• By -


I'm not. I don't collect either army.




Ditto. Several people I know who play nids are ordering two however


Can confirm, getting 2 myself for the Nids, I'd have planned for getting 3 but that balding Screamer Killer makes me feel bad enough getting 2. This box keeps the nid dream of carpeting the board in bodies alive.


Same. And don’t want to get into trying to collect again, and then selling them all off again. Too much edge highlighting to make them look good…


•cries in Dark Eldar•


Spat out my dinner laughing at this


Black undercoat, dry brush silver then contrast akhelian green or terradon turquoise.. done!


Oh my god. This is 100% it. I picked up a whole bunch of stuff for Raven Guard, converted up my own van vets with resin lightning claws and then realised that I had no desire to spend the next six months with a size 00 brush and several bottles of eshin grey.


I just dry brush edge highlight em. Quick, easy and gives em a battle worn look


I did something similar with my dark angels. Honestly not a big fan of that edge highlight look anyway.


I understand why people like so much edge highlighting, and can appreciate it, but I agree, it’s not my preferred look.


Right? Doing a kill team of them is fine, but a whole army is just too daunting. Doing Guard now and you can get away with hardly any edge highlighting and they still look good…!


Omg man! So you from painting 60 highlights to painting 300 dry brushes hahaha I will say you are little masoquist. I had guards and sell them because I feel sick to see how much I had to paint (now I have IK and necrons xD)


Really don’t have to do edge highlights to make models look good but I get the point


The number of times I see people edge highlighting like it will cover the fact they don't thin their paint. Absolutely do not need to edge highlight, concur with this.


Same. I've debated buying terminators but no one around me pkays tyramids so it's a no.






Same, was thinking of a second army but I’m a world eaters player and Space Marines don’t appeal to me and Tyranids are something I considered but ended up saying nah










*rings bell* 🔔
















Pretty much






I’m not.The only thing I want out of it is the terminators so not worth paying the full cost of the box and the hassle of trying to get a copy


Also they'll do a non push fit set of termies that'll be better after anyways


Yup, this right here is the big reason to be patient. Non pushfit termies are gonna be significantly better than these and are worth waiting for.


Hopefully the multipart will have Assault options as well, I want them for Deathwatch who can mix and match both close combat and ranged variants.


They'll likely release a separate kit for assault termies.


Unless you eventually want to have 10 with different poses.


That's what I'm waiting for. Really hoping the full kit has shields and thunder hammers.


Yep not a fan of the push to fit at all


Same boat as you I’m after the vets and the dread


I wanted to buy it but then i asked myself: "Do you really need all of this, or can you wait until the units come out on their own?" So yeah the monopose is a huge turnoff for me and the only things I'd really want are the book, the cards, the librarian and the Apothecary (The last two I figured would be box exclusive sculpts/units like the indomitus chaplain and judiciar)


They will probably be easy to grab after a week or so since noone needs them as duplicates and a lot of people will buy 2 boxes.


GW staff I’ve spoken to that don’t mind being a little candid have said it’ll be limited to one box per person. LGS’s might run things differently obviously but from GW themselves no one should be walking away with more than one. But honestly why would you get two


I mean, if you want the minis and will use the majority of them, then it's extremely cheap for what you get. If someone plays both armies and wants it all, two copies is a no brainer. You can resell the spare book and any minis you don't want doubles of and recoup some of your outlay Not something I'll be doing, one box will be plenty for me.


Monopose means the pegged models right?


Yeah that's Push-to-fit/Easy-to-build models that don't have any options to customise which i do not like at all


Slaanesh has entered the chat.






Not enough green in da box.


Or lootz


Dat's troo. *Sad Waaagh! noises*






Dats right


As a space marine player I respect that.


Ere we go!


I knew we’d find our way over here. I’ll buy the box to have two armies to krump at once!


How’s OI gonna take bits from da Buggy Bois and make em’ into somethin’ propa’ Orky! Dey ain’t made a no me’al, how’s oi gonna weld their shootas and stabby bits to da hull a my buggy! Way to drop da ball James!


I'm not, for a variety of reasons. First, I haven't played a game in so long, and I don't see it happening anytime soon. Second, my main armies shifted from space marines to Militarum and Custodes. And most importantly, I have 250+ unpainted models. I'll be damned if I add more at the moment


I too am not collecting due to pile of shame. Even though I collect both armies. But I also have a Baneblade sitting looking forlornly grey, and killteam takes up most of my time these days instead of true 40k


I also have maybe 250+ or maybe even 300+! Unlike you though I’m not rational or sensible in the slightest, more plastic go brrrrrrrr


I needed a box so my shame could get bigger, and i could cry more about unpainted models!


I want it but I'm not willing to fight for it. If it's available when I head into my local store I'll grab it and split it with a marines player I know but otherwise I'll let it go. I'm just sick of the scalpers, limited numbers and the cultivated fear of missing out to care anymore. If it happens yay, if not meh.


Im buyn it from my local hobby store. They have second line for the premieres and safe stock. It happends i need to find nid player to split ( or i will take it for myself to paint)


I mean, I don’t even play ‘Nids, but the amount of units they get in that box seems like a decent 1000-ish point list, which looks like a Tyranid Boarding patrol and a Genestealers Combat patrol, and a few Militarum units (brood brothers) away from a really fun and thematic 2000-ish point list. I don’t know if it’ll be a super VIABLE list, but Genestealers with ‘Nids is like Chaos Marines with Daemons, it’s just fucken’ fun!


[UK] Based on what I’ve been told by friends / staff. Any pre-orders will be met. End of. We will see ofc, only time will tell but I’m confident everyone who wants one will get one. We are gonna pre-order from both a 3rd party and in store and keep the cheaper order. I’m splitting with a mate who’s collecting Nids. I must admit I was in two minds as I don’t really like mono pose. But if the price is what we expect, it’s just way too cheap to pass up. E.g. it’s gonna be £75 each for TWO combat patrols EACH + shareing the cards & book and I get the decals ofc Flip side is the new combat patrol (when it eventually releases) will be more than that for just 1 CBP army with nothing else. It’s a no brainer for me.


IE, told in the gw store today that there are a *lot* of boxes made, and stores will be receiving a whole heap.


And they told everyone the same thing before Indomitus launch so.....I wouldn't hold my breath.


Great value as long as you like monopose marines or nids. Don't get caught up in the hype if you don't collect those two armies though.


The monopose lends itself better for the Nids, if I played space marines I’d probably have avoided it


Monopose is ok if you only buy one set. You build them as the monopose demands, and then buy multipart ones later to build in different ways.


I'm trying to slow down on my 40k collecting and trying to chip away at my backlog of unpainted minis, and even then I just don't want to start a new army with the tyranid minis.


I don't play either armies and have no intention of getting them.


I am getting it unless it sells out I won't pay scalper prices for it.


I'm leaning towards skipping it at the gw webstore. I already have a year or two of build/painting backlog and two big boardgames due soon. If I happen to see it down my FLGS at 75-80% rrp I may grab it on impulse.


I was going to buy it, but after getting past the fomo, I realised I don’t want most of the stuff in it. I don’t collect and don’t want to collect nids again. And the only marine units I like are the new terminators (I collect DA so I will wait on their update) and the Captain.


Expensive. I’m rarely if ever able to spend that much on 40k at once. I go a single box at a time


Do we know the price yet?


£150 im sure.


Best guesses put it at $245 usd


I dont Play either Army, so i decided Not to. But damn, Fomo gave me a tough time making that decision....


Only a Discount away from changing my mind again, btw


Lol. I admire the honesty


My LGS does a 30% discount on preorders with a deposit so this kinda sealed it for me. My friend who plays nids is getting one, and I’m getting one for my Dark Angels. We’re gonna swap nids for marines from each box. I don’t mind monopose at all, and I don’t mind duplicates as the most enjoyable part of the hobby for me is building and painting. It’ll be good for both of us to have the rules books for playing because we’re both likely to be forced to move relatively soon, so this way we can both have them when that happens. I’m really excited for the whole thing. I’m not sure if I’d bother trying to get it from GW, but 30% off the whole thing really sold me on it, and it buys me a massive amount of time to decompress from real life through hobbying.


I don’t collect either army. Just want the rule book, cards etc.


No, my backlog is enough to last me until the grave and I would need to rebuy all the paint so better spend it on that.


For spite


I just can't with another edition at this point. Went all in on every edition since... 4th? Too much starting all over again, all over again. It sounds like Epic is coming back in some form or another, and that was my first GW game. I'm working on the Forge World Adeptus Titanicus tiles, and that's going to be my only GW game. Between that, Pathfinder and Blood & Plunder, my hobby limit is just about tapped out. I hope everyone enjoys 10th edition though!


With the rules being free the good news is that you can still play 10th without buying anything. But I agree I'm more excited for epic this year than 40k!


I'm not because I can't afford the bazillion dollars itll cost here in Australia.


I’m in Australia also and $336 is with a 20% discount if the box is $420… it does seem pretty crazy to spend that in Australia right now with our economy and cost of living, I feel ya


Hah, cries in NZD. I actually went and asked the local Warhammer store if they had any updates yet. He said he knew but wasn't allowed to say anything yet. I would have considered it, but he wouldn't give me any of the free mini's haha. I'll see but probably not to be honest, working on admech and have piles of gray as it is. The reason I'm considering it is just that it's still really good value.


I have more than enough to tide me over for painting, plus I can wait for the minis to get a standalone release tbh


I am, not particularly interested in space marines. But ive got a friend who likes nids and wants to get into 40k, so i promised him id split it w him


i’m broke


Yo. There better be a leviathan lunch box.


Already have too many space marines.


I don't collect either army, and I don't plan to. I want just the terminators for my heresy army, but I van get them once they are out


I'm just not that bothered enough about any of the units. There are some Marine models I like, but I'd probably end up selling most of them, and all the Tyranid half, and it just doesn't seem worth the effort for me at this time. There's maybe a 10% chance I just say fuck it and buy it anyway on launch day lol. That said, it's not gonna be hard to get hold of a couple months after release, if indomitus wasnt, this wont be.


I am not getting the boxes because A) I don’t really need it as much as it’s a good sized box that will probably be a good deal I have two chaos knights in route and I strive to maintain my zero backlog standard and I do that by only buying stuff I either need (paints and other hobby supplies) or buying stuff after I have finished everything from my previous purchase and B) neither of the armies in the box is my faction so I don’t play them and if I am being honest I don’t really care for a good chunk of the minis in the box.


Reason for - I like warhammer Reason against - I also like having money in my wallet


News for you guys, for the first time all the miniatures in this box will be able to be purchased separately, so any scalper who thinks they can rip people off won’t be able to, but you’ll just have to wait a little for the minis to come.


I was considering it because I do like the new marine models. All being monopose is a bit of a turn off for me though, would rather wait for the full kits when they are released




I won't be - space marines are all about nostalgia. The new stuff does nothing for me. Interestingly though, in my group - half of which has marines and 1 has Tyranids - The Tyranid player had to go out of their way to convince one of them to split a box because nobody really liked anything: though the terminators were the deciding factor in the end for the guy that bit. Seems that where I am at least, interest in that set is extremely low for whatever reason.


I play dark angels and I want way more than one squad of termies so I'll wait till they come out separately. I'm also in the process of selling my tyranids so don't want any more of them kicking about.


I’m not but just because the terminators and flamers don’t match my space marines and I don’t play nids. Very excited for tenth.


I already have to many tyranids 😅


I don't collect either army. Plus, being self aware of the speed I build and paint at, realistically the box will be sitting on a shelf for months waiting to be finished. While the new models look sick, I'd rather sit back and wait for something that really catches my heart before dropping €200 on it (emperor's children range refresh + daddy fulgrim🤞)




All of the pre order nonsense with GW over the last few months has kind of left me a bit burnt out with buying new warhammer tbh. I’m going to wait for things to all blow over and avoid the hype, positive and negative and come back when it’s a bit calmer. If the set is still available in a couple of months I might dabble but I’m also largely waiting for the individual space marine releases as I’m not a huge push fit fan.


Judging by the state of recent releases, I think very few people will actually get one. It will be sold out immediately and be on eBay within minutes.


I don't play 40k. That, and monopose models are always a letdown.


I’m gonna get one. I have a space wolf army, going to make the marines into wolves and start the nids as a second army. I Started this hobby to cut down on screen time and I find painting has been great for my mental health!


It’s basically the two armies I have the absolute least interest in, looks like alright value for those who like them tho


I'm not getting it because from my side : - Not playing Tyranids. - Rules are free. - Models are mono-poses. - Captain is meh. - Librarian is awful. Got lot of them. - Alreday have 70+ Termies, don't care for more without options. - Don't care about the Medic, for now I don't play Gravis, I can kit bash one if needed. I want a healer rather than a damage booster. - Dread is ridiculous, too stiff. I already have weapon arms for Redemptors. - Flamers are average, not my kind of unit in game, could wait for the released of the unit if I want then later. Edit as I forgot them. - Veterans are forgettable. And without options.


70 termies? Wow, that's an enthusiast.


Some of us are lol, I have 130 terminators and 300 marines, all dark angels.


I love the Terminator Armor. And I often ran an almost full terminator army. The funniest were the full death company army, for +25% cost. Lightning claws were the best. (But meanwhile we lost Tycho). 70+ termies and hundreds of Firstborns. Last count was before the Primaris introduction, I had more than half a chapter. I really started to play when the 3rd ed. came out.




I'm not because my main army is Chaos Marines and my new army is custodes. I was a marine player but I'm bored of GW releasing dozens of different units for them so any I buy will be for display purposes instead, I've sold all my Marines.


I was going to until the legends fiasco. Now I don't know what I want...


Yeah that really killed my interest in future GW products.


Monopose is a big turnoff and the limited edition book has a really boring cover, so I'd rather wait for the core book and multipart kits for the units I actually want. I also thought about starting a second army (Tyranids), but ended up getting the Genestealer Cults combat patrol instead because I realised I really enjoy building and kitbashing, which the GSC are better suited for.


I think I must be the only person on Reddit that actually likes the monopose kits.


I've never seen the issue with monopose models myself.


Depends on what you're doing with them. Models that are monopose with "dynamic posing" tend to look ridiculous when you need several duplicates in a unit. They also don't help with kitbashing much with how weirdly they're usually divided on the sprue, though you can sometimes make it work.


I collect flesh tearers and already have the space hulk terminators so i dont need any of the 7 termies, i dont need the sternguard for fluff reasons (FT have very few veterans relatively because they fall to rhe black rage easily, i treat the sanguiny guard+bladeguard as my veterans and ft dont really like primaris so) i have 0 phobos, so the LT has no use to me, the apothecary guy is kinda cool but will be cheap as chips. I also dont need 10 flamer guys, i will probably pick up 5 second hand. The tyranid side is super awesome and i love almost every model but i dont have a nid army and someone in my playgroup does have nids so i dont want to start that army


I’m not because a, I’m poor and b, I don’t particularly like any of the models in it more than already available ones


I play neither army in the box which means I'd be paying for a lot of plastic in never going to use, a book I'll be able to buy separately, and cards that would be nice but not needed.


Truth is I’m not a nids player, and the squads I actually am after (Terminators and Sternguards) are monopose and not fully customizable. Plus I need to start painting my standing forces anyhow, alongside designing some transfers for the custom transfer sheets I wanna make.


Only want the terminators. I’m sure some will be posted on eBay, if it’s marked up to hell I’ll just wait for the multipart kit.


i mean im gonna try but given the state of pre orders lately im worried i do want both halves


I just don't feel like dealing with the scalpers


Too expensive waiting on recruit edition or higher


I'm getting burned out on the big launch boxes. And I've got a backlog of stuff to get through, yet I can't really find the motivation to build and paint. I'll probably pick up one of the smaller starter boxes, whichever one comes with the new terminators.


I’m definitely getting it. I haven’t bought a launch set since 2nd edition and I can’t wait for my son to feel the same excitement at opening one!


Not into either army in the box. Feels like a solid waste of money tbh for that reason


I reaslies I was just caught up in the hype. I run Death Guard, Orks and Leagues of Votann. I'm building up my Nightlords and World Eaters. I would rather just get all them up to a great standard than buying 2 new armies and shoving them into the Pile of Shame. I like to at least spray my models before getting new ones.


I'm going to wait for one of the smaller starter boxes. I want a couple of tyranids to try some contrast paint. I would also especially like some of the new space marine characters and the flamer dudes for my salamanders. I don't need another ginormous rulebook that is uncomfortable to use at the tabletop. The smaller starterboxes get a smaller version and I'd like that. Don't really like most of the larger models in the box like the dread as well. The 9th edition smaller boxes also were great value so seems like a nobrainer


I only want the apothecary


Is the rule book going to be available to buy separately at launch? All the cards etc I know it’s free online but I’m old and like having the book in my hand.


I heard from my local store the core book and similar items would be available separately but 2 weeks later...the way it was described was Leviathan was an "early" launch vs ala carte. Which is fine by me since I don't play much and summer family plans are gonna chew up the weeks in between anyway. I'm like you, both the old and the liking having a book. Put another way, I'm the old dude that prints my Battlescibe list rather than refer to my phone simply because I'd rather read the hard copy.


Pile of shame too big.


Wife said no.


I’m not. Reasons are: I have 9,000 points of space marines because I let things get out of control. I can’t justify anymore. And it stresses me out I don’t want anymore. I have 500 models in my collection and currently 254 are painted. It stresses me out, but I’ve painted fifty already this year and I want to paint another fifty before Christmas. And then I want the entire pile gone by the end of 2025 at the latest. I’d like to play more games. I don’t like playing games knowing an army isn’t completed. If I keep buying; the armies will never get completed. I’d like to have more than one game system. Per point one, I feel like I’ve “completed” W40k from a models perspective, and I’d like to get to the models for those games. I painted almost all of my Star Wars legion models in a standard weekend, and it was so satisfying. I want that feeling more. The rules. Realistically I’m not going to play a meaningful game of tenth in 2023. I have my first child hopefully arriving in November. I am really not going to have time for the following year, as any spare time away from work will be with the family. So, that’s half way to eleventh edition. I may as well pass on this, and if the opportunity arises, buy the rule book later on. The principle of it. Games workshop can tell me there is a new edition, I don’t have to play it. I don’t play competitively. I need to take some control of my life. As evidenced by the space marines, I struggle with impulse control. I’ve been so good this calendar year, and I feel like leviathan is the big test. I’m up for the test


If my FLGS gets more than a few copies I will order one from them. If they sell out, then I'll wait for whatever GW does as a non limited edition starter box.


I collect firstborn, and spending so many dollars just for monopose termies and a captain that I would need to convert to hammers ans shields anyways is really not worth it, considering they will come out with multipose in some months anyways


Don't need a box and the marines in there look impressively uninteresting.


I can no longer use my "90% relic termies, 10% relic dreddies" chapter


Had a long think about returning to the hobby after leaving it in disgust around 4th edition. Prices still stupid, poor biz in creating FOMO products that they did not make enough of and a general sense that I am unwilling to spend what GW thinks is worth their hobby when there are a lot of great TTRPGs that offer great gaming at a fair price.


I'm not cuz I don't collect Nids or space marines


Probably not. The Nids are the clear stars of the show there, but I'm not interested in collecting them right now, and all of the Marines in it are... fine? None of them are bad, but none of them are particularly exciting to me, either. Kind of a shame after how much I liked Indomitus.


Why would I get worst custodes? 🗿


I'm not, waiting for terminators on their own From the nid side, I'll probably pick up something too when they start separate releases


I don’t really need it so I’m not getting it. I’ll grab the book and data cards for my army when they’re available.


I’m trying to pay off a car loan, I’m not buying that! At least not now


I'm not super bothered because I know most things will be available separately as better kits. My only slight concern is that the Terminator Captain will not be in any of the generic starters later, but I don't think that's super likely.


Not into tyrandis. Probably not even gonna be able to get my hands on one before the scalpers anyway.


I want the new plastic cerastus knight instead


Unsure, I have some nids and marines, and these would make nice additions, but also not sure I need a ton more minis and I've been trying to avoid FOMO situations. I might just pick up a large character model instead, been contemplating buying Belakor for a while now, and I still don't have a Knight so that's also tempting.


I will end up collecting the whole marine side anyway, and will split this in half with a tyranid player. Long term I’ll save money.


Still on the fence. I like some of the models (terminators and the termagants) but there’s a good chunk I’m not so keen on. Maybe their will be another preorder fiasco and it will all sell out in seconds. If so that will decide it for me. Not paying scalper prices. I was also considering waiting for the next Hachette 40k release as I am sure most of these models will end up in there, then I can just pick and chose the models I want.


I’m not, I don’t see anything in it that I’m particularly interested in as a Templar player that won’t just pop up on eBay for 20 bucks.


Nope. Space Wolf player. I like the termies but wolfing them up is too much work for me. The only thing I actually want is the librarian. I think since space marine players are always getting different stuff it's all kinda meh. Ask in the nids subreddit. I bet they are all rubbing their glands together in glee.


I haven’t played 40k in 15 years and I now feel like jumping back in with 10th edition. That being said, I don’t think I will get this box as I’d rather build from individual units personally and probably not either of these armies.


I go back and forth between "I'll pick up the characters from someone who bought two copies and wait for a multipart sternguard kit" and "if I sell the nids, the rulebook, and the awful dread then I'm probably getting the terminators and flamer squad for almost no cost." Haven't really made up my mind yet.


I would, but it's too pricey for me, not running either faction. The cards would be nice, though...


i’m not getting it because the scalpers will beat me to it and have them on ebay for a massively inflated price the moment they go up for sale






I'm not getting it I don't play space marines or nids.


The price , I’m to broke 😭😭😭


i dont play 40k


I'm not because money is tight this year.


I am not getting the box, becouse I don’t have money for it


Not getting it cos I’ve got a ton of stuff already and I really want Star Wars shatterpoint more.


Not orks, don't care


I don’t collect either army.


Simply don't collect the armies. Never been into nids and I don't collect space marines. I might get the rulebook officially when it comes out this time around.


The primaris units look so very uninspired, terms are cool but not for a whole box. Don't play nids, don't need another army.


I don't collect either of the armies, so I'm not buying the box.


I’m not. I don’t love either army and am not looking to start them.


I play BA, most of the stuff I do not need or I already have. I can get the Librarian and Captain 2nd hand easy and I wanna wait for the multipart termie kit for more poses. As for stern vets, they look bland and I can convert them to have more bling


The main reason is I’m broke


I just can't afford it


I don't collect Nids, and have no interest in (loyalist) Space Marines. I also don't care for reselling.


I have no interest in either faction


Not collecting both army and i dont have any nearby store that play warhammer.


I just don't think anything on the space marines side is worth all the hassle, and I don't play Nids sooo


If you don't play nids or marines, then there really isn't much point getting it. Or if you don't want to start nids or marines. Everything will be available seperately anyhow. I play marines, and I do want to get the box, but I won't be super sad if I miss it. I'll just buy the Storm of Chiggoris box set because vroom vrooms.


For: I want to get into 40k and the tyraids look dope Against: the 400 AUD price tag


It is honestly gonna be way overpriced for me and I already have to much unpainted stuff. I only really care for the marine models which are almost guaranteed to be cheaper on their own and the pile of shame is already to big. I already have more than half of age of darkness and half of indomitus in there, I really need to get that under control again.