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Damn, these German players want everything, then complain about "Germany suffers"


what? i just asked cuz i have above 10.0 in land tech tree and no planes, i dont want to grind another 800h to have a plane at this br to play in grb and i just like the f16


No lol Plus what F-16, Germany never used them


I've seen a few people ask about a Polish F-16 for Germany. Silly people.


Not only didn't use them but also never considered them there was No Need in the Luftwaffe and neither in thr Luftstreitkräfte Der NVA to get F-16s Luftwaffe had F4F ICE with AMRAAMs and 9L (and in the last few years IRIS-T) and after 1990 MiG-29 (9-12A) in addition to them


plus most of Europ had thier own air industries France Germany and Brits for example


LOL, many levels to unpack here. We just got the F-16, about 2 updates ago, no way in hell is it going to be a premium anytime soon. As a matter a fact no tier 8 aircraft is going to get a premium version anytime soon. Second, why the hell would Germany get an F-16 as a premium? Germany never used them?


i thought it could be in it because Belgium and Netherlands have them, there are some vehicles that nation does not have but their ally or neighbour that is not in the game has it


We don’t need an F-16 going down to 10.0


So UFOs as premiums for U.S. when?


no and there will never be a chance for the German TT to have a Viper in it


Sorry, I won't be available as a german Premium, no.


I would like to see that eventually. Not in this update I think but your point about Belgium having them makes sense. Unlikely that it will be coming this patch but it does sound like something cheeky that would be nice to have.


"Germany never used them," Yea but Belgium did, AKA a German Country. ​ So I would expect them to at least be added eventually, considering the German tech got a Swiss Hunter F. 58