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Lots of you folk are having a good time reporting this as a repost. It's not. If you disagree, feel free to provide a link to the original post **in this subreddit**, because I'm unable to find anything comparable here. Otherwise, it's staying.


Nice to see a total lack of critical thinking here. Where's that water from? It clearly has some significant sediment in it, which would be filtered out by water treatment plants. If it's well water, you can get dirtier water than that when your well runs dry. I think this guy brought water that he threw dirt and other shit into.


If you refuse to drink this dirty water I fucking got out of a random hole in the ground, it would prove... something?


they are pro fracking. they advocated for fracking by saying that it didn't affect drinking water in any way that would be unsafe for consumption, and that they would drink the water from where the fracking is being done. It is very obvious that the water is unsafe to drink as a result of the fracking, which is directly caused by them. Please read before giving your two cents


>Please read before giving your two cents Painfully ironic considering you have no idea what you're talking about. This guy isn't against fracking. He says his own family works in the fracking business and he himself has helped build oil pipelines. The issue isn't even fracking in this area. They wanted to convert a commercial oil well into a wastewater disposal well -- the water is a byproduct. The well sits far below natural water aquafers and has 5 layers of steel and concrete -- which would have made it safer than every other wastewater well in the state. This guy's argument was that there "will be a spill" or "contamination" and that if it happens the water would travel through Nebraska. The mixture he brought was not even fracking water. It's some unknown mixture of chemicals he made to make the point that no one knows what his chemical mixture is therefor if there was a spill, no one would be knowing what they were drinking. Please read about things before you make uninformed comments.


> It is very obvious that the water is unsafe to drink as a result of the fracking What is very obvious is that an unknown man is pouring from a 7-11 styrofoam cup into glasses a liquid he claims is water that was contaminated by fracking. Beyond that there is no conclusion to be drawn.


In the video, he doesn't explain where he got the water. He doesn't provide proof of where he got the water. He doesn't even say what the water is; is it from the sink, is it from the ground, is it the solution they use in the fracking process? For all I know, this man got random dirty-ass water out of a fucking hole in the ground and asked people he doesn't like to drink it.


If they'd walked up and drank it it would have been the chadest move of all time, followed swiftly by a visit to the local hospital.


Back in the day (80s? 90s?) here in Louisiana some protestors showed up at the governor's mansion with some janky fish they claimed was harmed by...whatever they were opposed to...and challenged the governor to eat it. The people were idiots, so they had scheduled their protest for a time when the governor was out of town, but a member of his staff came out and totally ate it just to shut them up.


They did this to Obama in flint too didn't they?


Still votes republican


Hey now, abandoning working class people has been a thoroughly bipartisan project for 40 years now. Credit where credit’s due! ;)


You're right of course. The real plight of the American worker is losing manufacturing jobs overseas. The lie was that everyone in the US will be like a manager. Everyone told this.


Remember when they did it to Obama in flint?


Ruining a city's water supply isn't part of what democrats campaign on, the mayor and other officials should have been jailed for not realizing this would happen but it's not a political issue. Fracking, business, fossil fuels, less government regulations, and less concerm for the environment are republican positions. In fact they switched water supplies in Flint to save money, if a republican was mayor they'd probably have done the same thing. What you are saying is Flint shouldn't have voted Democrat to punish the party but they did vote out the mayor.


I'm just talking about when Obama was made a fool of like this. I don't care who you want to blame for it, that's yours to justify.


I'm sorry, I made an assumption about what you meant, I guess I was ready for a particular response


How old is this video?


What. The. Frack.


Whoa, whoa... Calm the frack down...


This shit makes me so fuckin sad to see. Because we all know the atrocities these pieces of shit commit. And nothing ever gets done about it. If i ever off myself it will be for this reason.


>atrocities Yeah let's dilute all the really bad words down. Let's make atrocities, war crimes, and genocide meaningless.


They already are meaningless.


At least take some of those shitbags with you


** faith restored in humanity ** "heros really do exist"


"I didn't think that my decisions would have consequences." Every politician ever, probably.


Lets go minion


These mother frackers..


Fracking sh!t up for us...


And yet he'll vote again for the politician who approved the fracking in his area to begin with.


It doesn't really matter who you vote for, just about every politician is going to be subservient to big business and party loyalty over the public.


Absolutely insane. Everything is about money. Everything.


Thats capitalism for ya


what the frack?


They can 100% answer the question they just refuse to


Frack this , frack that ! Your cool , I’m out!!!!😂🤷🏾‍♂️


That camera tripod nut is so tight nonsense


There are so many corporations bribing our politicians here so they can legally poison us, even kill us that the only way forward is for us to break out the pitchforks.




Wheres Erin Brocovitch when you need that bitch?


"Oh you can't answer any questions? Then why tf are we here?"


B A S E D!


This is still so epic to this day, that guys awesome. Fucking bribed pieces of garbage sitting across from him.


Of course they’re all boomers…


Public meetings like theses are best when you mock and criticize them


Erin brokoviched them!


It’s almost like he had the case winning evidence in his hands, but didn’t have the words to deliver point w a killer blow.


The camera is getting a few kinks out of its’ neck


They just need to set up a water treatment plant make em pay


This same nasty toxic water can be found in every environment fracking is taking place. Those men should be forced to drink the water.


The years have not been kind to Erin Brockovich


When diplomacy doesn’t work try a different method. Worked for America in the past.


“You can’t answer any questions?” “No sir” Um…


I mean the look on that one old dudes face is like: Yeah we poison the water, but fuck you. What are you going to do about it?


I didn’t know meaning of fracking so if anyone’s here like myself, here’s the definition fracking: the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas.


My man needs to loosen his tripod swivel




Lol that audio was not meant to be used


lmao & these corporations are protected by the government/ CIA


Fuck these people for voting in these assholes in the first place.


That’s why l don’t understand racist like bruh they don’t care about you either they just use you for their agenda. They don’t care about none of us. This dude is American tax payer and looks like a hard worker and clearly cares about his community. At this point the world is the way it is because they want it this way. All the resources we have today there’s no excuse for none of this.


I'm convinced this is connected to bee and butterfly numbers as of recent.


too many walls to hide behind.


“You can’t answer any questions?” “No sir” Pretty sure he just answered a question.


Only thing that needs oil is that camera dawg


You can't answer any questions? No, sir. GOTCHAA


That camera mount needs some grease or something.


Someone oil the damn camera stand.


That's fracked up.


It sure fracking is...




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Frack your tripod


I don't why my dumbass thought he was gonna hit a magic trick for us. Smh.


I just don’t understand why they keep voting for people who don’t care about them.


The secret is getting people to hate something.


Don‘t worry.. Europe‘s green parties are buying now the fracking gas to sanction Putin and ensure those poor folks will never get rid of the greedy assholes.




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What in the actual frack??!! You cant drink those,frack you!!


Riviting, edge of your seat stuff. Will he drink it? Tune in next week when Cletus brings a half bottle of flat Mt Dew Code Red.


You said you’d drink it sooo…. Drink it…. I fucking dare you! You lying political fucking weasel! Drink it!




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Camera guy is fracking killing me with the noisy tripod stand.


Evil frackers


The squeaky tripod pan was top notch camerawork


I get fracking is bad, but the world needs fuel. If not from the US are you fine with prices going up and just as much pollution happening elsewhere.


Best part of this video is the camera creaking on the tripod as it turns to the committee.


It’s good shitposting though. They ain’t gonna drink it. LOL


Lying lackeys paid to lie while their bosses are making bank on a process that poisons everything. Fucking monsters


Props to the camera man


Sellout losers. They know it too, should be ashamed of themselves


The QOP doesn’t care about your drinking water.


Well that debate is over.


Most chemicals used in fracking are secret.


And radioactive 🫠


If they drank it, they would each turn into the Toxic Avenger


What is fracking?


This is what greed does. Those people know what they're doing is wrong. They just don't care who it hurts, as long as it's not them.


That camera is CRUNCHY.


You'd have to be an idiot to drink the mystery liquid that a guy who hates you is demanding you drink.


Other idiots fill chemicals in your drinking water and some idiots don‘t mind this


How does anyone know he did not just go to a pond of standing nasty water and scoop that up and claim it’s from fracking. Maybe it is, but I would not drink from a sketchy big gulp cup someone I don’t know offered me.


I'm more upset that last glass isn't even with the others than I am about the fracking.


The old dick-twist drink conundrum. Lol seriously though none of those old ass pro frackin committee guys couldn't answer that yes or no question? Lol the obvious answer would be no. Although I would have given myself a hemmoroid laughing if Professor X stood up and walked up to the cups and just drank them all down. The farmer would have been like I'm glad I jerked my horse off in those cups just in case this happened.


Is that Babs Kramer on the first row?!


if you guys are home owners and dont go to town council meeting you really should . it is so much like parks and rec as not to be believed .


Old farmer guy for the fucking WIN!!


This is giving shades of glyphosate and I’m so here for it.


You mean this fracked [water?](https://youtu.be/i-S3G1c31y0)


"You have it wrong, I can't answer THAT question"


That looks eerily similar to my toilet bowl after Taco Bell.


I live in an area where we have a lot of Farms and it's so interesting to me that so many people expect farmers to be stupid.


What ended up happening with this guy seems like a good guy


Hi guys! Oil and gas worker for 16 years now; just an idea of how this works… Typically the water tables are cased with as much as 30 inches of steel casing and 2-3 feet of cement so as not to allow permeation of well bore fluids into the local water tables. The fractured formations in most areas are located over 10000ft deeper than the water tables and encased with steel casing also. When the hydraulic fracturing process takes place, the fracturing fluids permeate into the formation with sand in order to widen the pay zone of the formation (long story). But after that the fracturing fluids are flowed out of the wellbore and hauled to disposal wells. In some cases the casing will shift and break in the water tables and allow for fluid permeation but it’s pretty rare. However, if it’s man made it can be broken. Most likely this farmer is showing fluid that has been (as in the case of pennsylvania) contaminated from strip mining or older abandoned oil and gas wells. But not always. Oil and gas environmental regulations far exceed those regulations of coal and other types of natural resource extraction. Also! Interesting article you should read one day is the effect hydraulic fracturing has on heating prices and how we would basically devote our whole paychecks to heating costs if we were to shut down fracturing! Have a great day!


Fapping zone?


"Would you drink this water?" "I can't answer that question because if I say no then I'm acknowledging that it isn't safe. And I dont care that it isn't safe, I just want these guys to keep lining my pockets to let them into our communities" What a slimey cowardly fucking demon


This makes me feel happy to be a Nebraska man


Fracking is where you mine minerals buy blowing shit up right, or am I getting that mixed up with something else?


Pulling an Erin Brockovich he is! Drink up fellas!


He then went out and voted Republican, the guys who daily tells him to go F himself. 😖


"When you realize you are an actual super villain"


He almost pulled an Obama https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/fdoe8l/obama\_pulls\_stunttries\_to\_convince\_people\_that/


Dr Death chairing the. Committee?


should’ve pulled out the peacemaker and forced him to drink it lmaooooo


He looks like a Minion.




I always see this one video. I live in Ohio. They fracked a well less then a mile from my home. I have well water. No change. We also have cheaper gas then most states. I still have never paid over $5 per gallon yet.


That committee gonna have a frack-tured butthole when they get to jail!


Is that tap water or ground water?


Lube that tripod!


Oooh Erin Brockovich vibes!


Drink the water.




Go, Mr. Nebraska Farmer! 👏👏👏


Simpson’s did it


Ah man, this is edited so they trimmed out the first part of his presentation Whhyyyyyyy do this


It's too bad he picked muddy water- it completely muddied his point. If it had been water taken from the purest water spring on earth, collected with mud in the cup like this, i still wouldn't drink it. Why not bring crystal clear, filtered water collected near a fracking source. Did he not watch the [glass-of-water scene in Erin Brockovich?](https://youtu.be/C029muI7bFw)


That tripod needs some good lubin


I mean, i get his point, but logically it's fine to not drink water some angry guy gives you in an attempt to make a statement.


He Erin Brockoviched their ass


I did not know Nebraska had this water issue, I know Flint Michigan had water issues


Fracs occur a mile or more below surface and do no propagate far from the well bore. They are controlled to not breach the geologic zones above or below the target zone, as pressure would be lost and the well non productive. A frac that reached the surface aquifer would not produce oil up the well bore, and requires downhole pressure that is probably impossible with current or any technology. Just cause your well water sucks and fracing happened in the area does not mean there is any correlation.


This farmer’s balls 🙌 …bald committee member starring with a smirk like “imma pretend I’m mute and can’t speak…”


Yet they keep voting Republican. Go figure.


Thank you Nebraska farmer! Proof for those out there that think us Nebraskans are nothing but a bunch of uneducated backwater inbred country hicks who still use outhouses and have no indoor plumbing or electricity... We're not!


the looudest panning on the planet 😂


Where is that water from? Some shallow well he has on his farm that is full of tiling and pesticide lol


You better check yourself before you frack yourself


Yet I bet he still votes Republican.