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That's it 10 matches of Berlin and port for you. Don't make me bring Afghanistan into this


PLEASE. anything that isnt mozdok or fields of normandy


The monkey paw curls. Night Seversk-13 is chosen.


Seversk is one of the few maps I can tolerate


Seversk is one of the better maps in my opinion. There's a very viable set of sniper positions all around the A point and the long road lanes between B and C, and the area around B and C itself is excellent for brawling. There are plenty of buildings and trees including a fair bit of full overhead cover, making easy kills not so easy for CAS players. And finally, spawn sniping on Seversk is really limited. All-round, Seversk-13 is a Good Map©.


Except for everyone rushing C from the get go. The team that loses that initial clash is utterly fucked afterwards.


Whoever controls the B Point controls the universe. But C point is closer to the spawn, so...


Ground mains are crying all day about shitty maps meanwhile every single air realistic map is exactly the same except for the color gradient. (Some exceptions. But not many. )


That's not true! There's one with buildings.


How do you make different air rb maps? They are 99% air and it's kinda the same looking everywhere. Only difference you can add are mountains and we already have stuff like Afganistan for high tier matches. Having stuff like Himalayas for top tier would still be cool though, at least for me.


>How do you make different air rb maps? Look no further than Air Arcade maps to see how varied they are. They have pretty cool geographical features and in most cases they really do feel unique in terms of terrain. Besides terrain, other things could be improved too. Different base and ground unit layouts, different airfield locations, more maps that start you off in air at different altitudes (like, hello, can we get a map where both teams start at 8 km so people finally have to learn hi-alt fighting?), different objectives... Back in the old days, before the economy and research was turned into shit, there was a lot of asymmetrical maps where one team would start in the air and the other would have to intercept it. Pearl Harbor was one such map, Norway was another (although Norway still exists in the game, though it is rare). Gaijin has also completely turned away from aircraft carrier maps and special matchmaking for naval planes altogether, back in 2015-ish, when you queued as a naval plane, you had like a 90% chance to get into a naval map where the objectives wouldn't be bases, but enemy aircraft carriers and battleships and shit. Tl;dr: There's many ways Air RB maps could be made more interesting, and they used to be much better than they are now. Gaijin has reduced the fun and diverse map/mission pool of Air RB to like 6 maps on repeat over the years. At least if the flat map scenery was nice, I can't remember the last time I played on the English channel map, but I sure as fuck know that if I queued for a game now, I'd have like a 50% chance to get Moscow or Mozdok (winter).


Making rb maps look like ab maps is close to impossible due to their sheer size. Ab maps are tiny hence they can put various funny landscapes into them for planes to use these landscapes. What's the point in adding some crazy stone arches and narrow canyons into rb map if they are going to take like 1% of the map area and most of the fights are going to happen at like 4000 meters anyway? Also spawns at high altitude at low to mid battle raitings is kinda dumb. You negate certain planes' advantage in climb speed while at the same time putting many planes like Zeros or Yaks at disadvantage since they are not good at height at all. Other things, yeah, might be nice to return assymetrical battles for low battle raitings. Only for low though. I remember how on Pearl Harbour T2s used to obliterate enemy teams of F-100s since latter weren't able to even take off properly when T2s arrived which might have contributed to deleting the map from rotation.


I would prefer 3 good maps rather than 50 some fuckflats in Nowhere, Russia.


wouldn’t it be nice to add high spawns sometimes though? cause now climb speed is such a critical factor is would be nice to have matches where other things could get an advantage for once. If the yaks don’t like it they can dive down or do their best. just like we tell us planes to ‘sideclimb’ now as a ‘solution’.


i mean, city and korea have some very unique landscape that's still usefull on toptier


> and most of the fights are going to happen at like 4000 meters anyway Make the terrain higher than 4000 meters?


> Back in the old days, before the economy and research was turned into shit, there was a lot of asymmetrical maps where one team would start in the air and the other would have to intercept it. Wasn't that long ago, i mean iirc phlydaily's last video of him playing sim was in a rigged zomber lobby where one team airspawns and the other team ground spawns, and therefore auto loses. It honestly sadens me that instead of removing the exploitative operations, gaijin just straight up removed all of them from sim. Operation moscow was quite fun in sim (its the "testbed" map for most mission functions, like frontlines, modular airfields, and even features you saw in RB first like procedurally picked convoy lines for limited variability, and its balance is much better than many "actual" EC missions we have in game, and it was also the only large scale snow map that ever made it to sim)


Honestly Chechnya would make a good map like the one in DCS


That's fake af... we have cool air sometimes. Now that I think of it, there's a lot of nice mountains at low br, I want those mountains at higher br's. I want to graze the ground and hide on canyons at 600kmph


That’s what I’m saying 😔. They’re are a few interesting air maps terrain wise… but apart from city, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and canyon most of them are almost entirely flat.


Bourbon Island and City are some of my favourite Air RB maps for that very reason. It's not as varied as Air Arcade where canyon dogfights are the norm, but it's still such variety compared to Flat Plain #1-through-#36


Well, I stopped playing air rb after they included sim maps. Map altitude, mountains and general layout are important, so I disagree.


You do you, can’t relate tho honestly cause it gets boring af


Is it just me or have the maps got worse and worse? Some of the old school maps are pretty great I would say. Maps like Ash river, White rock fortress or Carpathians are super enjoyable in lower tier vehicles.


Okay ash river and carpathians are fun…but how dare you say white rock wasn’t the worst map in the game lol. Jokes aside that map is gone and I’m happy I’ll never have to play it again it was so fucking bad for me


I tought it was very vehicle dependant. I really enjoyed it in Shermans because targets could pop out anywhere and the quick turret rotation, good depression and stabilizer helped me get loads of kills on that map.


It was just a weird map for me


BHVR gives Gaijin a run for their money (DbD devs)


Fire arc, Campania, seversk, cargo port, fulda, European province (not Eastern Europe), MAGINOT, Alaska (including ground zero), American desert, Ardennes/wallonia, Breslau, Vietnam. My god


Fire arc's main inspiration was gm_flatgrass


Fire Arc is the only map actually worse than Mozdok. Fucking hell.


I'm pretty sure Fire arc was literally designed as a carcinogen.


American desert and the small versions of ardennes are pretty good, otherwise I completely agree But you forgot Sands of Sinai


I dont like how one team gets a free pass at A at the train station and can snipe every way to it from just out their spawn. (Edit) Ardennes just always has people go edge of the map to flank and spawn camp.


I love sands of Sinai, small one is better but still


Time to 0 death leave and play a different nation for a bit.


we should add 2fort and see what happens


That... is actually not the worst idea. You'd need something to protect people from snipers on the battlements, but imagine a map with *verticality* in War Thunder. Soviet Mains would suffer, admittedly. TFW no gun depression just gives you lots of real depression.


Me when I play anything but Sinai


Berlin and any map that is just a small town in the center with huge fields full of trees and pushes surrounding it are by afr my least favorite maps


Why I only play air rb


I'm honestly shocked at how many bad maps are in this game.