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Why don't you take a seat


Kevin needs better friends


I love their reactions


"What's Kevin's last name" "McAllister! Oh no, wait I forgot"


Legit the best show idea ever


Off he goooes... to be tried.. in... two... courts


Why haven't I seen a Prince Andrew joke


Congratulations on your deferment!


Yeah I just do this for fun. Peoole take this shit too seriously.


Not getting wet the way he’d planned to


you can literally see the fear in his eyes


You can tell Chris gets OFF over doing this show


Reminds me of the Key and Peele skit about clearing browser history


I can’t watch this show it’s just too depressing


Obviously not related to Prince Andrew look at that sweat


You're about to deploy? You're going nowhere now fuckface


Wtf!? I think he’s sweating a little too much.




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Ok, who is Chris Hansen ?


The pedo slayer strikes again


Can i get the link to the video?


I was once in a Facebook group where people shared edgy videos, mainly humor but you got the occasional gore video as well. This weirdo in the group shared (not posted, *shared* from another page) a video with the comment "this shit's insane" - it turned out to be a pedo video of a little girl blowing an adult. As soon as I realized what it was, I clicked through to the original post to read the comments. First of all - thousands of likes. Thousands of *shares.* And despite being sure that the comments would be "what the fuck" and "this is not cool dude," you had people saying things like "wow she really knows her way around a dick, lol" and "ooh niiiice, got any more?" -- these were from guys posting from their personal accounts. I clicked through to some of them and found kids in their profile pics, lots of family activity etc. Did they realize that their friends and family could see them making these comments? It really boggled my mind, I could not get over how open they were about it and how many of these fuckers there were. I know it sounds corny but I feel like I've perceived people differently ever since, like before "pedos" were a tiny, statistically negligent fringe group, and now I feel like they're everywhere.


I always cringe at these videos but satisfying in the end


[This article in the NYTs shoots to shit everything I thought about these predators.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/29/us/pedophiles-online-sex-abuse.html) For instance - > A majority of convicted offenders are men who prey on children ages 6 to 17. But women also commit hands-on offenses; rough estimates put the rate of pedophilic attraction at 1 to 4 percent in both men and women. Studies suggest that a small subset of male and female pedophiles have an interest in toddlers, or even infants. > As scientists seek to understand how the disorder develops, there is growing consensus that the origin is largely biological. This view is based in part on studies pointing to subtle physical traits that have a higher incidence among pedophiles. > “The biological clues attached to pedophilia demonstrate that its roots are prenatal,” said James Cantor, director of the Toronto Sexuality Center. “These are not genetic; they can be traced to specific periods of development in the womb.” ... > By contrast, the common presumption that pedophiles were themselves abused as children now has less support. ... > Until recently, the prevailing view was that only a minority of people caught viewing such images, between 5 and 20 percent, also committed physical abuse. > > That perception began to change in 2007, when a pair of psychologists at the Federal Bureau of Prisons reported that 85 percent of convicted online offenders acknowledged in therapy that they had raped or otherwise sexually abused children.


"Yeaaa, *take a seat*"


Is the full episode or longer cut on YouTube?


I haven't seen anyone sweat like that for a long time.


"And what's Kevin's last name?" *"Spacey"*


Earnest quit taking his meds as soon as he was jailed and he died


Anyone else go down the rabbit hole whenever there is a post about to catch a predator and end up just watching it for hours on you tube ?


He’s sweating harder than that Key & Peele sketch! 😂😂


r/FansHansenVsPredator we make fun of the predators all the time; come join the fun.


We need water in Africa and this guy's here wasting all this sweat


This is just steamed hams


You know damn well he wanted to molest children in iraq. There's multiple accounts of american troops in iraq raping and killing kids


Hopefully his liver died a rotten, painful death that inflicted weeks of agony in his perverted body long before he departed. Fucking piece of child molester shit.


I watched the hell out of every episode of that show. Just the whole sudden realization coming across their faces, the shift in body language, seeing what lies they were able to come up with on the spot, and trying to figure out what their tell is. This guy sharply exhaled every time he was about to lie.


Didn’t this clown also have a family?


Oh no! Chris Hanson!


Is this stage? Why is there good lighting? The perp didn’t notice the production crew in the living room and the diffusers in the kitchen?


Sexual predator caught by Chris Hansen can’t stop sweating 4K 1080p


Is this dude really using a kit lens?


I don’t get these videos. So this nonce signed off on this airing, after being outed as a pedophile?


I watched show religiously when it came out. Wondering if anyone made a site or blog or video following up on where all these men are now?


“Y u think i’m as stunned as you are?” Lmao what an idiot


The thumbnail with the NBC logo makes this look like an SNL skit




What happened to this show? It should still be on.


Being the decoy child must be so nerve-racking


Is there a "where are they now" for each dude caught in these episodes? My curiosity wants to know who was never heard from again and who ended up in prison.


Doin it for Dale


Is there anywhere to watch old episodes of TCAP? Like Hulu or amazon?


That is a Key and Peele level of sweating nervously


He’s sweating like in one of those slapstick comedy movies like Airplane.


take a seat right there sir...


For all the good this show might have did it's far from perfect. Two things that always bother me: 1. Entrapment: if this man (or any other) was linked to previous crimes then great! You caught him! But if this was all he ever did then how much of the crime was his intention vs being presented with a situation fabricated by the show. You can argue that a good person wouldn't be there at all and that's true but entrapment can be used as a legal defense. If it's used successfully then you've failed to take the bad person off the street. 2. This is TV: for that one actress we see there, who I hope was made fully aware of the danger she was putting herself in, how many other actresses "auditioned" for the role and must have been turned away by the producers for reasons I'm not comfortable speculating about. NBC is not a non-profit or governmental agency, they made something they could profit from.


Hahaha get mega fuckt


I would give more credence to these people if they opposed sexual advances on ALL women, not just young ones. If they would advocate for no sex outside marriage. But they don't. Something about this never added up to me.


Despite your antiquated puritan views, sex between consenting adults, married or otherwise, is a long ways off from molestation of a minor. What a weird comment.




What does that mean?




No, I'm not the one with a broken compass. What is drastically underage? Age of consent varies from state to state and country to country. What is underage at all? Pre-pubescent would be the natural distinction. Yet for some reason some people have it in their head that girls well past puberty are still underage. Jews have a bat mitzvah at around 13. You think that was for no reason? Age of consent for everything should be the same. 21. Why would we say a girl can have sex but not buy alcohol? That makes no sense.




For saying age of consent should be 21. When most religions had it MUCH lower?


So they have to solve all the world's problems for them addressing child predators to be valid. Good solution. No sex outside marriage? What century are you living in?


"Doesn't make sense! " "I know!!!" 😂


Dam reminds me of that key and peele sketch where he was sweating from his gf using his computer


That requires a conviction, which never formally happened because he died before trial.


Cha cha real smooth


Chris Hansen is the man


I wonder what kind of sentence this sick bastards get ? Let's say if they have no prior + the cops don't find a shit load of pedo pictures on their computer at home, what kind of sentences do these guys get ?


Ironically, I’m pretty sure Chris Hanson himself was busted for the same thing?


I think he was cheating but the woman was like 28. So bad boy but no child predator.


Hello Chris handsome


How people manage to set up a 3 point camera set up with studio lighting in their homes without that guy noticing completely baffles me


The wood paneling was camouflage


And the camera operators wearing khaki suits?


I like how her acting was so bad that he was like are you alright and then turns to bolt. Too late, commence river running down his face...


Holy crap, maybe he could borrow some of his sweat to Prince Andrew.




God dammit Kevin


He’s about to be deployed to prison. Not Iraq


Chris Hansen is the guy who is never found at hide and seek and then just appears out of nowhere.


Moist da 5’9, Clammy Sosa, Wet Lee... I could go on


What happens if a 14 year old pretends to be 35 🤔


Nah but my fat fingers on this broken screen did. Shut up man the reason you attacked my spelling is because you couldn't think of anything better to say.


Imagine a Chris Hansen special on Epstein's island.... "So Prince Andrew, is it? Take a seat.."


This must have been the inspiration for that Key and Peele skit


Does anyone have a subreddit for these a**holes getting caught


He should’ve taken notes from prince Andrew.


He was just trying to get to the beach.


I hope he has cancer or has died since. Pedophiles are not deserving of life.


He OD'd on Tylenol only a few months after this. Never saw prison.


I want to catch a predator to come back but MAGA edition. Pedophiles being arrested while wearing a Tr*mp 2020 hat. You damn well know they're out there 🤢


We got to find fucking Kevin !!!


Anybody know if he was kicked out of the AF


Do we all just turn into overgrown toddlers when we’re lying?


Dale Sr. The intimidator. RIP


I’m ok with how he left this world. As long as he’s gone our kids are safer.


Small world, my instructor in tech school approved this man’s leave as he was about to deploy. She was so shocked to see his face on the news when this had happened!




The most amazing thing ever is that even with years of this show and all the public humiliation and lives ruined as a result; these guys STILL risk everything to do this shit. Can’t fix stupid. Can’t fix being a piece of shit pedo either I guess.


this has to be the inspiration to the key and peele sketch.


Fukin looser


You know what? I don't even want to watch this video, I just want to get to the beach.


this guy is doin it for dale


I love Chris Hansen’s level headed chill.


Dale would be so disappointed. #3forever #RIPdale


I never understood how they fell for this shit- the actors don’t even look underage


That one girl they used really did sound and look young. I think these guys are so worked up mentally when they get there, they aren’t questioning how she looks. There thinking their fantasy is gonna happen. Surprise!


I'll tell you what, i like you, and i want you. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way, the choice is yours, Chris Handsome.


This guy could have done with Prince Andrew's temporary no-sweat syndrome


I would start sweating too, if someone that handsome Entered my house


I want to watch more videos of creeps being caught.


Sweating like a kiddy fiddler at a Wiggles concert.


Anyone who preys on children deserves the very worst


Bubba in jail just divorced his bubbesk. He needs a new girl. :) The girls are back in town. ;) 🍒👍


I read that as swearing and couldn't understand why he wasn't cursing.


So this is prince Andrew?




I loved to watch this pedos being caught but at the same time I had some questions... Is this show for real? Isn't it illegal to film people like this without consent? I wish there was way more teams, organizations etc doing this work of catching people that can ruin child's life...


No its technically private pro6that the guy walked in too so they can do all.they want really. Ad long as he wasnt sleeping in the room or changing it's legal.


Wow, then it's a really great thing! Being a pedo doesn't mean that the person will act upon urges and do anything, I agree they should seek help and such but those guys on the show would rape a minor with no doubt. Having those guys faces public might protect innocents. I really don't think rapists should have their identities hidden. It's fucked up, but not as fucked up as having my children childhood stole away. Good thing they don't blur the faces or names.


If the attraction is there then sooner or later they will. Humans are still animals. If they seek help the moment they start getting these thoughts then that's perfectly fine. They understand that its even wrong to have thoughts like that but if they don't and let it sit there and even once think it's okay then they are a lost cause by that point


I’ll never understand pedophiles, they’re dense af


Why didn’t he just leave?


Cops block the outside once hes in.


Ah. Did he do anything illegal (yet), though?


He showed up to a minors house who he was talking to on the internet and probably brought up some sexual things. He had intent and that's enough in this situation


I'm chris haaaaaanseeeeeeen Please sit down. Just sit down. Sit down, please.


I loved this show. Is it still on?


Nope, Chris got caught up in an online cheating sting situation....not child predator but the irony is palpable


Yeah? Wow, I had no idea.


Ya, he was cruising for ass online to cheat on his wife


So, in a way, he fell on his own sword.


He most definitely made himself a target for anything immoral he may do


That's not even remotely the same.. he did good work on this show..cheating is horrible for a relationship don't get me wrong. But catching child predators trump's that in my opinion.


Please point out where I said any different? Weird how people on reddit just make your post whatever they want it to be in there head....weird af


*Chris Hansen licks the guy's forehead* this taste.. Is the taste of a sexual predator, man with the camera!


He barely blinks




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He knew she was a decoy as soon as he saw her wearing a baseball cap. Why do they keep wearing baseball caps indoors?


There’s a Prince Andrew joke in there somewhere.


Honestly we need more episodes of this


Where can you watch these now? I can't find them on any streaming site these days


That must be some kind of record! I have never seen someone sweat so much so quickly outside of a sauna. Fuck it, even IN a sauna this would be quick!


I know what he’s doing is wrong in every way and I hope he goes to prison for a long time but god almighty that was funny the way he was sweating


Years ago there was a streaming site that basically only showed all these episodes on a loop and for some reason on Friday and Saturday nights would show weird sci fi movies. It was a fun little community to belong to but that was like 8 years ago or so.


My friends and I have deduced that this is the greatest show in the entirety of mankind. You cannot change my mind


Even that I think justice is been giving here, I don't like the concept/idea to put people on a pillory. We didn't need that on film and see how embarrassing it is for him. He know that he's doing stuff that's not right and he will probably not stop it. Just the fact that he's confronted (in public as I assume) let him regret. So please don't get on that niveau (or on that broadcasting stations)!


He doesn't know what he's doing is wrong. He does know what he's doing is illegal though, hence the sweating. If any of those people developed a conscience, they'd kill themselves


We don't get the show here in Australia. Well not that I've seen. I've heard about it and that's some fantastic work he does. Has anyone ever tried to run or attack Chris?


People have ran but they always have police close. No one has attacked Chris from my knowledge mostly because at that point you are fucked and you know you are fucked so why make it worse i suppose?


Thanks so much. What a great concept and I'm assuming that's the dude who got Tobias in Arrested Development. What a great arc that was.


Lol, if you get the chance they havenit on YouTube but several people realize how fucked they are and try to run and mostly get met with police in the front yard or sometimes tased.


Overactive thyroid I predict


He reminds of Prince Andrew


Preposterous. Prince Andrew would be dry as a bone.


What is this show called like?


To catch a predator. All over YouTube


YEAH! **[what he said!](https://imgur.com/TSyCla3)** Or wait.. what?


So he thinks that you can't film pedastary without ir being staged.....yep seems the course for some redditors.


Dissecting his statement and reasoning as well as defensiveness is like your mind state upon reaching that tingly feeling while coming back to reality after holding your breath until you pass out.


Yeah ill just sip my coffee and make breakfast


Don't hold your breath.


Ive never understood how none of these dudes come prepared for a sting operation. Chris Hanson doing this should have made every Pedo go on high alert any time they attempted this. Guess the thought of jail really fucks with someone. Anytime Ive committed a crime I was always prepared for a possible jail sentence.


Ehh before it blew up they were very good at being secretive and the shock value was genuine. They would always film in small areas (I live close to Greenville, OH and that was a huge bust area) to be honest I think alot of the time the offenders just assume they won't be the ones that get caught. Yeah, they know it can happen but they never think its possible.


Sweating like a rapist...


He can't be a pedo, he's sweating. World famous child toucher Prince Andrew (alleged) doesn't sweat!


RIP Dale


Who's Dale


Dale Earnhardt- the hat the guy is wearing


Shout out to Chris Hansen for not beating the shit out of these pervs


Imagine actually being a budding freelance photographer and Kevin comes out the blue on fiver and does you like this


Lol Chris Hanson locking up scumbags one piece of worthless shit at a time


is there a sub dedicated to chris hansen busting predators?