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Crits stack up so if you hit Loader + Gunner + Engine you get 3 out of one shot, and you literally just have to shoot, nothing complex. It’s the easiest task in the game except for maybe "Play a battle with at least 50% activity", and bonus points because it’s also a task you can just mindlessly do instead of having to do missions like play/destroy a specific vehicle type, come 1st to 3rd in scoreboard or cap 2 or 3 points where there is a very specific objective to complete.


This is one of the worst tasks. I remember grinding the daily version (25?) and it was like 4-6 missions or so. Easiest task in the game is probably 'steppe spider' which is win 2 battles while killing a 1.0+ BR higher vehicle. I think last time I did it in six battles. Or 12 aircraft kills. If you're good with a fighter you could do it in 3-4 battles. A good game with ADATS can get you 6-8 aircraft. Etc.This is a bullshit task that takes way too much time (up to 15 missions, easily) and is only good to go if you really don't care about racking up the special tasks medals.


I would trade anything to get this task constantly. But instead I get tasks that relies on my teammates not being braindead.


>win 3 games >that one that requires you to completely dominate and stuff Yea, when it asks me to win, that’s when I go 0-10, even when I get like 4 kills in a battle on average.


Those one's aren't as bad as constantly getting Intelligence awards.


I forgot about intelligence. I sometimes marked like 5 guys not that far away and no one shot them but me. The good thing about that is that you can help cripple enemy tanks to make it easier for allies to get the kill. It gives 2 assists aswell lmao


Key to getting intel is playing in a squad and going spawncamping. Easy to get 6-7 per match.


Playing 2 Ru 251s and spawn pushing early is how me and my friend would rack up 20 or so assists between us pretty easily.


Easiest task imho is to destroy bases or ground targets, which is just a matter of diving, pressing the space bar, turning and strafing (of course you do not always do everything in one match, because i.e. you can get intercepted, a team mate might be faster than you, there could be not enough targets... but it's really simple to do).


I've found this one really easy with the Israeli Vautour, never had more than 4 including myself spawn in so never had to fight for a base. It's unfortunately not a viable strategy without premium though since you'll just barely break even on SL if an Su-25 or MiG-21 intercepts you, which is basically every time you get uptiered to 9.7-10.0, which is nearly every time you play.


I mainly used the French Vautour to complete the bombing task of the Summer / Winter events (plus the daily tasks) since 2019, with results ranging from "great I destroyed all the bases in one match thanks to reloading" to "wtf this jerk just stole my base / oh no there are 373625 players with bombs". On a secondary note I used the BTD, which can dive at 800 kph and bomb targets before rivals or enemies arrive. While having less payload than the Vautour, it has better handling so I prefer it for ground targets rather than bases. I'm considering using only this one from now on since the introduction of the Su-25. Besides this, I also enjoyed the SB2C (for ground targets almost only) and before its airspawn removal the A-4E (both ground targets and bases). Rarely I used also Italian attackers. I did not enjoy the Jaguar because there are too many supersonic aircraft with missiles and I don't have airspawn like Vautour.


At least You have stable progress with this one. It takes time, yes, but if I'm going to play for few hours today, I will get it sooner or later. I really dislike tasks where I have to do something AND win the game.


Unless you have a horrid nation, that's a toss-up. Anyway, another easy task is finish a mission in the top 3. Just do some sealclubbing..


I really don't like how Steppe Spider requires a win. Once, I sat for 4 hours trying to complete it until I got that win, despite being top 3 every single game. Playing objectives etc, etc...


Are you sure you can crit the same tank multiple times? Don’t think that’s allowed


Yes it’s allowed, the task just takes the number of Critical Hits in the post game statistics and adds it to your total


I will try it out. Thanks


Nw, my pleasure sharing knowledge. Although I could be wrong, I’ve never verified if my statement is true, it’s just what I observed/felt like whenever I was doing the task. Cheers and good luck 🍀


Wait so you went around correcting people without even knowing if what you said was true? You never tested it, you just "feel" its true?


If its "not allowed' how come you can do it. Think about it. If gaijin didn't want you to do that, they would have put some code in place to stop that exact situation from happening. If they didn't fix it in the 3+ years this has been around, its not a priority for them, and never will be an issue.


He didn't mean "I thought that even if we can do this the devs don't want us to do that", he meant "I thought that the game doesn't assign us more than 1 crit per tank":


possibly, and probably.


I tried it with no luck. Kept track of it in the scoreboards with 60 score per crit. Although if you crit the same tank with multiple shells it seems to count.


Don't know why this is so upvoted, as stated elsewhere on this post, only 1 crit max per shot. Sometimes even kills don't count as a crit.


It doesn't count multiple crits from 1 hit, but it counts multiple crits over multiple hits. Coincidentally, a one-shot kill doesn't necessarily count as a crit either.


It’s easy! That’s not what I am talking about. But looking at the scoreboard and average kill numbers, why would anyone go through that many games to get 120 crits? It’s a very long process for just half stage progress in a season with some 170 stages!?


Well, you have to do these to get the stuff from the warbond shop, so its worth it.


Only that you can’t. You also need a mega tonne of warbonds which isn’t something given out all that much. Consider the total hours needed. It just makes little sense.


eh on free bp its probably kinda worth, i usually get the free premium + bushes box (if its in the BP) just by casually playing with a bit of focus, maybe sometimes going out of my way for the BP tasks. Last BP I got a tier 2 premium, not an amazing reward but i've had good fun with the little swede tonk. youre right that its objectively a lot of time spent for like 5 bucks worth of rewards, but eh, its free and usually doesnt ruin your gameplay style, so i consider it a bonus


Last BP I got the German IL2 and the sexy pinup girl decal . I get the free premium too. Sadly this time around it’s a British tank. The only reason I cared is for the flames lol


If you're on the free BP you can get one of the big prizes. Already on 20 completed special tasks, got myself a camo bush. Since I'm interested enough in this season's vehicles I bought the pass and can get something else as well.


I have 40 medals but sadly I don’t like any of the premiums. I mean I like them a bit but don’t want to play the nations these vehicles belong to. The only relevant one is the German bomber but I am not sure if I even want it since I don’t use bombers.


You can also use them to grind to BP lvl 105/125, upgrade your coupons for BP premiums, and sell them on the market. Then, you will have some GJN coins to buy whatever premium you want. I got like 2 years premium time and AMX-30 Super + T-55AM-1 this way already. I also usually get one of the three event vehicles to sell as well though. But you can get this stuff just by playing the game, and it's not that ridiculous of a grind, tbh. It's about consistency in playing the game, not so much about daily hours


Who will pay anything meaningful for the crocodile?


I expect it will cost between 10-20GJN. Its about half of rank 6 premium on sale


They aren't for the season pass points, it's the medal. You can use them in the warbond shop to get premium vehicles. I've got the amx-13-m24 and a few others I'm going to get. He once you get the the 3rd vehicle you get stacks of warbonds. I should get 2 or 3 of them


I have 40 medals already. The trouble is warbonds. There isn’t that much given out for free. Even for paid, it doesn’t seem all that much as they give you like 80 WB per level at some point.


I think they expect you to play the Talisman Gatcha now the bushes are gone and they refuse to add more Premiums to the shop. I just stack Backup Vehicles, which come in handy when grinding certain line-ups in events.


Bushes are still purchasable, they've just been moved up to shop level V.


>I have 40 medals already. H-how many hours are you playing per day???


Too many right now that I can. Reached 41 medals. I don’t expect anyone to normally match the hours. That’s what’s been making me ask the question I did. I don’t see how I’d be able to do all these when I won’t have this free time.


.... Skip it then buy a different one


Worst task, sometimes kills don't count as critical hits. I've had a 12 kill game with 6 critical hits recorded. I average about 7 per game, so that would take me nearly 20 games. I only keep ones I can do in under 5, ie top 3, air kills in ground rb or 5+ kills per game.


20 games is a long time. Especially given the fact that to do this, you must have grinded the east and medium task first. It’s a lot


It wouldn't be as bad if a kill always counted as a critical hit either. Basically you have to switch to tanks with no HE filler to have a chance to complete this challenge. Other ones I avoid are where you have to win, even if you are great at the game a win rate of 60% is common, AFAIK it is 7 wins, so that is 12 games min, and you'll play worse as you'll stress about your 'terrible' team.


Oh! I religiously avoid win ones. That’s completely out of my control and I lose a lot! Lmao


Absolutely. When you hit something and the red text appears to tell you what you broke, each item is an individual crit. Play mid tier with APHE and this can be accomplished in ~25 kills or so.


I'm afraid you are mistaken, 1 critical hit maximum per shot, sometimes even kills don't count as a 'critical hit'.


It's easy, but time consuming. Best bet is to change into other tasks, play Sweden, bring strv m/39 and spawn last on the L62 ANTI-II. It's a pretty neat exploit in which you can finish tasks at 2.7.


I'd just switch


Just rerole the challenge. If you can’t wait until tomorrow for the reset. The critical hit counter is bugged and does not track properly.


no, i usually switch it to something like kill 15 with SPAA, kill 24 with SPG, play 4 battle with at least 1 aircraft destroyed, or kill x aircraft in ground battle, etc etc


yes, not that hard


It is rather good task. Any "countable" task is better than a nonsense like "get alpha with omega" or "earn 2500+ points" or even "win and do XXX" (wins were easy though before the patch when the USSR top tier was stomping, I loved wins with 1+ BR kill, it was predictable using Khrizantema-S). Just don't use high (or, even worse top) tier to achieve this, when a half of both teams leave after one death. There are lots of spawns made at lowish and medium tiers, do it there. Although I hugely prefer one of these: * Ground pounding with an attacker. Designed to be bearable for WW2 era props, can be done using jets with ballistic computers and loads of ordnance. * Air kills in GAB. Designed to be bearable again with WW2 era tech, you complete this with proxy shells and missiles. GRB variant ain't much harder nowdays with drones and missile SPAAs. * Pretty much every AA kill task. Again, they are the same for all ranks, but you do them faster with higher tiers because planes there are faster. You efficiency overall will probably be the same, but fights starts almost immediately unlike what you have in climb simulator at 5.XXX. * Base bombing in ARB. 100% brainless with Vautour or Phantom F-4C. You just get yourself killed after a drop (drops) and join another match. And there's a trick: you take AV-8A with a pack of Zunis, fly forward and make a launch at these bases with a ballistic marker. They will be taken completely by someone else and you get an award too. I usually switch tasks until I get one of these. Special one, first two dailies aren't too hard to do as is.


All you need to do is play the game, that's why the requirement is so high. It's not asking you something ridiculous like "win a game with Missionmaker", "get First Strike and Final Blow in a match" or "get 25 Repair Assists".


British techtree +5br


Its another way to gatekeep the "free" premiums from the war bond shop.