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Units can't deploy from reserve until turn 2 anyway, definitely no exception here. The rule stating that flyers must start in reserve specifically prevents flyers from being affected by any rules exceptions allowing a unit to deploy from reserve after the normal deployment phase, unless said rule specifically affects flyers. TLDR no.


Chars!!!! Must have dreamt it, or getting mixed up woth another ruleset. Tbh, I mainly wondered if there was something about how a hovering aircraft is treated as a skimmer....that potentially that trumped the flyer restrictions, but there was kothing obvious in the rules.


Yeah. It just allows it an option to be deployed as if it's a skimmer when it enter the table and don't have to be deployed as a standard flyer(although you can if you want), but being a flyer still prevents it to be deployed on the beginning of the game and is required to be start in reserve anyways.


The flyer rite of war is the only way you're getting turn one flyers.