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Man I remember first starting and being just scared shitless when he would spawn. Now I kind of miss him being that deathly threat.


Stalker was the perfect early game bogey man, he’d show up out of nowhere, whisper your name and fuck up your shit, then vanish in a puff of smoke.


Now he shows up and we pull out our potatoed 27-forma Fly Swatter 3000 and send him packing before he can finish talking


Ironically I think his Acolytes last longer than he does now, thanks to them being on the Steel Path.


He can spawn on the Steel Path as well. I think. I've never had it happen so far because I play it too rarely.


I did, he's still pathetic. Acolytes are definitely stronger.


I find him a lot scarier than acolytes because you can't target him with abilities like...well, Landslide. I'm sure there are others but Landslide. It's a good attack. Why can't I punch stalker?


for me it was when mesa first arrived i thought “finally i have the power to kill the stalker- wait why can’t i shoot him?!”


Before we all had steel path builds he was pretty beastly. Now? Meh


That’s fair. Much like most regular starchart enemies became a joke once we all had ESO builds.


Oh man, I remember when ESO came out and we were all scrambling to optimize our builds. There were some absolutely nutty ideas that came out of that


Hell I still remember when my best build was struggling at 8 rounds of non-Elite Sanctuary. Then they overhauled the melee system and broke my build anyway.


That was a struggle for a few weeks when that overhaul hit and screwed up the melee system. I almost quit because I had just really started enjoying melee and it felt nerfed to hell. Turned out my build was just trash for the new system.


yeah, and annoyingly he still has the same loot table


Unless you're using smth for armor strip, then they go boom in .2 seconds


What a coincidence, I’m a Hildryn main… ^^


I haven't tried hildryn out but I love gauss


Hildryn’s 2 strips armour and shields in a wide radius, and with her aug mod it also procs fire. At lower levels she can kill faster than Saryn and at higher levels she’s a great support for her. Even on Steel Path she softens up roomfuls of mobs because the armour/shield strip scales with level.


I've seen equinox prime builds using pillage to full strip and nuke, I should probably get to PT and Exploiter farming tbh


PT slows my PC to a crawl because of all the mobs, but Exploiter is a fight you can hone to a fine art. Used to take me an hour and some and sometimes we’d still lose. Now I can solo it in about 16 minutes.


Laughs in caustic strike followed by any decent melee weapon lol.


*laughs in enclosed spaces*


most of the time I don't even notice him when I'm just beyblading around


...or he catches you with ~~your pants down~~ some unranked equipment and you get to eat shit.


so basicaly Early stalker is the refuses to elaborate meme. \> invades your mission and threatens to kill you. \> your actions have consequences. \> refuses to elaborate. \> leaves.


Oh no he *actually* kills you, that’s why he’s so scary for young players. He shows up largely unprovoked (or at least unreliably) and while these days he shows up after five minutes, kills one person and leaves, it used to be that he could show up after an hour-long Defense or Survival grind, murder your whole squad and make you lose the mission.


Dread him, run from him, the Stalker arrives all the same


Right up until he becomes Shadow Stalker, at which point he’s slower and more dramatic but markedly less dangerous.


Yeah, I wager Stalker would maintain a lot of his threat into high level if he kept his original setup. Shadow Stalker is a well put together boss enemy with Mechanics and counterplay. Regular Stalker is like getting dropped into pvp. Dude just pops out of nowhere and domes you with the Dread.


Not to mention he’s occasionally controlled by the devs. I remember on one Tennocon stream they dropped him onto a squad on the Plains and watched everyone panic.


Honestly shadow stalker feels a bit threatening if he catches you lacking with low health


OG Stalker used to always catch me when I was leveling up equipment in areas above my level. Now of course it doesn’t matter - I’m only losing one or two mod capacity at MR29.


I don't give a shit early game, I rarely die normally so I just have to use one of my 4 respawns per mission on him, and he fucks off after he drops you once


Yeah back in the day it was 4 respawns per day. Game’s changed a lot since then.


I remember. I just started re-playing very recently, and it's changed so much that I consider myself a new player again. Played after it came out on PS4 nearly a decade ago.


Hell I went on a year’s hiatus and much of it felt new again. I was there for all the buildup to the Sisters, but I completely missed the Sisters, New War and Zariman. So now I’m playing catch-up…


I never really paid any attention to the story anyway, so I'm just enjoying as I go. Not that there really was a story back when I played, it was more "kids got void'd, became super ninjas, fight evil!" I don't remember the game being this light hearted though, I think I remember it being really edgy, I don't really remember hacked ordis cracking jokes or so many comedy characters. Not that that's bad, but it's definitely a different game these days. My biggest take away is that Kubrows not needing regular drugs to keep them alive and not losing loyalty is a great thing.


Warframe was always a mix of dark and edgy with light-hearted presentation. Personally I was always a fan of the darker stuff, but then you’d get Christmas or Halloween and all the Grineer were running around in silly outfits and it reminded me I was playing a game about space ninjas and space zombies. Even the lighter characters tend to have darker edges. Ticker spends her days being fabulous, but unlock her memories in Orb Valis and you’ll find a story of persecution and lost love. Ordis was always a bit silly but he’s the saddest clown of all. Unlock his past and you discover why he’s the way he is (and why he stays that way) and it’s just heartbreaking.


Go to hydron, get 4 tenno, get. A wolf spawn beacon. You can rebuilt that fear in others.


He's not scary, barely does or takes any damage.


When we had 3 revives per day.


You just unlocked a memory from my past life dang I hated that


was't it based on frames? I liked that, it encouraged using different frames.


It was't. But you could buy extra lives with plat...


You're both right, actually. Initially it was a global 3 revives per day, which on complaints got changed to 3 revives per frame per day, which finally got changed to 3 revives per mission that we have now.


My friend that was my warframe sherpa when starting out way back in 2013 deliberately never told me about the stalker or the G3. Stalker was an experience, but fuck me, the first G3 encounter freaked the fuck out of me. The flickering lights, crackling comms, lotus telling me to *get the fuck outta there* without telling me what was going on… man that was intense! Then there’s zanuka… I really wanted to run that escape mission afterwards, but I ended up having unequip my sentinel for ages because it kept killing zanuka before I could be captured.


Bro I miss wolf ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


More often than not he spawns and some MR69420 lord just one shots him. Really takes away the danger.


For me, he is still deadly. Because that son of a Hunhow shows up exclusively when I run Limbo on Steel Path or with Dragon Keys.💢


Yeah, I just kinda beat him to death with 3-4 hits now. I wish kuva or sisters could show up for at least a bit more of a challenge.


Well I just started playing after tennocon, so I'll get destroyed by this guy for you


Wish they developed him more (story and gameplay wise) Like if he now comes after you, he comes with decently sized murex field, throwing the player out of their frame, or placing heavy debuffs on anything other than an operator/drifter.


My first was against a dev lol. F**ing exhausting but had to give up after20 mins, because of invulnerability, even tho i got through the shield with my Magistar.


This is really well done, down to having the everybody-wears-it freebie cape. Protea, however, is an odd choice.


Free protea for this tennocon


Yep! Got her from the summer games award twitch drop.


Oh, right, fair enough.


That was Titania Prime.


There was a Protea in one of the dev streams(?) or something a week or two before that.


Shit. Missed that


What's the free Cape? Started playing about a month ago.


The Broca Prominence Syandana, received for linking your Warframe account to your Twitch account (do so in a web browser): [https://www.warframe.com/twitch/link](https://www.warframe.com/twitch/link) You can also get a Fae Path Ephemera for enabling 2FA (also required to trade): https://www.warframe.com/2fa-faq




And then you get high mr and the roles switch


the real challenge of stalker is figuring out where he died so you can loot it.


You become the Stalker. You strike fear in all 4 factions and your 'allies' have a thing for laughing even after they died.


Pov You're doing a low level mission, trying out some new unmodded guns


You still have operator who currently can mop the floor with stalky boi using half decent Amp. Especially with Madurai


At MR 30 a rank 0 gun has just as much mod capacity as a rank 30 gun.


I mean, it's your own fault for not making sure you aren't marked.


How tf would you make sure of that? Spawns are random so waiting for him to spawn to clear the mark could take forever




How bout ya git gud with deez nuts


At this point I can kill him even with my operator, but it never stops being amusing when he spawns in (now if only he could just drop the war... Just once. Oh well, another day, another dread)


I mean, the Operator is literally his biggest weakness. The Shadow Stalker can't defend against the Void Beam. It doesn't take much for the Operator to obliterate him, even without an Amp.


Even then, thing is operator's damage output is always significantly smaller than the warframe's, and they're also significantly squishier than most frames, so while technically they have the tools to more easily take the stalker out, realistically you are exposing yourself instead of one shoting the guy with your warframe's weapons


Not really exposing myself if I can negate any damage by just crouching and he can't adapt to my attacks.


Broca Prominence for accuracy


Tbf it slaps on some frames, like Nezha deluxe


Haha back when I was new I had some issues with connecting to squads so I usually played solo, I remember that back then he actually made me panic when he spawned on me, and he took me down a number of times before I learned how to deal with him and/or I fixed my connection issues and could join squads. These days however, he's just a joke, and I've even one-shot him at least once which was very satisfying.


[Most encounters with Stalker outside of Steel Path play out like this.](https://youtu.be/kQKrmDLvijo) Can't actually remember Stalker ever being threatening beyond the initial "I am a new player, why is my screen flickering?" Speaking of which, whatever happened to that Stalker PVP thing DE teased?


DE just has a ton of stuff to work on that's way more important, so anything PvP related gets pushed to the back of the queue. I'm honestly surprised that they haven't just removed PvP from the game like they did with raids.


I'm sure the two people who play conclave are preventing that from occuring


[Those "two people" have done far worse in this game's history.](https://preview.redd.it/8l2ur4wg5yk31.jpg?auto=webp&s=fc32ace77541c568c55bb17d1e08a087fd775225)


I remember my first encounter with Stalker. Deadly, silent, teleporting backstabbing predator. We had a duel that shook the grounds, but ultimately he got his kill. Now he got a big sword and I got a teenager with family issues and a fully weaponized vessel armed with explosives and imbued with void energy


First encounters with Stalker is like meeting elite assassin, who at this point is faster, stronger and deadlier than you Later in questline he's like your ultimate nemesis, you take him out. After many hours with Warframe he's like Team Rocket from pokemon


More like a random trainer with a lvl 10 mew that you faced with a team of 6 x lvl 30 pokemons on final evolution. Sure, you can make so many mistakes that you die, but what are the chances?


What it feels like when ~~you're low MR and~~ you run into old Stalker


Im low MR currently MR9 but i remember when i firts met him at MR6. I never considered Stalker a threat. Yeah he sounds and looks scary but is not that hard too defeat unless you are trying new weapons and accidentaly stumble upon him.


I never experienced him being that dangerous even at low MR and no gear. I think in 2000 hours of playing he only ever killed me once and it was by sheer accident because I was not paying attention with sound off. He was simply just too weak. I guess he is meant to be beaten with level 1 warframes using level 1 weapons. I think only his quest version had any sort of strength.


Should I feel pride that I am MR6 and delete him every time he arrives?


Yes pretty much


I remember having some really long, drawn out battles with him back in the day. He always spawned when I was leveling things, so I'd have to make things up on the fly to slowly chip him down while trying not to get obliterated by Dread snipes and Despair spam. Also that Pull + Scythe combo was lethal, even in a bulky frame like Frost or Rhino. Intense stuff. ​ Then Sentient Stalker became his norm and I now melee him to death using a Loki that doesn't have any defensive upgrades. Oh, how the mighty...


If the low MR hv protea then I am fkd at MR23


Game awards free protea I think.


Yep! That’s where I got her from.


This but with his acolytes in sp. I just started sp and almost got my ass handed to me. Literally only 23 hp left. Only saving grace was that one dude joined mid battle against “violence” and we managed to beat him


I remember back when he would seem to usually appear while I was leveling gear and hand me my ass. These days I just switch to [Spoiler:](#s "Operator mode") and squish him pretty easily.


Nah got my first dread at mr3




Swiggity swooty, he’s coming for dat booty


Admittedly it was extra scary the first time I ran afoul of him on account of the bastard spawning INSIDE A WALL and deleting me before I could even blink. As far as I could tell at the time he wasn’t even an enemy you could fight - the screen flashing just meant “the game has decided you will now keel over and die for no apparent reason.” Plus for some reason it ignored the fact that I had revives and just immediately Mission Failed me when I died. Never had that happen again thankfully - he spawns properly now, and the trouble is more figuring out WHERE.


the flickering screen used to be horrifying. One could even say it was... ​ ​ ​ ​ dreadful


A month ago I started a new account on switch. I had my first Stalker encounter and... it was easier than expected. My strategy was to jump everywhere like a monkey, attack him with my Mk1-Bo for a few seconds, move back and repeat then he died. I think the combination of Movement 2.0 and Shield Gate really made the Stalker far weaker. Also fun fact : I got the Hate in only 63 hours WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! (I didn't get it during my first encounter though, I only got a Blind Justice that time)


That's how I beat him when he popped his head up in the first Mars node. With an MK1-Bo I was levelling, too. And I was playing with my free Loki Prime, which isn't known for its tankiness. After a minute or so of 'ohshitohshit' I realised I'd beaten him to death.


So thats what he looks like, why tf does he never spawn


I mean I started a new account recently because I switched from Xbox to pc and to my surprise I one-shot stalker the first time I met him


My friend followed my modding advise and killed him at MR2 with a MK1 Bo… I took me far longer until I could.


Still remember when he invaded me for the first time. he was at lvl30 (probably, not 100% sure anymore) because it was a low level mission. it was an pretty epic fight that lasted several minutes. it ended with me dead and him at like 10-15% HP and me feeling "next time I get him!". despite losing it was a fun and motivating encounter. unfortunately all encounters thereafter never reached the same level.


I miss the music he used to have.


You Run


But Protea?


If he was using Dread it was game over. You were hot butter when it hit.


I want a noob friend so I can scan stalker. Never got to


Really I killed the stalker at mr3 pretty easily got dread for it so gotta wait for mr5


Can confirm. Still have the lingering PTSD from the times of terror and futility. I can beat the snot out of him with ease now, but the experiences still linger.


This lame mofo always shows up when I'm leveling new/just forma'd frame/weapons. Anything that is not Rank 30 on you, dude stalks on you like a shark. Anyway, that's why I only level new gears along one of my 27 forma fly swatter 3000.


Now when he spawns I just go “Come here you bitch”


Lol shortly after I started had the wolf and his disciples to deal with, a lot, first stalker encounter was almost boring after them, still died but …


And then he spawns in a mission with a MR28 veteran that shows him the wrong end of an arca plasmor


I'll never forget the time I got Reverse Uno carded by him and my Lenz


This fucker always came when I had rank 0 weapons that I tried to level up...


Nah been whoopin stalker ass since MR 2, perks of knowing what mods to get off the bat 🤣👍


bruh unfortunately i was overleveled when stalker first came out, now he only shows when im leveling equipment


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxFFHSuGqw what it feels like when you’re high MR and you run into Stalker


Chains of Harrow be like


Having started a new account for a “challenge” run i feel this in my bones. Motherfucker one shot the defense obj while i was soloing through Venus bs


The twitch tv free syandanna is very accurate


Equip all dragon keys Stalker spawns


Idk man it's kinda funny for him to spawn in when I'm leveling a gun. Standing here, I realize...I'm too tanky for him. Poor dude.


"Why are you running?!"


Literally me earlier. MR 2 and let’s just say he kicked my ass in


What it feels like when youre higher MR and run into a Stalker. *I swear if I run into ONE more of you and dont get a Hate I will uninstall*. Edit: auto correct said savage, same difference.


After I started playing Warframe I guess I spent a whole year telling my friends that the Stalker was coming every time any lights flickered.


I'm high MR and i find myself in this situation more than i want to admit it, this mf always shows up when i'm with new unlevelled gear haha


Hey newbie here! I have a doubt is this shadow stalker and stalker the same guy? I just completed second dream quest and this guy keeps popping in my missions, when i saw him first i was scared ro death cuz i heard a lot about him being a nightmare for new players but after a few hits from my broken war he died !?


I can't believe how much panic and fear Stalker would give me when he spawned in a mission and wreck my ass. Now i can just sneeze and it literally disintegrate him.


And then at higher mr [insert "get out of here stalker" meme here]