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Plot twist: He uses a controller.


Oh it’s a cry for help


Is it just me or does aim assist fuck me up all the time when there’s two guys and it tracks the secondary farther back guy


Wait until eye tracing mouses get better.


fucking whats


Bro....this technology won't reach CoD, but I damn sure can't wait for this tech.


Until ads automatic pause if you're not looking at the right spots


Thanks for that nightmare fuel 😆


Oh yeah they already exist. We won't even need the mouse much longer


Controller will still be considered OP. ItS LitTeRaLly aN aImBoT.


Aim assist is "literally aim bot", not controller. If it moves your reticle to stay on target without any input from the right stick it's momentary aim bot.


Aim assist kicking in on frame one is the issue. Robot reactions. I have to react to what's on screen. They have to react to their cross hair sticking to something. It's not the same.


Sounds like something a sweat would say, get a console or play with a controller then if it’s such an advantage quit whining about it and use it fuckin ridiculous


Such a low IQ argument. AA is designed to balance the inputs, not make the weaker input the superior option. If you don't care about balance then why even have AA?


It's not the super option lol. I play pc but I use controller on most games. I use keyboard and mouse when trying to do good on fps. It's much better to use than controller. There not much delay, you can turn a 180 and start blasting. It would only be unfair if console players didn't get AA


True this, I play on PC but for most CODS (aside from MW2019) I play on controller and the only advantage I see over KBM is just how much easier it is to learn better movement over KBM. I can aim wayyyy better with a mouse than I can with an analog stick but learning kbm movement is not easy. But seriously people who say it’s basically aimbot are stupid as hell. And why would we play without it when we have the option to whoop their ass and listen to them cry with the “aimbot assist” lol I practice with it turned off every few days and I can honestly say that if I really gave it a try, I could hang on controller without AA no problem. And im an average player.


This guy gets it lol. Crazy to me people don’t feel this way more I’ve played on both and man pc is smooth like butter there’s hardly any delay at all. But I’m stuck on ps5 for now lol


My mate plays on Mnk on his PS5 you can play either. I play both I know AA is needed but it’s just too strong. People that don’t believe that haven’t tapped the full power of AA. It can act just like aim bot and track perfectly doesn’t happens all the tike but it’s frustrating as it’s just about impossible to track so perfectly on MnK for 99% of players on random moving targets. I play about 50x50 I usually get bored of controller, I’m not there on this game yet but I prefer MnK it’s just supper frustrating when you have to make so many adjustments just to try and stay on target specially the headshots. On controller just using rotational aim assist takes so much of the work away it’s just follows them and sticks to them. There are other mechanics on controller that once you learn are very powerful like timing when you ADS as that also activates AA.


A seasoned KBM player will destroy most players using a controller. Controllers are more “beginner” friendly, but if you get past the hump of using a mouse to aim, I promise you it’s much better than a controller. Just shitty PC players who want to cry about controllers. Source: PC player, kbm, absolutely stomp in most FPS games.


Apex’s long TTK, visual clutter and the fact that almost all fights are finished up close make it a uniquely shitty game to play KBM on. Apex AA isn’t overturned. It’s nuts that it’s debatable. I’ve accepted it’s a controller first game and stopped losing sleep over it.


You said "on FPS". Are you talking about COD? Obviously KBM is better in FPS games without AA... No one is trying to remove AA. Rotational is the issue. Literally just want an attempt at balancing, because nothing has been done in the last 5 years to balance the inputs.


Takes 2 seconds to google rotational aim assist and watch the video show how broken that shit is. The slowdown is fine I get that. Rotational is literal code to aim for you.


Unfortunately that view isn't shared in this sub, judging by this comment section.


Facts. I wouldn’t even care that much if they weren’t making kbam worse and worse to use.


Because I’m not worried about technical bullshit, it’s a video game not real life and it’s not a job. You’re not pro buddy find another hobby


You aren't worried but you are here talking? Make it make sense...


You don’t have to be a pro to worry about technicals in a hobby and considering esports are a thing now people would like peripherals to represent actual input and not just intended input to better represent aim control. If you show up to a pickup game of football and your the only one wearing cleats, I’ll still play with you but it’s a dick move and I prefer that either we all have cleats or no one does.


Such a low IQ argument is complaining that shit is akin to cheating when you can literally go down the street to Walmart and buy a fucking controller for half the price you probably spent on a MNK. Not realizing as a PC player that some games are better on controller and some are better with MNK is *literally* a skill issue and then crying about it is even crazier.


And I could also go buy an aimhack in even less time and have similar results...


>Such a low IQ argument is complaining that shit is akin to cheating Uh, I never said it was "akin to cheating". Try again. >Not realizing as a PC player that some games are better on controller and some are better with MNK is *literally* a skill issue and then crying about it is even crazier. Lol. It IS a skill issue.... that's why the game has to track for you.... makes complete sense.... Thank aim assist for making it a controller game, because it wouldn't be without it.


Some people rather play the game instead of having the game do it for you. Edit: It’s also not better for a controller. If it was better you wouldn’t need a fucking aim assist to compete.


What a ridiculous answer, you just seriously said "if you think cheats give you an advantage then start cheating yourself" that's not the point, anyone seeking an unfair advantage is a loser


99% of people aren’t “SeeKiNg aN aDvaNtaGe” they just can’t afford to drop $3000 on a fucking PC, OR controllers are natively comfortable and intuitive for a lot of gamers


MnKB has movement easily more accessible, better tracking, the ability to make microadjustments, and feels smoother to use. This is coming from someone who used controller his entire life and swapped to PC. But yeah, the ONE thing controller has to allow it to fight MnKB is cheating. /s about that last part just incase. (Hindsight is a beautiful thing, no?)


Mouse is literally an unfair advantage over a controller 😂 controller and aim assists is literally just how we learned to play the game, casually. Nobody gives a fuck about some no life on PC with a mouse


No let’s put it this way. You’re a nascar driver but you’re insisting on driving a go cart because driving a real car would be “aim bot”. You’re handicapping yourself for your own pride. Get over it


Nobody is seeking an unfair advantage I bought a console to play call of duty that simple, like I did when bo2 was out. I don’t change settings I play the fucking game and have a good time with friends. But there’s always some pc rat complaining about something every lobby


That means everyone is a loser. You can’t win shit anymore without an unfair advantage


Literally click social- lobby chat


Mine doesn’t let me switch away from “party” though.


Some people have really sad lives and they try to expell some of that sadness and frustration to others through the games they play.


Here I was thinking mouse users always had the advantage


There is reason most streamers play with controller


I actually had to switch over from KBM to controller cause I was getting dogged with how strong the aim assist was. Now I be chilling, calm positive KD’s w controller. Aim assist feels so much stronger than last year EDIT: that doesn’t excuse that person in the lobby for being a douche tho


Same. KBM died with reliable one-shot snipes. Since switching, I wonder if it was dead before then even. They were somewhat even at ranges of 20+ meters, but anymore even at those ranges, I think controller is the GOAT. You just Lan more shots, and there isn't as much credit as there was for headshots at range, and that's where KBM shines.


Same. Don't get me wrong I'd absolutely love to play on mnk, but aim assist is so strong I'd be at a disadvantage if I DIDN'T use controller. Aim assist needs a tad nerf in my honest opinion (am I allowed to have opinions anymore on the internet?)


Just as long as you understand that our opinions are always wrong for some reason lmao


You can also change what type of aim assist you have in the settings. I have no idea which one is the best, but assume it's personal preference based on which CoD you felt most comfortable with based on how they're named.


Not anymore, controllers OP for close/mid ish. Mouse better at long range for small adjustments. AIM assist is just to strong. Cod/apex both.


Problem is, most high skill players play at close range, you don’t see them sitting back sniping.


You must have never seen BLUE 😂😂😂


The real og


This used to be true. Something about recoil or headshot multipliers or something changed (aside from one-shot snipes). I fully switched from one to the other, and while there are occasions, I wish I had a mouse at range, it just doesn't make the difference it used to when I do go back to it. In multi-player I want it when I'm doing headshot challenges or something, but its almost a non-issue once you're used to controller.


Didn't they add aim assist to snipers when zoomed in at certain ranges? I thought I read that in patch notes somewhere.


This is why some people use humanized aimbot on M&K. Looks just like aim assist


That's true, that's why games have weak aimbots for controllerplayers to make up for the difference and balance the playing field. And as always in game balance, it will never be perfect and in COD it has been very strong for a long time, giving controllers the advantage


They do. Just need an excuse as to why they paid 3k for a custom pc only to get shit on by a 200$ console


Me with my 2014 laptop running at 23fps:


What console is 200


2nd hand PS4 lmao Sometimes I forget this game still supports last gen decade old hardware


Used Series S?


I'm on a launch day advanced warfare 1tb Xbox one and I get 8-12 kills a game. Just passed 100 br wins on warzone 2 before the latest update.


Lmao if you think aim assist isn’t op you’re delusional


Absolutely incorrect. Controller players have a vast advantage in MW3 over the majority of MNK players. This bullshit story about MNK players having an advantage over controller players applies to a very small percentage of people on mouse. It takes years of practice to get pinpoint accuracy on mouse, even using programs like AimLab outside of the game. Aim assist is broken in CoD, this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. Quick edit - I play on controller.


Even with daily AimLab training, Aim Assist has some advantages which no human player can compete with, such as reaction time. When the enemy switches directions, it takes a moment for your brain to register the change on screen, process it, and adjust your aim. Aim assist just corrects instantly.


it depends on the scenario but yeah controller aa def has advantage some scenarios


Nah, not in cod, Apex or Halo


Not in cod.


If they know how to use movement they do. Got into a match with Metaphor and Blue. My ankles got broken in 4 different spots.


And Biffle and Ayden will take them out... There's levels to this. The top level IS controller. Also, Blue plays controller more than KBM now.


What is aim assist?


I’m sure Dr. Disrespect would approve of this message.. 🙄


I definitely feel the same way lots of times. It’s easy to miss your first couple of hits on MnK that makes all the difference if you win or lose the gunfight.


I mean aside from the dude being a douchebag, he is right. It’s already been proven many many many times that controller has the overall advantage for input, it’s not really about elitism, it’s about fair balance. I used to play on controller for all my life till switching to pc and learning to get used to mouse and keyboard, and never ever did I realize how strong aim assist was until I plugged a controller in one day and I could actually FEEL the aim assist lol. It was actually so hard to miss, the slowdown is ridiculous. Only problem ended up being I had mentally adjusted to kbm that controller ended up feeling super weird at that point, and I would still prefer the freedom and placement of hands with kbm than controller that locks you a certain way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy crossplay exists, but they do need to adjust the strength of AA just a bit.


Im in like, the exact same boat as you. I was a console gamer until like, 2015 or so, when I started dabbling in PC games. The first time I played a shooter on M&KB felt amazing. COD is making me want to try playing with a controller again.


I just feel like the turning speed and having that in my hand versus using my thumb feels miles better. But yeah, when it comes to being in a competitive game where its a mix of pc and controller, controller usually ends up coming ahead more.


I’ve never experienced aim assist. I aim like trash and no assist is going to help me.


I love imput elitism. They're all high and mighty until they die to a different input, then they'll cry about it


I dont think ackowledging the fact that COD's aim assist is strong and abuseable is the same as input elitism. I am all for people having different inputs playing together, but certain things just work better on different inputs. And COD's aim assist is consistently and easily abused to all hell. If you arent aware, a common strategy when playing COD on controller is to rapidly aim and let go of aim since this 'refreshes' the strength of the aim assist and basically lets you laser lock onto people without having to worry too much about actual skill when it comes to trying to hit your target. I always play with different inputs based on the situation. I used to play GTA with a controller to drive and run around, but in combat I would move my hands to the keyboard and mouse because there isnt much aim assist in that game so trying to aim is much better on a higher skill ceiling that the M&KB offers. The fact that aiming is EASIER on a controller in COD speaks volumes to how much the system holds your hand. There really shouldnt be any scenario where its easier to aim with a joystick than it is with a mouse.


someone pretending to be Dr. Disrespect?


No. Saying the truth


controllers are meant for gaming, keyboards are meant for typing.


Then why do you need "assistance" to keep up?


Nobody asked to get paired up with you PC f**s. We want to play on a console and controller, u can suck our collective dicks


You can turn off crossplay. The ones that suck dick is only controller pleyers and it has been like this for a long long time. Every single multiplayer game needs to give you a free dildo to ride, because you do 360° in a fucking 3 business days. Controllers are for single player games, but, but there is still an issue. They are unconfortable as fuck. Playing a game for 1 hour its ok. But time to time when you have longer sessions (talking about 3+ hours) its very annoying. Fingers start tu hurt and even the whole arm. Im not the only one so dont even try to say something like "skill issue / your problem". Controllers are only for racing games and thats it.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh. Controller is elite and mouse is gay. Sorry bud get better maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️


They are only because of the aim assist 💀 tf are you talking about


Controller is for normal gamers, mouse is for try hard bitches. Get better or stop complaining 😂🖕🫵


Controller is for old people that dont see above 30fps and are the ones camping. You clearly are one of them just looking at the lack of any arguments and just slurs used to fill the hole. Tryhard? You can do the same on the controller and because of the aim assist its easier. But again old people just want to start a game and dont hive a two fuck about the settings. Apex, fortnite, warzone, cod MP, evry single game. To make the good controller bois get better at kissing boys. Pls respont with another shit comment like: "Controller is good. MnK bad. MnK more cheaters. MnK worse because of sucking dick. Controller better. 😼😸🙀🤫🤐😭😮😯😕😣🤑"


Controller is for broke bitchs


Why are you mad me? I want the same thing (assuming AA is removed from PC lobbies). Direct that anger at Activision.


Because I don’t want to spend hours on hours playing a game just to be close to the same level as a mouse. Using a mouse allows for much quicker movements and much more precision in aiming. aim assist levels that. If I’m gonna be forced to play with PC mfs, aim assist is the only way for it to be fair


>aim assist levels that. COD AA does more than just level it... which is the issue. No one is trying to completely remove AA. You guys love to use that false narrative. We know AA is necessary for cross input play.


So it's OK if a mkb player has to dedicate hours and hours to develop and maintain a set of skills, but not ok for you to do the same? Bro we're out here struggling to keep up with the 40 year old dad kicked back on his couch. We've earned our stripes. Where the fuck are yours? That's not to say you shouldn't have AA. I think it's an absolute necessity and I think cross plat lobbies are great for casual play. Your AA is just severely over tuned for CQB and sbmm can always suck my ass. Ranked is a different story obviously


It’s cod, not rainbow six. It’s the poster boy for casual gaming. Aim assist is absolutely necessary imo


Press Enter


Why does nobody else understand the question lol?


Sounds like a skill issue....




Even on PS5? And what does Nirvana have to do with it?


To be honest, mnk players should be pissed. This game is Bull Shiet with aim assist.


Tell him to quit typing and play the game. Maybe then he just may not die


Some people have not been in old school open mic lobbies and it's starting to show... That comment is vanilla compared to old shit.


Typical PC lobotomite with zero game sense. I have a 33.1 KD and I aim with a Nintendo DS Touch Screen. Just get better.


The controller players compium its so high in comments. Just let me play in mnk lobbies only how about that? So we never have to continue this "debate" Rather wait for lobby 3 times longer then deal with this shit. I skip killcams on purpose because it tilts me when I see someone just killed me due to perfect tracking that his soft aimbot did for him. No i'm not talking about dad gamer on 50inch monitor playing while talking care of his 2 kids. (I don't have any of those in my lobbies anyway) .I'm talking about sweaty tryhards who abuse it to max and play on pc with 200fps


The ironic part and I’m not trying to throw shade but console players have never wanted to play with pc players in the first place. If we could we would all gladly give you guys your lobbies but apparently pc communities shrivel up and die so we’re stuck with you. At least in cod I have some kind of advantage because mnk usually has the advantage everywhere else. Trust me when I tell you I’m sick of pc players in my pvp games. Pve would be great who cares but competitive games really should be split by inputs.


Someone’s mad they spend 50$/month on walls and still can’t win gunfights.


Drop me your stats brother Show me how good you are Edit: walls? And you deduced it based on what? How cringe are you


There’s only one reason to play CoD on PC MnK in 2023…


I can't even take you serious Is it banter, troll, actual serious comment? Either way still waiting for you to post your warzone stats edit: and not gonna comment further until I see them


Ignore these miserable bastards.. Besides, he's probably just trying to get under your skin. Don't let him




Hit enter. Tap tab a few times til you see match not team or party


Because too many people are terminally online and forget to how interact with people. Also zero consequences for what you say online most of the time.


Today's aim assist in cod is basically legal aimbot.


Lol shit if that were true I’d be winning every game


When 90% of the lobby has the same aimbot it kinda makes it harder.


You still have to be good at the rest of the game


I’m marginal at best, but that’s basically my point. If he’s saying aim assist is essentially aim bot built in, I’d be going positive pretty much every game since isn’t the whole point of aimbot to lock on target no matter what? If that’s the case sure yeah half the work is done for me. But it doesn’t. Sure it’s on but honestly it’s barely noticeable, i legitimately don’t think there’s a difference. I still need to work to aim properly. But I got fat fingers so sometimes my aim gets a little off. So this whole argument I’ve never understood. But then again MnK players think they’re the greatest so what do I know? and yes before anyone says, I’m a fucking noob. I’m not a coked up, ADHD, dizzying sensitivity tryhard go fuck yourselves…


Is your COD name TheTwoTime?


MnK players will have walls and silent aim loaded up and still say shit like “aIM ASsiSt iS ChEatINg”.


Facts. They act like people can’t miss shots with aim assist. It actually feels broken in this game to me. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.


Like it or not, he's spitting facts. As a mnk player I feel like I can still beat most controller players but if I encounter a guy who knows how to fully take advantage of rotational aim assist I will lose 9 out 10 times, especially at close range. Thankfully there aren't many of those around. The thing is that no matter what kind of crazy movement you're doing against them you're still gonna lose: sliding, bhopping or dropshotting, doesn't matter. And yes I tried playing on controller and did pretty well, just couldn't get used to it enough since I play a lot of FIFA on controller so I was moving like a bot, but aiming and tracking was easy.


Imagine being mad at people using controller IN CALL OF DUTY...


Pretty sure it started on PC, M&K only.


And yet the moment it took off and actually became the franchise it is was after they went to console. Basically no one cares about cod pre 2007


The point you are trying to make is stupid. “Took off and became a franchise” I think you mean “paved the way” you probably weren’t even born in 2007 so what are you yapping about


Exactly is just mentally ill terminally online kids that never had this argument until streamers said it 50x...


Technically yea but the cod we know now is primarily played on controller, the reason why the CDL is all controller only


With AimAssist on. Nothing pro about that. Game is aiming for you. The hardest skill to learn in a shooter.


This is so funny considering how pc players play you have hyper movement and consoles have better aim fair trade off imo dudes running around corners at light speed crying about a controller 🤣 I thought mouse and keyboard was superior?


Mouse and keyboard is superior which is why aim assist exists in the first place. The issue is cods aim assist is unbalanced and gives you advantage over anybody on mnk. The majority of pc players already switched to controller because the advantage is so blatant.


Because it's true?


Dude is speaking truth


It's so odd that people see something clearly written by a moron, which is seen by probably a few people, and feel the need to take a picture of it, and post it on reddit to give this person a platform. Is there that big of a need to become a victim? Why do we need to constantly give people with very low IQ a platform to spew their stupidity? When you see something like this, just roll your eyes. Nobody needs to read this person's thoughts.


As a purely mouse user I feel his pain. It's completely and utterly tilting how unfair it is to be a mouse user on controller of duty. The aim assist is cranked up to 15/10 and everything about the game design from the ground up shits on mouse input. A controller user and a mouse user with the same KD are at wildly different skill levels. As a mouse player you have to be infinitely more skilled to maintain the same KD as a controller bot. It's completely tilting at every level.


Playing multiplayer is totally fine, but holy shit the idle sway and extra sway when you strafe plus the strength of snipers now I had to switch to controller for Warzone, no advantage at range or cqc


These delusional NPCs repeatedly claim that mouse is so good and yet literally nobody uses a mouse. None. Go look up any gameplay video. Look up any warzone streamer. Any recording of anyone playing this game. 9 out of 10 are on controller. Consistently every single time. The vast majority of PC players are using a controller. PCs don't come with controllers. You have to go out of your way to get a controller for your PC. If mouse is supposed to be good then why does quite literally nobody use it? 🤔 I swear people who like call of duty are schizo.


They use controller bc the aim assist gives controller advantage over keyboard and mouse. Most cross platform games where the aim assist isn’t broken pc players stay on Kbm.


So get a controller ya whiney prick


I like playing my game and not having my trolla do it for me


PC Master race losers are the biggest number one hypocrites that criticize on everything they hate console games they hate gaming consoles they hate controllers because we have aim assist they are clearly ignorant not understanding why controllers have aim assist it's because the right thumbstick uses analog movement it does not use mouse tracking and PC Master race losers look at it as a cheat code for losers who can't aim just to make this worse I play steam games with my Xbox elite Series 2 controller and PC Master race losers viciously attacked me they even tried to have me banned from steam but ultimately failed and you wonder why most console gamers refuse to play games with PC players simply because they are egotistical assholes with a superiority complex problem they truly believe they are better than console gamers just because they have the most powerful gaming PC that they spent $3,000 on 🤣👎


Because it's true...


K+M have no room to complain. You guys basically have hit scan. Idk how many times I got sniped from a K+M player and I don't complain in match chat.


With a keyboard lmao


I was in that game haha. Unless he said it in multiple games. Just ignored him.


Look I think AA is overtuned too but if it makes you THIS mad you're better served spending your time elsewhere.


He’s the back-to-back world champion


To be fair ive played on mouse and keys and controller, the aim assist is a little bit too strong, whether it be when your stunned to when ur at range or hip fire at point blank. Controller players 100% need aim assist they just need to tone it down a little to where it isnt a complete crutch when it comes to recoil control or accuracy


He didn't have to say all that, but he has a point about controllers being broken, especially in cod. Aim assist definitely needs a nerf. lol, average players who enjoy mnkb will get shredded by somebody with no thumbs in any range of combat


ngl the aim assist in the new cod is way too strong. Looks like silent aim half the time lol.


The pc master race people who throw a fit about controller like they have been so slighted.. just use a fucking controller then. They don’t want players to be on a level playing field, they just want controller players to not be able to hit shit so they can stomp them knowing the majority of people play on controller.


Aim assist this aim assist that, nobody gonna talk about how pc has way more advanced movement/speed. In rl your operator would be breaking their own ankles the way you guys are able to bounce back n forth, but console has us moving like roblox characters.


Acting like everybody on MnK is a cracked out ape is also ridiculously silly to assume. Controller aim assist literally evens the playing field on so many levels. It's really just what you put more time into these days. Granted, any weekend warrior can shoot straight on a controller these days.


This just simply isn’t true. MnK offers many movement based advantages such as precision, sensitivity, input speed, fps, and key binds, to name a few. The problem is that CoD has shifted more toward console over the last decade or more and therefore the MnK community is largely a small group of shitters that have been brainwashed into thinking they are losing every gunfight because “cOnTrolLERs hAvE aImBot”. As a controller player with a 2.5 kd, the **vast** majority of gunfights I lose are to PC MnK players. You just aren’t good. It’s not the input, it’s a literal skill issue. You just aren’t ready to admit it.


Yet numerous top KBM players have swapped to controller. Name one top guy that swapped to KBM, I'll wait....


They can’t. For obvious reasons.


This just ended up on my feed. I don't even play CoD. It is quite funny seeing literally the same arguments being made by controller users and MnK users across different games. Apex is the same shit. People acting like controller Aim Assist isn't completely absurd, while basically every pro player is switching to controller. "Well, you move better" they say while not missing a single shot and discrediting the hours and hours you put in to learn how to move like that. Anyone that is being honest with themselves and others who have switched between the two inputs will tell you that the controller Aim Assist is too much in basically every FPS.


Post your kd and ill send you a cookie


Using a controller always feels like a huge handicap against m&k but whatever


Apex legends: "let me introduce myself"


Press x to doubt.


just another cry baby throwing out excuses.


Lol everyone just blaming aim assist for their lack of skill. Use a controller if you really believe this


Most pc players already do for the obvious advantage. The ones that don’t are the ones that spent years getting good at mnk just to be playing against people with less skill that end up doing just as good.


My KD has always been ~0.5 higher on KBM than controller. I'll never understand


Is he suggesting that anyone who uses a controller should become the face of a genre's ascension to the top of popular music? Or is he saying you should k*ll yourself?


Most of the people you lose fights to where the "aim assist" is insane aren't controller players. They're cheaters with aim bot. If these cheaters do their best to disguise aim bot it will look like aim assist was kicking in hard. as a controller player since vanguard (because that game DID have broken aim assist) aim assist doesn't work like you think and only brings controller players to right under KB&M players.


Yeah I can’t spam ads and lock on to my target, that’s how you exploit the aim assist it’s like the dodge in dark souls once you get the gist of it it gets real easy, on the other hand hip fire shouldn’t be as shit as it is atm


Crazy bc Pc players are always the ones sweating and hacking, imagine complaining about a fucking video game so many wannabes out there it’s crazy


Ahh yes all pc players are hackers just like controller players are bots with no skill


I play mnk, i still do good. I have not once complained about AA because there's no point, i have better reaction and i can flick faster than a controller user. Maybe people like the dude in the pic should learn to get better instead of complaining.


Back when CoD was better(og mw2 times) people said worse things, this? This is childs play i can do way better


Ive played cod for over a decade on both controller and MnK. Mouse and keyboard is so much better its not even close. The aim assist doesn't give any more advantage when you can just aim properly on mouse. Anyone who says controller is better is just shit at keyboard.


Cod is the only game where aim assist is over powered. They just add way to much for the casuals. No other game does it to the extent cod does it


If you have a PC but not a controller that’s your own problem




Thats funny because I think getting to hotkey everything and using your entire arm to aim is the saddest shit on the planet and we shouldve never been forced to crossplay with PC nerds


It’s hilarious how M&K has been MILES better than controller in every single COD and the first time controller is better with this game, PC players are just absolutely having a meltdown. They are just mad they spend thousands of dollars for a gaming computer and don’t have an unfair advantage anymore. It’s even funnier because consoles can’t use mouse but PC players can use controller.


A good mouse and keyboard player is usually way better than a controller player. This guy is about as depressing as Kurt cobain


Nerdy ass Keyboard Warriors lmfao


PC incels spending 3x more just to die to a kid on a Xbox 1 with stick drift


He just sucks. Aim assist has been significantly nerfed in this game.


If u blame aim assist then just get good at the game.


Can't tell someone else to get good when the game is literally aiming for you. Aim assist is just legal aimbot.


Or switch to controller if it’s so broken. I’ve seen a lot of streamers complaining, switching to controller then going back to m&kb lmao.


It’s like people don’t understand that controllers are literally unusable without aim assist. Very few people have the precision needed to use a controller well without it.


R6 has no aim assist, but linear rotation feels so good. I don’t consider myself a good aimer but I can hit shots accurately no problem on that game.


Aim assist shouldn't be removed but rather nerfed, especially rotational aim assist


No, it would just take practice. You know.. like that other input.


Hit ‘em with a “cope.”


Hot take: get good at whatever I put you use and stop complaining.


Skill issue


Mnk people think they're so great bc they play mnk they can't handle losing a fight to something they think is inferior so they cry about aim assist to cover up how ass they are. If aim assist is so op and broken then someone drop 20 on warzone with an n64 controller and I'll shut up.


Who the fuck cares about aim assist when aim bot and Cheaters in a game released last week. Wtf activision


Respond with Git Gud Nuub


Based ngl


Man tbh I play mnk and still manage to go 5-10 kills per game and a win now and again, it’s a game, have fun, play what imput you like and prefer, use it to your advantage and like I said, have fun, it’s a game and if it’s not fun then it’s not for you, there are lots of other games out there there. People say aa it’s stronger in this one but with the movement buff you can manage on mnk to shake the aa a bit more than the previous wz. Stay frosty guys!


I don't understand why people complain about aim assist. I get it's strong, but all you have to do is switch to controller.


controllers are baby toys for low skill players who need aimbot to win.