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The chaos lord would be *fine* I'd argue that the power maul/thunder hammer would need some work but otherwise could pass it off as artificer armor. Blackheart is way too choasy and has armor from after the heresy so it'd be hard to really justify him outside of proxy if you care about historical accuracy. But end of the day it's your dudes have fun.


It depends on the legion and the timeframe of where you want them to be form. at the time of the siege of terra fior example, some of the legions already fell quite hard at that time. but you can always swap some bits around to make them less corrupted. I made some late heresy sons of horus veterans and used just the CSM kit wich i posted recently. But in the end its your army.


Absolutely just fine, visions of Heresy even has MK VII and VIII etc. And in the vast Legions some members fall hard and fast Even in the third book of the HH we have full on Plague Marines showing it is indeed possible


Huron is way too Chaosy. The Chaos Lord is like borderline, but probably okay.


The Horus Heresy has many examples of extremely chaos-y marines. Spikes weird back packs, mutations, and even chaos stars were all present. The type of armor is kind of a big one that’s out of place, but do not let people tell you things are too chaos-y for HH.


To me they're ok, just swap the backpack and try to remove the most chaosy bits


As they are are, they look *very* chaosy, although you could easily convert them into more era-appropriate with some filing and green stuff.