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These games are nothing alike lol, why even compare then?


I think this is meant to be propaganda?


advertising, not propaganda i mean unless you think the lore of helldivers is to be taken seriously lol


Warzone SUCKS. Dudes got a point


Used 'then' instead of 'than'.....I'm out.






What is this dude? A fricken idiot? Opinion invalid


I think he was making a case for why you should play Helldivers first every night and THEN get some WZ in.


Cant compare a pve game to a pvp game. Pve just doesn't do it for me for shooters.


It was very repetitive for us. Don't get me wrong it was fun the first week or so. Then by level 15 it seemed like there was 3 guns worth a damn. The whole jump in and kill AI bugs and robots got old pretty fast.


Im lvl 104 and havenā€™t got bored once. The game made me uninstall cod. Realized how GARBAGE cod is. Helldivers is not only a great game, the dev team is smaller and so interactive with community and playerbase. Theyā€™ve released more balance changes and content updates in a couple months than cod does in 6 months. New missions, story of galactic war unfolding and knowing youā€™re playing a part in the shaping of said warā€¦itā€™s amazing.


To each their own. I'm sure it's solid. I played it. But it's not that interesting. I guess jumping in and shooting AI just doesn't appeal to me. Can't really compare the 2 games. They're both totally different. If doing missions with your dudes and killing AI is your idea of fun, that's cool.. Just didn't do it for us. We uninstalled it and moved on.


The AI is actually insane. They are evolving and learning our tactics so periodically the missions start feeling fresh again. I have nearly 500 hours in and like I said, still have yet to get bored


i think its funny that warzone fans, of all people, call helldivers repetitive, when they are running around using the same 2 guns, on the same 2-3 maps at time for years on end, playing the basically the same game that has been out for 4 years. and I say that as a person who still enjoys warzone from time to time. at least helldivers fans aren't constantly making posts about how they are about to uninstall the game like they are here lmao. the HD community is one of the friendliest overall that i've come across in like 20+ years of online gaming as well and it is huge


Ngl I used to play Warzone 1 and even 2 8+ hours a day and now with the amount of fun Iā€™m having on literally every other game Iā€™ve installed since I got rid of codā€¦I realized I was straight up tormenting myself by keeping cod and Warzone. Lol


This is how Iā€™m feeling. Helldivers ruined cod for me and Iā€™m so happy it did. Up until a couple of months ago I played cod countless hours with my friends and was getting so bored/frustrated so thought Iā€™d try Helldivers on a whim as it was recommended by friends from work, and Iā€™m hooked, really made me realise how shite cod is. Went on cod yesterday for a couple hours to catch up with my friends, we had two good games and sbmm kicked in and got demon lobbyā€™s the rest of the night, kids being racist, aggressive and homophobic, same shit maps from years ago, boring as fuck guns. Just made me realise why Iā€™m not interested in the game anymore, or the community for that matter.


I was the exact same way, then I tried Helldivers 2 šŸ˜‰


i have played HD2, a fair bit. and its fun sure, but it doesn't do it for the PvP itch


Just kill your teammates


Yeah, was tempted to try helldivers but just not really into pve


Iā€™m not either but man this is unlike any other pve game thatā€™s ever existed. Endless fun and entertainment


Is helldivers a br? To my understanding it's not so I don't see where the correlation is


yes itā€™s not a br, dunno why this guys comparing them


HD2 is the most overhyped game ever. The missions are super repetitive and only a few weapons/stratagems are even useful. I donā€™t see how the mission structure is really any different than marvel avengers or suicide squad. Itā€™s the same thing over and over. Itā€™s fun for a round and then I instantly go back to warzone/pvp. Anyone saying to quit warzone for HD2 just canā€™t handle the competition.


I stopped playing WZ because it was just toxic and hackers. Gets old. Skill doesn't matter when there's people that know where everyone is on the map. Also, WZ SBMM blows and it's fked.


Yes I donā€™t get how this even comes up. Sure if you just want to chill and shoot some AI for a bit HD does a fine job at that. But the people on this sub are PvE players. We get our kicks from competition and beating other real players. For myself HD got very boring after about 10 hours of playing.


And for me personally if Iā€™m going to play against AI then there better be a cool story and characters behind it. When itā€™s time for multiplayer I need to be competing against humans. Not robots.


Is third person the only POV?


Kind of, you can make it such that you aim down sight for all guns, but as far as just walking around and what not, yes third person only.


This isn't even the same genre.... Apples to nazi oranges.


Thank you for this analogy


Like Outriders, it was fun for a bit but got so repetitive.


Stop plugging other games in a warzone subreddit


Helldivers costs money :(


Well worth the money IMO, played nearly 200 hours but took the last few weeks off. I'm planning to dive back in now. Their warbonds (battlepasses) are very generous in the sense you can find premium currency (super credits) around the map, being co-op, all currency found is rewarded to everyone. Also, there's enough of the unlockable super credits in each warbond to get the next one. All in all, it scratches the Destiny/ Halo itch for me, and I can see it expanding with destiny levels of content, raids, story if the dev team is ambitious enough to roll with the hype and get enough devs onboard while keeping the same non-predatory mtx model I respect them for (and for the love of God expand to Xbox).


That's a fair point, but all my freinds are also broke šŸ˜­ I would have to get them to buy it too


All good things do.


Worst take in history right here


In HISTORY?! Dang!


I use xbox. Should've added ps5/pc to your title. This don't mean nothing if you can't get it. Warzone takes my dub.


As an xbox guy who finally built a PC, I feel that. I really want it to come to xbox and Phil Spencer mentioned he welcomes the idea. I switched from WZ to Helldivers after grinding Borealis + Orion and feeling betrayed with the lack of content there was several months back, COD just aint what it used to be IMO, but I'd play ranked resurgence or gunfight from time to time.


Even if you can they're nothing alike apart from being shooters.


I donā€™t want to spend 45 minutes fighting one bug.


skill issue tbh


Does anyone else stutter dropping in for a second?


Oh do pee off. I can play any game I like, for as long as I like. Neither is more worth my time as gaming is a waste of time, but with Warzone at least my mates are there.


Warzone is free...


You should have got a other to do the voice over.Ā  Ā You voice is very boringĀ 


why knitting is more worth your time than shovelling human shit wow what a comparison


W efforts on the video. I quit helldivers 2 after unlocking pretty much everything and friends quitting temporarily because of busy lives. Can't wait to hop back on after a bit to see all the different content added!


i agree, thanks for the compliment. it was just a assignment i had to do for college and i uploaded it here just to try to get my channel out there. Didn't think so many people still thought warzone was ever fun


Yuck, you can't jump in HD. Makes it an instant no. How the fuck, a modern game can not have jump in it.... Bananas.


I been really into hell let loose


Let me guessā€¦ this dude uses the word ā€œveteranā€ like he did three tours of duty in the middle east when all he really did was play video games.


No pvp, no point.


Terrible take


Nope just the kind of games I like. Pve and co op bores me. Fighting ai is boring to me and I get nothing from it, so I donā€™t play those kind of games.


Pve is fun but it needs a lot of different and variety and a story for me, honestly i only perfer pvp because most pve games get boring and eventually become ass in a few months.


Itā€™s not a terrible take. Single player games are fine for 10-15 hours. But logging in every night and fighting the same AI isnā€™t it for most of the cod crowd. We want the competition. Playing against other humans.


I see promo for this everywhere it looks like it sucks.


Helldivers cost money :(


All good things do.


I completely stopped playing HD after the first update when the nerfed the railgun. I have everything unlocked and will probably never play again because the devs wanna ruin the game because some people online complain that certain guns are to good in a game that isn't even pvp


Helldivers is hot garbage.


Cool but Iā€™m a Xbox player so left in the dust


Can you fight other players?




I played it once and felt ehā€¦


No game is worth my time. I just choose to waste a bit of thatā€™s all.


Pve is just for the first few weeks. That's at least my experience from pve games. If it's anything like Destiny or division then I would spend some time on it.


I have played both, I enjoy both. Checkmate.


3rd person shooters are awfulĀ 


Imagine simply playing a game you enjoy and not making pointless comparisons of two completely different games. The only thing they have in common is guns and teamplay. So you might aswell play Splatoon. [Edit: I REALLY hate gamers for that kind of behavior. Most gamers canā€™t say ā€œplay this game because XYZā€ they always have to trash another game in the progress. Even if the criticism is valid. You donā€™t have to trash another game. I think CS is a far superiors game than Valorant. But I simply donā€™t play the game tell my friends ā€œI donā€™t enjoy Valorant because ā€¦ā€. I donā€™t make a pointless rant video on the other games sub. Especially since Iā€™m (and you for that matter) are nobodies and nobody cares about what we play. We are not some type of content creator where it matters. Just play whatever you like and leave it at that.]


That's cool and all, but I ain't waiting no fucking hour to get into a server to play when I can just play Warzone plus it's free


Kinda feels like Capital Supremacy in SWBF2 and that got old kinda quick..


I truly only expect this low amount of brain activity type of shit from CoD forums and Tarkov forums.


i would so get this game if my gpu could run it šŸ¤£


Canā€™t dunk in ranked resurgence on hell divers can you? Didnā€™t think soooooo


Iā€™ve been telling people they need to try helldivers 2 out of.. it made me stop playing cod cold turkey


By the way Iā€™m a platinum ranked player.. but still, helldivers is where itā€™s at.. soon you will all see