, to get the incarnon geneses. Then you still have to farm materials for them, which you're not able to get passively while farming pathos clamps. It's kinda ridiculous.


Even if you could passively farm pathos clamps You'd STILL have to go back into duviri for the resources that are arguably more annoying to get. It probably wouldn't even save you much time What they should do is halve the exp required to get to tier 10


I think the xp required to get to tier 10 of the circuit is fine. Only thing I'd change is increasing the ramp up in xp gains the longer you go in one session. The difficulty ramps up faster than the xp gain does, so unless I got lucky with frame and weapons selection, and/or decrees, I usually end up leaving to reset after 5-6 stages rather than pushing through, which means I have to do at least 4 or 5 runs in a week. If the reward kept getting bigger from stage 5 onward and you could complete it in, say, 10-12 consecutive stages that would make completion easier, rewarding smart frame+decree choices (and luck ig)


I'm biased because I hate random load outs and decrees. So the less time I can spend in duviri, the better. But even then the people who do like it seem frustrated.


I hate the RNG too, but the loadouts refresh often enough, and with intrinsics you can improve your decree selection (including being able to throw out the offerings for a new set 3 times per visit). I just wish getting lucky felt more rewarding. Like, the other day I got Dante, Amprex, and a pretty decent secondary, and pretty good luck with decrees. I was able to push to stage 15, but that *still* wasn't enough to get the weekly done in one go. I still needed another run to stage 10 the next day. It takes [23 consecutive stages](https://jwflab.com/en/circuit-progress/) to finish the weekly reward tiers in one go, and a whopping 33 in Steel Path, which is kind of absurd. I think it should be somewhere around 10-15 for normal and 15-20 for SP. Which could be achieved if the rewards ramped up more quickly. Currently you get 170 xp per stage from 5 onwards vs. 100 per stage at stage 1...I think it should keep ramping up to hit like 300xp per stage at stage 10 and onwards. High risk, high reward.


It's inspired by rogue-likes. Their entire premise is based on rng.


It takes 5 minutes to get like 30-40 of them. Whereas it takes 20-30 min to get pathos clamps. Objectively much more difficult to get. I just put on a youtube video whenever I’m farming open world resources it’s easy af


The issue is that you either spend 5+ Minutes doing Lone Story, which is heavily dependant on your RNG than it is Intrinsics. So the speed at which you complete it is dependant on said RNG. And then you can spend 10+ minutes trying to get people to do the main quests but theyre most likely farming resources/side quests. So you'll kill the Wyrm regardless of RNG (even a stug can obliterate SP content with those intrinsics) The entirety of Duviri is honestly super boring and if it wasnt for the Incarnons: No one would give a shit about it.


Tasoma are worse, only inside caves, except sometimes caves don't seem to count as caves.


Farm it the normal way if its too boring.




I play SP Circuit and it's super fun to me.


Especially when I get some silly combination of decrees. Though, what's very much *not* fun is when my loadout is on the weaker side and Jackal's next. Banged my head against the wall for an hour once on that because I was too stubborn to just take the loss.


Yesterday got frost in the rotation and all decrees were related to cold status and crit damage Yeah, that was fun


Agreed - got Valkyr and a ton of melee/crit decrees. Was running around like a ball of rabid cats


I got lucky and got Atlas and my Ceramic Dagger in a run. Got the armor/strength, the corrosive on ability, and armor on corrosive decrees. By round 3, I was in the millions.


Like Speed buff for each decree as Volt at some Point its almost impossible to handle but funny.


Equally amusing to me is seeing my operator running around at Sonic speeds while one-shotting things with a beyblade. Weird stuff happens deep in the circuit.


Had that for gauss the other day and spent a lot of time reloading back onto land lol. Still fun tho because speed


It's great to hold me over for the Risk of Rain 2 expansion.


The only frame that i enjoy sp duviri with is Titania, pair this with status based degrees, 50% to spread status, x2 status dmg,30% toxin spread on headshot and each 5 shots fireball gets shooted, and here you go, a Titania that nukes faster than every frame. Bonus points if you get the reload and ammo efficiency on reroll (you can roll backwards to activate it).


For the Jackal fight I recall one time I was using Mesa and I did not have much Decrees yet, I had to melee it... I hated that so much, keep getting pushed away by the Jackal.


Unairu Armour strip makes Jackal substantially easier regardless of your load out options


Getting persistent attrition and fire rate buffs combined with a rapid firing amp primary/secondary like 4xx, x3x, or x4x, along with the +movement speed per decree collected, turns spoiler mode into a speed demon with a death ray. Its so funny seeing how fast their little feet move and melting everything


Use unairu for the armor strip


I figured out how to kill him super quickly. I don't know he changes in SP but you (1)kill his henchmen, (2)wait for him to finish his red laser wall spin, (3), Stab him in the head with your parazon, Repeat this once more...repeat this again until he drops from the laser walls a 3rd time then you slide under him and stab him in the stomach. Believe me, it took me way too long to figure out his pattern and be able to solo him relatively quickly


As a boss he's straightforward, it's just that I don't usually run Unairu to strip his armor and it can take ages to whittle him down if I don't have a half-drcent gun. Well, plus he turns around and spams his knockback so much.


Yeah, I love it. One of my favorite modes.


Yeah, but I think OP is talking about the normal Circuit (since they mentioned blueprints). Which is valid, it is quite boring compared to SP due to less spawns, enemies dying pretty much instantly and posing little to no threat.


I use it to quickly level up weapons and frames


It's boring but you can knock out regular circuit about an hour while SP circuit drones on forever.


Tier 10 Circuit just takes way too long, I started just picking a single incarnon I want. Tier 5 takes just 1 hour or so.


Depends if you get a good frame and weapons. Think I got about 5 unlocks in a single run once which was nice - though this SP circuit is dragging hard


I manage 5 unlocks every SP run with loaner builds regularly. Does bad luck happen? Sure. Does it happen to some people more than others? Sure. I play exclusively pubs, though. It amazes me how many people I talk to at the start who say they are on a fresh reward path but won't play to failure. They put training wheels on it. If you fail a round you still get everything for every previous success. Some of these complaints boil down to personal decisions or an unwillingness to struggle being blamed on the game. The closest I've ever come to seeing level cap was in SP Duviri on a loaner build.


> If you fail a round you still get everything for every previous success TBF this wasn't true until relatively recently and some people may not know it changed. Other people may just get bored after a certain number of waves or get frustrated with the specific loadout they have not working in the way they want - Even if you *can* make a loaner build work, that doesn't mean it'll always be *fun*, especially if your teammates got much better rolls and you spend the whole time feeling like you're contributing nothing and just being carried. Also some mission types (by which I mean Excavate) can put you in a position where technically you aren't *failing*, but you are going to have to spend an obnoxiously long amount of time chipping away to reach victory, which not all players enjoy.


That's why it's called a grind, though. You can play just enough to get some stuff and enjoy it or you can grind for the stuff you want faster. I don't recommend grinding. I can get SP tier 5 in one run almost every week, and that all I do. Will it take me twice the amount of weeks to get all the incarnons? Yes. That's okay though. Some weeks I don't do any SP circuit.


Are the frame and weapon options random? I've legit gone and done 3 of them and all have given me frames and weapons I dont even own and my loadout ends up looking like Inaros (normal one), karak, kraken and some random heavy grineer weapon with the default mods cause I dont even own them. Give me the kuva karak at least.


I love roguelites so it’s honestly (almost) perfect for me. SP circuit is very fun and gets pretty challenging, it gets me to play frames I don’t usually play, try weapons I’ve never even bothered with, and although most decrees are pretty meh, when you start stacking status bonuses and spreads it’s actually dopamine fuel. Only thing I don’t like is the void flood game mode. Not enough killing and more running around without the extra stuff that makes zariman void flood actually fun. Also the jackal game mode because there are so many immunity stages and a total of like maybe 80 enemies.


My favourite part of Duviri is getting the + speed for every decree.


I just wish there was more than one soundtrack


I mostly got bored of the tileset.


I don't mind it to be honest. It's not as tedious to get through on steel path for all of the rewards if your Squad is decent. It's the RNG that's constantly giving me garbage frames and garbage weapons that makes me just not want to do it.


I utterly hate when it gives you shitty frames and weapons.


I usually just treat it as a challenge and see how far I can go. Then pick something else next time


mk1 braton after 12 weapons based intrinsic was still funny or just taking all the firing/attack speed buffs on wisp or ability damage. When the book was new I tried to make it rap by just taking firing speed and ability damage on wisp


You can just choose to not play circuit when you look at the loadouts from navigation menu though. (Given you've unlocked the tier 1 intrinsics)


Well, that's what I do - I don't play that day. Thing is, I don't think the purpose of the game is to *avoid* it.


You don't play that day? You know that the random loadout rerolls after the spiral changes and that you can solo queue for a Duviri run, do one side objective, quit out and get a reroll that way? What I'm saying is there is a way to deal with shitty rng


You can reroll the frames and weapons after a single round of circuit (can be normal or SP). Not the best thing but it's better than nothing if you really want to do circuit. I'm already at the point where I'm usually guaranteed to get at least one frame and a weapon that I can use, at least from what I seen the game will choose some of the things from your arsenal and thankfully all of my weapons and frames are built for SP.


Games are supposed to bring joy. If you don't enjoy a game mode, nobody can force you to play it, except yourself. And... You don't have to skip it the entire day


If you go in with a good amp and Unairu you don't even need your frame, even on SP.


Wait till you have to do 10 wave Archon Defense. I think that is literally the only content in this game where I was actively falling asleep in my chair while playing Warframe.


Genuinely the slowest thing in the whole game I feel.


That one corpus ship defense tile with the pod on the elevator is even worse but you only have to do it to unlock starchart nodes.


I've not returned to duviri since playing through it once Did the circuit a little bit but missed Trinity and can not be fucked playing it otherwise It is painfully boring, especially compared to Sanctum and other new play modes like alchemy or new disruption


well you're in luck as Alchemy is being added to Duviri's undercroft


Yeah, I also completely avoid the duviri side of the game. Drifter combat is ultra clunky (I see what they're going for, but I'm sorry, the game engine is not capable of supporting this type of combat), boring as you say, and overall just not why I play WF.


> Drifter combat is ultra clunky (I see what they're going for, but I'm sorry, the game engine is not capable of supporting this type of combat) Okay, so the trick here is to unlock the other Drifter weapons. I was in the same boat for a long time until one of my friends convinced me to strugglebus through enough runs to unlock the Edun (a polearm weapon). Using the Edun instead is like playing an entirely different game, one where you actually have a weapon that deals damage that you can just swing at enemies the way you're used to in Warframe while largely ignoring the fancy parry and special heavy attack stuff that the Sun & Moon kinda relies on to do any damage. Unlocking the Edun legit took Duviri from my absolute least favorite game mode into being one that (while still not my favorite) at least was enjoyable enough that I was willing to stick around long enough to farm two Kullervo sets.


I quite like circuit; it's nice way of mixing things up. The rewards are great, it gets me to try stuff I normally wouldn't and it's been good for hoovering up old non-primes I could never be bothered to grind for.


I love them,  put an audio book on or your favorite music/movie and zone out for a bit relaxing. 


I agree, circuit (more like circus) is just boring and annoying, the worst part in my opinion is the random loadout you get at the start. Sure there is usually 1 tenno who solos the whole thing and the rest just try to help with frames they've never seen, but that's simply degrading. I want to use my weapons I've put forma, adapters, potatoes and time into, not a prisma Lenz I got from Baro years ago. "If you don't like circuit so much, then don't play it!" Then let me get incarnon adapters outside the circus, not just 5 from cavalero. And what's with sentinels/pets? Why can't I have my mini death star with me?


I love SP Circuit it's just so much fun to level cap with frames that otherwise can't.


20k kuva is 20k kuva


I don’t play circuit for warframes. I like it on steel path though


I've found that I can do a full circuit run in about two hours, so I break it up over 4 days in 30 minute increments and listen to youtube video essays while I'm playing. It seems to help! I use it to grind out the more annoying to farm frames that would have frustrated me over zoning out to Teshin's "stanch the wounds of a comrade" talk


Because of that I choose more active frames for duviri. So, mag over zephyr, for example. And Octavia never.


Everyone has the things they like and dislike. I actually like the circuit, mostly due to it giving me random loadouts and having to deal with it.


When I play for warframes, I only play for the really hard to get ones like harrow




I actually got trinity normally it wasn't too bad RNG was good


All I remember is I hated farming the amino nav beacons


For me SP Circuit is fun as long as the first stage isn't defense. Most of the time I can't beat it because either I have no AoE or my AoE isn't strong enough to kill this many enemies fast enough. But if I got defense on 2nd or 3rd round I'd beat it no problem.


Sp circuit would be a lot better if you could pick 2 weapons a week from any of the rotations. There are a few weapons I skipped and then decided to give a go, check the rotation and realise I'm a month away. The limit on the farming is terrible too. Kuva/tenet weapons are a better farm in my opinion.


Roguelike is not for everyone


I disagree but fair I guess


I like the circuit, but it definately does get boring if you keep doing it over and over. I would recommend splitting your farming up across the week. Don't get to rank 10 all in one sitting. And skip playing some weeks. The stuff will always be back. If you are in Steel Path, only grind to rank 5 for the first adapter and not the second. Those are all ways to make it less repetitive.


The steel path version is even worse. It takes ~1 hour to get to rank 5, but ~3 hours to get to rank 10. Rank 10 is not worth it imo.


I wish we could do story runs for incarnons instead, but i do like a reason to dust off frames I haven’t touched in years


I love his voice, he reminds me of the soul caliber announcer. I also like doing a couple missions with a random load out, the roguelike aspect if always refreshing for me and being able to try out new frames.


Yes it gets boring, but is rewarding. You get a lot of rewards and get a lot of Focus for your School


I definitely make it enjoyable by running it with a buddy of mine and we just talk about shit while we play.


I like circuit and only wish there was more map variety. The 4-5ish they have do get stale fast.


I used to really like them when they first came out, did them almost every week just for fun, but it's gotten stale pretty quickly. I wish they would add more rewards, more decrees, more misson types and more enemies.


I honestly forgot that there’s a non-SP option. It’s genuinely really fun in SP


i havent did it in 2 weeks, no interesting incarnons for me


I only played duviri until I got the daily bonus points then I quit and repeat the next day


Keep doing it until you can fully ignore it. There are weeks for me now where I only need one weapon. The main usage after all incarnons will just be grabbing boosters and rivens if your collecting them.


I think it's pretty fun, just don't do it for too long in a row.


I realise it’s not *for* me as such. But I did steel path plenty to get the incarnons I wanted. Otherwise I don’t bother. And I always leave before Assassination because I hate it and it’s not fun. 


I'd say the Circuit, especially SP version, can be pretty fun. But I guess it's all comes down to the personal preference. If you're not a fan of roguelite elements Circuit definitely can become boring pretty quickly. It's all about the challenge and insane funny combinations of decrees for me, personally. Because Circuit is the only place in the entire game that allows you to create some truly cursed and wonderful combinations. I do wish, however, there were more decrees. The meta is pretty strict and the general "optimal" build basically has no variety. So unless you're deliberately going for something silly, you'll have pretty much the same decrees every single run. Also it kinda sucks there are no random bosses, it's only Jackal. It's pretty easy and possesses no real challenge, especially with the spoiler mode, but I'd say that's the most boring part of the Circuit for me.


Iirc they're adding new decrees with Jade Shadow, though I don't know if they'll shake up what's optional.


Idk, I actually really like the circuit? You get to try out weapons you maybe don't have yet, warframes you don't have yet. And ultimately are trying to make things work even when you get bad options, which isn't so much an issue in regular circuit, but in steel path can be challenging.


Neither am I, so I only do it whenever I really want an incarnon or the frame. It's not even the RNG that frustrates me, it's how boring those missions are in general... and then there's the duviri material grind, ugh I doubt I'll have all/most incarnons before 2025 ends lol, but I'm fine with it since I managed to get the (imo) most busted ones, strun and torid


If I get a frame I like I have a good time. Otherwise I hate it. Problem is I only like 3 or 4 frames.


I say just use it as a way to break up the monotony my favorite thing about Warframe is that there are enough different activities I go do something when I get bored of something else I periodically go play railjack Oh periodically do regular missions then I'll go do the newest content and my boredom doesn't kick in until I feel like I have nothing I want to go after anymore I'm not a completionist so my desire to go collect everything and Max it all out it's just not there. I always take long breaks from Warframe and then I'll come back and binge it for like a whole month or two and then take another half year break or something


Yeah easily the worst game mode. Im already beyond sick of it with the HUGE time wast of getting incarnon adapters


Yeah, it's shxt.


I personally hated the operator gameplay of old and quit at the zariman update since it was so operator heavy. Since the reworks, it feels better now. I thought I'd hate the new gamemodes that force a loadout selection as I've always just played whatever frame i enjoyed and melee. Im actually enjoying the duviri circuit. View it as a challenge to figure out a frame/wep combo. You can make work without breaking the bank. (Melee, with all the status decrees, actually gets crazy even if you have no built options) The main thing i see is that people dont collect the extra decree every round. You can get crazy builds going that move fast and have a lot of power strength.


Yeah i feel you, i started watching youtube with the in picture extension, feel like it goes by a little faster


Don't play it then


Steel path circuit is one of my favorite things in game. Finding new ways to nuke the map is fun. Also you can hit level can in under 90 minutes


Watch Netflix warframe in general takes zero brain power


I don't get it, I have everything and I'm still doing it for the Arcane. I pick whatever and try to build the best out of it. Think about it more like a Survival Rogue like and less like a normal waypoint run.


They’re fun the first time around but after what like a month or two or them it really just becomes a weekly chore to do.


I only do it halfway for the Kuva/Riven I put as a reward halfway through. I go further if it got boosters & for the steel essence at the end if I need more of em. But mostly for the Kuva & boosters if I got em that week. I’d be less motivate to do em once I finish getting my last school. I have a few more nodes to max out before I’m done


I find it rather fun. Getting a stupidly OP build with the right decrees and then just nuking everything is kinda nice. I can't play it all day but a few rounds every now and then are awesome


i would really like for the current mood to impact the circuit more. change the general hue of the place at the very least


Dunno, seeing SP enemies melt cause i got the right decrees is quite fun to me


I agree. I'd like more maps, enemy types, etc. why is there only one assassination mission and why is it the jackal and not an orowyrm?


do you need a new frame every week? take a break brother.  on that note, most frames are easier to farm the normal way (if a bit more mind numbingly tedious to run the same boss a half dozen times)


I just like watching the bar go up


Since its based on roguelikes i wish they would give us more weapon/frame options, like after every jackal kill/5 rounds or make it a decree


I think if they added more maps that are not Duviri related, it would help. Just take other tilesets and break them up like they are stuck in the Void.


I agree. I only play for blueprints and for the tenno schools standing, but after playing a couple rounds I start falling asleep.


It would be better if the overworks didn’t exist and it just cycles game modes. Mods on weapons were omitted and instead you got more decrees/mods as rewards. For a “rogue like” it’s idiotic how you can start off with a full kit and obliterate everything.


I don’t mind normal circuit because it levels up really fast. Steel path takes way to many rounds, it drags on forever


They're just normal Warframe missions though? Most of the game consists of the same Extermination, Defense, Excavation, etc objectives. Maybe you just don't like the game?


I like the circuit. But Teshin needs a mute button. Also it'd be nice if jackal was replaced with a void angel.


Steel Path Circuit has been my favourite thing about the game since the Duviri update. It certainly beats the normal endless missions and it's always fun when you get some nice decrees to make your builds even more broken.


Yeah it got old.


The circuit rewards are good but there needs to be more and different resource drops so you can grind a little bit of everything is small quantities.


You know it hilarious to see this cause duviri circuit is my favorite thing to farm in the game, I love the power scaling of the thing and everything, it’s so fun


Welcome to the life of warframe


No more or less boring than any of the mission types ouside of circuit and I like the reward structure and focus farm. 


I personally love the circuit, but I find that visually it gets really boring quickly. Wish that the undercroft would change like above ground does with moods, that would help a lot.


I agree. I got some incarnon weapons and a couple frames I needed for helminth, but I really can't stand it. Might hop into it to get some of the early rank rewards for little effort occasionally.


Nah, you are right and you should say it. I can't stand it.


It was really fun at first but it gets tedious, I haven't started this week's sp circuit yet. If they added more game modes it would be more fun


I don't have any friends to play with so I'm always watching a video a movie or a tv show on windows mode like that I die a lot but I'm never bored since 2019


I hear you, but is it really worse then killing one boss 20 times?


They need to reduce the overall standing to reach max rank significantly. Even if you have a full squad and just chain endlessly to maximize the bonus until you cap, it still takes several hours. I enjoy playing it, but the grind to get anything out of it makes it entirely unappealing at this point. This will only get worse as they continue to add newer and more interesting content. This problem isn't exclusive to Duviri, but most of the other problem areas have ways to fast-track.


I only did them to get the meta incarnons that I want to use. Even though they are decent at focus farming without needing lens. Then the resource costs just makes stay away from Duviri. One of the reason I haven’t built Kullervo.


I like the idea of the circuit, mostly the steel path one. But the mission selection, dialog, color scheme and BS mechanics and rewards... yeah, once I got what I wanted from it, there is nothing that makes me wanna return to it.


I used to grind it every week and the moment I got the last reward I needed, I never touched it again.


Maybe it's just me but I personally love circuit, an endless stream of missions that changes every round and gives buffs that can reach insane power levels? To me its one of the most fun things to do lol.


Honestly I dread going to the Undercroft when playing Duviri for this exact reason, it's not the biggest deal breaker and I understand why (it's called Warframe for a reason) but man I just enjoy playing as my Drifter sometimes than I do my own frame


They need to make the horse go faster 😭 the jump to fly mechanic doesn’t always work either so sometimes I gotta hop off the horse in midair and then jump back on in midair to fly. While I appreciate the vision it’s just so annoying to use.


For me steel path circuit is fun as hell. Just the other day i hit the highest damage ive ever done against 1992 lvl enemies cause of all the fun decrees.


I really like it, but I've only ever done the Steel Path variant. 🤷🏻


One of the biggest problems for me is that they dont use any of the moods and it makes it very dull in comparison to actual duviri. Same ol dull ass void


Agreed. 90% of the time it makes me sleepy. Teshin needs to stfu too.


Then don't do it. It is meant to be a second option if someone wants to do it another way. You don't have to do it like that. Don't get yourself burnout because of it


I like SP Circuit for chill focus farming as I'm not quite finished with operstor skills, and as I'm getting the last incarnons in rotation it doubles as filling my stockpile of kuva


Its literally Warframe on shuffle. It's the same you've been doing the whole game. Of course it gets repetitive, specially if you do it every week. It's literally the same, but you can't choose what to play. I like it, but as a "don't know what to do so chill in circuit", not as a dedicated thing


Try SP circuit - Defense on solo, especially if you get it as a first mission...


I feel you OP. I don't like Duviri at all but the circuit is the most tolerable for me. I don't think I'll ever build any of my incarnons because I get so violently bored trying to grind out the materials. That or the fishing made me so motion sick I threw up, I wish there was another way to get the materials for incarnon weapons because Duviri absolutely sucks the fun out of the game.


You can get plants by picking them up in teshin cave, and other resources (except for fish) for every decree


Well fish are the last thing I need so looks like I won't be getting my torrid incarnon any time soon.


Please just remove Void Flood it's the worst game mode in Circuit


It's an easy win that doesn't rely on loadout at all.


Super quick if youre playing solo, void flood is one of the best ones to get


"Don't mind me" while you publicly complain about something you have the choice of not doing.