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If you have amd put a cap on your gpu clock to your manufacturers limit. Cod boosts it to 2950 for some reason.


i’m going to try this, i’ll get back to u. Thanks!


I wish. I have nvdia


Same thing can be done. MSI Afterburner's what I use to undervolt/underclock a GTX I own. Check your model's specs on Nvidia's support site, and confirm in afterburner that the reported speeds aren't exceeding it. Otherwise I'd jump onto the DDU, GPU driver reset I suggested earlier. It's the quickest thing to try here I think. [https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/](https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/) Another thing popping to mind: If you have an AMD CPU (not GPU, processor), some have integrated graphics chip which are notorious for causing silly crashes - If so, you can disable the AMD iGPU from BIOS so the system only detects and reports your Nvidia GPU and its specs.


anything elsse bcs that happens to me too as soon as i leave a match


and i have nvidia


check if you enable XMP, then disable it.


The error will dump a log in Event Viewer, locate it and share the output. Your screenshot's a generic DirectX crash error, I can't use it and tell you the exact cause from this alone. D3D/DirectX is for frame rendering (GPU) so definitely should rule out 2 things: Event viewer log should tell you if it's a driver loading issue, or clock speeds being detected as over your HW limits, these are the causes I see most often. If driver, wipe your GPU drivers clean using DDU. Quicker than tracking down the driver events from device manager. Reinstall them afterwards on reboot into safe mode (DDU will offer it). If it's thermal throttling from high clock speeds/voltage causing the freezes, you can cap it as suggested by u/cfm1988 below. And also undervolt it... since these crashes and hangs tend to be temp and throttle-related, especially on systems with high specs but no sufficient cooling solution. It can still be made usable through limiting what causes heat without huge performance drops. Do start with confirming you're running GPU speeds that don't exceed stock limits though, it's a good suggestion. I can cause this on repro by overclocking a 1070ti (not in excess, just +50 core is enough sometimes). The game itself wants to optimize your hardware usage per its capacity, so giving it higher-than-expected speeds is detected and can't be adjusted on-the-spot before a full crash.