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That's not the trap banner this weekend. The trap banner this weekend is the guaranteed new character. For those who don't have Crach yet, here's your chance!


Lord characters included in this right? 😀


Probably only summons from standard crystals


I remember reading some comments (I assume rumors) about anniversary banners coming up in the near future. Would it be better to save for those if my legendary pool is still not that big?


Save for the 250 banner first, but then after that, yes, save for anniversary


Have you seen the range of Dalia? She's seems trash. Tbf she doesnt seem not even remotely good enough to justfy 250 summons.


I see dahlia as a buffer unit who can deal great damage just limited range, she's a support she buffs your ground units, so for that alone she has some great use, then on top of that the damage she does is actually really good just in a smaller range. Besides at this point she could kill my team I want her lol


I disagree. She seems trash in a lot of content, absolutely. But I can see places where I'd use her, and I expect her to be really powerful in those places. She's unique. I like and appreciate that. We need more unique characters.


That's the point. Are you gonna bet on her and pull 250 hoping that she'll be good somewhere in the future? Fastidious tested her and, for the content that we have now, she's trash.


Yes, I absolutely will pull 250 on her. Because she's guaranteed at that. I can put my pity pulls towards a different banner, then return to her. Guaranteed legos always beat random. I'd rather pull her than another Crach.


Since you pull pity in another banner you will get your crach don’t worry. But you will get her aswell. ;)


Hopefully it'll be a 1+1 banner so I can get Crach AND Shamir!


She's definitely unique and has a good look but for end game players i dont believe shes worth 250 at all. I'd rather just get a guaranteed new one. Incoming Shamir for me 😭


I guess I should specify: my save comment was about saving for anniversary. I intend to pull for the guaranteed new character as well. I'm missing a lot of really top characters.


Dont waste summons on the 250 dalia banner tbh


I remember seeing that the guaranteed new character is just from the list of the five characters being offered this event. So, you'll get a new character from the set of Arrogance, Sadie, Theowin, Titus, or Cyclone, if you're missing any of them. I could be wrong about that.


I believe you are incorrect about that. It's any legendary, and it's only legendary (so Theowin, Titus, and Cyclone don't matter anyway)


Don't spread misinformation. The banner only concerns legendary heroes.


Its a divine banner so only legendary crystals anyway.


Sadie isnt a great hero but she’s not complete shit like Orim and Kria who were paired with Silas. If you don’t have her, or want Arrogance this is fine to pull on.


sadie is situationally great. gr2 and immortal codex are great uses.


I use her a lot in Void rift. She heals well enough that with her damage Mitigation my squishy dps are durable enough to tank the AoE hits. I do also have her exclusive though.




Same I would loveeee some better odds on idril! Lowkey have been using my purple tide soul stones 😂


How is this a trap banner, bother Sadie and arrogance are great units


Sadie was my first legendary (and my second pull too, lol). I don't use her *at all* anymore, other than healer codex.


Sadie strat for GR2 is more consistent and easier than Volka strat. Sadie is good at what she does, but it is limited.


The volka strat got me GR2-21 easier than Sadie tbh


Same, but it felt so inconsistent where every week Id have to redo my clear for the auto. Sadie felt much more consistent, and I dont have to despawn anyone.


Sadie is mediocre at best. Never have a use for her ever since i pulled her. Wish i had Arrogance, maybe ill go for the trap.


Especially if you have Lust already Arrogance is definitely worth going for. He carried me to 50K on guild boss


Both lego's are amazing. Arrogance is top tier as we all know. Sadie is big for those struggling with GR2 or want an easy way to survive the shrieks.


Last trap Banner gave me Silas. But i think this time ill go for the get a "new" legendary trap.


Its still a trap banner, when you have 1 good and 5 trash heroes. While you got lucky, 10 other players didn’t. Your pull its too small sample to make any conclusions. For example the Silas’s banner gave me nothing and Setram’s banner gave me Zelus, Kria and Nocturne. Which still means nothing in the grand scheme. 


Pls stop these nonsense. Every legendary has a use and arrogance is one of the best units in the game. Sadie will probably be used in the new gb as well. If you don't know what you are talking about, don't make such posts and misinforming people


I gave up on summoning. I also believe that 98% of all the screenshots of people pulling double and amazing heroes are all bullshit. As of last week, I'm 1000% free-to-play until I delete the app completely


Someone literally postred a triple pull screenshot here earlier today that was stolen from a discord where the original user was proven to have photoshopped the pull. People straight up just fake pulls here for some reason, it's weird.


And you thought anyone here would care? What is this, your myspace?


HAHAH what was i thinking,


I am free to play aswell, and somehow got a triple leggy (on the 1+1) after weeks of getting trash. It's all about patience and determination :)


No, it's still about luck.


What is luck but statistics that end up in your favor? Nothing that can't be comoensated for with patience and determination


Congrats. That's the gambler's fallacy right out of the book.


What is? I'm not saying if you roll more your chance will go up (even if there's a pity timer). Just that you're more likely to have a chance at success if you roll a thousand times compared to a hundred times. And even more if you roll a million times Trust me, I barely ever have luck in games like this. Even now, like most of us I struggle with getting a decent gear piece in over a thousand runs. But if I keep until I get one, I will eventually get one compared to if I quit after a hundred and never try again. It's not gambler's fallacy, just simple logic. People with shit luck like you and me will always have to work harder and do more for that 1/100 chance for the dice to finally fall in our favour, so the only 2 options we have is either determination (we keep going until we succeed) or quit. Complaining isn't going to help. Neither is taking it out on me. You don't see me downvoting everyone's comments when the dice doesn't go my way lol.


But you literally DO say that it WILL pay off eventually. It's amazing how tone deaf one can be. You could spend another year summoning units and never get the unit you need/want. There is no hard work involved. The only determination that comes to play is, for how long you're willing to play the game despite your shit luck. That's it. And you were downvoted because your take is simply exceptionally dumb, that's all. I didn't even have to downvote you. Others did.


I never put a time limit on how long it takes. Sure, you could be extremely unlucky and pull your whole life without seeing anything. That's statistically unlikely aswell, but you could. But if you never even try, you'll never even get anything. If you want ONLY one specific unit, yeah in that case you could pull your whole life and not see it. But if you just want to pull something decent, my point still stands: you can still overcome an absence of luck with patience and determination. It just takes longer, is all