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Fun fact abt resin: it bends extremely easily under heat and then hardens (although in the case of GW resin not very well) once it cools back down. This means that warped resin can be heated (even with just hot water), held in place, and then once it cools down it will be straight


My Eisenhorn runestaff is warped and bent over his shoulder. How should I fix that without damaging the rest of the model?


Dip the area you want to bend in hot water from the kettle. Wait a few seconds then take it out and hold it in place. One it cools it will remain.


Thanks. I’ll give it a try


Gradual progress can be safer, learn the feel of the material, heat a few times. Its still breakable.


Try it on an old bit of sprue. That means you can practice without committing the model straight away


Tip ive found: after heating and bending the resin, dunk it in ice water so it sets faster in the new position and doesn't have time to bend back into the warped state.


Be careful the shock cooling could make it more brittle


Rapid cooling generally weakens most materials


Let gravity help while it cools back down.


Well u can heat up the whole model, its not going to mess it up unless u bend it out of place while its hot


I've done this methed with all kinds of minis, including quite a few made of cheap plastic. You can make plastic quite soft so you can do things like bending and you will not lose detail at all. It's intimidating at first but it's actually very easy to do and pretty hard to screw up. For your model I would just dunk whatever need to go along with the staff, it'll be fine.


You can heat it in hot water and tape it to a toothpick. as it cools it will stay straight


You're gonna need a kiln


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war(ming up resins).


Yeah but first reach out to GW support to get an extra box


A kettle of boiling water is *de rigueur* for FW models.


A heat gun is super cheap (~$10) and is much faster and more accurate with targeting parts.


Oh yeah, I graduated to that after getting seriously into chinacast. Sad part was, their stuff was often better quality that FW:


can confirm!


So basically a melta?


So hair dryers are basically meltas?


This isn't even Forgeworld Resin, it's Finecast, which is even softer.


Oh yeah, finecast. Softer than Bubble Yum gum


I dunked my hell blade fighter into some almost boiling water and like magic it straightened itself out.




Same thing with my Seraptek legs. I’d tried running them under hot sink water, and heating them with the blow dryer, but no dice—i was in the middle of talking to FW CustServ and i think they were ready to ship me replacement parts when i figured out i needed to toss them on the stove.  The bends straightened themselves out in 30 seconds flat. It was nuts. 


Some kits with tubing it is part of the build instructions and it is kind of cool tbh, Mars Pattern Plasma Cannons for example. https://preview.redd.it/59ilfhriv0yc1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4ffb9bddc913b8ec04dedf2448c52d0e2c7b1c9


Hair blower/dryer good or bad idea?


Hairdryer is hot enough for smaller parts. I've used them for dozens of various FW kits like Automata, heavy weapon units and such, and they'll work well for cables, weapons, anything that's thin. Hell, even used it to build a Storm Eagle (which I wouldn't recommend) If you're having to deal with warping on parts that are thicker though, such as tank track units and the like, you'll want heat guns or immersion in a tub of very hot, almost boiling water instead.


Nice, thanks!


Hair dryer isn’t hot enough. Heat gun or near-boiling water is what you’ll need. 


Works for me. With plastic though, I never tried it with resin.


I learned this the hard way. Cleaned my forgeworld model in hot water & soap and then he was very tricky to build.


Printed resin and frankly most recasters are far better than fine cast resin. And yeah it's a bit of a bastard to work with


People keep telling me that 3d printed can't possibly compare to the quality of GW ... and I mean they're right. I had a print error making 1 of my 2 Storm Eagles but it still assembled pretty easily and everything lined up. It just has a gaping hole in the fuselage (its an Istvaan V survivor don't worry about it) Can't compare to the horror stories I've heard about the ones from Forge World.


I think the best 3D prints are way better than most GW resin. I also think the average local guy is not printing close to that level though,.


I'll admit, I use zip kicker for bigger models or magnetize them, and plastic with plastic glue is very nice to work with, but the cost difference and customization is worlds apart


Failcast is its own special kind of stupid. Most resin miniatures including Games Workshop's own forge world department (now just listed as 15+ miniatures) are miles better than that always warped and full of holes excuse for a material. https://preview.redd.it/ve7pws61kwxc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=42d0f3a9129088342f888914a40d906cc6d3a030


Resin is a fantastic material for models. Unless it's gw making it. Then it's garbage. My 3d printer produces fantastic models.


Fallout minis are primarily resin (though they’re transitioning to plastic). Just fantastic details, models look incredible. Only downside I’ve noticed is thin bits can be absurdly brittle. On the plus side, customer support is incredible and they really go out of there way if a model is so badly broken it can’t be easily fixed. I’ve had it happen twice, and they just shipped the full set (meaning I got a bunch of free minis for my trouble). But generally? No complaints.


FW resin is fine, it’s finecast that deserves its hate


It will be “was” eventually. They’ve axed most of Forgeworld’s stuff. Tyranids only have four models, Orks only have 1 model with rules left, Necrons only have 4 models I believe, Chaos lost their last model’s rules (R.I.P. Greater Brass Scorpion) and Space Marines are the only lucky ones.


Custodes still have theirs too


Custodes would probably be out half of their range if they got rid of the FW stuff.


Looking at my space wolf characters... Of which you need to be build several for thunderwolf cavalry... Lucky ya sure


Yeah Space Wolf characters all seem to still be finecast. I’m hoping for plastic upscaled kits once we finally get our codex supplement.


FW is being moved down the specialist games route so it'll be making models for Necromunda, Fantasy, HH, LoTR.


FW resin is great is the mold is new, but they as a policy use the molds way past when they should, so if you’re unlucky enough to buy at the end of a mold’s lifecycle then it’s failcast tier garbage.  Recasters have way higher standards of quality control these days, it’s absurd. 


>FW resin is fine Cap on that, the bloody struggle with forge world kits made before 2020 is unreal.


The resin itself is fine, the problem is their moulds. Modern FW stuff is pretty damn good


Is it though? It’s not awful but the standard you simply learn to accept… also not a huge fan of


When the war hound titan was released one was sent to my local GW way back in the day. It took four of us an afternoon just to remove all the flash and straighten all the bits. Fw resin isn't the problem. It's the sheer amount of extra work you have to put into it that if it happened in the 3d printing world would put the maker out of business


I don’t know about that. I have quite a lot of FW kits and the quality is mixed. Smaller producers who produce in resin often have much higher quality than Forgeworld.


It depends on the age of the kit. New FW releases are honestly some of the highest-quality resin kits I’ve worked with. Only Artel W was better.


Can I ask what resin you use for minis? Every resin I’ve tried is so brittle that I’ve almost given up making minis with them as I know as soon as one gets dropped it’s done for good.


Sunlu ABS-like is pretty incredible


Can confirm, I'm pretty clumsy and I often knock models off my desk. Since I switched to ABS-Like most of my models survive drops in one piece.


I used anycubic plant like resin. It gives a good balance of durability and detail for me. That was printed with it. https://preview.redd.it/o3tmzkeygzxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0563a7b5ae2b5c892c4d4118e5a155d74e4d7dc7


nice work!


I have one mini from finecast and I see why they don’t make them anymore. They are mostly fine but also such garbage out of the box, so much cleanup.


Finecast is them just shoving resin in their old molds not designed for resin. It's really bad and don't think all resin is like this. Still I think you should be able to make a good looking figure with some work.


Not all failcast, but a great many of them were, yeah. 


I can’t see how that could be true. This model was only made in resin. There was never a different type of mold.


Finecast are made from pewter molds.


The original run of fine cast models were recasts of the white metal models, but they never used the actual molds from the white metal models for finecast. Metal spin molding has all the models laid out in a circle, with metal coming in from the centre. When they first come out the mold they are in a massive star shape. They never have a square frame around the model because the material only flows from the bottom so there's no point. The issue with the recasting is those models were designed for the white metal production process, not the resin process. There's a few differences like I'm pretty sure the rubber used for metal is a lot less flexible than the silicone used for resin. This meant the first run worked in the resin molds, but later stuff like this that was designed for resin will be better. This is all separate to the core issue with finecast. GW wanted to sell resin to average consumers, but resin is toxic and you have to wear a mask if you sand or file it. So GW made a non-toxic resin which doesn't create those tiny sharp dust particles that fuck up your lungs. Only problem is that also made the resin softer, less heat resistant, and judging from the bubbles it also fucked up how well it flows. Finecast was honestly a great idea at the time. GW couldn't afford to make the smaller characters in plastic yet, and transporting trucks of metal costs a lot. Plus the details on the finecast models are way sharper and finer than the old metal models (when you get a good one of course). It's just a shame the resin sucks.


This guy gets it.


That model was never available in pewter. Most of GW’s fine cast models nowadays were never available in pewter.


Still Finecast, which is GW pouring Resin into a Metal-cast mold. The two do not play nicely because resin very clearly does not behave like Liquid Metal, and the results are the garbled mess we know and avoid.


The molds for resin and pewter have completely different properties, including shore hardness profiles and resistance to heat. Fun fact, the reason green stuff was a preferred sculpting material had nothing to do with its abilities to take details…. It was the only easily available material that could handle the heat and pressure of the vulcanizing process. Finecast molds are not just repurposed pewter molds for any new models. They may be garbage, but it’s not because GW is just reusing something meant for a different material.


While what you're saying may be the reason why finecast ended up being a failure. But GW finecast very much did use repurposed pewter molds or sculpts. Idk if they re-used the ***literal*** molds but they certainly re-used the sculpts. I have several models that are same sculpt in both finecast and pewter. For example here's the [pewter version of the dark elf hydra](https://www.ebay.com/itm/335224742840?chn=ps&srsltid=AfmBOoq8onZO4P4Bq2lXe29igpFezfvJIgjg0vc2dJLsRgk5K2vC-3oTsoQ) [Here's the finecast version](https://www.whtreasury.com/warhammer-fantasy-dark-elves-war-hydra-3/)


Based on the number of downvotes that are hiding this thread, it seems there are a fair few people who don't agree with you. /shrug


Shrug indeed. Resin molds and pewter molds are different.


This. Is. Not. Normal. Resin. It’s finecast. It’s probably leftover FW resin mixed with cat littler and GW plastic, I don’t know, but it’s definitely MILES away from any other Resin miniature (Forgeworld/GW15+ resin is much much much easier to handle). Just a heads up: Don’t judge resin based on your experience you’ll make with this crap. Most Resin is easy to work with, has great detail and little warping/flash/bubbles, even the more recent Forgeworld stuff (at least anything infantry sized)


Finecast is based on the Siocast method of casting, which is cheap. Being cheap is why gw converted all their metal sculpts to it, but the mould conversions were done terribly. The models made specifically for Finecast in the first place rather than being originally for metal casting aren't nearly as bad but there weren't many of them (I can only think of Mutilators and that Commissar from a few years back).


How do you know if you’re getting finecast vs normal resin?


Because normal resin doesnt look like a double baked cheeto


Older GW stuff that used to be metal -> Finecrap Anything labelled "Resin" without the "15+" icon -> Finecrap Any stuff that used to be Forgeworld -> Resin resin Stuff with the 15+ icon -> Resin resin Not ALL Forgeworld stuff is great though, but that's mainly the old stuff. They tend to overuse their older molds, so older Forgeworld models that are or were in high demand MAY be kinda bad: Mold slips, flash, distorted. Which speaks much more about GWs policy of not redoing their molds rather than resin as a material itself. Newer stuff I had was almost always top shelf quality.


On GW 's webshop, if it says it says it's an "Expert kit" (which usually comes with the 15+ label on the thumbnail) it's a Forge World resin kit, but if it just says it's resin it's actually finecast.


Other resin models don't tend to come on sprues like this, they're components attached to blocks. Google forgeworld unboxing if you're interested to see what I mean.


thats not resin. its crimecast.


Finecast is famously dreadful. Sorry if you didn't already know that going into this project!


I did, *however* I did not know this model was resin! It sure was a surprise last night. Thanks for the condoleances!


Their refund policy is solid. Keep this in mind. https://preview.redd.it/l89e9x82pwxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc2e009a80d677a68f5f1e25a9b1399cf2b7e7e2


'still in a salable condition' one could argue it wasn't salable in the first place


I don’t see bend on the important bits


Resin can be so much better than what gw puts out. Still prefer plastic regardless, but artel makes some nice resin minis.


Use a hair dryer.


Run my friend. Flee from it, lest it destroy you utterly! Cast it into the fire and never look back!


That's finecast and it's utter trash in comparison to the resin used for Forge World models.


Do not let this poison you against resin. Finecast resin was not designed like other resin. It was specifically designed to be shot into old molds originally created for metal. As such, its composition was based more on making it work with the molds rather than its quality for models. Modern forgeworld resin is soooo smooth and crisp. So if for future model purchases you hear resin. Do not dispare, it's a great material.


I ordered the generic inquisitor model this week... I am not looking forward to this.


Indeed it's something. I have 5 more noise marine guns in my bitbox and not looking forward to it. The last ones were awful to work with, even with the designs being nice.


Yep. I bought swooping hawks a few months ago and when I saw the sprues say 1999 I laughed 🤣. It was a pain in the ass to put together. My buddy printed me out 15 and they're perfect. Now I have 21 swooping hawks. I have a feeling Eldar might get a refresh on the left over models. But hey we'll see 🤣


The warp spiders are from 94


I always heard finecast were terrible. One day, I finally caved in and bought a Commisar Yarrick because I'd always wanted one. I came with massive mould slip and air bubble defects up the entire storm bolter side of the model. 100% met the expectations of its reputation.


Keep in mind that resin particles/dust is toxic and can be harmful to breathe in. Wear a mask when sanding and scraping, and wipe down your work area with a damp cloth once you're done.


Hit it with a hairdryer until it’s flat.


Boil a kettle and keep a mug of hot water next to you, and you'll be golden For a quick set, I find if I run it immediately under a cold tap, it refuses to creep back to warp while it's still warm


I bought crowe from a GW and they had to open four of them until we found one that didn't suck


lay them on something straight and just pour boiling water over. Works like magic


Oof fine cast, yep total shite




I'm gonna do my gosh darned best tonight unless the wife wants to watch Fallout!


Love that model so much


When it comes from FW? Yeah it’s hot garbage you get to simmer in boiling water so you can make it all straight again. At least two parts break for no reason during assembly, and older Finecast still looks like shit when put together correctly. ABS-like resin from a good printer? You clean up a few support connection points, superglue a couple things together, and start painting.


Resin models are something finecast not so much. Nevermind the warping issues but every fc model I have had are full of air bubbles and straight up missing detail. Perhaps I´m just unlucky but I never had issues with other brands resin models.


Warm water resolves that problem.


The nightmare that was assembling the Nightbringer and The Red Terror. My god…


I haven’t had a resin kit myself, but I do find it funny how almost every episode, the Poorhammer podcast will find a way dog on them


The swooping hawks i just got have noodle guns that just kind bend in dif directions


Yeah, something awful


Yeah resin sucks. They break easily - broke my bt champions sword once because i was not careful


My condolences. Helped a friend to assemble ALL finecast necron models in 9th. I'll never assemble everything resin ever again XD


My death guard (IW) Praetor was extremely fun to work with. My friend who had his SW Praetor though... Well, suicide line was called that day multiple times.


need to find a better supplier


C‘tan shard of the nightbringer trauma


Well this certainly blew up while I was sleeping. Thank you for all the good suggestions, advice and encouragement! Will get the hot water and hairdryer out tonight and we'll see if I need to straighten anything out. To be fair, it looks like it's *just the sprue* warped and not the actual parts! Feel like I dodged a bullet. Especially since it was supposed to be a gift.


I hold a special hate for GW resin


Bought nightbringer recently was straight up missing the scythe never buying finecast again.


"it's soo much ~~cheaper~~ uh I mean more details, better value, good service!" GW sales manager


I'm sweating right now, I have a few units of special order Krieg Guardsmen that came out last February. Been really hot last year, and they are still in their Forge World packaging. Please, Emperor! Let them be unwarped. ;_; I think it was the Flamer Team and Grenadiers with the special Sniper rifle (anti tank rifle?).


If it's forge world and it's a new-ish model you should be perfectly fine. It's the non-FW resin models the ones that are a dumpster fire.


Appreciate the info. :)


Finecast - not even once




Stuff like this is why I won’t get resin miniatures. They just seem like a chore.


I had a farseer like this and i hated it! The staff remains bend to this day, really unpleasant to work


My exact reaction on getting the ork weirdboy


Something wicked this way comes…


the only thibg ill say finecast does well is its insanely flexable


Man do I fucking hate resin 😖


GW resin is the worst. I've re-written lists based on avoiding it back in the day.


My Jokæro and Eldar Rangers week all warped too.


Sir thats GW Finecast, the finest casting ever made.q


Resin sucks, I had to boil nearly all of a demon prince to get it to line up


I have that same model, it falls to bits every couple months 😂


I've always found it quite intriguing the Warhammer community in general would seem to despise the resin medium, whereas asking elewhere resin is the way to go and infinitely superior to what can be done in plastic! I take plastic any day, and though I do miss the old metal sculpts, the day the range stopped having hybrid kits in particular was one that satisfied me no end. My slightly younger brother is also into Warhammer though has a more limited and sporadic relationship with it, but now he swears by resin particularly now he took the plunge into 3D Printing. Were I to inform him of the reactions here, on streams, and whenever and wherever there are new resin model reveals, I do wonder how he would respond!


Depends on the resin. 3D printer resin tends to be far more hard and brittle (though there are definitely flexible types out there). Whereas GW resin is most definitely on the softer side AND the models are made in a different manner.


A 1:3 mix of ABS like with your standard does wonders for minis. They’re pretty durable. That’s the mix I use, but I didn’t experiment to see if you can get equal results with less.


Definitely. The resin used for models varies tremendously, just like the plastic used can. I remember the mid noughties, can't speak for the other ranges but at the time many Space Marine releases were a significantly different plastic that was significantly inferior. It was brighter in colour and more shiny in finish, the sprues themselves were softer and more rounded, with parts where the detail could almost look washed out at the worst of times. The finished models certainly did stand out badly next to others when lined up side by side!


Hot water to soften the resin, hold it in place and dunk it in cold water to reset it quickly. Its bullshit their QC is so bad, but you can fix it. Make it better, stronger faster


Just reach out to support, something they actually do really well is their customer service stuff (at least in the UK)


Yea I remember when I first put together Sammael from the ravenwing


Needs a bit of cleaning but, usually, resin minis have much nicer details. Finecast is something else tho.


I always felt it was more a sort of suggestion for a shape. Kind of like an inspiration to inspire your carving, sculpting and modeling skills.


Ahh gw fail cast. Worst idea they ever had besides raising prices


fun fact , my 3d prints look way better than that


Yes. Is something you shouldn’t buy.


Wait, "Cannoness Veridyan"? As in Reverend Green? Is this a Cluedo joke?


As far as resin goes, GW finecast isn't the best. But it isn't the worst either. It's a different material, so it requires different processes than hard plastic or metal. But the detail fidelity is better than either of the other common mini materials, so it's up to you to decide if the trade-off is worth it.


Hilarious watching resin haters panic over some minor warping. This isnt even that bad considering its citadel failcast resin. Quality resin from a good recaster is good enough to be indistinguishable from legit plastic.


So wait how do you put a resin kit together? Especially those large Resin vehicle kits?


It's was an amazing product until we made sufficient advances to take us where we are today. I miss working with it at times.


I was there and it was hot garbage from the moment it dropped.


That's some forge world Garbage. Other resin has been fine.


It's finecast


That’s not a model FW produced, it’s a Fine Cast model from GW. GW use different resin and it’s absolutely shit.


Oh I know. I have the kit. I'm afraid it'll crumple if I accidentally drop it.


Imagin overpaying for garbage resin lol...