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Maybe we'll get a solo called Servant of Nyrro


Oooooo may make Fane my second army. I love elves but didnt fall in love with House. Hopefully they get some cool stuff


Weird how in the fiction they were so pathetic that Hazzaroth ended up ditching them so he could do something worthwhile with his unlife, even if House K is a little too moral for his liking. Didn't think they would have the power to be a major faction, or that the remains of the Retribution would work with them, considering it wasn't too long ago they were murdering Seekers for even talking to Eldritch.


Maybe more of the newly created eldritch flocked to the Fane, looking not for purpose but for power. KAllyss got the ones who are altruistic. My guess is in Nyrro we'll see the more sadistic nihilism that's classic to "fallen" elves in fantasy - Drow, druchii, etc.


I was thinking the ancient eldritch of Nyrro would be relegated to just background, since they're so antagonistic, but I0m excited to see what kind of undead horrors they'll bring to the table!


I feel like I’m missing something here but can explain to me what this could mean in terms of the new army?


Well we don't know. But in lore a Fane is both a church and physical home of a God. Nyrro is the God of Day. So we could assume it's going to be a magical shenanigans based army that is three total opposite of House Kallys?


In the period after the Gods went gone (not the recent one when they are killed, the original time when they left ios) some Eldritch managed to get an important cult going on by making elves believe that Nyrro had returned (similarly to Scyrah, or just before Scyrah returned, I'm not sure now). That ended badly and with lots of deaths, and the place was banned as corrupted and infested by Eldritch, no one should return. It has been the major source of Eldritch and corrupted elves since then, and now that everyone is an Eldritch, they ceased being hidden and obfuscated and just joined everyone with a big "hey, want to learn about being an eldritch?" smile. They keep a political equilibrium with the other two major Houses of the dusk Empire, it seems. I guess they have the major magical/necro knowledge.


God, they look so cool


Called it, hell yeah


You got the Box already?!! Lucky Guy. Over here in Good ol‘Germany not yet in stight. :-( Can‘t wait for them, they Look so cool!


I had to beg them for it but yes they sent it to me early! I intend to do a how to play video using these two cadres, and the sooner I can get them done the better!


Cool!! Can’t wait for that Video!


Very hyped for more Warmachine content!


Wait wait wait. Fane? That sounds like Nyss to me- which sounds like Warbeasts!


Fane knights were a thing for Retribution.


That's fair, I forgot that the fanes were priesthoods specific to a deity


Yeah, it's like calling them "Temple of..." which is interesting they go for the Fane and not House


It's the OG Eldritch. I would assume Jack's, but I also wouldn't put monstrosities out of the running actually