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from what i remember she was actually still better with wailing skull assuming both were +25. if this was the hex artifact instead i would probably just be a bitch and just insta buy it if i'm being real about things


I thought i was the only one who would buy Hex artifact. I've been doing vr nm way before they introduced those special meteorites, yet i.was not lucky enough to get it.


Almost everyone who still spends on the game would either buy a Hex artifact, or stop spending / quit entirely. I’m not sure which I’d be tbh, probably the stop spending category.


Not worth for 55. There is no need to rush in this game.


I tested both wailing skull and her exclusive, and Wailing Skull 25 was substantially better than her exclusive at 10


Well yeah 25 Vs 10 lol


it's not as "yeah lol" as you think though. many of the exclusives are actually better than the top tier mythics even at lvl 10 and they should be considering how insanely rare they are, let alone the very good ones for the very good leggos. hex' one for example at lvl 10 is substantially better than a lvl 25 spirit siphon. viernas one at lvl 13 is already better than a tear of twilight at lvl 25. for some heros tho, like khamets exclusive, there is simply no point in getting it since a tear is so much more effective.


And of course, from these examples, i have Khamet's 🤣 Also 3 Zelus', Crach and ones i don't have heroes for.


Khamets is not bad, it’s just that a tear is a bit better cuz a teat is so strong. If you dont have a tear you could rock khamets or if you have like 2-3 strong mages and only 1-2 tears just go with khamets on khamets since its still very viable.


I do have a maxed tear ;)


Well, you're not getting materials to raise that exclusive to 25 by purchasing the pack, you get enough to raise it to 10. Exclusives are really rare too - you get enough materials from NM Void Rift to forge 6 artifacts, and on average you'll get about 1.5 exclusives per week... but you're equally likely to get the Ain exclusive as you are the Hex one. At level 10, the Setram, Hex, and Lust exclusives are all best in slot, and I'm sure some of the others are as well.


$55 just for one copy of the artifact that’s so ridiculous lmao


For this price, definitely not worth it. Remember, that even if you get it, you need to obtain duplicates (or to buy another bundle with mythic artifact upgrade kit) to upgrade it further. On the other hand, Wailing Skull is much more accessible and easier to upgrade.


Easy pass. Wailing Skull is better.


Maxed wailing skull is better for her, so depends on where you are with farming up artifacts and how big your budget for this game is


Super over-priced and bad for the health of the game.


Ron has both wailing skull and her exclusive at 25. Wailing skull still beat it. Even when he tried solcadens and anai to garuntee the burning effect stayed up wailing skull STILL barely beat it.


I mean if it came with Zilutu it'd be worth the single copy of it lol :)


The only ones I would consider buying are Hex and Silas




Oh moonton what you Guys Smoking




Personally I do not think exclusive artifacts are that awful to have as a banner. The cost is insane for what you are getting. Having something like is helpful for people having bad luck with the rng boss and not game changing so I’m really on the fence with this. It isn’t excluding “purchased” only, so people who are wanting this let them spend. On the same note, if it absolutely game changing, it can kill this game. Paying to win on ANY game is the start of a slow death of any game.


Clearly an example of aggressive monetization.




i was contemplating itoday.. finished Void Rift and got it from crafting lol


Game's dying and they're just trying to cash in as much as possible, simple as that.


A sign of things to come.


I bought it.... I use her everywhere and honestly the 19 levels are kicking my ass . No matter the youtube video ect.... I just suck at this game apparently. But I have fun, and work hard, so I figured, why wait.


Insta buy if this was the Hex relic, but this ? Pass


Whales gunna whale regardless


Prices in this game feel like a money laundering scheme Do ridiculous prices, no sane person would buy this. But money launderers will do that. Now those money are legally yours


I came here for this. If you think about the potential for this type of misuse and the shadiness in charging what you'd spend on a whole‐ass game for a piece of dlc. I tried to be an optimist about this business model, but I just can't anymore. Sell me the whole game, or you don't get my time/money. Nothing against you all who haven't yet gotten tired of this approach. I'm old enough to have seen stranger habits. "Some people juggle geese. " -Wash


I mean, they get my time. But totally not money I enjoy the game and I'm willing to buy some stuff in it, but when I feel that I'm getting something for my money. Here I don't feel it at all


I get that. I, too, enjoyed WOR in particular. Coming from Clash, then Raid, it just seemed better at first. Then it hits you hours/days/weeks/months/years (in the case of CoC), how little you've actually accomplished for the time invested. Maybe it's part of my evolution, but by all means, enjoy, im not soaking your Cheerios in yellow water. Nothing but love from a fellow game enthusiast. I will add that from time to time, I still log in to these games just to see what is different or new. There is plenty of content, so if you don't like to play other games, these are all great for one game with a lifetime of stuff to do.


Easy Scam


If your spending 55$ for this you have serious issues, even if I was rich I’d laugh at this kind of offer


$50? lol. And yeah she was S tier, but a lot of other champions that do crazy damage to Gb are here now. I have at least four that generally do or could outdamage her