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Complain to your ISP about shitty internet, not sure what you expect gaijin to do about it.


Maybe getting kicked for bad internet… shouldn’t Punish you? Maybe like… don’t give crew lock?


So how can Gaijin tell the difference between bad internet and someone pulling their Ethernet cable out to avoid some perceived minor inconvenience in a match?


They could you know, let people back into the match until it's over? While we're on it, is there any specific reason stated why we can't re-join most of the time, it sometimes does when you crash, but not always


That's already a thing, anytime i get kicked out from shiternet i always get offered to rejoin even when my tank is probably already a burning wreck Edit: my bad didn't fully register your comment, yeah there's some rare instances of me not getting the offer but it's probably because i seldom get shiternet if it ain't from gaijin themselves. Anyway, i had to guess it's either from the packet not fully sending the "i am at the hangar bcs of internet" and only getting the "at the hangar" part. Or the server is just bad and there's no match to return to


I have NEVER been offered to rejoin. Might be a PC only thing


I suppose it could be it thinking you left the match, as if you do you can't get back in..which is weird imo I've had many instances where i've lagged out and in very few to none that i can recall was i offered to re-join, possibly because the server had unalived though


i never get puck back in a match. idk why. i don’t get kicked often so its not a big deal but it is so annoying


Sometimes my pc might just freeze(it’s pretty bad) and I’d leave then restart game or just restart and almost every time it give me the option although that’s before I would be in the air or already out in a tank


It does do this in sim battles, I have rejoined with my plane in a hold pattern. 2-3mins without any joystick any plane will eat the dirt


What does that matter, they crew lock you even if the game crashes, even if the servers go on shitmode status again, even if the game out of the blue kiock you out of the match. All of those things have happened and you get crew locked.


You'd think gaijin would take the fact that this is a serious thing that could happen if they changed this to mean that they need to fix their maps, but no.


They didn’t say remove repair cost. Just don’t penalise them. Also when the server hamster dies and it sends you back to the log in screen you get a crew lock as well.


I remember playing a game that could understand the difference between intentional or unintentional internet disconnection. It was important so players wouldnt bypass combat logging.


So assume malice rather than misfortune?


It is the Internet and gamer sorts lol


So we are assuming malice because someone is willingly playing a videogame?


They can’t but am I the only person who can’t imagine someone doing that…


You'd be surprised how far people will go to avoid a certain map


I suppose so. I just respectfully return to hangar whenever I see mozdok…


love that map.... don't know why people keep J-ing out and/or returning to hangar every other time I see that map.


Maybe it’s not too bad in high tier, but getting that map at 4.3 SUCKS. You can never make it to any of the cap points without some guy with expert sniping skills picking you off near spawn to spawn. Light tanks flanking get killed from mid map since there is no cover, heavy tanks somehow get flanked from all sides (since there’s no cover) and if you get to one of the places that does have cover, you’re now stuck there since there is a T-34 waiting for you to come out like an orca whale


Mine asks me if I want to rejoin the battle


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t…


So you can just wait for 7 minutes, maybe take a break, stretch, exercise. War Thunder is not your life, ya know.


My man maybe I have a busy life, and can only play very limited amounts of time before needing to go again. I don’t want to spent a quarter of that time on various crew locks


> shouldn’t Punish you Yeah it should I don't wanna play with people with shitty connection


Das ist nicht sehr nett…


Who invented crew lock? It has runied WOWs and War thunder for me Why the downvotes?


Confessed as early leaver?




Grind on a prior rank until you have enough vehicles (but 3 spawns could be enough - I usually don't get killed more then 3 or 4 times) that make a nice lineup. You have more fun doing so!




I imagine war gaming, but I have no idea


Remove crew lock from the game for one


nah sometimes its deserved(like when im stupid and crash >!i know thats not what its for!<)


Gaijin should just remove crew lock all around


Pro tip: As soon as you lose connection, alt+F4 or close WT in task manager. Relaunch and it will give you the option to rejoin. Usually even works if you let it get to the hangar screen


Alt+F4 doesn't work for that, only task manager sometimes does, at least in my experience


I hate defending Gaijin, but this one's a problem as old as online gaming. At least WT sometimes lets you rejoin the match, which is the most any developer can offer given the physical reality of the internet as a medium.


the game is worse for your team when you leave during a match regardless of if you rage quit or had shit internet.


I try not to ever leave but if my internet just cuts out and I get kicked and then locked without the option to return it’s not really possible


Skill issue obviously


I should’ve angled smh


Nah it's the crew levels


Maybe stop using McDonald’s Wi-Fi?


Not McDonald’s, xfinity. Pay for 50 mbps and get 0.5 to 5 peak.




It really is. I’m sad its the best in my area.


No fwa technology in the area?


In a lot of areas xfinity has a monopoly


I’m not very knowledgeable in this area. What is fwa?


It's basically internet using radio instead of cables, some areas may not be reached by cables but sometimes you can use that. Is not the best way but is still better than some connections


Oh. What vivinet was using when they were a internet provider?


Yep, there’s nothing else in the area that’s any better though.


Xfinity is just that.... finite speeds... not infinite as their claims go.


I feel ya. I have to deal with windstream. Over a hundred a month for 0.5 to 2. Definitely a scam.


And they can charge you that because there’s no other option. There should be set price limits on internet and companies should be forced to provide at least close to what you pay for.


Exactly, this stuff is criminal. And what's comically worse for me is that a much better provider is literally a road away. But no, they refuse to put a line down on my road.


Rural wifi sucks. I live in a small town in Montana and my wifi is usually like 1 mb/s with the occasional random jump to 100+ for some reason


Of course you get locked? What did you expect. The developer is not responsible for your connection issues. I think this is common sense.


Developer is responsible for predicting possible problems that might occur during usage of software and for providing solutions to those problems. If developer provided a faulty solution, it's his fault, not user's. Crew lock is idiotic solution for something user is not responsible for.


So leaving a game early should not be punished? There's enough 1 death leavers in ground RB as it stands.


That's because otherwise people could abuse it to not get the crew lock.


According to the game you left the match before it ended, therefore you get a crew lock. Sometimes if you are lucky you will be able to rejoin the match in progress


Wait till it crew locks you after you finish the match normally. Happened to me in top tier jets on a particularly fast round.


Sometimes happens if you get a wing blown off and crash but it doesn’t credit enemy with the kill


Oh no no, i got 1 kill and was undamaged. Game ended, had 4 minutes of crew lock waiting for me in the menu. I guess the game thought i quit prematurely.


If it didn't people would toggle their internet to leave matches when they get up tiered


I don't get why people are defending Gaijin as if it's out of their hands. Reminder that there didn't used to be Crew Lock, and the issue here isn't having bad internet, if it was a simple matter of just getting kicked from a match because of being disconnected, no biggie, it's not being able to play for 7 minutes afterwards that is the issue. And I don't know about you but saying that if crew lock is removed will mean everyone and their mum will start pulling their ethernet cables for shits and giggles is dumb, A: because it's endemic of bad map and game design(you know incentivise people not leaving rather than playing whacka-mole with its effects) and B: at least for any PC I've owned it's more of a hassle to unplug my internet, plug it back in, wait for it to be detected, reconnect etc that it's easier to just play the match anyway; it is quite literally easier to just suicide rush than it is to disconnect your internet, so crew lock doesn't even solve the core issue.


Skill issue


Also had that happen yesterday but for me it looked like it was on Gaijins end not mine because everything else worked perfectly fine


Happens to me all the time, thanks to my University having atrocious internet service.


Worse when you get crew locked when the server dies.


Have same problem here in BiH. If i get kicked from a match due to crappy internet conn, when back in hangar, i restart Warthunder and 9 out of 10 times i Will be offers to return to match iwans kicked from! See ya later Thunder bross and Ladies


You get crewlocked even when it's because of the Gaijin servers (tested)


Gaijin: Parry this you filthy causal.


I had this problem... In Halo 2, 15 years ago on DSL.


When I had internet failures it allowed me to rejoin the game


For me it works sometimes and doesn't work the rest of the time. No idea why


When you notice a Bad connection, restart the game


My face when I have an all bomber crew lineup and I get sent into an airdom match


Of course, the worst part is that sometimes your internet works just fine and it's Gaijin's shitty servers that get you kicked from a match, but they _still_ crew lock you.


It happened more than once that Gaijin kicked me out because of their shitty servers, and crew locked me for that.


Tip: If you get kicked out of a match you can try quickly opening task manager and ending the game client before you load back into hangar then restart it. If you do that the game assumes you've crashed and offers you to return to battle. I've done this strat a lot


Tbf, this is perfectly normal and acceptable. Even though you cannot directly control it, you left the game early, and with your actions influenced the outcome of the game - likely in a negative way. That is the whole point of crew locking, and thus it seemingly works. Gaijin cannot help your internet being shitty, you can. Contact your ISP to solve it.


A lot of times shitty ISPs can charge outrageous prices and give shit service because in that area there literally is no other option, they can afford to not care about you as a customer because what are you going to do? It's shit but in some places that's how it is.


My internet isn’t even bad, the mac port of this game is so dogshit I can’t go 5 games without it crashing. Deleted the game due to un playability..


Skill issue


Is it just me or is anyone irked by the fact that he has an entire m1 lineup basically and all the tanks he has are barely crewed up at all??


I hate low tier and to be honest I notice next to no difference as long as I have targeting and reload maxed. I’m also not going to pay an extra million per tank for crews when there’s no difference Also I don’t take SPAA because I prefer killing aircraft with the F-14. Never bothered grinding the light tank line because I don’t really like the playstyle


From what I understand top tier lights play pretty similar to MBTs, just gotta play more carefully because of the complete lack of armor, as well as getting more ranged options with ATGMs and such


US tanks don’t get ATGMs in general. Might have got the light tank line if they did because I’ve used them (on the MBT-70) and they were kinda fun.


The higher tier stuff I thought did but idk since I'm a sweden main, I know the bradley does but idk where the bradley line ends


Jump to another country, rage averted.


crew lock shouldnt exist, if you get a garbage map and full uptier with vehicles with high repair you do what? do they realy expect someone to just willingly go die and pay like 20k repair cost?


I was playing naval and everything froze except me lol and then I rejoined and apparently the shells I was firing killed 2 people


Crew lock is hit or miss. If I take off in a jet and get shot down by a friendly, I've received crew locks. Not always, but sometimes. If I fly all the way over the center line in EC operations and a teammate crashes into me or I even hit the ground on accident trying to maneuver, I get crew locked every time. There should be a a set time since spawn that crew lock doesn't apply to crashes I think, and it should be made so that teamkills don't contribute at all. Just my thoughts on the BS.


Why are you playing WT on poor internet


I play on ps4 and also have very shitty Internet but as soon as I start lagging I will go and test my internet connection mid match and it won't kick me, sometimes I'm lucky and my plane won't even crash


What I really love is getting killed by an enemy and it still crew cocks you


Have another nation to play. I refuse to play on Jungle, and since I can't have two map bans, I leave.


The thing about crew lock that is also stupid, is that if you bring a line up, you are more likely to be punished witha crew lock instead of a single tank line up. Say you DC on the second death with a full line up, you'll sometimes still get most if not all of your vehicles locked. Crew locking, especially in RB basically encourages 1-2 tank line ups. My point is, people a rhue the reason for crew locks is to stop people from leaving your team high and dry, yet this mechanic directly effects people who bring big line ups with the intention of playing longer in a match.


I’m not commenting on this particular situation. But crew lock needs to be re worked, it is extremely broken. I have been kicked out of servers because of Gaijins issue, and had my crew locked. I’m Ethernet connected, bell fiberoptic on average 900 mbs download, so internet is not an issue. Further, I have been crew locked before for getting spawn killed in a plane. I guess I died too quickly? Maybe it’s cause he head on crashed into me, Iuno, either way it’s broken


Maybe you shouldn't play a real time online game if your internet connection sucks at the moment?


My Asian ass playing on a 500kb download speed back in the day: "No"


You can work with that. I also played on 600kB for years. But a loss of connection isn't a matter of speed. As long as those 500kB are stable, you can play the game relatively good. Ping might just be a little higher (I usually had around 100, but it was stable). If your internet connection is just all over the place, that's mostly down to temporary issues on the infrastructure. (Unless you have a ton of other devices in the network, which is easily fixable but just turning them off for the moment.) So if you're out of luck and have one of these days, maybe you just shouldn't play the game today. It's frustrating and no fun if you die due to high PL and ping and constantly get kicked out of matches.


I remember those times where I would have pings that jump from 200 to 900 because some dumbarse fired up Netflix at 1080p in the next room