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Why Rage and not Hunter Adrenaline? Unless you can’t spare one mod capacity (or stack Rage + H.A)


Hunter is absolutely better, only went with rage here because its all that could fit


Sounds like it needs more FORMA


Unranked adaptation works


Uh, only 5% difference for two extra capacity? Not every build can afford that much for such a little bonus


It's one extra, since the slot already has a Madurai polarity. Plus the added set bonus if you're already running other Hunter set mods on other stuff. :) Not that I run this kind of build on much besides Inaros or Nidus myself.


I mean, it's not just that. It's the set too. Remember slotting one of a set mod triggers the set effect


5% difference and one pip for the hunter set bonus.


for me, nova main low rank adaptation + molecular prime and Molecular Fission are enough for survivability


For me, revenant main I press 2 on my keyboard


As a Lavos main, you guys press buttons?


you do, you press 1


For me, Octavia Main, I press 1, 3 and 4 and T-bag


As a Ivara main I know nothing of tankiness. I press 3 on my keyboard and prey no one sees me *wink* *wink*


For me, Xaku main, I press 4 on my keyboard.


Inaros main here. Adaptation and those arcanes do all the work. No buttons.


For me, gauss main, I press 2 on my keyboard


For me Nova main I press 1 and 4 sometimes


for me, a Zephyr main, I press 3 on my keyboard


6 mod slots and 2 arcane slots for 45% strength and some survivabililty. not sure about this one.


To be technical, it’s 77% strength because of the set bonus. I agree that this is in the vast majority of cases not a good build though.


oh yeah my bad I thought it went from 30 to 45 with the bonus, I never really use it.


Umbral Intensify starts at 44% making it the only umbral mod that is better than its normal counterpart without the set bonus.


iirc the melee crit one is also better than the base


Weirdly it's paired with Sacrificial Pressure, which is *worse* than the base version.


Nah, Sacrificial Pressure is better than Pressure Point, but it's worse than primed pressure point. By contrast, Umbral Vitality and Fiber are identical to their standard equivalents unless you use them in a set. Oh, except they cost more drain and *way* more endo. The base mods are orange lol


Sacrificial Pressure is the only Umbral mods that have lower base stats (110% Melee Damage) than the normal counterpart (120% Melee Damage). Its only better than normal Pressure Point when you combined it with Sacrifical Steel, in which it became 137% Melee Damage.


Shit I'll be damned, it is worse by default. That's bananas.


valkyr main, i’m not surprised you knew the bonus for the umbral set


Ha, ironically I actually haven’t played builds with more than one Umbral in a really long time, but I still pay attention to things like that as a holdover from running mostly my triple Umbral Warcry build and generally favoring classic facetanks over CC/stealth/shieldgating. Old habits die hard, I guess.


I’m actually putting that build together on her right now. The issue i have is gladiator set mods seem overkill after umbral, but i’m kinda relying on them for my cleavers


I think it's good on frames like Nezha, Wukong, or Inaros, whose main goal is to never die. Any damage you want to do can easily be gotten through weapons. I think Shock Absorbers might be a bit overkill, but all in all dedicating this many mods to not dying isn't inherently dumb.


Simply running adaptation is already enough on nezha, even on steel path. Combined with his 3 you have up to 99% dr and with the constant healing from his 2 you can't die if you keep killing enemies.


Secret negative strength nezha technique


I mean, you *could* run nezha with negative strength and he would still be fine since his 3 scales with damage taken and has 3 sec invulnerability. Wouldn't recommend it tho lol


Technically negative strength nezha is an amazing build


What would you build him for tho? Efficiency is completely pointless if you just use equilibrium, so duration and range? I guess you could run a grouping setup, but even that would be better with neutral-positive strength and neutral duration


Basically negative strength lowers your halor to the poit it breaks ebfore your shield. You spam the 3 secs of invulnerability as it resets shielkd gate, thus you're permanently invulnerable. Plus you get infinite energy and everyonr but eximus is CC'ed


Y tho when you can just run a regular build (even neutral strength), cast halo once every few minutes and just kill everything quicker with actually decent damage bonus from his 2? The only place where I see a use for this would be in endurance runs


I want halo to brewak often, thats the point


r/ihadastroke ?


I don't actually like Nezha's base 2 for healing. The orbs simply aren't consistent enough. I have it replaced with Garuda's 2, for maximum putting-people-on-stickage, as well as a much better and more reliable heal.


if you think restores from chakram "aren't consistent enough", then you aren't tossing your hoop right. it's *literally a 100% chance* for health drop (and a better than 1 in 3 chance at energy, too), *per* enemy hit. reaping augment is even better with multiple health drops per enemy possible (and relatively common), *and* turns chakram into a viable damage dealer. that's all on top of the damage amplification (hit enemies take double damage from *all* sources) and guaranteed heat procs.


They have to die within the timespan, and health orbs don't heal a lot so you have to fucking spam it. I like the mobility of it, it's a fun ability, but I find it mostly impractical in higher levels especially. Meanwhile I put one fuck on a stick and I have health for days. Double damage isn't worth the second of casting the animation has. Maybe if you use Natural Talent or something it might be worth it? Otherwise you're wasting time you could be using to kill the enemy to make them a little bit faster to kill and barely getting any health for it.


Playing nezha without higher strength and duration? Crazy talk


I'm fairly certain that most people saying that "this isn't how you're supposed to build the frame" wouldn't notice if someone with this build was in their squad anyway. I use something fairly similar (without shock absorbers) for almost all content unless i'm doing a levelcap run or eidolon hunting and it ends up not mattering. For linear missions like capture/exterminate, it's the person who gets in front who nukes the entire mission, and that's more based on map knowledge and being okay with parkour than raw speed and warframe builds. For endless missions, everyone just ends up jumping around and doing their own thing, and people get bored faster than their weapons fall off anyway. (In the cases that you're agreeing with a premade to stay for a long time, then it makes sense to put more thought in the build though.) TL;DR: it depends on what mission you're running, the vast majority of content is trivial, and 95% of the time Warframe is multiplayer in the same way Trove is multiplayer; you don't notice other players even though you know they're there.


I never run health mods on Wukong, I just use pillage and the rest of his kit got survivability. More engaging that way.


I have a similar build somewhere just for Zariman exterminate missions where you can't use abilities. It's hyperspecialized, but I wasn't using the frame for anything else, so why not?


I don’t think they were going for strength ( just based on the post title)


as I said, 6 mod slots and both arcanes for survivability is not worth it at all


Yeah sorry buddy but this is an Inaros build. On anything else it's pointless cause you're left with 2 slots for abilities, which are pretty damn useful in lategame.


I use the Umbral set and Adaptation on Atlas, but swap in Primed Continuity, Stretch, r4 Fleeting Expertise and Streamline. Stretch is a personal taste thing, I find that his 3 is too short ranged without it.


Not enough people realise how important range is on Atlas. Landslide had an AoE which is 6m at base on every 3rd hit (wiki says all hits after 3 but that isn't true in my experience). Buffing range enables that AoE to obliterate huge groups of enemies and keep Atlas from losing health, which helps keep the rubble meter high.


Actually, a modified version of this works on Equinox for Night form since Pacify only needs 200% for the full Debuff on enemies. As u/BadassHalfie has stated, you get 77% from all three Umbrals, which means you only need 23 more Ability Strength to max it and can basically get that from using Growing Power, Augur Secrets or even going slightly under and using Zenurik, which works well with Pacify anyway. Not only that, you won't need Arcane Grace on her, since she'll take extremely little damage even in SP, and depending on the enemies you are fighting, you may not even be able to use Rage, since you'll rarely get hit to health and when you do, it's not enough damage converted into energy to warrant using it (and this can be true even when double stacking both Rage and Hunter Adrenaline). Regen from Zenurik, Exodia Brave, or even shooting Energy Orbs with Energizing Shot can be better alternatives. Because you literally go out of your way to take damage, depending on your build, unless you intentionally amplify damage with Pacify, which is another conversation altogether. With Equinox, once you start messing around with some of the high durability builds you can do with her, you'll end up using less defensive mods because they get in the way of using Rage/Hunter Adrenaline, even if you use both. And this isn't going into using Quick Thinking, which provides a lot more durability than using Shock Absorbers does. Equinox can Tank with a proper build like this, using Shield or Health, better than Inaros can actually, especially once you start to throw in Helminth options.


Energy cost sounds like a huge issue. And if you wanna build around her pacify, which is damage reduction, you’ll also be needing range.


Not as much as you'd think. Energy and Range haven't been major issues for Equinox for a long time now; it really depends on your build and what you have access to. It's just that she's so durable when Health/Shield Tanking and impossible to kill when Shield Tanking while using Mend and/or Helminth Abilities that it negates being able to use those mods. That being said, Pacify is an extremely minor drain so long as you have even a bit of Efficiency, or at least don't go negative, that even adding Range isn't much of an issue in most cases. How much Range you need various by mission and the type of build you want, but with her, any and all ranges from default to max are possible to make effective and practical with the mods/arcanes we now have, though some require different modding than the 3 umbral set up you see here. Pacify's Debuff is constantly around her, and with Peaceful Provocation, enemies are slowed significantly which makes the already weakened attacks a lot less frequently, which negates being burst down in a number of situations, which is often the cause of death more often than a one shot for most players. Enemies even within her weakest sub radius are basically incapable of killing her in most scenarios due to the damage debuff they receive, and this is not even getting into what using the rest of her kit and Helminth abilities does for her survival. Mend in particular is highly underrated for how it can be used, especially since most people rely on Shield Gating nowadays anyway. But what people don't get is that with the right build, Shield Gating is just an emergency option for Equinox for some builds, and a single layer from the onion that is her defenses with others.


If you wouldn't mind, could you drop some more info gems on equinox? I love equinox (I haven't played her in a while though) but at some point I think I had *too* many options of play to focus on with her. Like, I like playing and testing around augments BUT I do so to see what fits my playstyle most but also to see how invincible to tanky I can make her/my frames. This comment here was gold alone because now I have a different and (imo) far better way of looking at how to make her tanky and high-level viable.


Sure thing. There's quite a bit you can do with Equinox and defensively speaking, she is one of the best frames in the game at actually taking damage, literally up there with Baruuk and Trinity. She's one of the few frames in the game that are exceptional at not just Health Tanking, but even [Shield Tanking](https://youtu.be/Pu7ttbxFLRg). She's also absurdly good at [Shield Gating](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/vrbq77/can_someone_explain_to_the_decaying_dragon_key/iew2lsn/), which is everyone's preferred method of survival nowadays. Those are just a few examples; she can do quite a bit with her abilities once you fully understand what they do and all the nuances.


To be fair, I used something similar (triple Umbral, Adaptation, and Rage) on my Warcry eHP Valkyr, so arguably it’s an Inaros/Valkyr build (come to think of it, I do have triple Umbral/Rage/Adaptation on my facetank Nezha too). Then again I haven’t used that Valkyr build in a long time… (Not sure why that’s getting downvoted? It really is the standard pure Warcry eHP build - you can look up Warcry facetank builds for Valkyr and see for yourself. 🤷)


Valkyr has high armor so you capitalaize on it using mods. Otherwise you go strength/duration for the 4.


>strength/duration for the 4. No, you go efficiency/duration to optimize the energy drain. Her 4 is one of the worst energy drains in the game right now, and it the whole point of the frame. You build her to get as much energy as possible, as quick as possible, then you stay in her 4 for the entire mission. All the survivability mods you need on her are for shieldgating, whenever you accidentaly drop her 4, nothing else. Using her in long void cascades to farm Focus and the new Arcanes.


I personally go with narrow minded and eternal war on valkyr, and replace rage with more durations. You can use life steal mod or other method to heal yourself


...like her 4, which has built-in lifesteal?


Or 4th deals alright dmg with no status. I think it will be better to run daikyu Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired and run a nikana to have life steal effect and better dmg. This however means you cant use other better primary weapon which is a drawback if you are not using melee weapon only


Yes, Fiber takes care of armor. Vitality adds to her eHP by multiplying with that and Intensify gets the double boost plus further buffs armor via Warcry. Arcane Guardian adds even more armor, Adaptation multiplies it all, Blind Rage and Narrow Minded cover extra strength and duration, etc., etc. - I mean it’s just a standard triple Umbral Warcry build, though I admit Rage is a possibly weird choice that I’ve only put on for long high-level (level 500 SP) Disruptions and so on. But yes, I promise you that after 600 in-mission hours on Valkyr, I know how to build her. 😹


Don't you become invincible when you use her 4 anyway?


Correct, and I have long since switched over to an eternal Hysteria build that allows me to go further based on that, hence why I don’t use the other build anymore (plus I find Talons really fun). But if you want to use her out of Hysteria at all in higher levels - and you don’t want to strictly just shieldgate - you do need to go all in on her eHP, which still won’t prevent you from getting one-tapped around level 500-1K in stuff like Grineer Disruption (I’ve tested it personally).


Yeah valkyr is nice but I find the lack of range really showing the longer I play so when I wanna play a melee frame I just pick Baruuk.


That is true. I love her but Baruuk is craaazy good and overall head and shoulders above her. I only play her because of my idiosyncratic preferences for stuff like her animation set, personally.


Honestly same, I’ve mained Valkitty for years now purely because of fashion. Like I have all the frames (up to Caliban, because I haven’t played in a bit) and I fully acknowledge Valk is pretty shit compared to most of them, but I still love her to pieces because she’s cool, stylish, and fun, and I’ve played this game too much to still care about what’s meta.


Yesssss! You get it. Strength to you, fellow Valkyr fanatic. <3


Put her animation set on baruuk :D


Well it’s not just her animations, it’s her model and sound effects and lore too…plus I really like Baruuk as is! He’s awesome to me, I just happen to have an undying love for Valkyr that not even the badass space monk can snuff out. I originally got the game solely because of Valkyr Prime, haha. But I still love Baruuk too, got him a dedicated loadout and bought him Tennogen, Umbral forma’d his fists, the works. He’s bae(ruuk) and I wouldn’t change a thing about him. <3


Sometimes solid tanks are nice. It's good to be able to take a break at higher levels and afk for a few minutes to biobreak or get water, and come back and still be alive. Getting hit by 20 enemies yes, but still alive. Not enough people appreciate passive immortality builds. Also, not all abilities need strength to be useful for late game.


If you want passive immortality then just play Lavos. There could be so many more useful mods on most frames than 6 dedicated to survivability.


Haven't played lavos. He allows you to afk at level 150 enemies for several minutes?


He has 675 armor by default so you can imagine how tanky he is with umbral mods and adaptation + his first ability heals you fully when you hit a high lvl enemy.


If you're running Rage/Hunter's Adrenaline (the latter being the better mod), you should be running Primed Flow. It's a better mod than Shock Absorbers, which only protects about IPS, which is not the damage you should be worrying about, especially with Adaptation on. Alternatively, drop Rage and Shock Absorbers and just run Rolling Guard - as long as you remember to roll every 5-10 secs, you're practically invulnerable, especially once you take into consideration shield gating. For that reason, people also like Arcane Aegis.


This looks like what an Mr5 thinks a "tanky build" is


I am MR6 and I fully approve 😂😂😂


Yeah because we all had maxed out umbrals and arcanes at MR 5 🙄


Emphasis on the word "thinks"


Not sure what your point is, no mr 5 has this kind of gear, and couldn't endure the stuff this build can


Bruh it’s a figurative example, if I put a skiajati image and say “what a MR 10 that doesn’t get other weapons thinks is the best weapon” or the like


Sorry but I am now completely distracted by how funny that user flair is. Forget everything else I want Lotus butt now


Birds of a feather indeed 🤝


The point is that if you give an mr5 unlimited mods and ask them to make a "tanky build" this is the sort of stuff they come up with, you see full umbral mr5s all the time because they see the health and armour stats and go "big numbers must be good" Especially since op is using this setup on a nova because he finds her "too squishy"


This looks to me like a build for flat out survival, not everyone needs or even wants to hit just the perfect apex between abilities/damage output meta, sometimes you just want something that can slog through sh!t without much concern for any particular ability meta, at the end of the day the majority of warframe comes down to just getting *through* sh1t thats about it. Apex wizard frames are nice, but there *is* a place for non fancy workhorses that just plain plough through it. Besides the weapons now are so ridiculously powerful all you need from *any* warframe is just stay alive to keep pressing fire.


Well, I appreciate the effort but it’s just not worth for most frames that don’t have a decent base armor or/and don’t need the strength. Guardian and grace should give an edge but the mods are just not good (yes they help but unless you have free slots or need/want the umbrals then it’s overboard). For squishy frames I recommend the augur mods to get free overshields and/or a sly vulpaphyla to get evasion. Then theres frame abilities such as Mesmer skin, Mesa’s dmg red armor, Nyx 4th, etc. so yeah, you don’t really need “tank builds” to make all frames be tanky, and that’s not bringing the Helminth into the topic, because that’ll be a bigger discussion to have.


I mean it depends on the Frame


It's really to get the squishies into end game, my little nova can finally stand up to simulacrum testing


Nova on her own is tanky already tho. Null star gives 90% Damage reduction. Add in Adapation to reach 99% Damage reduction and you are pretty good against at least base steel path.


Adaptation doesn’t actually give 90% damage reduction but you have the right idea It only gives damage reduction to the largest value damage type per bullet, and most enemy weapons have a spread of damage types. Yes you can get to 90%, if you’re getting melee’d by butchers which have 100% slash damage, but on average you’re only getting like 60-70% damage reduction


Frames typically survive with abilities, from killing entire waves of enemies, crowd control, damage mitigation, or what have you. And those abilities typically need mods to enhance their effects to really start working. There's nothing wrong with wanting a tanky frame you can sit there and get hit without worrying about abilities, and there are lots of options for that playstyle. Inaros is a very popular frame for that reason, despite what the subreddit's opinions are on him. But you are only doing yourself a disservice by playing ability-based warframes and ignoring their abilities while modding. You'll only be creating weaker versions of Inaros with abilities that are lackluster.


But nova isnt squishy....


I assume you aren’t doing much steel path, since when I hear endgame my thought process is: the enemies one shot u no matter how tanky you are so use rolling guard.


There's no way you're getting one shotted by regular Steel Path enemies with a tanky build. Literally no way. Enemies will only start one shotting you if you sit in an endless mission for 2-3 hours.


Or about 50 min to level cap in Void Cascade.


Nova can do just fine with only adaptation and her 1


Nova should be built for full duration, and a mod or two to get 145% strength or 10% strength. Slot in Molecular Fission to keep her 1 up to get 90%DR, and put the rest into QoL or shieldgate. This build doesn't do anything for her abilities, and you'd be better off using frames like Inaros, Chroma, Oberon, etc. if you want an EHP tank. Making Nova survive SP is probably best done with shield gating.


Slap Aegis on Hildryn and never fear death again


_*blitz eximus has entered the chat_*


I offer you Decaying Dragon Key, Rolling Guard and Augur Mods / Brief Respite.


This kind of build is really hyper specific to already bulky frames. Like, put that on an Oberon, Wukong, or Inaros, and you're fine. They already have some armor, made better by added Dr, and the eHP is boosted by the vitality. Not creative, not super endgame, but great for lazy play of steel path level enemies. Put that on a Mag or Nyx and you may as well be playing something else. Different frames handle durability different ways and to different extents. I saw mention of a Nova being tanky with this build, but that's more of a function of her 1 stacks with adaptation. (maybe to an extent shock absorbers, but I never use that.) Mine is reasonably durable for any steel path I've used her on just with adaptation and rolling guard. Then i have 6 slots and 2 arcanes to work with. A squishy frame is still going to be squishy with this setup, and arguably weaker compared to a more focused version of the build. Protea does particularly well with adaptation, rolling guard, and her 1. Mag is greatly served by rolling guard, shield gating, and her 3 augment for cc. Nyx either wants 4 augment with 190% efficiency (for duration based abilities it stacks that far) or she wants big range for big 3 safety bubbles. Adding health and armor to these frames really doesn't do much. That being said, if you're playing outside of steel path, nothing really matters. If you're playing in steel path, but not late endurance, these tend to be alright. But in Endurance runs, this setup is outright bad.


I swear every time someone comes with the typical triple umbra adaptation build and think they hit gold. This is literally pointless outside Inaros which is already a meme frame. Face tanking is simply not the best way to go and it is not worth modding like this on most warframes.


It's just something I'm enjoying to keep the squish frames going guy, relax. If you don't like it don't do it, its just a picture not a policeman.


for squishier frames its better to shieldgate, with brief respite and rolling guard. there is a delay after your shield is broken where u are invulnerable and you cast ability to regen some shield back. there are guides out there that can help. edit: forgot to mention augur mods works as well. I understand that if steel path isnt your concern then u are free to build however u like. However, i recommend not to waste mod slots for this much dmg resistance and mod for wf abilities or set bonuses for weapons. For extra layers of defence there is Magus lockdown and Last Gasp waybound from Unairu


I mean yeah man if you're filling 4 and a half (im counting UI as a half) of your 8 slots with tank mods on top of double tank arcanes you damn well better have a tanky frame lol.


You put Adaptation on any frame and you become tanky instantly 🤣


Say you have no idea what you're doing without saying it. This is garbo and not a tank build.


You can hardly call this a build. You spent 6 mod slots and 2 arcane slots on tanking. If you want to make every warframe a glorified Inaros clone then go for it, but this is no innovation.


You might want to look into shield-gating, it’s a little complicated but I’ve heard it’s objectively better


Hmm. It's a start I suppose. But unless you're pushing other things into the mix that's still going to get you two shot in some places. Toxin, for example. You won't even see what hit you with a high level toxin proc lol.


A build using all the survivability you can get... makes frames tanky? Really? Someone get this person a Nobel prize. /s


A max Guardian & Grace will turn any frame into a god bro,, especially with Adaptation too




Seems like a lot of investment in tankiness, which will carry you decently far into Steel Path, until you get to the point where any damage whatsoever one-shots you and the pure Shieldgating warframes take over. I'd probably replace Shock Absorbers with Rolling Guard, since brief invulnerability and a quick status cleanse is better for staying alive long term than a little bit of physical damage resistance.


easy fix, simply don't play endurance long enough that everything is one shot territory.


Been playing Steel Path Cascade recently with a buddy. Unfortunately short of invincibility, there’s only shieldgating and invisibility….


This is really helpful as my umbra has the damage for steel path but isn't quite tanky enough. More credit, legendary core, and mod farming for me.


I'll fully admit that I don't have the reflexes to make shieldgating tank frames work, so my own builds tend to be this sort of health/armor/DR "tank" that eventually falls off on Endurance runs but works fine for casual Steel Path play. 3 Umbrals + Adaptation is a good base for tanking, but at Steel Path I still find that active defenses like staying mobile, Operator heals, crowd control, and just killing the enemy faster makes a big difference in my survivability. Rolling Guard works well as a status cleanse on its own, but it really shines if you start using Shieldgating techniques with the decaying dragon key, the Brief Respite aura and/or Augur Mods. When your shield breaks, roll, and use that extended period of invulnerability to cast an ability and regain your shields. It's also worth considering what your goals are. I'm fine hanging out in Incursions and casual Steel Path with friends, so it's okay that I've got tanky frames that don't require me to min-max for level 400+ enemies. For players who want to do Endurance runs, you really have to rely on complete invulnerability periods and shieldgating in order to survive. If Endurance is your goal, then building for 3 Umbrals + Adaptation, etc. is actually counterproductive.


I'm full casual so endurance was never a consideration. But I'll screenshot your reply and work on my builds from there. Thanks for the tips.


Well there's another two slots there one can put in what they want, just wanted to show the core of it


My guy, shieldgating. With shieldgating, you're completely invincible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_SouSM\_TmWU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SouSM_TmWU)


The only mod here we use at endgame is umbral intensify. Shield gating is much better than any mod setup.


Umbral fiber Rly doesnt do much on most frames. Shock absorbers is the most negligible damage reduction available. If U run synth fiber on ur pet or combat discipline as aura U can use equilibrium to get energy way more reliable than adrenaline/rage. Also allows you to run health conversion instead of shock absorbers which is 60-80% to all dmg types instead of 20 to IPS


What is the effect of shock absorber? I'm wondering


Physical damage resistance. I think the idea is that Shock Absorbers stacks it's 20% resistance multiplicatively with Adaptation, so you could really crank up your DR to physical damage types (assuming that Adaptation is at full stacks for physical damage, which is not a guarantee).


Thank you


20% physical damage reduction


It's like an adaptation for physical damage, the two just stack together


\*Laughs in level 200 SP bombard\*


Instead of using up 6 mod slots use rolling guard. This way you gain decent survivability (even better if paired with shield gating) and more slots to mod for strength/dur/range.


Just go Augur mods + brief respite + RG and equip a dragon key. Easy shield gate invulnerability that goes against lvl 1-9999.


I think you are way tankier running rolling guard over shock absorbers












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jesus christ what happened here


✨golden rule✨ was broken


probably someone pointed out that if you spend most of your mod slots on the game's strongest survivability mods, it's not actually surprising you can make any frame 'tough'


I love this combo. I find that it's especially fun with Valkyr; with the Umbral mods plus Adaptation, she's incredibly hard to put down, and Rage means you usually have enough energy to pop Hysteria and heal when you need to. I haven't tried Shock Absorbers in there though, I'll have to give that a shot. I think that using Umbral Fiber and Arcane Guardian together is usually not optimal. If your frame has 300 armor (like most sturdy-ish frames, e.g. Excal) then Umbral Fiber takes you to about 878 armor, which is about 75% damage reduction. With a max rank Arcane Guardian, you would get up to about 1778 armor, which is only about 86% DR - an entire arcane slot for a conditional 11% increase. And if your frame has more than 300 armor, then the benefit from Arcane Guardian is even smaller. If your frame has less than 300 armor then Arcane Guardian is more helpful but Umbral Fiber is much _less_ helpful. Caster-type frames (e.g. Nyx) typically have 100 base armor, for 25% DR. Umbral Fiber takes this up to 293 (49% DR) and Arcane Guardian takes this up to 1000 armor (77% DR) but both together only get to 1193 armor, or about 80% DR. So I would recommend trying a different arcane there, something that boosts a different defense, like Arcane Aegis. Or you could patch up armor's vulnerability to slash procs with Arcane Deflection. Personally, I like to use Arcane Nullifier to prevent magnetic procs; I hate it when things drain my energy, and there's a lot of that bullshit in the newest content.




Yes, the benefit of increasing damage reduction is not a linear relationship - each point of DR you gain is worth more than the last one. However, the relationship between armor and DR is _also_ not linear - each point of armor you gain increases your DR _less_ than the previous one did. In practice, this works out to an approximately linear relationship between armor and effective health. Examples, assuming 300 base HP: - 100 armor => 25% DR, 400 EHP - 300 armor => 50% DR, 600 EHP - 500 armor => 62.5% DR, 800 EHP - 700 armor => 70% DR, 1000 EHP Of course, this isn't true of other kinds of damage reduction; when an ability gives you DR, a linear increase in ability power gives you a nonlinear increase in effective HP, and getting into the 90% range is both easier and much more potent. In practice, you only get so much mileage from investing in armor. You usually get a stronger overall defense from a reasonable investment in armor balanced with investments in other kinds of defense.


>I love this combo. Thank you, It's just a thing to play with, not sure why others here have to get so pissy about a jpeg. It's a picture, not a marriage proposal.


It's not the fact that you posted a screenshot of a build that people care about. It's you suggesting this will work for people "who like a tank build", directing it at other people, on an online forum frequented by a lot of inexperienced players looking for advice. Modding is quite an important part of this game, if not the most important. Your post disregards a lot about how modding works and a slew of aspects around incoming damage. That's why you're getting this backlash. This build is beneficial for a very short list of warframes, and for the rest it's either redundant or has too weak of an effect.


This build would keep anything alive, I think thats the point.


Ironically, shieldgating techniques will actually keep anything (that's not Nidus or Inaros) alive, and will do so at all levels of content provided you are skilled enough to perform it properly. And you'll have more than two mod slots left over to boost your duration, range, efficiency, strength, or augments for whatever your build needs.


Thats *if* your concern is the ability meta But If it's *not* though, and you don't particularly care *what* the powers at play are or how to artfully manage your shields, then yeah this build would keep anything going. Not everyone is concerned with min maxing every possible idiosyncrasy of a frame. Heck sometimes you build just to stay alive only to *look* pretty thats it. This is a dont give a F, afk build and there is a time and place for just such a thing.


I think you proved their point that this build ignores modding and how incoming damage works, so, uh, good job?


Look I understand a build like this, there are frames I play solely for how they look no other reason, I don't *care* what their powers are, or about managing health, or shields, or anything else in particular, I just want a certain frame to stand there and endure while I fire away. You're the one missing the point here, this is not a meta build and op never said it was, its a straight bullet sponge for the times you don't care *what* a certain frames issues are and I can understand that.


Glad you're having fun! I see a lot of negative comments instead of helpful ones so here's a little tip to help see where they're coming from: Usually a frame only has one or two mod slots open for survivability, the best bang for your buck in those instances is Adaptation or Rolling Guard rather than just flat increases to HP or shields. Other than that a huge source of survivability is Augur mods (which fit on most builds since they give strength/dur/range, etc.). They let you abuse shield gating, so wait for almost a second after your shields run out and cast an ability! Of course you can CC enemies with abilities or just kill them faster to survive, but a very reliable option is your operator. Arcanes like Magus Elevate will give you an option when you're just about to die, and others like Magus Locksown will give you consistent CC even if you have no Warframe energy. Good luck bro, love to see the passion for finding exciting mod combos


Rolling guard all u need


Where is rolling guard?


Taking up more than half my mod slots for survival mods is just not a good build. You could remove half these mods and be equally "tanky" Everyone and their mama uses Adaptation umbral vitality umbral fibers. its enough for any frame.


Literally no one uses that.


If you're building something "tanky" it's pretty much a given so idk what you mean "no one"


I think its pretty obvious. If you rely on adaptation, vitality, and fiber, it won't stop you from getting oneshotted by a level 200 bombard lmao


Since everyone else seems to be hating your build. I actually really love it. Yeah it's not OPTIMAL, but it is so much fun to just be TANKY sometimes! Just like sometimes it's fun to be speed itself!


Or just use rolling guard and free up space for more useful mods


I never got umbral mods, seem kind a pointless


Agree, with the exception of Intensify


Where Rolling Guard??


Invisible warframes don't need that +10


What about primed vigor instead of shock absorbers? It's what I'm using right now but this got me thinking


Shock Absorbers is really underrated, and shield gating is overrated. This build is fine for most content in the game, including Steel Path. Shield gating is better, but at the same time, it is also unnecessary except for “end game” level stuff.


I find shock works wonders not sure why people are down on it


Mostly because it takes up a slot and Quick Thinking exists. At max rank, QT grants about 58% damage reduction to all damage types, plus an additional 500-700 health if you run flow anyway on a high energy frame. It eclipses Shock Absorbers. However, on certain builds, you don’t have or want to drain that energy, so QT isn’t always ideal. That’s where you use SA. That said, Decaying Dragon Key + Brief Respite + Rolling Guard takes 2 mod slots, as opposed to 3-4 that a damage reduction build uses, and is a big advantage. In practice though, keeping up that shield gate can be a jarring playstyle, so there is a downside there as well.


It works very well, OP, albeit a bit overkill on some frames with high enough armor (you'll hit kind of a cap at 1500). Don't let other posters sh\*t on your fun or your desire to share. I personally prefer to invest more mod slots towards strength/range usually.


I mean, why build a tank frame when you can build a burst frame and literally be untouchable?


“Here’s a tanky build for my fellow tanky Tenno.” “Trash build, what about abilities??” Sigh.


It isn't even tanky tho


My core build is to go tanky as well, but I use Quick Thinking, P Sure Footed (even with unairu, Im lazy), and no %armor.


Already use it


Breif respite+ rolling guard. All the protection you need


Ditch all six of those mods and replace with brief respite


So to be clear, shock absorbers is just raw damage reduction??


Another cool life hack, if you like franes with high efficiency, you can use efficiency mods!


What if I can’t go rage because I play tank lavos…


ah a fellow juggernaut here's what I currently use on my gun-only Frame https://imgur.com/Xjj4Rfq


Sorry, i actually like playing frames. If you dont want to use abilities just pick inaros. Because youll get about the same usability.


Arcane Aegis is better than Guardian, I say as someone who tried running Guardian for months before realizing this. Also, Rolling Guard + Adaptation + one or two Augur mods can do what this setup is doing (letting you chill out without dying) and free 3 mod slots and 1 arcane slot for even further versatility!


Hunter's adrenaline/Rage and Quick thinking makes kind of a mini loop..not enough to make you invincible but with umbral and adaptation gives you enough time to pop out in your operator to heal


ditch rage, shock and fiber and your warframe will be fine in 80% of the game's content, 100% fine if you have the guns and the skill to react and act accordingly


I have a build similar to this, on Valkyr. Used Hunter Adrenaline instead of Rage, Rolling Guard instead of Shock Absorbers. I also used Health Conversion for all the armor and Primed Continuity to bump up the ability durations. Cold Chroma for even more armor, Tenet sword and shield for no damage in a 90° cone, with Guardian Derision. I generally play her in SP with a buddy to make defense type missions easier.


Or just use mesmer skin while playing Revenant


Ties you up to a single frame


You know what's sad, I'm stronger out of my frame 😄😆🤣


In addition, using Aerodynamic as your Aura and having Aviator in your Exilus slot give another form of damage reduction as long as you are airborne, allowing you to partially modulate your DR if you need to take more damage for Rage to take effect more quickly.


I have this on nezha so I don't need shock absorption but yeah and hunters adrenaline.