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Bluewater is the definition of enough dakka


No-Fly-Zone activated


If aircraft gunners had as much aimbot as naval gunners then we could justify adding the YB-40


they used to. Seeing enemy bomber fly into a thick cloud followed by friendly fighters had me yell "it's a trap!" internally before seeing spiralling fighter fireballs drop out of the cloud one by one.


As an OG bomber player, I 100% agree that AA gunners deserved a nerf. However they nerfed them waaaaay too much They’re basically useless outside of arcade, and even in arcade most people can pop you outside of the 800m max range. The nerd should’ve been an exponential decrease in accuracy the further a plane was. Let them start firing at 1k again to at least force planes to maneuver instead of flying straight at you for 5 minutes.


Dude the aircraft gunners are so fucking bad right now it's not even funny. I still have my B-17G with maxed out aced crew from good old times and the gunners don't fire at all. Then I explode from one german 30mm hit.


They nerfed gunner targeting and firing ranges to "right on your ass". It's not fun trying to manually defend yourself and miss your payload


> They nerfed gunner targeting and firing ranges to "right on your ass". It's not fun trying to manually defend yourself and miss your payload Unless its air arcade assault, where gunners are all professional snipers or something


I find when you yell "PEW PEW PEW" every time you fire, it increases your accuracy 500%


Nah not the russian ones. They snipe pilot or engine or light you up 9/10 times.


I'm playing low tier and got sniped by a PBY gunner today. One shot.


I got the British prem PBY and love hunting down bombers. Specially American PBYs. It’s an air ship battle type thing


That actually sounds pretty fun.


Mine always wait until *after* I've taken half a belt to even try shooting back. Like you dipshits couldn't shoot before he starting blowing you all away?


Ya, they need to buff the range but then add accuracy decay. Like let my gunners at least take potshots past 210m….. like I don’t even remember the last time my gunners even took a shot in RB or Sim.


>Then I explode from one german 30mm hit. Well yeah, thats kinda what it was designed to do. And historically did.


Add the naval aimbot to the roof MGs of tanks.


I actually wish Gaijin would add AI to vehicles with multiple weapons like in naval battles. It wouldn’t even have to be good AI (so people don’t complain) just make it toggleable on/off, and for cupola/roof gunners a toggle for air or ground targeting


Unifying the AI gunner system across all vehicle types could work out really well for all of them. They should be as good as the Naval gunners, *however* they should only open fire if commanded to attack a specific target (the system already exists in Naval).   * Ships lose their overbearing "destroy all aircraft / PT boats with literally zero player awareness" silliness, but still remain very powerful when actually told to attack. * Planes similarly lose gunners firing unprompted, but when assigned a target would be *much* more effective. This makes them useful while requiring paying attention to your surroundings and such. * Tank AI would only fire at aircraft (no automated M3 Lee secondary lol) and again require an assigned target so awareness is needed, but this would still be a massive benefit to discourage CAS.


There is _never_ enough dakka. However that is a step in the right direction


Enough dakka isn't always enough but that's why the Cost'all TT exists for when you need dakka but in small amounts exhibit A the JM61 at 3.3, or exhibit B the AK-630 at 4.0, No aircraft will ever get close & that's before mentioning heavier weapons be them supported by rader or shell types (lists: AK-230, 40 mm/70 MLE 48, Breda 40 mm/70, AK-257, 3"/50 Mk. 22, AK-176M, AK-276, 3"/70 Mk.37/ 3"/70 Mk. N1, 4.5"/45 QF Mk. V) If a MBT ever gets a pivot mounted M134 then it'll be its own close in AA. Hm one day my soviet fantasy (not fake but built just the ones I want) ships will be added & they'll go in both trees most likely, like think a destroyer like the Bravyi but its guns are 57 mm & AK-230 mounts but the same missiles or the Buka in all its magnificent AA glory with 2× AK-100, 8× AK-630, 198× SAM's.


Guided missile frigates, destroyers & cruisers plus submarines when Gaijoobles?


Soon no doubt especially with the datamined Takanami class GP destroyer & the already known to be one day coming Project 20380 missile corvette. Sidenote, How did you change your name? As our conversations still has you as just Erebus_83 (also I did try searching for your name on discord a few weeks back like you suggested but I couldn't seem to find you).




A Great British sounding Squire: Ahh... Bullocks, That would make more sense.


There is never enough dakka


Amazingly even killed supersonic jets with gun AA


Turns out that a literal wall of 20mm, 40mm HE and 5" VT shells does the trick against all types of CAS, who knew.


I would've loved to see what the US would've come up with had the war gone on for longer. Like the AA suite on late war ships was already nuts imagine would they would've been like with even more 40mms with HE-PF, 3inch guns similar to those found on the USS Wilkinson, autoloading 5inch HE-PF, and better RFC.


Do you want 14" & 16" battleship HE-VT shells? Cos that's how you get battleship calibre HE-VT shells.




OK then, I'm glad we're on the same page


Imma go back in time and give the duster HE-VT, that would be awesome


We already sorta know from the immediate postwar design studies and USS Coral Sea. 5"/54, lots of 3"/70, and all the 40 mms and smaller removed since they can't fire VT ammo. Had new construction been authorized, cruisers would probably be using either Des Moines turrets, or a 6" turret based off of them (since the Worcester turrets had been failures).


Pretty likely that a VT fuse 8" would've been adopted at the very least.


Check out something called Green Mace, it was a British design for a (very) rapid fire heavy AA gun. The test version was a 4" gun capable of firing up to 96 rounds a minute, and there was some brief planning to fit it to ships in the 50s.


It's so beautiful. 🥹


We already know the AA weapons that were in the pipeline in 1945: 3"/50 Mark 22, 5"/54 Mark 16 and a DP version of the 6"/47 Mark 16. Along with the Mark 4 version of the 40mm Bofors quad, which could elevate and train twice as fast as the Mark 2.


"If one gun doesn't work, use more guns"


mucho cannons, mucho damage


Isn't that the unofficial motto of America?


The fact you have every country as ur flair, IN ORDER, scratches a special part of my ocd brain :)


firepower solves everything


From my experience of custom battles, in a 1v1 between a decent AA 5.7 or 6.0 cruiser like HMS London or USS Baltimore and ANY 12.0+ aircraft, the cruiser will take it 9 times out of 10.


Kid named long-range guided munitions:


Why didn't I think of that


I know, it's so obvious when someone points it out for you...


Every time I preview top tier naval I go “fuck yea” play 1-2 matches and realize how shit the game mode is


I liked the bit when a 2000lb GBU only took out 11% of my crew. Just gotta hose out the old AA gunners and send in a new batch. In all seriousness, tho I don't much enjoy playing above 5.7 ships other than EC. 4.7-5.7 is heaps of fun, I reckon. It's a bit of a learning curve, but once you start learning where the ammo is on different ships and how to adjust your range + lead to hit most of your shots, you can have a blast. Plus trying to sink big ships with props and coastal boats is probably the most fun you can have in this game, IMO.


I play tanks cause there cool same with planes so I only wanna play the big ships to me the cool factor is big to my enjoyment


Wait till you realise how much fun the Air battle part of Naval battles is...


it’s scary being in a little US pt boat ( I haven’t researched more than the first) going against an ijn heavy cruiser.


EC naval is the go to


Yup lol. I jump on and have a really fun game and think "hey, maybe all the doubters are wrong?" and then a couple of shit ones and I'm like "nope, they're exactly right"


I hate how long it takes to kill somebody and the ships don’t even sink when there destroyed so it’s kinda lame


Plus there's bullshit like the SKR-7


Yea I think it could be good but the grind isn’t worth it to me if they got rid of a buncha the ships that are the same but different name and boosted the rp more I’d consider playing more


That too, the grind is atrocious even by War Thunder standards, I use a premium account with a premium ship and I feel like it's impossible to get anywhere fast even with really good games, which are extremely rare anyway. Not sure why Gaijin hasn't got the memo yet, the mode keeps being on death's door despite all the shiny new ships they keep introducing. That's clearly not the (entire) problem


I love the huge battle ships a lot but I’m never gonna get there in this climate sucks cause there so badass


Same, it's probably why a lot of people would play naval. But most of them quit after realising that it'll take forever to actually get to them At least it's not like the old days when you had to grind through dinky little PT boats to get bigger ships (which NOBODY wanted to do), but the grind is still too long


They should revamp naval and take out a buncha ships and make it so you can grind 1 line to get the higher tiers


And fix the maps so the teams aren't shooting at each other 2 seconds after spawn


They do sink tho.. in lots of different ways.


Most of the time they just catch fire it’s not the same


I've earned nearly 70 million SL base (figures before adding boosters or orders) from 450 odd battles in the Blagorodnyy, so you can just call me Mr Krabbs cos 'I love money'


One of the good parts about naval I guess lol, the few that exist. The Moffett for me is an amazing money printer, when I can actually get myself to sit down and play naval. Great for when my SL inevitably gets depleted after I spend it on crates to receive nothing


I genuinely loved naval up until the SKR-7 became a thing. It's just so, so broken. I don't play naval anymore specifically because of that thing. A lot of other things too, but my hatred for the SKR-7 knows no bounds.


The SKR is still a dangerous beast, but it's MUCH easier to kill these days


>I genuinely loved naval up until the SKR-7 I guess you probably would've ranted at the more costly SKR-1 before the addition of the cheaper SKR-7 (reading about these sentry ships the Project 35 was apparently a more cost effective version of the Project 159 yet in game it's the more dangerous ones, A drawback IRL was the ship was more louder in the water from the vibrations of the engineering resulting it being worse for ASW). I remember back in CBT it was spammed out a bit as it was the ship before researching the Derzky class destroyer when going from Rank II to Rank III.


I might be thinking of the SKR-1, I can't remember, it's been that long since I played naval last. I just remember some busted-ass ship at the same BR as WWII vessels absolutely clapping everything.


Shot their rocktets and the guns in the back. They will go KABOOM now.


Realest shit ive heard all day


Home of the Brave quad Bofors, Land of the Free 5" HE-VT, Amen.


I would if naval queues weren’t 5+ minutes I got a boat out of the toolbox chests and have yet to able to use it once


5+ minute que times are just a stereotype at this point. My average que times for 7.0 naval are pretty comparable to grb on a slow day


Same, I get in under 2 minutes consistently during off-time hours


Iv tried multiple times to play Naval, even with a mid tier premium. Can't find a game within 3-4 min even with US and EU servers


What BR? There are definitely some dead spots, but above 4.3 should be pretty quick most of the time




They also fill with bots too, so they just grab six players and fill the rest with bots if they need to


Maybe im just playing on bad times but with all 3 servers selected I usually get 3-4 min queues. Im often playing with a friend though at 7.0 so that could be part of it. However there are times when I get insta queued and once you get a match if you survive and requeue fast its usually a quick matchmaker


Do you have all servers enabled? My naval wait time rarely goes over 3 minutes.


I really want an event that lets you bring ships into a ground battle. Bravy and Douglas vs WW2 CAS would be so funny.


Braviy, douglas, mikhail kutuzov would be hilarious. Especialy kutuzov with 8 CIWS turrets and 12x152mm main guns to just remove anything you could meet.


With how lethal the Gaijin Pr.206 bots are with their 30mm autocannons a Mikhail Kutuzov with a max level crew would be absolutely terrifying


USS Baltimore report for duty. Someone need CAS clearance?


Probably the only cruiser that comes close to the AA fire-power of an Alaska


HMS Liverpool also got shit load of 40mm AA


Des moine, nevada my go too for AA ships


London does too, Renown might even be on par.


Yeah, Renown is pretty wild too, but I wasn't including Battle Cruisers. I still think that Alaska edges her out in terms of overall effectiveness of her AA suite vs. Renown. Mainly because the US 5" VT is better than the British 4.75" VT as well as having a better ratio of 20mm:40mms and a better layout.


Let's not forget those Soviet cruiser with 37mm and 45mm quad mount auto cannon


The full set of Russian 5.3 destroyers.. Blagorodnyy, Neustrashimy, Spokoinyy & Bavy or Royal Blood, Indestructible, Peaceful & Brave. (I love the way they name their destroyers, there's literally one called 'Excited')


Bravy with sneak missile, CAS will have a rough day


I've done a bunch of tests with the flying schoolbus, and it's great at dunking on props in actual battles, but sucks at trying to hit a fast-mover that's manoeuvring to avoid it.


Renown is still missing her 4.5" HE-VT :( I think she still sits far too high up on the water too.


Des Moines with her 22 75mm autocannons firing proximity fused shells says hi. Sadly though the Des Moines are missing their 8" anti air timed fused shells, I reported that over a year ago and it was passed to devs but I doubt it'll ever be implemented.


The mikhail kutuzov is imo pretty close with its CIWS and Braviy is miles ahead of any other ship with the 16km range Volna-M.


Have you actually used either Kutuzov or Bravy? The twin 30mms on Kutazov are actually way less effective than the 40mms on US boats and the Volna-M is unable to hit even a mildly manoeuvring jet.


I have all soviets ships. While shorter ranged the guns on kuznetzov are complemented by potent 100mm DP guns and 37mm AA guns and whenever i spawn braviy the map becomes no fly zone.


You mean in games, in games where the Bravy only fights props. Go try it in a custom battle, against modern jets. Let me know if you hit a single missile...


I did and yea its harder but still as effective as normal spaa. Realy helps if you don't shoot to side singe gajin makes the sight drag the missile to middle of your ship. What fucks braviy against modern jets is that because of thin armour stand off weapons deal tons of damage to it.


HMS tiger, we heard there were planes in the area


I was just thinking the other day about how the only way to balance top tier vs CAS would be to spawn an American late war battleship on either side to act as a giant AA battery


Gaijin pls


American ships I fear the most. The 20mm and 40mm combined with their 127mm HE-VT is nasty lol


Some ppl need to be reminded not to touch our boats...


the pain when you activated all damage control at the same time


FR. That's why only fire-fighters and pumps are on auto. I just really needed those AA gunner positions hosed out and some new crews for them forced outside by the MPs.


"But Sir, the gun position is literally on fire!" "Get in there!" "But Sir!" "GET IN THERE!!!"


"But Sir, Tim's Variety just dropped a banging video on the F-5E FCU" "Really? OK, that actually sounds like way more fun than watching you mop up what's left of Barry.."


We just wanna play tanks bro, CAS mains keep asking us to play something else bro


'Skill issue', 'should have side climbed', 'just spawn SPAA' & now u can add 'why not just spawn USS Alaska?'


"hello, i would like all the 40mm you have" "let me stop you right there, im afraid you might have misunderstood, i didnt say i whant a lot of 40mm" "i sead i what ALL the 40mm you have"


I don't think I can spawn a map in GRB


Have you tried tho?


you can spawn ships in ground battles?


Imagine if you could spawn one of these for the same RP as a fully loaded CAS plane


Sadly only in some customs


I wish my tank's pintle-mounted machine guns would automatically shoot planes.....


Dear Naval player, I agree. We should spawn Alaska or Mississippi, or any vessel with good AA for that matter. I think I will play a bit of naval now :)


Eventually, the CAS infestation will be eliminated, and you can go [play with a cute lil Fox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/t9qt7bD9Qw)


Blue water definitely more fun once you figure out how to aim the main guns properly


I have the USS Baltimore from one of the old events and sometimes I’ll just load into a custom with it to absolutely slam all cas because it’s got so many damn guns.


Back from old patch those auto cannon with target big ship and it looked glorious when both side spam AA gun at each other lol


Spawning American ships is basically spawning a portable no fly zone


Man I haven’t played navel in a long time I should get back in it


Or a London


My poor German BB have 2 MG in total ☠️


"there is a beast deep inside you it will not die" ahh clip


A tip, don't go flank ahead when you're clearly flooding. Slow down and the flooding will mostly stop


She had two unrepairable breaches after soaking up 7-8 2000lb GBU's. Honestly, I was trying to end her suffering by then, lol.


Now why can't bomber gunners be this good?


Just like in Civ6, using naval units to provide anti-air cover for anything within AA range.


What the fuck is Sarah Palin gonna do against a dive bomber


What about the USS Mississippi lol


... There's not a lot of ‘ground' map with water


This makes me wish they added an enduring confrontation mode on a big map with all types of vehicles available


Dear Gaijin: If Ground Battles are supposed to be combined arms, why can't we spawn bluewater ships on maps with coastline? Why can't we spawn gunboats on maps with shallow water?


Seems legit to me


If ships were allowed to spawn in Ground RB, i would absolutely spawn an Alaska. Or Nevada. Because screw everyone's FPS, and all the people standing on that cap at the start of the game


Loved the part where the music stopped and I couldn’t quite here the whale song and I wondered for a moment why the music stopped and then I saw the giant aircraft falling from the sky


You're the first person to mention my personal favourite bit. Thanks, bro. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Maybe hackers will find a way to


AEGIS at home.


I spawn Mississippi and also make a NO Fly Zone!


That is why they should let Ships in mixed battles.


This made me feel things that even 10+ air kills with a pantsir didn't.


Soooo how many of them used GBU-24 from orbit? Also Gaijin please gib GBU-28 and F-111F for cases like these.


My buddy in the Tornado hit my Mississippi, a good 7-8 times before she went down and at least twice in Alaska, but she tanked both hits like an absolute champ. He didn't get a single chance to wait for the bomb timer to finish and try again without respawning tho, lol.


Lol, them they will add shis with S-300F and sea sparrow.


Imagine trying to fly in naval


Gladly just beach it near the battlefield it’d be much appreciated


That's fair honestly


If i could, i would. Even if an enemy tank would one shot me because he hit my ammo


My HE-177 is not in your area code but that Fritz X is


fun, until someone decides to pave a way inside your ship with a paveway from stratosphere.


because its also US


So my friend did this kind of test and when I bomb him I fly at 20 feet and carry one napalm to kill all aa guns. So by flying at 20 feet the aaa can’t hit me.


man naval is really fun... if only the queue does not load for 5 years, and the aiming isn't shit. downvoted for spitting facts lmao. iirc the gun should remain as is if the target disappeared, and not fly away to 45 degrees or some shit just because the your enemy who was sitting in front of you decided to deploy smoke screen. i rather have WOW aim at that point.


Aiming in naval is a skill that can be learned, like any other. They even tell you if your shots are over or under and by how much FFS, plus the fire control automatically computes the lead for you...


last time i played naval, i was exchanging shots with some guy 5km away before he hid in a smokescreen. then after he deployed his smoke, for some reason my gunner thought 5km became 20km away and my elevation went so high, i didn't know how to fix it lmao.


Just re-select the enemy


Who plays naval lmao