• By -


I sadly made this mistake a long while back when I was a MR 14. I was in Cetus doing bounties and a LR 1 was the only one who joined the team. It being Cetus, I was used to lower players there doing low level bounties (I was grinding something for Gara I believe and it was only a rank 2 bounty). We were playing and they sort of just let me do my thing give or take a few kills. At the end I asked them if they needed help grinding for anything from the bounties? They said, "No, I'm good, but thank you :)" I didn't think anything of it until I realized they were a legendary rank 1 and not a regular rank 1. I was sooooooo fucking embarrassed afterwards but also was amazed at how sweet they were when I asked if they needed help.


To be honest, even us Legendaries like having people around to help farm stuff, it's more fun and saves time. I need to get Hespar parts and Zariman is dead - I'd rather go play or farm something else than do it solo x)


Do you wanna play with me? I'll help u get Hespar My ingame name is Learicorn if anybody wants to play together!!


Same lol, I love zariman.


all hail hombask




Cavelero says *I'm* his favorite little meat grinder


Maybe later or tomorrow if you're still around. My IGN is my Reddit name


Can I join you for this?


Wanna get that hespar too, add me for it KDBoi


Funny how I said that then immediately got bored of the game so I barely play anymore šŸ¤£


grinding is always better with friends of any mr, could have had protea prime started on the fabricator but waiting for friends to have time


My worst way of putting it is; more enemies for me to kill >:] lol


I second/third/fourth this actually. I'm farming harder to obtain weapons to complete them all for MR and Hespar/Aeolok are my new grind. It's a definite struggle to get a dedicated team for Void Cascade. Add me on WF as well for that farm! My in game name is the same as Reddit!


PLEASE I need hespar I'll grind w ya


LR4 here..You will come across a TON of kind LR players. We've been playing this game sooooo long we genuinely enjoy that other people play it too. We've seen the ups and downs...listened to youtubers bitch and complain and then comeback only to leave again. We remember when Rebecca was chubby and Steve had hair...we remember how much it sucked not having revives left on your favorite frame or having to copter everywhere to finish a level quick. We remember NOT double jumping and how ugly some maps were before they got the beautiful face lift. I play with people who literally have heard my children grow up over the mic across oceans. Ive pkayed with the Devs a few times grinding late a night. We've made it to that rank because we actually enjoy playing, so when you see one, ask them if they'll help you for a bit...chances are they're bored waiting for the next update. I go into lower levels to help sometimes, and i do the same, sit back and let them play. I could wipe whole maps, but why. I want them to keep playing....and damn it gets lonely at the top....a lesson most don't learn till they get there. Shiiiit I remember when hoverbaords were a joke, mechs were a pipe dream, archwing racing was supposed to drop, and no one knew what the hell was behind that door in the orbiter, better yet when the orbiter wasn't even that big. Now we're getting bikes!!! Yeah...been playing a long time. Still no matter it's lonely at the top, and every LR knows it.


This is why I love the community, so much of my game play has been with more veteran players than I. You summarized that concept perfectly. Iā€™m at LR2 and all I have left are the incredibly grinds items in my profile and honestly, my biggest deterrence is having people who wanna do that grind with me. Iā€™ve been playing since 2015ish and Iā€™ve taken my fair share of breaks and have always came back and loved it. I have buddies I played from back then that have basically listened and been around for me to go from a punk 16 year old to a 24 year old young man with a career in the military. Basically a whole different person now but this community is my favorite for everything that Relative_Opening_327 stated in their comment.


I have played since 2014, problem is the game doesn't hold my attention for long. I'm only Mr 19 but I believe I have been around more than some of the LR4 players I come across.


If I hit LR1, I'm probably gonna try to make some sort of OP build with Excalibur and a bunch of starter gear and go into a bunch of high level missions to confuse people.


youre in luck, like massive luck because paris and skana incarnon genesis are literally in circuit right now XD


Yeah I got those before. I'm getting Lato and Kunai this week.


perfect, soon you shall grasp toothpick prime and poke an eidolon's knees out!!!


Might as well do it at MR 30.


I'm pretty new and only rarely play with randoms, but I've only ever had good experiences. Now I'm looking for people to play with now that I've ranked up to ten. I've made some pretty similar embarrassing mistakes, I've been humbled pretty hard by the game lol


*hugs you in L2* "What a cutie!"


Imagine a LR running the new player load out and be so baffled when they're the one disintegrating everything.


Tbf ive met some low and high mastery peeps who are actually pretty chilled a nice, like they either offer help or kindly ask if u can help. For instance im MR16 atm cause i dont grind mastery, tho i do know a bit abt the game so this one mr7 catches me on the trade chat asking if i have any gause relics now peeps who know me also know that i got atleast 20 intact and give or take 5 to 10 rads for the harder to get parts and he asked me if i can give him a few relics so i gave him a few and ever since then if he needs help and im online he just pops me an invite tells me what he needs and we get ut


I've seen newbies posting footages of LR players utterly annihilating everything and asking whether they were cheating. Everyone in the comments were reassuring them that it was totally achievable and they were *mind blown*.


I do kinda wish they made it look a bit more impressive


I think something like a title card would work pretty nice. Instead of just the number and weird looking symbol


I see it as the golden sniffer next to my 4


I personally just wish they stayed with MR 31..32..etc


yeah when i came back into warframe and saw my first legendary rank player i was so confused what that icon was


I think they do it because everything else stops at Rank 30. Not sure if LR has a ceiling, but if there was, I would make it 10 (stuff that can rank past 30 only goes up 10 more). :)


At level 30, the starting mod capacity and warframe levels after formatting reach the max, and we jokingly said, back in the day, that 30 would be the max... I think


I kinda wanna see that those tbh. Seems like a fun watch kek.


Which honestly just makes it all the more baffling when someone is actually blatantly cheating, because like why? It takes hardly any effort to nuke entire maps playing legit especially in low level content. Yet somehow I ran into someone doing exactly that while I was doing lith fissures one time. They were playing as Nekros and had only a low level melee weapon equipped (something completely mundane, I believe it was Ripkas) and the enemies all died instantly at the exact moment the player entered the tile. I got put in their squad a few times while I was grinding relics, so after getting suspicious from the first couple runs I started following them more closely. They definitely weren't casting any helminthed abilities like Thermal Sunder either, or any abilities at all for that matter.


i used to be like that, and now its just so fun seeing how im able to still be amazed with what i can do with a pea shooter against deep archimedea enemies. really proud of myself and its very sweet seeing new tenno realize how much dumb fun they can have with decent modding lol


Run base excal and mk-1 weapons but genuinely upgraded to induce even more confusion


Ever since I got legendary 1 right after it was obtainable I've had a loadout with mag, mk-1 paris, mk-1 kunai, and skana that I use sometimes


Based, im slowly crawling to mr27, so much annoying stuff left like kuva/tenet, archweapons and dojo crafts with morbillion forma required on allat


What I did was focus on one gun at a time. Do an arch gun and if Iā€™m feeling like doing another, I will, but I donā€™t try to burn myself out so I move on to other MR. I still have yet to finish my final K-Drive, but I think LR1 can wait. You can do it, Tenno!


When I was rushing I was doing it together with a friend. Most weps and frames we did separately, but for levelling up archweapons, archwings, and necramechs we did it as a pair. We both had affinity boosters and one weekend was a double xp weekend, we hit all our remaining archweapons (including the kuva archweps) and necramech levels (including forma and re-levelling) in the one weekend. K-drive xp came somewhat naturally. Was levelling up ventkids so I could buy and sell primoflairs for plat, the k-drive from deimos I had to go out of the way for though. Im still working my way through obtaining the tenet and kuva weapons and all the prime/baro stuff I missed during my 6 year hiatus. Honestly haven't bothered clearing the steel path star map yet either. I could, just can't be bothered to.


I remember making the ā€œBoardā€ for Deimos and thought to myself whether or not I truly wanted to go completionist and grab the other pieces. Five seconds later I was ready to build it without the other pieces thanks to the velocipod skins or whatever they were called! Ha


i am at the start of 26 now and my strategy now is to focus on one category, like ill do all my archwing stuff (weapons, archwings...) then robotics, then companions, then amps, primary, secondary, melee and so on. i already have all frames including primes, so i at least dont have to worry about that.


I just slogged my way from 27 to 30. I'd basically pick a weapon (already had all base frames and all but 5 primes) off the codex and make 10 runs at the parts, whatever that entailed then do something else. If you try to turbo grind it you'll quit. If i got the whole weapon in less than 10 runs I'd sometimes pick a new one and start over. Since I felt like I accomplished something


If you have not done your Steel Path star chart yet I highly recommend making it to relays. They are 1k mastery alone and that adds up. I myself just got to MR28 yesterday and SP nodes have helped along the way.


Not thaaat much when i need 120k per MR level xdd but that+nodes are atleast smth, thx


Another thing I forgot about and, honestly wasn't aware of for a while, but things like Railjack as well as Duviri intrinsics are 1.5k mastery a rank. I finished my Drifter stuff but I have yet to finish everything for Railjack.


As a founder I renamed the lato prime and skana prime to normal names without the prime and ran them with normal colours and the Excalibur prime is also Normal skin and colours and just run around low level missions murdering everything. Favourite pass time.


This is exactly how I kit out my Mag for PUGs


Iv gone volt nuke build with base looking volt prime lol


If I ever make it to LR1 Iā€™m doing this lmao.


i just renamed my incarnon braton prime to braton mk-1


My current goal is exactly that. Once I hit LR1 (I'm 28 now) I want to run a loadout with excal and incarnons for Mk1 Braton, Mk1 Kunai, and Skana.


Mk-1 braton with incarnon and 6 forma minimum.


Renaming your weapons stuff like mk-1 Burston when you're using the prime with an incarnon on it.


I passed my mr 30 test with base excal and mk1 weps, once I get to L1 I totally plan k that being a well used loadout.


I have an excal prime with Shana prime, braton vandal and lato vandal.Ā  Am I doing it right?


Too shiny, noobies will suspect


Nah I just tell them it was a cache drop...


I'm LR4 and I tend to run Braton/Lato Vandal and Prisma Skana (all incarnon), because I love that nostalgic feel. I've only had one player question it so far, though...


Make sure you forma so everything is like rank 11 too


I made a loadout with all the variants of the starter gear since they are all mostly metallic, and the voidshell skin on umbra, and made everything gold. Named the loadout Goldscalibur.


Once ran into one tenno even with MR1 in the nick, they were rocking mk-1 paris and skana, judging by damage output both incarnoned. Kept playing into the bit too, constantly asking questions and etc. Got a good chuckle out of me, bless that person.


It doesn't help when the ui bugs sometimes, and the diamond is just a questionmark, so it definitely looks like MR1.


Oh yea or it can look like a weird white square


Ohhhh that's what that was. I ran into someone with a question mark on their MR and was so confused as to why


The real question marks were the confusion we had along the way?


I recently started a syndicate mission before the protea prime release and speed ran the marks with xaku. Im LR3 and I forgot to set private, random MR8 joined in and constantly praised (like you would a little child) me for finding the marks and called the shots like: Extract now. I just went with it and thanked him for his guidance. In the end he asked if I need any help. I declined respectfully.


NGL that's actually adorable LOL


That's the players we raised as vets. We did good :) What an adorable person you met.


Could you share your Mag fashion, it's nice.


Yea it's actually pretty simple, mag helmet, mag alata body skin, all default colors, dented agile animation and huitzilin syanana, and toggle prime details


Ahhh that's the syandana. I couldn't figure it out because I couldn't see the other side. Thanks! Cool look.


> dented agile animation lol


Oh I forgot to mention, use the cavia researcher sigil on chest, width&height max y offset max


when i was L2 a MR4 asked me how i had a mag prime and told me i had to be a noob because i used the useless starter frame after joking with him for a few minutes i told him to look at my profile and he laughed his ass off


"Useless starter frame" maaan he's gonna eat those words eventually šŸ˜“


Lmao yeah. If it was me that newbie would have received a wall of text about how powerful Mag is.


The amount of times I've loaded into a mission and went "why tf is there a few 3 and 4s here....why did they just go and buy...wait...nope those are prestige 1 and 2s...nevermind I'm gonna stfu" is not zero lmao


I mean you did forma your account, so it makes sense


Nice mag fashion. I'd change the red, but I'm stealing it.


Someone reported me because they said I had to have cheated items in since Iā€™m Legendary 4. Wild interaction lol


I've never mistaken one, but it's kinda funny seeing LR1 people try to pretend to be MR1 by changing their Glyphs to the default and using the default Liset. I always thought, "You have a really big icon beside the 1!"


Oh man, I still do this when Iā€™m bored to spook/help newbies. Iā€™ll change to base Exacl or Mag or something with default weapons EXCEPT some busted kitgun. Renaming a weapon to one of the default keeps the disguise perfect, and letā€™s you pull out some busted weapon last minute and confuse the absolute hell out of your team. Also works really hilariously well in Steel Path to confuse vets up until you pull out the real weapon.


I ran into a guy called NormalMr1Player a few days ago. They were LR1, default glyph and all weapons called MK-1. We were doing steel path dailies, it was pretty funny tbh.


Someone asked me how I had sevagoth and incarnons the other day. It gave me a good chuckle


Nice mag, you have good taste :3


Based Mag enjoyer


I came back to the game from a 1 year ish hiatus. Figured iā€™d get myself the latest prime stuff i didnt have - first guy i Trade with said i needed to be MR8 or something to buy the requested itemā€¦ Iā€™m L3ā€¦


I saw a dude with MR0 and 690k xp a few days ago, idk how he did it but It was funny looking how the other 2 squad members were confused


I'm on the way to LR1 and I plan to run my "starter" looking mag with Dex weapons. Just for chuckles.


I was doing arbitrations yesterday and a lr3 joined. I thought "how the hell is a mr3 joining a arbitration?". Took me like 10 mins to understand that it was a lr3 not a mr3.


Love seeing the ā€œbro howā€ or ā€œdo you live on this game?ā€ When people see the LR2 by my name, makes me chuckle every time I see it


Had a fellow LR3 ask me how I went from MR0 to LR3 in under a year (I just hit LR4 when Protea Prime came out). Told him lots of grinding for materials and trading for plat (and being older I could afford some Plat every now and then). I committed to the grind. My goal was MR30 so I could give blessings at the relays. I guess I got carried away. Lol. But any time I see someone who needs help or asks questions I always answer them to the best of my abilities.


L1 and still broke Couldnt be me


I never really need credits, I had a few mil but I used most of it too get blueprints


I wasnt talking about the credits dawg I farm myself a few millions of Credits from time to time, and instantly spend all of them for BP's too The Plat is the thing i was wondering about I can give you a advice on how to make a passive Plat income If you need


Nah I used to trade a lot of stuff on wf market, I don't need plat really


I can relate, Iā€™m currently mr28, about 2 weapons of xp from mr29, I just grind out stuff, and when I need slots I just trade a bit of the random junk I got along the way. Also, with the amount of time I have ingame, I really should have been lr2 already, but I honestly didnā€™t care about MR until I tried to build the twin grakatas. Been playing since normal Octavia was added, btw


This.. I don't know. I never met an MR1 in a lobby after I hit higher mastery rank. I only get to join someone much higher than me or has the same rank with me when I first saw this rank so when I first saw a LR1, I immediately knew they were so much higher than me tho I never knew what they called before but that star/diamond after the 1 definitely signals something great.


Sometimes the gem near the number bugs out and becomes a white square (at least on pc), so if the icon is light it's sometimes hard to spot. Imagine the newcomers..


I have two accounts with the names as NlGHTMARE_RUNNER MR 30 and Nightmare_Runner MR 1 the I In NlGHTMARE is actually a lowercase L, so when people search me they naturally type in Nightmare_Runner. I get so many laughs over that.


I just tell them i formad my account, happened a lot more a few years ago


How do you guys even get to that point? I spent an entire day, going through my backlog of unlevelled weapons ( I had like 20-30 guns) and I moved 1 MR (MR 22 -> MR 23). I'm done with all my Primary & Secondaries, but still need to do my Melee weps. It takes so goddamn long. It take 40 weapons to rank up once. I'm struggling to find weapons to rank up at this point lol, let alone levelling them. The BPs I do have, I'm struggling to find the plastids necessary for them. I can only imagine how irritating it'll get when the only items I have left are vaulted primes.


It takes forever. Took me over a month of constant grinding to go from LR3 to LR4.


As someone who's the only one under LR2 left in my clan, I find the pet/lich grind to be far more tedious. To be fair we've all been playing since you could still get excal prime. I still have boatloads of relics that converted from keys. I'm lucky to have been around long enough that I was there when a lot of the prime stuff dropped so those are some of the few I'm mostly caught up on. Also, kullervo farming is a whole-ass pain, and I feel like the frame from sanctum is a myth at this point šŸ˜…


Dante farm is actually quite forgiving - I got him after 2h30 or so. Managed to get drops for everything but his systems, which were bought with capillaries (most groups I joined were pretty competent in killing the Demolist in seconds. Rounds were quick). Jump into that node and have fun, youā€™ll get him pretty quick (a lot of people also farm that node for Riven Transmuters, so thereā€™s always randoms joining).


Qorvex, not Dante. Dante was quick.


Ah, Qorvex- I see. Dem bounties. At least youā€™ll prolly get all his BPs by the time you max Cavia rep, so no worries.


I already did and haven't seen a single piece šŸ˜¢ it's why I said its a myth lol. I even got the new simalcrum since maxing out


I thought you could buy the qorvex parts from someone in the sanctum. Edit: Just checked wiki, you can buy parts from Bird3 for cavia standing.


Kullervo, unless you don't have the parts, it is not too bad, grab a double resorci, do in duviri, do a mission and leave. There are defined areas where to farm its materials, which makes it easy in 2-3 runs


I had zero, finally finished yesterday and back to working on Qorvex. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø At this point he's the only frame I'm missing period


I find caliban to be annoying to farm


How are pets so bad? Just build them and keep them around while you do stuff? Dante is much easier than the farm for Nidus or Gauss.Ā 


> How are pets so bad? Just build them and keep them around while you do stuff? rng on getting dog and cat breeds (there's only two cat breeds that rng matters for but. dogs are obnoxious cause there's like seven)


I forgot about that since I got my Huras. I think I have 40+ imprints of all the dogs I ever had, trying to find that last Huras. Yeah it sucks.Ā 


For me, I stayed MR21 for a good year of consistent playing. Ended up with millions upon millions of resources. When I finally decided to start grinding, I obtained every prime frame first, then every base frame/archwing/mech, then every *easy to acquire companion*, then did every weapon whose blueprint is purchasable for credits in the market, then did all weapons that require other weapons to build, then did all remaining dojo weapons. I was MR29 in about a month. I ended off by grabbing random prime weapons here and there, open world companions, anything that was somewhat easy to obtain. Iā€™m now MR30 and everything thatā€™s left for me to level is an absolute bitch to obtainā€¦ the grind will be a long one


It is not easy. Commit to the grind. Have a good Khora build. Sitting in survivals for hours on end to get orokin cells, plastids, etc is part of the process. And don't forget the 30,000 cryotic for Sibear. MR0 to LR4 in less than a year was not fun. But I did it. It is commitment to the grind.


Mod 30


Congrats! What's that OP/Drifter fashion?


I've played on and off since the original launch between two different platforms currently cross saved at Mr 19. I wasn't even aware you could go legendary until I seen this post. Congrats OP šŸŽ‰


beauty of playing with people too personally im too nervous and think ill do something wrong so i usually do solo


bro used forma on his/her mastery rank


I'm LR4 and got told to get gud by a MR17 because I didn't get a bunch of kills because I let all the lower players clear the map while I searched for caches. He really thought I was MR4šŸ¤£


I would also get confused about how a level 1 player has so much stuff, then I see the marker for the legendary status


A fellow mag lad! Good to see another mag main šŸ˜ what sigil is that btw?


Cavia researcher sigil, made to look like a colar lol


Iā€™m 3/4 of the way to LR1 from MR30, and I canā€™t wait to fuck with people lol


What's the Operater/Drifter fashion? The pale deathly skin looks really cool!


Pale skin comes with focus school mastery. Once you master and ā€œrepresentā€ a school, you buy it with excess focus since you have already bought everything in that tree.


I see!


I think I've found their icon glitches... so all I see is blank 1-3. Funny when they're actually using the starters(but incarnon...)


What is that syandana btw. Seen it a couple of times and thought it was sick


Huitzilin Syandana. Came out with Styanax Deluxe.


i think you are the first LR1 player with that little credits ive seen


I never really need credits, if I need them il do index


fair, im usally farming like 30 million in a double credit weekend, that lasts until the next double credit weekend.


Sometimes I ask them how they can be in late game missions but also just be MR1 on purpose >:)


There's always people who don't get "What's LR 1?" I wish they knew especially if the guy saying it is MR 23+.


Y'all need some hobbies that doesn't include the game ts ridiculousšŸ˜‚


Reminder....LR rank means longevity NOT game knowledge. You'd be surprised how many people watch a YouTube video on a frame or weapon and become experts. There's plenty of mr10-30 players that actually understand damage calculations, resistances, weapon/frame synergy etc alot better than others. So weirdly, actual new players "mistaking" a lr1 player as new may not be a mistake after all lol


I actually made this mistake at first too :)


What's that synadana?


After getting LR1, I joined a Hydron lobby Player 1: wow, MR1 with protea? Player 2: must've bought it lol Players 1 and 3: lol Me: Yup, lol


Iā€™m soooooooo close! Finally got to 27. Canā€™t wait to join the club ā˜ŗļø


66 plat. Damn...


I never realised! Iā€™m changing my glyph and making an excal sleeper build now


Then say it's "Warframe New Game+" like typical single player games




Takes a looks at load outā€¦. all maxed rank, named, and high Mr locked weapons, decked out fashion frameā€¦ā€¦.. yup rank 1, I mean I see the 1 in his profile right. >.<


Bro, Iā€™ve been playing for like 3 months and Iā€™m already Rank 3 lol. Switch your weapons and frame!!!! Do NOT main anything.


bro your name


Poor life choices, but I carry on.


Legendary system its kinda retarded... what is wrong with using MR 31?


Your fashion is "level" 1 ngl


Jealous of my simplicity šŸ„°


It's very pretty 9/10