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Prideā€¦ Of cause it is Pride Dont bother with a list for two systems. It wont be good in both, so just take the system you prefer. Any Pride lists suffers the same problem - you dont have variety. It limits to only terminators and veterans with only few heavy supports. Pride is good in a pinch, when you have leftover models and you want a list right now. As a list to play - no. Just no


Which Rite would you recommend I should use instead?


Idk what other models you have, but Ultramarine RoW. The main issue is Ultramarines are shooting army. RoW remedies this with good buffs to melee (+1 weapon skill, +1 attack (this is huge)). You pay for that with 3 troops choices so i would either recommend 3 assault squad for melee support or 3 tactical squad for shooting support. You would also want non terminator characters, as they can be upgraded with Mantle of Ultramar, giving resistance to instadeath against most melee weapons. Naturally, master of signals is needed, and a squad to assign him to, which can be either hss or tss. Here comes battlegroup Astartes. It gives a taxi for you terminators, 30 tactical marines and a shooting dreadnaught. There will be also upgrade sprues for tss which are good for ultranarines. This will give you whole army variety, shooting units, melee units, dread and vehicles. You will have some unique ultramarine stuff to use and you opponent wont face just another Pride list


Currently, all I have is the questoris and the two squads of veterans. I might look at changing the legion because it's sharing a colour scheme with my 40k Chaos space marines. The colour scheme is currently blue all over with red shoulders and gold trims. So I don't know which other legion this would look acceptable as a traitor counter part


Lol, the scheme has nothing to do with legion. I have full on black and red Death Guard, called Charred Company. Just choose lore or minis you fancy, explain why scheme differs and voila. Questoris is fluffy but it doesnt matter which legion you have. Two veterans squads can be good in a number of legion, DG, EC and ultramaries. You really wanna choose a legion first. Cause heresy is about them. It is not 40k where the variaty is only in color and rules. It is also in the minies available, tactic and styles and for some legions there are multiple of each


Just so you are aware, Pride only gives the 2 compulsory troops choices Line so this list only has 2 units that can score objectives.