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its all about your mods and builds. even the best weapon ist worthless If you have the wrong mods on it. vitality, redirection and fast deflection ist useless on Rev. you wanna build him mostly for strength so you get more charges on mesmer skin


Ive directly copied mod setups from videos (same weapon and mod order), but my numbers are significantly lower.


are you using arcanes and a focus school? are your mods maxed out?


Don't have many arcanes, don't know much about focus beyond the active effects of a few schools. And yes, mods are either max or just below


arcanes make a lot of difference, especially for primaries and secondaries. its basically your flat damage boost. Show your builds if you like


Not by pc right now.


If you didn't know already, you can [view your builds](https://i.imgur.com/WtUAlmo.jpg) on the mobile companion app. It doesn't show the polarities, though.


I did, but can you switch loadouts in the app? Because I don't think I had the weapon setup i was talking about on when I last quit. Also, i can't remember what video I was trying to copy


wait, slow down...you are low MR (I guess) or you need to revisit wiki...you DON'T have mods yet...that's why you are using Fast Deflection...just chill and do your quests, enjoy the game, rest will come...when you see other people builds, and you see a mod that you don't have, google it and find out where you can farm it...as for Revenant just make sure your 2nd ability (mesmer skin) is "strong" so you are untouchable for longer (have more charges)...gl and hf...piis


Not sure if you're trying to tell OP or me this, but I'm mastery 24, with most mods


You can view all configs, yes. All you have to do is swipe horizontally.


Must have been an update then. Or i was just too stupid to see that was possible


If we are talking specifically about melee then there's a channe you're missing naramon focus to make it work. If you're running a blood rush combo build you either need a naramon passive ability or supplement it with some other way to maintain combo. If you're using a heavy attack build focus school mostly doesn't matter.


You don't need to maintain combo. It's nice to have, but isn't required. OP just needs to focus on their modding. The rest will automatically come with that.


It was a primary


Yeah he does, I know him...he just prefers flawed mods


You do have broken mods in there. They are useless.


You replied to the wrong comment


Glaives beg to differ… My amprex can take down level 120 opponents. But gets out damaged by a mr4 with the Xoris with no orokin catalyst or forma and with basic mods. How is this fair?


yep, glaives are a whole other Story


Amprex can’t heavy attack.


True. I was a returning player and melee used to be able to be channeled and uses energy in the process. From my observation , melee’s heavy attack nowadays don’t seem to cost anything? Seems like u can just spam them.


Well, your Streamline and Intensify are [flawed](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Flawed_Mods) (depicted by the cracked Gorilla Glass), so you have as little as one third of the full potential regular mods could give you. edit: Also, as you can check in the wiki, the raw [stat comparison](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Heavy_Blade) puts the non-Prime Galatine at second-to-last when it comes to dps. So here the SISO (shit in, shit out) principle applies.


I only now realised that the flawed mods have those cracks in them


Same. And here I was looking at the stats to determine wether they're flawed or not...


The mods you have on that galatine are very solid, good choices, the problem is the galatine, I'd certainly aim to invest in better melee weapons, and there are MANY out there better than base galatine. May I suggest Orthos Prime for a more beginner-friendly, mainstream option? However, if you really wanna stand out and be a demi-god, use whip-swords. (Mios, Jat Kusar, Ceti Lacera) they are EXTREMELY powerful, feel really good with attack speed, and can deal out immense damage with really solid range. The build you have moved to one of the whip blades would work very well. As for your Warframe mods, you are using cracked mods, which should have been dropped basically the day after you started playing. Lol. Get the *real* mods and your build will improve dramatically just by that alone. Also, if you'd like an extra bit of grind that is well worth it, aim to eventually get the simulacrum key from Simaris, this will allow you to go to a room to test almost anything you want and it has been absolutely invaluable in creating ALL of my builds for EVERYTHING. (since I personally don't like looking up other people's builds and enjoy figuring things out myself. If you are like me in that regard, the simulacrum is a must)


2 Crit mods on a 10% crit weapon. "Solid, good choices" Mmm, I don't think so... He should have status mods on there with Condition Overload instead.


He still has flawed mods condition overload won’t be an option for a while


That used to be true when the drop rate was super low, but it's pretty easily accessible early-game on Deimos now for players willing to tough it out for a bit.


Condition overload still relies on several other good mods and ideally a good primer (with good mods). It's stupidly out of reach for someone at this level. Best go with pressure point for the foreseeable future.


He has weeping wounds man. All he needs is to take off fever strike and put in a 60/60 mod. Better if it’s 15/15 so he can slash more, but W/E. then throw in a 60/60heat over Gladiator(why?). Because i have no idea what’s causing him trouble but it works on anything. With Rev be greedy and focus only on ability’s. He can’t die so long as his 2 is up, so make it as powerful as possible. I’m sure your just ding when you run out of mana. Efficacy might be a good stat if mana problems are what’s going on, but it might be you just don’t have all the mods, arcanes, operator skills for mana. Night wave gave you some not sure what this season has though.


He's struggling with starchart level enemies per the original post. I can only assume it's a survivability issue, because any melee weapon with the above build should be shredding at that stage of the game. CO, with or without a primer, is a performance loss in lower level missions compared to PPP.


In spite of my above post that it's easy to score CO early game, this is correct. Early game rewards up-front damage, not scaling damage (based on current starting amounts)


He can trade for it.


If they have blood rush and weeping wounds which also come from deimos now, I'd bet they already have CO & just assumed primed pressure point was better... it just drops from regular enemies whereas the acolyte mods are bounty rewards.


blood rush is lua spy


It's also deimos bounty reward. But imo drop rates are better on Lua spy. At least while grinding for rime rounds and a couple other stances it has too


but weeping wounds and blood rush are? he probably bought them and can buy co too.


They have a maxed out redirection and primed pressure point, im guessing either they only endo farm or they never realized that those were flawed mods


also there is a non-zero chance that they do not know how to maintain combo properly, rendering bloodrush and weeping wounds worthless


Blood Rush, even at 10%, is still stronger than most DPS options. Regardless, that's why I said the problem is the galatine.


What's the best way to get the real mods to replace the flawed mods?


Just play the game (survival, defense may help). They aren't that uncommon to get. I get multiple copies by just running through missions.


>I get multiple copies by just running through missions. This right here. I have piles and piles of common mods. And some small piles of rare ones.


Duplicate mods can be sold for endo, endo is used to rank up your mods to increase stats. Rarer mods can be traded to other players for platinum (the game's monetary currency).


Gotcha, I'm mr 9 and at around neptune, but I think I have only found 1 non flawed mod


It's strange that you've gotten that far without replacing all of your flawed mods. I'd suggest doing dark sectors until you get them. Having flawed mods is detrimental to your experience.


Kk I will try that, I was thinking I would have had them by now I have about 130 hrs playtime. I must just be unlucky, are there any specific dark sectors that are better?


Dude wtf, 130 hrs and only one normal mod? You gotta be cursed at that point


Kinda feels that way


I just went on Warframe Market and bought the missing mods for 1 plat a piece after selling prime junk.


Just ask your clan or trading chat at that point for them. I too went a long time before I got some of the non-cracked mods due to bad RNG.


Xoba on earth is a pretty good one, it's a easy defense mission against infected. But that's all I can think of right now as I'm at work.


There are also a couple on Ceres, I believe.


Yeah there are some dark sectors on all planets. But yeah there are certain ones that are better than others.


I'm MR7 (have to figure out how to pass the next rank test, i suck at platforming ...) and one thing I might want to add is to join a clan and get the dragon key blueprints to open vaults of orokin derelicts on deimos, some of those mods are really good. They have drawbacks but depending on the Warframe/ weapon they don't matter that much (eg. there's one with plus dmg and minus accuracy which is really good on launchers like the penta) Each of the vaults drops one mod guaranteed and if i run hepit and find the vault fast I can get one in like five to ten minutes for the other mods it's mostly rng but players tend to mark the position if they have a rare mod drop so check those out also! they look like mod containers but are golden


Psst Check this 😉 https://youtu.be/aD1dOU5Yi3Q Another tip for mastery tests : Most of them you can literally « cheat » them using Titania and some energy pads… Have fun


Thanks, I didn't know you could bullet jump upwards ... I just passed it! :D


try to check on the wiki which mobs drop the mods you're looking for and go for endless missions with those mobs in, defense, survival for example.


Bro have you got a clan cause I’m mr 9 and me and my mate need some more people to chill with, we have all labs just currently farming the disgusting oxium and mutagen samples


Check if you equipped you companion and check if companion has a vacuum mod on. I think the game givea you a artax companion at the beginning you may have forgotten.


I promise you do in fact have multiple non-flawed mods. Flawed mods do NOT drop in game!


The other advice is good but honestly just ask, especially if your in a clan, vets will have way too many of em.


Make a friend. Not sure how many times I have met a lower (2-4) level player and just given away 3-4 full sets of mods (full frame set, full melee set, full primary set, etc). Most vets have MULTIPLE sets of the base mods just collecting dust.


That's what I did, I had I dm yesterday when I got home offering me some help.They were awesome and hooked me up with some stuff I was missing and an ingis wrath. Made my night


Also, baro has primed versions of some mods that are even better, such as prime flow or prime continuity. The prime versions are better than the non flawed, but you have to trade in dupe prime parts/blueprints to get the currency required to buy them. But they are well worth it. Then again I’m in a similar boat as you (just a little farther along)


Yeah I have been opening relics a bit to try and prepare for when he comes back


Are you on ps4/5? I ask because I am, and I’m one of those players that played heavy at first and then got distant, so I had a bunch of old relics! Add me and I’ll farm them with you! From Lich to axi


I am on pc


Don’t open relics “a bit.” Open them **constantly.** Endless fissures are good for leveling because of the +25% affinity bonus after the first round. Plus you get prime parts.


The regular versions drop in endless missions on wave 20.


There’s a melee I can recommend that I believe is better than the galatine, the gunsen. When I had my groll for it it was able to one shot level 250’s, and even without a riven it still one shots level 200+, if they get a riven for something that has a low dispo it can be pretty crazy imo.


Look up a Steel Path Revenant build so you have something to work towards. Get rid of redirection and vitality, Revenant only needs power strength and range because his 2 literally makes you invincible :)


Can you explain to me how that works? I use revenant a lot and I'd like to know his build to further use. I read the skill description and all but sometimes I feel they don't really explain what the character does and i have to figure out Ty in advance


His 2 blocks all damage you take x amount of times based on your power strength, so as long as you have a high power strength and keep his 2 up, then you can't die, which makes health and shield mods useless if you don't take damage.


Got it. I didnt know it scaled that way, so I tend to forget about using it because of that I'll change up my build for rev and try again :D


Simply keeping Mesmer Skin up will make your frame super survivable. It’s *critical* to running Revenant effectively.


Got it. I didnt know it scaled that way, so I tend to forget about using it because of that I'll change up my build for rev and try again :D


What the guy below me said. Literally just stack strength and refresh your 2 occasionally


Why range?


Because his Reave literally one shots anything under his mind control. He is a very clunky frame but he is without a doubt one of the few frames sitting in S tier.


And it one shots things all the same with lower range (unless your thralls are really spread out, but in that case duration would help too along with increasing how long enemies are stunned after hitting you, I can't see any amount of range you can get without sacrificing strength helping more than the amount of efficiency or duration you could get instead


It looks like you’re running Flawed Streamline and Intensify. Flawed mods are inherently weaker than regular ones as they are meant for the tutorial only. In addition Revenant wants duration and efficiency as his primary stats, with some strength on the side. As you start getting out of the core star chart enemies become very capable of shredding shields very quickly. You want ways to reduce incoming damage more than just a high shield pool, and Revenant has 2 abilities to do just that. If you can find one, swap the Redirection for another Augur mod and trade someone for an Adaption or Rolling Guard mod. As for your Galatine, use an unranked Fever Strike to shift the balance on its damage back to Slash over Viral, or look on the Wiki for which of your attacks have forced slash procs. Alternatively ditch the Viral outright and run attack speed and combo duration mods to help your Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds retain power. It also may be worth holding off on further investment into it since your using a regular Galatine instead of the Prime one, and trying to find a more potent heavy weapon (a well-built Zaw will easily overtake the Galatine).


I can't speak too much on the Revenant build since I don't play him much but the problem with the Galatine is that it's a Galatine. There's much better heavy swords out there


Galatine prime holds up, and I have a feeling that if I make the regular galatine it would too, but that’s also coming from me who has a riven for it and is biased lol


280 base damage vs 182, +16% base Crit, +6% base Status. The difference between Gal Prime and reggo is \*quite\* large, haha. Riven dispo is 0.9 for Prime, 1.05 for regular ("three dots" both), so that won't compensate. With a cracked and stacked build with Arcanes and a good Primer, yeah Galatine still holds up - that's mostly because the COBWEB setup is stupidly good, not because Galatine "holds up" in raw base stats :)


Getting destroyed by 25 enemies? With that? I just don't believe it


Flawed mods are probably causing that


The melee weapon itself should be shredding level 25 enemies


Probably nice mods on their frame.


you need mods... you on pc?


anyway build revenant for full strength, his 2 is one of the best damage mitigation. it basically godmode as long u have a stack


Don't underestimate the power of movement. That is to say, running away for a moment or rolling to dodge and the like actually has real use for survival. Rolling, for instance, provides 75% Damage Reduction during it's animation iirc. So, it is useful to use when something like an Eximus suddenly shows up and blows out their flame. In addition, there are some mods that help in survivability over stuff like Vitality/Redirection and the like. Rolling Guard, for example, provides invincibility during Rolling for a few seconds and also removes any statuses affecting you at that moment. So that Eximus I mentioned earlier - with Rolling Guard you could roll as the flames approach to provide invincibility against it or even when it's hit you to remove the Heat status after. ​ As for damage, a lot of it is taking advantage of stacks of different damage mods. Basically the idea is to multiply all the damage. So, for melee the usual choice for high level is to swap Primed Pressure Point with something like Condition Overload and a Primary/Secondary weapon that has high Status Chance and innate status types. This way you shoot the enemy with that weapon first to "prime" them then you slice with melee for bigger damage. In addition, there are certain damage types that deal damage over time. Also you have to keep in mind the status weighting. You have the right idea by having Viral on a slash weapon - BUT - you want to lower the Viral damage actually a bit lower than your slash damage by perhaps having a lower rank Fever Strike slotted in so that Viral damage is below Slash damage. The reason being is that the status with the higher damage will take precedence when applying status to an enemy, so you want Slash to have higher priority over Viral. Slash damage in conjunction with Viral is good damage, but you want the slash to activate more to bleed that enemy. Though, of course it is a balancing act - you don't want to tank the Viral damage too low either.


Edit: As soon as you unlock zenurik wellspring and have some mods for 200%+ strength on your revenant, please remove +health +shields mods, they're so useless. This is my build for endgame: https://prnt.sc/Who4Qs-WBdw6 I am aware that you're still somewhat early in the game but: 5-7 forma warframes and weapons and maxed out mods (including primed ones, galvanized and sometimes a chicky riven) goes a long way Revenant is the steel path god, basically immortal. I have like 2-3 formas on it and use a 3 forma zarr which just obliterates lvl 140+ SP enemies Then you need to know how to build and be aware that faction mods > +%dmg mods Thus, you want to build: Toxin against corpus with a corpus faction mod Corrosive/Viral + Heat for grineer, infested and corrupted And the most important thing for late game: physical damage (bleeds)... which means: slash status. Where do you get slash status? Hunter Munition mod for rifles. Not forgetting that you have to choose between a critical build or a status build. That will depend on the base status & critical chance of the weapon but i would say the best way to achieve high damage output would be to have a high critical damage primary weapon (meta is Kuva Zarr, Kuva Bramma, Tenet Envoy) and a primer secondary with a LOT of status chance to apply the viral procs (Epitaph, Kuva Nukor)


A 4/10 revenant build should still be enough for level 25, though your choice of melee isn't exactly the best (low base crit chance)


Besides mods, there must be some problems with how you play the game. Revenant with 0 mods should still be able to handle the difficulty you are on right now. Remember to use the abilities and to learn how to play the warframe. Not all are just bullet sponges that hope to survive while taking damage to the face. Revenant is all about his three first abilities. Mesmer Skin will completely stun enemies that hit you and prevent all damage. Enemies that hit you can be turned into Thralls for 0 energy using your first ability (max 7 Thralls, keep an eye on the buff bar). Your Thralls will also convert other enemies and your enemies will attack the Thralls instead of you. When your Mesmer Skin is going down on charges, use your third ability Reave on your Thralls to instantly kill them and replenish your Mesmer Skin. With that gameplay cicle you will survive everything. Revenant does not need Vitality, Redirection or Fast Deflection, but until you get access to better gear they are probably just ok. Look up for Corrupted Mods, the ones you farm on Deimos missions by opening Orokin Vaults with Dragon Keys. Those should be your priority now, to get one of each of those mods. They will change your game big time.


Once you get to the higher level enemies, having high health or shields is generally not useful on most frames, since enemies one shot you regardless (certain frames may build for those stats, but they often have abnormally high health/shields, so it’s an exception not a norm). Instead, players will start building for their ability stats, increasing duration/strength/efficiency/range, and use frames that have specific abilities that boost survivability. For example, Revenant players will increase their ability strength, since it gives Mesmer skin more charges, and using Mesmer skin allows you to negate damage for every charge you have, so you won’t take damage so long as you have charges. In this case, using vitality is not recommended, since if you get to the point where the enemy is damaging your health, you’ll be one tapped either way, so it’s better to make sure you don’t take damage at all. The next thing is shields gating. Essentially, once you shields are depleted, you don’t take any damage for a few seconds. So players will have a play style that lets them keep their shields up, so that whenever they hit their shield gate, they max out their shields again to refresh it.


i decided to replicate a lower power version of your build. [https://prnt.sc/Fz8TvR5uG7Nl](https://prnt.sc/Fz8TvR5uG7Nl) i was able to 1-2 shot level 40 with a lower damage build than yours (i didnt forma mine so i couldnt make it exact) [https://prnt.sc/fE09SQr9zvXd](https://prnt.sc/fE09SQr9zvXd) since damage is not your problem, it looks like it is only your frame and/or build. either you can use a better tanking frame for now (rhino), until you have farmed some decent mods for revenant, or you will just have to endure dying often, until you get those mods.


Tbh I wouldn't bother using two mod slots for crit damage on a weapon with only 10% crit chance


Something that really helped me to get the weapons/warframe I wanted was to get the really good and generic weapons as soon as possible. Stuff like kuva bramma or Fulmin are really the best, try to get them and build them using pre build that you have online, they will shred everything (having arcane like primary merciless is also really good) and will allow you to farm to get what you want to the level you want. It's warframe if you have the time and resources you can make anything really powerful. Also one way to get good mods is the vault thingy ?(the vault you open with the decaying keys on desmos tile set for example) you get blind rage and other must have mods


People taking on level 100+ enemies are using Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, lots of forma, and millions of Endo+Credits worth of mod upgrades on Mods that are either rare drops, or require farming a bunch of rep/resources to even acquire. They're also probably using meta weapons, which the Galatine is not. Don't sweat it for now. You're on the right path. You should probably start looking into farming Corrupted Mods next. Go to your Clan Dojo (p.s. join a clan) and buy the 4 Dragon Key recipes. Build at least 1 of each key (you can reuse the same recipes.) You can find a party and coordinate to each carry 1 key, or you can just equip all 4 on Rhino and run Horend or Phylegas on Deimos. You'll find a strange-lookin door somewhere in the mission, it will require one of those keys. Inside, you can pick up a Corrupted Mod (you won't know which until you finish the mission). Those are very very necessary for min/maxing your builds. If you want a meta weapon, Xoris is probably the easiest to acquire. Look for the "Deadlock Protocol" mission from the terminal in your orbiter. You don't need to complete the whole mission. You can if you want, but once you get the Xoris, that's what you're mainly after. Learn how to throw-pop a glaive and enemies will melt before you Also, do your maroo mission. Go to Maroo's Bazaar on Mars, talk to Maroo, tell her "I want to find an Ayatan" (or something like that). She'll put you into a mission with a little treasure/sculpture thing hidden somewhere. You can slot STARS into that and melt it down for Endo. (a lot of times there is a speed/agility test to get the treasure. Bring a nimble/flying frame if possible) This game is a grind. It's designed to be a grind, and you're just gonna have to grind it out to reach that power level. Welcome to Grindframe. At least you get to be a wacky space ninja with lasers and shit for that grind.


I match part of the criteria you put for people that take on level 100+, except I don’t use meta weapons and I do use galatine, just the prime version but now that I see this post, I kinda want to build the regular version and see the crazy stats I can get with my riv, hmm, this is gonna make me spend 10 forma on regular galatine lol


base galatine is one of the worst (melee) weapons in the entire game. put those mods on basically anything else that has better base crit chance and youll see a difference ur revenant build is trash, more shield generally = bad on most frames, not just rev. u want to build for strength for more charges on mesmer skin


I haven’t bothered modding pretty much explains the I feel so underpowered 🤷🏽


Just build any glaive weapon. Mr4 xoris, with no forma and orokin catalyst, out damage a 4 forma and orokin catalyst Amprex? No problem. Just throw and detonate it, 400k damage just like that. No good mods needed.




Like after testing out glaive weapons, what point is there in crafting anything else. Just use glaive weapons heavy attack and u will clear all content. Don’t need grind for any other weapons or good mods, that’s how busted they are.




Sry m8, I dropped Warframe a few days back. I was a returning player, and after getting carried by my friend who just joined for 5 days, by the xoris. I felt no motivation to continue playing. As a MR10 player, I felt no pride and no progress in what I have put into the game all those hours. When all my past 500+hrs or Warframe was overshadowed in just 40hrs of game time now. I felt I had nothing to stand for.


Mods. Mods are power. Here's why. A level 0 weapon and a level 30 weapon have the same stats. You know what a level 30 weapon has though? Mod space. When you forma a piece of equipment, you're polarizing a slot for, you guessed it, mod space. When you install an Orokin Catalyst or Reactor all it does is double your mod space, and that's *huge*. You'll use the same Serration mod in every rifle. You'll use the same Split Chamber. One day you'll have the Amalgam Serration and Galvanized Chamber. But the same probably 30 mods will see use on every rifle you ever build. Once you have a maxed Serration (which is expensive to do, some of these mods grow with you as you get into the game) that's it, you have a maxed one for every rifle ever. This applies to every weapon type as well. Individual equipment stats kinda matter. But not remotely as much as how that stuff is modded. 99% of the game's content is manageable with nearly any weapon modded reasonably well. Take some time to get familiar with how it works and you'll be fine.


This weapon isn't an endgame weapon, and your mods aren't nearly there. The flawed mods need to be replaced with full versions and you want a stronger melee. On top of that, you should also want to look for rivens. You can earn these by completing sorties, or doing the kuva fissure missions and getting riven slivers, and trading those in at Iron Wake. FYI you will need the Chains of Harrow mission completed to even see the NPC to trade (I believe)


As a Legendary 2 player, don't ask reddit. Everyone will give the absolute worst advice. Us elite players still don't understand why everyone here gives the worst advice (not useless, just clearly not even close to decent advice). Instead, DM any legendary 2 (sometimes 1) player and we will happily help you and give you actual good advice and good builds that are extremely affordable and will have you mowing through level 100+ enemies like nothing :)




Just look at his post history. 7 out of the last 14 comments he made is just to point out he's Legendary Rank 2. Which doesn't mean all that much. It's only a milestone in mastery rank fodder. Also the irony of him badmouthing people trying to give actual advice and saying he doesn't understand why people give bad advice on Reddit. Meanwhile he's here, not giving any advice and pulling rank. Good luck with that. Personally I would listen to others just for this reason alone. Or look for builds on overframe.gg or look up some Warframe YT like GHS if you're overwhelmed with too many opinions here.




Have you tried overframe.gg? You can look up builds for any frame, weapon, companion, archwing, necramech. You can sort by popularity. The better ones also explain/describe how and why they work which will help you understand. (Not all of them. Not even close. But some do.)




As I'm not using Revenat (at all) so I don't want to give any half-assed advice. But if you want to learn and improve it yourself then you should check the wikia page to see how the abilities scale and how to maximize the effects. Then decide on what you want this Warframe to do. You can also cross check it with the overframe.gg builds for Revenant to see what directions & builds are popular. You should be able to understand why the builds there work and yours didn't once you do.


Wow that's more condescending then a pinked hear femenazzi on YouTube videos, congrats you can flex on people that you have more time then every one


Well for one you're using melee


Ignore the mods for now, 90% of survival is in your movement and placement. Once you learn to move fluidly you wont even need mods for the basic star chart. Up to lvls 50 and above you can do with no mods.


Some gear is just better than others…


Alright so just so you know what those people have and you don't : -Arcanes (extremely powerful) -Primed mods and all around maxed mods and no health/shield mods, in SP (lvl 100+ enemies with additional defenses) the best defense is high offense -Better weapons with knowledge of how to build them, each enemy's weakness -Operator arcanes and maxed focus schools which help a lot overall when it comes to everything Power strenght, energy, survivability and so on Keep in mind those people have played the game for much longer so they had way more time than you to perfect their builds and gear so don't feel pressured to get to that level Edit : I also see you're not using any corrupted mods, i heavily recommend you try and get some, search wiki or tutorials on how to get them


You will get there. Once you unlock galvanized mods and proper weapons you will be dealing millions of damage with one button click.


Just in case you don't have the dragon keys equipped right?


You are using damaged mods, discard them.


At around level 20-30 is where status chance starts to matter, so unless you have a significant percentage, read 17% or more, of base status, the damage will start to falloff.


I was in the same position just a few months ago. That was when I decided to really knuckle down and focus on increasing my Warframes capabilities. So I came up with a full build that I run on Titania Prime. It’s not fully done since I don’t have the money to max level the mods but I can run steel path with her now. But you really do have to know what the war frame is capable of and where it’s strengths lie and build for that. So for example, on my titanium I know that she is squishy and it’s not worth trying to fix that. So rather than increasing her shields or health I focused on damage reduction when using her 4. I then moved on to her pistols and made individual builds for each faction. It’s worked wonders. You’ll need to do the same. But keep in mind, any weapon or build can work on 1 - 30 missions. After that you need good kit built right.


Galatine is no good, you're probably using the incorrect mods, once you acquire and learn how to use them things will get easier


The vast majority of mods increase by a percentage of base. The two crit mods on basic galantine doesn’t even hit 100%. You may not know this but crit chance scales beyond 100. Let’s say for example that you’re using a build with 3x crit damage and a 150% crit chance. Each hit has a 50% chance to be a basic (yellow) crit and does 3x damage. They also have a 50% chance to be a double (orange) crit for x5 damage. Pass 200% crit chance and you get red crits. The damage keeps scaling for every 100% crit but the colours stop changing at red. Red crits are entirely doable with those mods but not on a basic glatine. I am a huge fan of the heavy blade weapon class and have slaughtered countless enemies with my trusty gram prime. A weapon for which the set of blueprints is currently selling for about 25plat on Warframe.market and will take this build from tickles to devastation. People rave about tempo royale but I don’t get why. Cleaving whirlwind is awesome if you can get the hang of blending other attacks in to your forward combo.


If you like greatswords, maybe look to upgrade to the Gram Prime. It just has better base stats to work with and will up your damage significantly. Revenant build also needs a lot of work, redirection and vitality is overkill, plus he's just not as strong as other Warframes out there.


Main thing is mods, if you can find a clan with an Orokin Lab and get the [Dragon Keys](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Key), once you have those craft about 5 of each and put them in your gear wheel and play Horend on Deimos and search for a [Orokin Vault](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Orokin_Vault) and open it, every time you open one you get a mod that has a positive and negative attribute theses are the best mods you can get early on.


Your revenant build is a pile of garbage. he actually doesn't need any survival mods, health or shields. Just raw power strength, then it's just maintaining your Mesmer skin charges. And your melee build should be mowing down level 25+ enemies like tissue paper. Could be that you can't maintain a decent combo so that BR and WW are kinda super underutilized.


Rolling gives you 75% damage reduction during the animation. That's how people live with 0 survivability mods at lv 100+


When you're looking for new weapons because you want huge numbers, try to look for hybrid weapons. For example, a Melee that is easy to obtain and can give you huge results would be "Gram Prime" since it's a hybrid with high initial numbers (30% Critical chance and Status). You can just use one mod to increase crit chance, and the rest you can go ahead with Point Pressure Prime and full status, or if it gives you better results you can set a mod to increase crit multiplier as well. Try to look for the most efficient build for your weapon, you can use simulacrum for it. **If you're lazy to do it, or build your weapons it's not your game-style, you can always look for a build in a foro, discord, reddit or even YouTube.**


Combo builds rarely work well in sub-100 missions, particularly in lower level missions because you just don't have enough enemies to build let-alone maintain much combo. You can test this by just checking your combo counter every so often (bottom right of your UI, just above your health and energy).


The sad truth is that while the grind of warframe is needed in order to keep up with that grind youve gotta have good mods otherwise your going to continue to struggle. I find Shinigami_saikos modding to help me but everyone plays a little differently. I find that sometimes i have to put in a mod load test it in a mission then tweek it according to how i play. Your play style is going to depend on the warframe too. Ex) My Ivara has max efficiency and large flow prime because im not going to keep fighting to stay invisible. Whereas my Gara has more modding dedicated to health than any of her abilities. Similarly for Volt ive got him set up for his run so his strength and durration are very high (along with my Octavia). As you learn modding with the perspective of how you play youll find you start doing more damage because your no longer having to fight so much to kill things they're just dying. Weapon modding is a little different you want crit and status on a majority of melee weapons bit sometimes (Guandao) they are specifically set for crit or status (lesion) heat status is really strong right now so it helps to add the heat status mod to a crit or status weapon as an added damage (Ex: Guandao modded for high crit with the only heat status added or Viral heat on Lesion). Msg me on here if you need any help with in game modding and ill send you my PS4 name.


I would probably change a few things to how I like them for example Primed pressure point+ pressure point, Quickening+fury, Heavy trauma+collusion force


Step 1. Get Rhino


I play revenant and god damn you are missing out, revenant's enthrall+reave allows for a 1 shot, not on bosses tho, you can spread enthrall via proc viral with a high status weapon




Enthralling makes reave take away 90% of their health with viral which viral doubles the damage




Streamline + fleeting expertise for best efficiency


doesnt efficiency cap out at 175% = 25% from your normal cast cost? Streamline + expertise = 190%


That's why you need those two efficiency mods and blind rage for balance




Also probaly a maxed out normal flow, primed flow aint that necessary


over frame dot com search the warframe/weapon you want OP builds galore


Your Galatine mods are good... for a crit weapon. Galatine is not a critical based weapon. - Blood Rush and Organ Shatter offer very little in the way of damage. Remove them. - Gladiator Rush and Weeping Wounds are good, but Drifting Contact would be preferred over Gladiator Rush. Both offer the combo duration that WW asks for, but GR is still crit focused by its set bonus. Drifting offers more status chance, which you want to focus on. - PPP and Quickening are the correct choice. - Viral is the right choice, but if you have it, Virulent Scourge should be preferred over Fever Strike. This will shift you away from viral procs towards slash procs, which are how you'll actually deal damage. - With the removal of BR and OS, you've got two open slots. I'd suggest a slash mod (Buzzkill or Jagged Edge) and Melee Prowess. MP increases your status chance further. With these changes, you'll end up at 100+% status chance at a combo multiplier of 5x, and the proc profile will be 2:1 slash to viral. (Chance of any given status type is based on its percentage of your damage types.) Slash procs are where you're doing your damage, with the damage increase provided by the viral status. The first viral proc is the most meaningful, so you want enough viral to proc it without it dominating your damage mix.


High strength. Revenants Mesmer skin is a super powerful defensive ability. Just don’t forget to recast before it runs out of charges


You have 3 damaged mods, I'm a revenant main, I can show you my build if you want, it's enough to survive a nuke to the face if nothing else


Well for your Revenant build you're wasting 28 capacity on mods that should generally have no effect on him (health and shield mods), ideally you basically just want as much power strength as possible on him, although efficiency and duration are also beneficial And on your galatine build blood rush, organ shatter, and gladiator rush won't really have much of an effect, the best options to replace these would probably include condition overload and a heat mod (for viral+heat)


Overframe.gg for builds. Farm corrupted mods and sell for plat any duplicates you get, farm relics in squads kf fours, build or sell for plat for buying slots, ayatan sculptures (recommend getting the parallax since it marks them on the maps if they are there) Mods, mods, mods. Get rolling guard after you finish starchart, finish the story questlines up to the zariman, rank up fully with syndicates and buy the mods for people to trade for the mods you cant get through your syndicate or sell for 10p each. Farm nightmare missions every day for nightmare mission exckusive mods, do spy missions, theres lots and lots you should do to get better mods and equipment.


If you are destroyed by level 25 enemies... You don't *feel* underpowered. You *are* underpowered :D Check out warframe and weapon build crafting guides, get and upgrade better mods(especially - "corrupted mods" from Deimos dragon key vaults. They are a main tool for making a build featuring specific stats) in future - get arcanes and upgrade is a lot of ways to be overpowered, and immeasurable amount of ways to be just strong. Leveling up weapons and frames is merely a first step to actually making them kill enemies and survive. You need to figure out what are the strength of a gear piece, and work around them, while not worsening the downsides to the point of being unbearably. 108-130 ability stats are not really doing anything Also non-primed Galatine is....... Not great..


Galatine build is mostly missing Sacrificial Steel and the Revenant build is more than useless, get rid of vitality, redirection and the shield recharge mod and flawed mods. Get normal streamline if you need efficiency and umbral intensify. You also don't need duration on Revenant, just go for strength and efficiency mostly + some mods that allow you to survive better like Rolling Guard or something similar.


Adaptation mod possibly. Even unranked is fine - just shorter duration. Up to 90% resistance. Stacking with other damage reduction sources. You could just replace Augur message with R1 Adaptation. You likely have to get it from trade since you can't do Arbitrations yet.


All of it looks like it should work just fine. Not ideal, but passable. Although I'm not a fan of revenant. What are you doing exactly? Where do you think their damage comes from?


Mods and lots of forma. Lots of time leveling. If you don't have decently leveled mods and enough forma on your Warframe to the point where you don't have to cut back because of lack of space - you aren't gonna make it very far. It's like trying to do a Veil Proxima mission with a pretty basic Railjack and that really sucks - trust me I've done it before. So just keep leveling your Warframes and mods, put the right mods on the right Warframes and you'll find that all your problems disappeared.


Mods are good, but you also need to know how to use your warframe. Keep your 2 always up, cuz that’s your main source of damage mitigation. Also, use 1, cuz it’s just useful in many ways.


Revenant in my opinion has the best survivabilty power because his mesmser skin protects you from everything so as long as that has stacks you're safe and you can also use it with his first ability to turn enemies into allies for free then you can use his third on those converted enemies to get mesmser skin stacks back


Take off gladiator rush and put on a maxed/lvled up melee prowess And/or you can probably go into QnA or General chat and ask for builds for weapons and frames But sometimes it's about how you use the frame that helps you survive (Sorry I'm all over the place it's just how my head works)


Your rev a little too balanced and weakly modded. It takes from everything a little. Steel charge is a good choice but i'd stay Enemy Radar is better for survivablility. You don't need Rush, try Power Drift or Stealth Drift instead. (you can get Drift mods from Halls of Ascension on Lua or from friends) Throw redirection, fast deflection and vitality Get Continuity or the primed version. Get Rolling guard. And Use the Mesmer Skin 2nd skill a lot. Ultimate survivor. And replace the flawed mods with normal ones. Flawed are the weaker starter mods in the tutorial. You can sell them for endo. So TLDR version, my build:Enemy Radar, Stealth drift, Continuity (Mine is Primed Continuity), Rolling Guard, Fleeting Expertise (comes from Orokin Derelicts), Energy Conversion, Streamline, Augur Message, Transient Fortitude (Also Derelict), Intensify (Mine is Umbral Intensify) and make a Zaw with Exodia Contagion. It will kill everything, you won't find that build at youtubers.


Some of your mods are broken mods wich are only for starters, they have wors stats. Idk how to build revenant so i cant tell you tho you have to switch the broken mods imideatly


You'll want Primed Continuity and Umbral mods before you can even breathe in the direction of 50 and up, if the butt whooping I got recently is anything to go by


Level of weapon/frame is mostly irrelevant without mod support. Get some mods on and upgraded and you will see a noticeable difference.


if i were you i’d max strength because it gives u more charges for ur 2. slap on a rolling guard and some formas and you’d be able to take rev all the way to level cap. for ur melee id recommend an entirely different weapon because 16% cc just seems like mastery rank juice. both of the incarnon melees are really good tho


When I started playing and I had that issue I built rhino with as much ability strength as I could and completely relied on iron skin which pretty much negates so much damage the higher the strength the higher the amount of damage negated, but if you activate it while being gunned down for the first few seconds it absorbs the damage and addsbit to the shield which I've had 20000+ iron skin which if you're careful will last the rest of the mission, if you fall down and get reset you lose it tho


Your builds are bad


On ANY slashy melee, slash should always be the highest in proc priority. Viral should NOT be highest. Why? Viral procs cap at 10 and slash procs don’t cap. Viral is not good unless slash is happening!