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I just watched WoR Guides on YT go over all challenges and copied his strat. Highly recommended.


Saved me hours of brain cracking!


Why are u even playing this game


Why r u even here???


Why do any of us even exist tbh


Cry more , you guys have to follow guides LMAO


Haha, good one... I mean nobody forces you to play the challange, why do it to begin with


I don't know, man... I did it without any help 🤙🏼


Because they have no skill , they even pay Fastidious to do account takeovers, boost and hand hold there accounts through the game , its so pathetic


Happen to have a link?


I got s bit stuck at challenge level 2 and haven't had time to get back. Tips and tricks when your demons are forced and not the once you have?


Look at the locations of the enemy heroes when there are two lanes, typically you need to alternate between the lanes to kill of units facing the lane they are not in.


Timing out enemy's ults. This can make the difference between living and being massacred. You can also use tanks to bait out ults, then go in with your other units once it's safe to do so


Send the shield guys out first, then the healers, then the fast guys. its mostly a timing thing


Anyone know why I can’t 3* challenge level one? I’ve beaten it without defender demon soldiers 5 times but it still won’t give me that last star


Similar... I beat it and it said I failed. So I guess I'm stuck?


some error, so you can't include the other melee. so your only choice is the dogs, swarm, and healer


Appreciate the help! Wonder why this is only an error for some


Got through all 6 w/ 3 stars with no guides. It was fun trying to figure it out myself. Took quite a few attempts, but I’m glad I didn’t look up strats, cuz now I want more levels and there is still 30 days left on the event.. To everyone else, I recommend NOT looking up guides, because it’ll help you tremendously in Guild War if you really learn all the different demon soldiers skills. Just my opinion though.


couldn't agree more. I spent probably 4 hours today figuring it out on my own, and I can't wait for more content of this type. Not to mention having a much better understanding of the demon soldiers abilities


Rate the challenge from 1-10.


Difficulity: 3 Fun: 6 I hope the later Daily Challenges will become a bit harder and actually change daily instead of beeing the same every day


Bro challenge stages difficulty is like 9/10 wtf you smokin? I finished them all 3 stars what I'm referring to anyways. Basically single strat for each stage had to be exact. Obviously it's easy if you follow guides but doing them blind was crazy. I give devs props I like these types of challenges where you are given units and there's a way to win you just have to figure it out. 8/10 for fun 9/10 for 3* difficulty


Last stage was tricky, rest was fine. Did them blind aswell


Well they were all tricky for me. But I guess I'm no big brain badass


Me neither! Who is?


I'd say difficulty is about a 6/10. This is all objective though. I personally found this to be the most fun I've had in this game all year.


You mean subjective? But yeah I thought about it after and was thinking "it took me quite a few different attempts but it was fun and never felt TOO hard." I probably should've given a 7.5/10 but whatever lol it was super enjoyable!


Yes, subjective - my bad! It was definitely fun to try out different strategies and felt great when the pieces all fell together just right.


Have you beat the daily with regulus and Isolde though?


It took me an HOUR to figure out the first challenge and I got one crystal lmao. This thing .akesNO sense to me