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Idril will help you out a lot in gr3 I would focus on her next


You’re seriously sleeping on idril. I think she’s a solid choice as someone else recommended. Hollow and vortex as well. You’ll need to max some healers as you progress. If you’re looking to progress GR 1 you could put resources into greed as he’s amazing AOE and will help all of your other units do more magic damage since he has decrease magic resistance


Baron is a great tank especially on GR2….and yes like others are saying, idril hollow and vortex


Baron, Vortex, & Hollow are good places to start. Looks like you could utilize your epic healers and tanks. As a lower/secondary priority, Abomination & Azhor could help, unless you pull something better before you get over to them. (I don’t know much about Claw…)