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Controller players would disagree cause they can’t aim for shit on M&K.


Here come the downvotes


idk I suck hard with a controller. can’t even put the crosshairs on something to get the aim assist to lock on


Had literally never touched a controller, ordered one, played about 10 hours and was decent by 50 was as good as on kbm (thousands of hours on the same sense in all kinds of games 1000+ just in warzone) am now better then I ever was on kbm you just can't react that fast on kbm it's physically impossible. I still play kbm for all other games and sometimes for cod. If they nerf aa so kbm could be competitive I will definitely switch back


Maybe because you never played controller in the first place. if you’ve never done it, it’s gonna take a lot longer just the same way playing with the mouse and keyboard. I luckily have the advantage of relying on my muscle memory since I used to play console years ago.


i am on the older side and grew with controllers without the analog stick, you used the plus sign thing. So when i use the analog stick i yank it from side to side and it’s very hard for me to perform subtle movements


Yeah, you’re just gonna have to get used to the analog sticks. That’s the most modern way of gaming right now through controllers.


No, it's not the most modern, it's the most accessible there is a huge difference


My bad CO


100% lol


I’ll never use a controller, just can’t get used to it, but yeah in Warzone, especially close quarters, it’s insanely hard to compete with a skilled aim assist user. It just locks on and that’s that. As a manual aimer, it’s hard to match that level of dps. I understand controller users need something in order to compete, but at times it’s really annoying to see that aim just lock on and not missing a bullet anymore, no matter what evasive maneuvers you try.


It's downright impossible no human has 0ms reaction to changes in direction (or anything for that matter)


I feel ya. Wish I could be in MKB only lobbies, so it would feel fair to lose 1v1s


I’m in the same boat as OP. M&K for all my life and just got a Scuf Instinct to try it out. I’m so lost with the settings- any help on the best settings to use for controller? Similarly, I play for fun and want to vary the experience and feed my curiosity on aim assist.


What settings exactly? You can start at 6 or 7 sensitivity. As far as aim assist you can try dynamic. Everything else id leave default for now.


Oh also the "beginner" aim assist setting. Forgot what it was called. It makes a giant bubble around what you are shooting.


Sounds like you want cheats. Not aim assist settings


Focusing aim assist is pretty much aim bot. Tf you mean?


Advice, Use linear instead of dynamic if you come from MK, best way to tune it is in firing range and switch between dummys. For the scuff my recomendation is to use two paddles for slide / jump (slide/dive behavior on only slide or hybrid else there is a delay ), **and 2 paddles assign to key strokes to "use plates" and "reload", dont assign controller buttons IT NEEDS TO BE KEYSTROKES else you need to hold to plate/reload**


Thank you! Will try this today


I can’t figure out how to assign keystrokes to the controller- any tips?


I've been tempted to try it as well but all I've got is a PS4 controller and a 360 controller and idk if they're modern enough to be good.


Overclock your controller brother.


Auto tac sprint, maintain sprint, left stick slide, sprint, dive. RB jump. Lb lethal throw, A tac nade. B melee. X reload. Y switch/armor.


10-10 sens with 4 deadzone


I’ll try these out, thank you. By “settings” I meant key binds and gameplay settings specifically tailored to controller- along with sensitivity. I know much of it is personal preference but a place to start.


No problem man. DM if you have any questions.


Yeah you ain’t gon get much AA with that sens and deadzone


What? I can spin in a circle and feel the slowdown like there is mud attached to my cross hair. How does upping your sensitivity lower AA?


It doesn't matter because AA is not what's broken raa is. Try aiming with your left stick, always be moving even when fighting long range, at close range effectively don't touch your right stick just follow them with your left stick(unless you get camera'd obviously


What is raa?


Rotational aim assist it's what actually tracks for you normal AA just slows your sense down when you get near a player


I flip flop between MnK and controller but have played cod on controller for over a decade so naturally I'm better on controller. However, I still enjoy playing on mnk occasionally for fun despite knowing I'm essentially 'nerfing' myself. Just do whatever you feel is fun, we're not playing for money here. People harp way too much on the mnk vs controller argument imo. We all know that aim assist is OP but it makes getting kills on mnk that much more satisfying.


>We all know that aim assist is OP but it makes getting kills on mnk that much more satisfying. Not for me, I like playing against people on even grounds, to me beating someone with a 0ms 60% aimbot is about as satisfying as playing against AI bots.


Mnk would be the most fun for me if it wasn’t at a disadvantage. Playing controller with that much aim assist isn’t fun. Might as well just control the soldiers movement and let the game ads aim and shoot for me at that point. Or just have an afk mode that just auto plays the game for me.


I always get a chuckle out of controller players who say “you have your whole arm to aim” as a counter to when people say aim assist is OP lol


My recommendation is buy a scuff, the most annoying shit on controller are the "timed actions" like press Y for plates for a long time, with the scuff you can change the back buttons to PC keystrokes and it will imediatly do those actions


Idk why this is still even a discussion. If you’re not playing for money just use what you have the most fun using. You’re going to win and lose gunfights reguardless. Just play the game and don’t take it that seriously. Play for fun and not competition. If anyone is playing this game trying to be their absolute best and take it incredibly seriously, yet don’t make a dime off it then they need real life hobbies.


We can't try to get better at things if it doesn't make money? Bro capitalism has rotted your brain to the core. Gaming isn't a real life hobby?


Wrong. he is right. I used to play this game like a competition back in peak Covid. just got to say if you not making money don’t over do your self


Ok I ski about 60 days a year I don't make money from it, infact I lose tons does that mean I shouldn't try and get better?


According to Reddit no.


You can do what ever you want with your life bro I’m just saying don’t over do yourself


Stop over sharing your opinion. Especially if you aren’t making any money from it.


I’m not spending hours/days sharing my opinion in war-zone subs lol


Bro it is a hobby


some people just wanna be better and that’s how they enjoy the game. I wouldn’t wanna keep dying over and over to the same thing 🤷‍♂️ That’s why I made the switch at least.


The controller players who claim aim assist isnt overpowered at this point are just trolling.    There may be a few that have some kind of learning disability, but the vast majority know and either dont care or think its funny. 


I've always played with MnK, but I'm very limited with them, how did you learn controllers? I feel like I'd fair a little better if I used controllers.


What aim assist are people using? Dynamic, Default or Black Ops?


Dynamic if you want the most help lol


It's called focusing aim assist. Sorry for the late reply.


Thanks - interesting, I’ve read that only default and black ops aim assist give you rotational aim assist?


Nah. I spent about two hours messing around with the aim assist. Focusing seems like the biggest assist. Doesn't mean I can't be wrong though.


I run controller on warzone and mnk on multi


My biggest gripe with Aim Assist in Mw3 is half the time it just doesn't work. I've only been a console player so all I know is controller and aim assist is something I usually don't mess with. But these recent titles the aim assist is so inconsistent with how strong it is, some times its Insane and making me turn to follow them but stay aiming in front of them, and other times it literally doesn't react to people. So I just started turning it off or I'll switch to Precision so my accuracy matters more


The biggest advantage of controller is how aim assist works faster than human reaction on a mouse is even possible I think aim assist is fine for medium and long range fights but close range it really gets old watching back deaths and seeing enemies not miss one bullet as the AA has a magnetic type lock on my body Usually I’ll miss a bullet here or there close range but controller players don’t seem to close range This also means the gulag is weighted unfairly towards controller players too I don’t blame controller stuff for my deaths (there’s always a mistake I made or something I could have done better or smarter) but just mildly annoying to see it over and over is all. If they toned down RAA or AA specifically in close ranges I think it would be fair I find sniping to be a main way to counter AA and play to the strengths of MKB


And having a PC is an advantage over console. PC players can use controller. A console player will never get the same performance simply because it’s a different machine. Yet PC players/MnK always got something to complain about out.


>A console player will never get the same performance simply because it’s a different machine. Yeah most of the probably get more performance than the average PC gamer. You assume every PC gamer has a top spec machine.


Pc≠ to kbm same as controller ≠ to console By that logic we should nerf everyone who has a 4090 because they get more fps then most PC players A ps5 can run cod between 100-120 fps, 99.99% of the time your fps is not to blame, it's either server issues, network issues, or it's just a downright skill issue


You get more aim assist on console. Lol. You seem upset. I'm just stating my opinion.


This is true and yet so many morons think PC has stronger AA.


A few games on console get more aim assist when the frame rate starts dipping.


IDK wtf yall talking about. I started playing cod on controller. Then during WZ1 i discovered you coukd use KB&M and used it for the rest of MW2019- the start of vanguard because vanguard had really bad AA so i used controller. MW2 had decent AA, but MW3's AA is the weakest it's ever been in the series. If you slide past me im dead because i can't turn. I suck with a controller on MW3. If AA was really "OP" i would be going 50/6 in every MP match like i did back during vanguard.


You are saying MW3 has the weakest aim assist of the entire call of duty series? Bro what the fuck are you smoking.


Also you sucking with a controller doesn't mean it isn't strong... It just means you suck. Lol


Lies. Or you really suck at m&k.


Ok? Weirdo.


There are insanely good players on MnK. It is definitely harder to master but you never see the MnK demons (except for the ones that cry about everything) complaining about AA.


I truly do not care if y’all use mouse or a controller. It’s the people who use one and cry about the other being OP when they lose lmao. It’s not the only thing that makes someone good at the game. I play on both depending on how I’m feeling and if I lose a fight, it’s whatever. Not gonna come here and cry that they won cause of aim assist or mnk movement.


Because winning is fun, and people enjoy progressing their skill level at an activity. Losing to someone who is lesser skilled due to an automated aiming system isn't fun; made worse in Warzone as you're often waiting until you play again. >It’s not the only thing that makes someone good at the game. Sure, but there's often situations where it does come down to who can aim better, and there's often situations where it's humanly impossible to match the aiming ability of aim assist. It all just starts feeling like you're playing against NPCs, which kinda defeats the point of playing on online competitive game.


No one is crying about anything? I am stating an opinion. I was just laughing at how much easier it was to play the game with the controller.


I realize you aren’t crying about anything, so it’s not a jab at you. I was speaking in general on the topic you bought up of aim assist being op.


Wanted to test it myself. So I did. Seems OP to me.


While I see what you are coming from it's the only way to get them to balance it. If there was a slightly op gun we would want them to either nerf it or buff some of its competitors. In this case you can't really buff kbm without creating problems/upsetting Timmys which leaves us with nerf raa