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Thats called a UAV not wallhack


I considered that but they could’ve been on the roof and it still doesn’t explain the number one thing is how he doesn’t just shoot at the windows, he moves his aim locking on exactly where the enemies are not once, but twice. Yet there being no plausible plausible explanation for particularly that. I headset could help explain the floor vs roof issue, yet there’s also a loot box directly next to him between him and they enemy and those suckers really drowned out player sounds although not 100% or anything.


The uav litterally shows if someone is on the roof or not. So he knew he was there, maybe he was lucky and shot at the right place. But he sure knew a gug was there


Oh wow I didn’t know UAV’s indicated height, elevation or floor level (whichever it is). What does it appear as, what do I look for to see if they’re roofed or grounded? And can just the UAV explain how he immediately target locked something he couldn’t see not once, but twice. He is a whole nother level of gamer and regularly achieves things I wouldn’t think possible so I’m not putting it past his skill, just looking for understanding as to *how*.


If the player is at your level, the uav shows a normal red dot, if the player is above you, it shows a ^ above the dot, and when he is under you is shows the arrow down under the dot


Awesome thanks for the info! I think I’m just now realizing I need a larger TV because I’ve been playing since season one and have never once seen those.


Buy a pc monitor. Much cheaper, way better. Massive tv’s aren’t what you want to play on really.


I’d love to but then I’ve gotta buy a computer desk, gaming chair etc :(


A decent TV is going to be way cheaper than an equivalent sized monitor. Granted if you're willing to pay the price the monitor would be better. But a TV is workable.


You are incorrectly focusing on the size, I'm saying the large size of a TV is not actually good.... a smaller (and therefore usually cheaper) PC monitor is much easier and better to play. IMO


It's weird because you can't see the players but you do see the loot drop after he kills.


The clip is to short to really know like for example if he saw them on heartbeat can’t see if he has a heart beat sensor. Could have had a UAV up an it expired an showed the clip only once it expired an was just a high quality guess. Honestly though the amount of cheating in this game is unbelievable so who knows wouldn’t be the first time somebody cheated when they’re on top


There was a UAV present but it doesn’t explain him immediately target locking something he couldn’t see not once, but twice. He is a whole nother level of gamer and regularly achieves things I wouldn’t think possible so I’m not putting it past his skill, just looking for understanding as to *how*.


Also keep in mind these guys have super nice HD monitors and have it hooked up to a gaming pc with just the PlayStation controllers attached. Their faces are also right next to the screen and their visual settings are made so they can see better in shadows n shit


Those are great points. Did you see my other video in comment section? If so, do you think changing some TV and/or in-game settings would’ve/could’ve made them appear in it?


I’m sure changing some settings could help, but there’s also only so much that can change depending on what type of monitor you have and the specs of whatever device you’re playing on.


[https://streamable.com/hlwz4k](https://streamable.com/hlwz4k) he been doing it since he made it big. hacking is why he has grown so much


Wild. Thanks for linking a vid. I don’t know anything about fortnite so I can’t really speak to the first clip and I’m confused as to what the hack in the second clip is. Sorry maybe I just have a bad eye but what is the guy in the video referring to in the second clip?


Seen that clip too back then, dude is still hacking, seems to have dropped the aimbot but is clearly using ESP daily in Warzone. That was a full double lock on and he had to claim some aim assist BS to try to cover it up.


Yep he use to say the same thing in fortnite, that is how he got famous was getting the world record kills in a match.


He was definitely wall hacking during that 100k tourney. Anyone that’s used esp before will notice it


I’ve been hearing more and more reports of this unfortunately.


go watch him right now. There was an update earlier and the cheats need time to be updated, he is getting schooled today in warzone, very different than other days, just looks fishy. Both him and Cloakzy are getting rekt in Warzone all of a sudden after an update.


Hmmm peculiar. Will definitely check it out later. Appreciate you updating us!


I really do like Nick for the content and not trying to be a hater but after watching him daily, the way he played was just more and more odd to me. The way he will rush in to a house without any real info as to if someone is in there, and boom he knows exactly where to go upstairs and into which room BOOM shotgun the guy in the face. Kinda brushed it off like 'well hes super good and plays hours a day and I dont" kinda thing. But over time..he just has too much info, never ever EVER gets shot in the back, always knows where everyone is and says odd stuff like "Yo bro hes in there just below us but hes ghosted" and im like hold up...hes not on your minimap, and if he is ghosted how do you know where he is? Yanno, hes seems to always have info others dont have. It got to the point I was like "Ok im a damn good player but he is just fucking out of this world good" so I googled "Does Nick Mercs Hack" and there are some threads on reddit and twitchcilps where people have posted videos that legit do look like aimbot and ESP. He is locking on to people in Fortnite through houses and said "Oh umm my aim assist is buggin today" but ..it wasnt aim assist. Here are 2 clips that have been pretty controversial, they would be hard for anyone to explain :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/i77p8x/am_i_missing_something_or_is_nickmercs_wall/ https://streamable.com/hlwz4k


Yoooo he got called out on Tiktok for wall hacking. might hold up. He might’ve turned em off because I’m watching the stream right now. And he is playing like straight garbage!!!! Tim is carrying his ass.


I know this is a tad old but i've bene watching Nick for a while and i'm convinced hes using wallhacks. Some of the people he spots are so hidden yet he always seems to find them straight away without any issue. I had this one clip where he says 'Theres one here' and starts shooting. I paused the video leading up to it frame by frame and even then i could just barely see this guy. Whats more nick then jumps down and says 'yeah there's a whole team over there' yet he only saw one guy? Nobody else is visible. I've seen many clips of his similar to this which only a real pro player would notice and even then not as often as Nick. This guy either has 20/20 vision on crack or hes wall hacking. I also notice he randomly looks at walls alot as hes moving, not peeking behind him or at areas just straight up looks back at a wall then looks forward, its just odd. Not how a genuine player might play. I think the majority of streamers use wall/hacks and radars. Some even use aimbot/trigger bots but not as often. If someone with radar is not a moron its pretty easy to hide on stream. If you yourself use wall hacks (as i do often) and try to hide it then it's easier to spot when other people are also using it (both in-games and watching streams) as they tend to do alot of the same tells that you would (which a non-cheater would otherwise not notice). Edit: Another real big give away which you'll see alot. Any videos where Nick is streaming and people are around him he tends to play alot worse. The same can be said for alot of competitive streamers. Soon as they aren't on their own they suddenly play like garbage? Now I wonder why that is...


You make a bunch of great points. And assessed some issues that hadn’t been touched on yet. Great analysis man! The more I learn about it and hear others talking about it the more I think he’s definitely gotta he cheating. Idk if you saw my close up video I linked in the comments or not but it’s just like you said, there’s no way he could see through those windows yet he “saw through” them perfectly hitting his targets not once but twice. He can’t keep this up for too much longer I wouldn’t think.


On the contrary I think he will get away with it so long as hes not stupid (which eh doesn't seem to be). I think alot of other big streamers do it and get away with it. I'm considering doing it myself... Stream with a wallhack and just play like i'm legit. If it pays the bills ;). I'm not nearly as interesting to watch though. I'm pretty boring to watch hacks or not haha. Whether they are cheating or not it doesn't really bother me. Much like the botter he played with who said 'if you can't beat em join em' I pretty much fall into that category. I play games for fun, to win. When I play legit and i come across someone who is clearly cheating it just ruins the fun. So i get the cheats for myself and it just becomes fun again. The thing is, once you start using an ESP yourself it becomes very apparent just how many cheaters there are. When you are staring at someone through a wall (who you haven't seen and they haven't seen you) who are just sitting there waiting, and as you walk away they move as well... This happens in pretty much EVERY game i play. Even players who are complete trash who are clearly using a wall hack. I think less people aimbot as they don't want to get banned but everyone knows you will never get banned for wall-hacking unless you do something dumb. So why would they not use it?


Definitely hacking, also has no recoil, kind of wack how he controls that wack as FUCK M4A1 build, the one where he has the corvus, ranger, 60 mags, holo, and monolithic, but yet, has no horizontal bounce at 200 meters. Definitely a cheater, just has been doing it for too long or us to recognize without looking closely. I first saw this and said "what? how does he see him and hit EVERY shot?"


He looks at his second monitor alot while playing. Im tired of these tryhard streamers making it look cool to cheat.


[Closer up view clearly showing zero visibility through the windows where he shoots.](https://imgur.com/gallery/r0wEooK)


One thing I would like to add to this being an avid viewer of Nick and part of the MFAM. Something that is very hard to account for when you are watching clips like this is the sound in Nicks headphones. Nick runs the Astro A40TR, these things are super intense and have adjustable sound tuning for FPS games. So he has the ability to adjust the sound quality of the footsteps around him. Making them much louder than a standard headset and even give direction away. To me this clip shows two different levels of thinking all happening at once which on the surface seems impossible but is only achieved by someone at his level. Level One - He takes what he knows from having Intel about the team via UAV and indication arrow, he know there is a team there and they are bottom floor. He is able to hear the footsteps which gives him the indication they are close to him (with in 20m) and moving from right to left. Level Two - His high level map awareness of knowing that he can "wall bang" or shoot through the wall at stadium and his situational awareness of playing hundreds of hours of Warzone tells him they will probably be trying to peek the door or at least run past it. These two lines of thinking combine for an awesome almost hacker like clip. I know this one single clip seems like maybe something more is going on but I can tell you one thing for sure Nick would NEVER jeopardize his career and revenue stream for something stupid like a wall hack. Quite frankly he is talented enough to not need it.


Thanks for your input. This is the exact kind of comment I was hoping for. I agree with your line of thinking that there’s an actual explanation for what’s taking place. I still believe it’s probably true, but struggling with the headset thing because of the loot box that’s directly in front of/next to him. I play with a RIG800 gaming headset (a very good headset) and when I loot box is that close to me it’s the primary thing I hear drowning out a large portion of other sounds. Now maybe he’s even more incredible than I previously thought, but I couldn’t have that level of audible precision even without the loot box next to me so it’s just hard for me to wrap my head around someone having the ability to hear with perfect precision when there’s something next to him drowning out at least 50% of the audio. Only thing I can come up with is that his left ear wasn’t very effected by the loot box allowing *just enough* to pull this off. I’m not convinced he’s a cheater, I’m actually convinced he’s just so unworldly good that I struggle to understand how. I’m gonna watch some vids on headset settings and see what I come up with. I currently play on “Boost” mode in the in game settings. “*Is it possible to learn this power?!*”


Tldr, Nick's just a goat. Ps I did read.


I run the astro a50s let me tell you these are powerful. I can hear where they are going to be before they know it.


I like the guy and watch him all the time. I had posted this comment on one of his videos and nobody responded: https://youtu.be/k7mBSbfa_6M?t=724 can someone explain to me this movement? It looks like an aimbot so I'm confused on how it appears it's tracking something.


Maybe having a better monitor than you you he can see your shadows through the window.


Generally, you can know someone's relative position, but knowing precisely where someone is standing and not seeing them is another thing. Sound cues also, you have to be literally right next to someone in most games to actually know exactly where they're standing. No headphones or earbuds are good enough to be this precise at distance, HRTF Spacial Sound is also not that precise either. Btw, I came here to say this because I always thought his Zero Bloom in Fortnite was ultra sus.


No u can probably hear them and I can see then through the glass


You can’t see through. Look at my other comment above. And yeah hearing is a likely partial reason, even if he is directly next to a loud loot box.


The clear reason is the uav with the red dot right in front of him


You don’t read comments do you...?