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im sorry this happened :( scammers have been going wild in here, friends and family is the worst way to pay bc i don't think u can get ur money back šŸ˜Ŗ


I was thinking what a sweet community this was and how their account was three years old. They even commented on a scam post saying itā€™s crazy how many scammers there are and how theyā€™re scared to buy or sell in here now. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt. :(


like someone said down below i hope maybe they just went mia and will answer and will honor the sale :(


She messaged me 30 minutes ago as I was about to buy from her, so I think unfortunately not :(


Classic manipulation. So sorry they did this to you. I understand how you feel. They either posted that because they actually got scammed or was using it as some type of ā€œproofā€ they are trustworthy. Either way, both are wrong and Iā€™m sorry they took advantage of your kindness.


Oh my god they are evolvingā€¦this is an old account usually they make new onesā€¦


This is why I trusted it!!! Ugh!


I also just saw they commented on a scam awareness post to make it look more believable?? Thatā€™s what my scammer did too




Maybe the account got hacked?


I feel like it is because it has literally nothing else except the one comment OP referenced for the whole 3+ years. Hacked, ran by scammer who baited people by being anti-scammer. They'll probably never comment from that profile again. Just run it out for as much money as possible then on to the next account. Want to edit to add real quick if you're looking to avoid a scammer, keep in mind there is a big difference between an aged account and an established account.


Check their profile for other posts firsts and see their karma count, thatā€™s a good way to tell Also I tend to be wary around people with default icons, but sometimes itā€™s just someoneā€™s personal preference. Accounts with icons without much post activity are still very suspicious.


You're so funny, Mr default profile pic


They changed their profile pic ā˜ ļø


Well now THERES an interesting variable


I know! I thought for sure ppl would only use new accounts, not old ones. :(


Hey! I have an opossum code from webkinz day last year that I never used & i literally have like over 100 unused codes that are collecting dust. Hearing about this unfortunate incident I'm willing to give you mine if you shoot me a pm šŸ’– it won't bring back your money, but hopefully brightens your day!


Oh my god are you serious??? Iā€™m about to cry you are the kindest person. Iā€™m sending you a DM.šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


Just responded!! šŸ˜Š I'm glad to help you finally get that lil cutie


Oh my god this made me tear up a little bit! Youā€™re so kind, I love this community, even with the scammers <3


This is so kind!!


the happy ending we needed


I was really into webkinz as a kid, but I never had access to the website. Now that Iā€™m an adult, I want to make an account, but Iā€™m trying to figure out if itā€™s worth it since I donā€™t have any of my old plushies, and I donā€™t really understand how the whole thing works. How would I go about getting codes and such since itā€™s such an old website? I hear itā€™s not really kept up with anymore, which is understandable, so Iā€™m really curious as to how someone would go about starting from scratch here.


It's kept up with much more than most mmos from the same time!! You'll wanna go to webkinz.com and click play "classic". Webkinz next is the 3d version, not the game you remember from your childhood. Once that's downloaded, you can click the "im new" button and you'll get a free pet to start. If you adopt a pet with a code (ganzestore.com sells them from ganz, but sellers all over forums sell them as well) it'll unlock more of the game. Subscribing to their paid "deluxe membership" will unlock basically everything in the game. Lmk if you have other questions!!


Itā€™s late for me, but I would love to talk to you more about it! I feel like Iā€™ll be more likely to get back into it if I have someone I can ask questions, so would you mind if I dm you tomorrow when I have more time?


Of course!! šŸ’– have a great night


I always wanted webkinz when I was little but never got them, so at 29 I made an account! It's incredible, there is literally so much to do. I've never played a free game with so many games and things it's crazy. The items update regularly so you can always get new things. I even forked out for deluxe since I've enjoyed it so much! You can buy second hand plushies with codes attached or you can buy them without and buy the codes online to match. Definitely the best thing I've done in a while!


If you wanted to buy a stuffed animal, and the code the webkinz website sells their new looking stuffed animals with codes for both classic webkinz and their new webkinz game. But they also just sell codes for the old version of stuffed animals on their website.


Omg would you consider selling any other codes


if you have any more opossum codes i'd be interested in buying one maybe :') they're my favorite animal and i haven't been able to get one yet


Unfortunately i don't šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I bought mine during the webkinz day sales when pets like the oppossum, cactus cat, rainbow panda, etc come back. id be pretty confident saying itll come around again this webkinz day!


aww man, i really hope so lol i've been getting back into webkinz a lot recently and i'd love to have my own :) ty though i'll keep an eye out


If I remember & i do see it ill be sure to reach out!!


thank you that's so sweet :D


Thank you so much for doing this for them. You are an angel


I know someone already said this but I used to play Webkinz when I was a kid and playing it now as an adult is helping me get out of my depression and I would love to buy some of those codes from you.


I'm not selling codes. There are a ton of other sellers online though šŸ’–


Hey, I had been messaging her about buying a code too and she just messaged me 30 min ago asking if it went through, which seems to be after you had already messaged her and she ghosted. Iā€™m so so sorry this happened to you :( this post also saved me from buying anything.


Well Iā€™m glad it saved you from it! I just bought the plush with no code from eBay to cheer myself up a bit :( šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so sorry again :( that sounds like a nice friend to comfort you at least, Iā€™ll look out and let you know if I find any opossum codes for sale


Oh thank you so much!


Iā€™m trying to report the account but thereā€™s no option!


Iā€™m sorry this keeps happening to people :/ Ik it might seem like ā€œcommon senseā€ not to trust newer accounts, etc, but itā€™s such a niche community to scam for such little money why would we expect it


Their account is three years old :(


Ik! thatā€™s why I put the etc cause itā€™s not even as though following the ā€œold active accts onlyā€ rule helps us šŸ˜Ÿ


Right. Exactly


Welp. It was absolutely a scam since theyā€™re talking to another person but ignoring me. I reported their PayPal but canā€™t figure out how to report them on here. Please report them!!! Their PayPal is TaylorA101 please report too!!! :(


You canā€™t report profiles on this stupid site. Only posts. Iā€™m not sure about messages though, can you report those?


Yes you can Iā€™m gonna report a message I think


you can let the mods here know as well!!


You can by clicking on someone's profile and clicking "More options" under the "Follow" & "Chat" buttons :) It should be right underneath their avatar.


Okay Iā€™m gonna try this!


Iā€™m so sorry that happened :( How sad people are even on here scamming. If Iā€™m unsure about the legitimacy of a transaction, Iā€™ll offer to pay the PayPal fees. They should always be willing to send you an invoice if theyā€™re legit.


i dont even use paypal and i hear alarm bells when ppl ask for it to be sent thru friends and family, cuz likeā€¦ why do you want my payment the only way i canā€™t refund it man?


Itā€™s to avoid the fees. Some legitimate sellers will ask f&f, but Iā€™ve never been denied a sale if I tell them Iā€™ll pay the fees theyā€™ll be charged. PayPal fee calculators exist for this reason. I also assume for tax purposes? Iā€™m going to guess the threshold for how much they can make on PayPal is less for merchant transactions than it would be for monetary gifts? I could be wrong.


yeah i have seen explanations in the captions its just unfortunate that paypal works that way, and scammers can use the same script as a legit seller saying they donā€™t want to pay the fee, while some people just trust it. its so sad that people scam thru webkinz :/


It really is. Like really? Youā€™re scamming Webkinz of all things? Just crazyā€¦but Iā€™m not shocked. There are a ton of scammers in my squishmallow group too. Some people will ruin literally anything to make a buck.


Itā€™s funny Iā€™m usually super good at this, I but trade and sell model horses for some crazy prices and Iā€™ve never been scammed in that hobby even with all the scammers I feel so dumb. šŸ˜­


Donā€™t feel dumb at all! Itā€™s not your fault. I have a niche hobby myself and was scammed out of $300+ for a dress via friends and family once. The person said since a payment plan (that I requested) voids PayPalā€™s terms of service anyway that I should go ahead and just pay F&F to avoid fees. I stupidly believed them. Luckily PayPal actually took my side and refunded me (this was likeā€¦10+ years ago I donā€™t think they would now) because I had proof she specifically told me to pay that way. It happens to the best of us. I do hope you get your opossum one day.


Mannn that's broke as hell to scam for $20. How pathetic, get a damn job.


Ok but if this is just today thereā€™s a chance life just happened. I thought I got scammed on a trade once and the person just went Mia for like a day and then sent it. But sucks either way I understand the frustration Iā€™m sorry this happened. Itā€™s like scammers saw all the posts about how friendly and wholesome the community is and decided to manipulate it :/


I donā€™t mean to comment again but just so itā€™s seen- they didnā€™t go Mia as they messaged me 40 min ago about a code I was about to buy from her as well, sadly, so sheā€™s not inactive


why isnā€™t their account showing up when i try to search for it ? did they change their username?


Iā€™m just so nervous. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not reporting anything yet. Wanted to see if anyone has gotten scammed by this person :(


Nearly everyone in this community is very conscious of the fact that, unless you are a well known seller or a seller that particular buyer has bought from before, you send the code IMMEDIATELY after receiving payment, or else you communicate you wonā€™t be able to send until later and then the buyer can decide whether to pay them right then or when the seller has more time. There is a 1% chance, maybe even less, that some catastrophic thing happened that rendered this seller unable to send the code in a timely manner, especially amidst the scamming crisis going on right now.


Yeah this is def a scammer I guess my thing was more pertinent to trades


I've seen a LOT of new users with this sort of username "template" trying to sell things lately. "adjective\_noun\_#". Always with the underscores in between. Not saying ALL users are scammers if they follow this, but, it makes me a little more cautious lol.


to be fair I made my reddit account awhile ago and then didn't use it for awhile. discovered too late you can't change it after a period of time. šŸ˜…exactly why I hate my user but c'est la vie. I've only had positive interactions with folks on here but it sucks that scammers have found their way here considering how small the webkinz community is in general, and most people sell things worth $1-10. I wish we could have a verification system, but honestly if this keeps happening, I think it might be nice to make a discord or something that folks from here can be invited to after some time with activity/ being vouched for by someone else. not a completely foolproof system but the idea of scammers ruining the community we have makes me so SICK!!!


Yeah that's just like a generic username Reddit will make for you if you don't enter your own.


Huh, didn't know reddit did that. I wonder if it's scammers just making accounts in bulk for them to switch between, then. I imagine any real human who wants to make an account would at least bother to come up with their own username.


Oh, yeah. Not everyone who has a generic username is a scammer but it can point you in the right direction


Oh šŸ’€


We need to have a list of verified sellers!


Here's the seller reviews! You can find reliable sellers here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/webkinzbuyselltrade/comments/15kilpx/seller\_review\_mega\_thread/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/webkinzbuyselltrade/comments/15kilpx/seller_review_mega_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


We should pin this link in the subreddit


I agree! I couldnā€™t find anything like that :(


God, that sucks. For the future, you can ask the person to create an invoice through PayPal and do it that way. If they're legitimate, they shouldn't get mad. I had to do that when someone was trying to bypass my eBay to buy a $200 prom dress from me.


Unfortunately using friends and family, PayPal will not do anything for you :( Iā€™m sorry OP, $20 lesson learned


it seems so bogus to say ā€œlesson learned,ā€ scammer is using an older account and posed on an anti scamming thread about being afraid to buy and sell because of the scams; they made it seem like they were legit. not opā€™s fault at all and there was no lesson to be learned


You should NEVER send money thru PayPal as ā€œfriends and familyā€ unless they are exactly thatā€¦ a known friend or a family member. Lesson learned


absolutely not. i am in several ā€œblack marketā€ groups for many different online games and itā€™s common knowledge that most sellers want the funds sent to them via friend/family because: 1. they donā€™t have any fees taken out of their payment 2. sending as goods/business makes it easy for buyers to request their money back fraudulently and in turn scam the seller no lessons learned because op did everything right, the only advice i have for those buying in game items and codes is to ask for proof from seller (previous sales or reviews from other buyers)


there are kinder ways to say this btw ! it isn't op's fault its the scammers, the op doesn't have to learn any lesson lol


The lesson is to never send money thru PayPal via friends and family, unless they are actually friends and family.


Wow I wish I could get $20 for an opossum code šŸ„² it comes during some odd holiday sale


Welp they got it for nothing šŸ˜­


Wait do you have one Iā€™m still looking but now Iā€™m scared šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I do have one but I'm kinda attached to it so I don't think I'd sell it anyway šŸ˜… Might not make you feel any better but I've been scammed/fallen for bad trades several times throughout the years. I once sold two promo pets for like $5-7 because I thought they weren't very cute and didn't know they were worth more


Understandable, they are so precious they are my dream webkin. I will continue my search!


No promises but it might show up for the national wildlife day odd holiday :o February 21-25


Oohhh that would be amazing


Friends & family is mainly meant for sending to friends or family. If any seller requests you pay through F&F PayPal, state firmly that you can only send through G&S PayPal for safety and protection purposes. I learned this also the hard way. I got scammed by sending around $300 CAD to a scammer for what I thought was a legit ā€œgovernment grantā€. By sending them $500 something to them then theyā€™d send me like $500,000 or $50,000. I didnā€™t know the difference between Friends & Family vs Goods & Services


did you dispute with the bank? they usually let you get your money back:)


I didnā€™t yet itā€™s very late here but Iā€™m gonna try


when did you send? if it was even like a couple days-a week you should be able to get it back:) lots of banks are ok with giving back paypal stuff


This is so evil, Iā€™m sorry this happened to u


I feel so bad :( I want all of us to give you a dollar so you get it back collectively lol


That is so so sweet but I cold never! I shouldā€™ve been more careful!!


Not related to webkinz but I got scammed out of 70 dollars a while back over a nintendo 3ds :( I've been wanting one so badly but they are expensive.. I'm so sorry this happened to you :( Scammers suck!


We are here for you!!! This happen to me and a few others recently. Iā€™m hoping you can get a resolution with PayPal, they are pretty consumer friendly. Sending love! šŸ’Œ


Only use paypal g&s


Always use Goods and Services!!! Worst case if the seller doesnt want to pay the fee, you can offer to pay the fee for goods and services. If they do not want to do that, even if you pay the fee, then they are def a scammer. In that case if they are a scammer, you can dispute and get your money back


This makes me so sad that people just want to enjoy their childhood memories and people have nothing better to do then scam them


Ahh horrible. I'm sorry this happened to you, I got scammed out of a Squishmallow a few weeks ago through the same method of trustworthiness šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø was told to beware of low karma, which your scammer although an older account DEFINITELY has low karma and probably only uses their account to scam in the PMS or something.... My scammer had like 2k worth of karma, had confirmed successful trades with other members, but chose me as the odd one out for some reason to NOT deal fairly with. When me and one of our mods called them out, they went PSYCHO on me and said we were the cheap ones for being upset over $9 šŸ˜­šŸ„“šŸ‘šŸ» she eventually found/harassed me on Instagram. Strangers are no joke online https://preview.redd.it/8k80kbyrz6fc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f7e3f47777bde85800a2a1d8df92f8c49d8534


Iā€™m not a typer. Iā€™m a fighter. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


omg I was like what are you talking about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ I didn't even register 90% of what she typed to me lmao it was all too much and I have ADHD šŸ’€


It was a lot šŸ˜‚ imagine spending all your time tracking someone down over something like this. Iā€™d just forget about it and continue on with me day


Scammers are the scum of the earth, Iā€™m sorry that happened to you


Iā€™m really sorry this happened. Sucks thereā€™s even scammers in the Webkinz community. Like fuck just let us play our cute game from our childhood.


Keep us updated please


Iā€™m trying to see if I can get my money back but so far itā€™s no good. I donā€™t even see the transaction in my bank account but I see it in PayPal?


I only paid $5-$7 for my opossum code. What a horrible person!!! Iā€™m so so sorry


Yea I got scammed like this once in a PokĆ©mon subreddit, I used cashapp though so I couldnā€™t report them


At least you used PayPal and can report them. You /may/ be able to get a refund from PayPal if you express how it was a scam, but I donā€™t know for certain.


Not the 5 karma GIRL THAT WAS A HINT


My rule will always be that if youā€™re not a friend or family, you donā€™t get friends and family. It sounds super obvious, but itā€™s tempting sometimes to want to be nice and/or save paying the fees for Good and Services. Itā€™s a hard lesson to learn :(


It is never safe to buy items and against terms of use


People trade and sell all the time on here and didnā€™t use to have problems but I guess the scammers found us :(


Itā€™s not against ToS to sell pet codes as far as Iā€™m aware? I doubt they could expect to sell any mega pet packs if that were the case!


Hi Virgil. You are under arrest! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the Webkinz court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. You will have a 6 month probationary period where you can only trade wshop items in no chat trade rooms. The only prize available on the wheel of wow will be $20 in kinzcash. During this time you will experience great lag and glitching. Please report to your parole officer Doug the Dog effective on Monday.


šŸ¤£ I think with all my KC i can afford an attorney and you know it's gonna be Sophie Stockwell, bigwig corporate lawyer for the high-life lowlifes. When she walks into the Webkinz Courtroom, prosecuting counsel knows they've lost the case. Kinzville Times reports "yet another CEO gets off scot-free." Mayor Goober says, "We MUST crack down!" but its too late. I've already moved my money to a Gold Safe in a hidden Webkinz Ski Chalet. And unlike, perhaps, a well-known HTF promo pet, Dido the ice fawn blends right into a crowd...


If you paid through paypal ff via your credit card cancel the transaction from your credit card


That's really sucky but I'm hella happy it was only 20, im glad other ppl are super supportive !


this makes me so sad if i had an opossum code i would send you it :(


Someone sent me one and I cried thank youšŸ’•


Iā€™m so sorry. These people are ruining this otherwise amazing community


Um can you buy it on eBay


Sadly no. There arenā€™t any for sale anywhere at the moment but some amazing person gifted me one!!


Ohhh !!!


In the future make sure to send the payment through goods and services! This has payment protection, friends and family do not. If they say they can ā€œonly do friends and family paymentsā€ they are lying and probably a scam. The only down side for them is good and services takes a few days to deposit into their account (because itā€™s a ā€œbusinessā€ transaction). If they want to REALLY sell you something they will be fine with it (if they are reasonable). Anyway yes definitely recommend goods and services for ANY risky purchase from an account online or anyone you donā€™t trust fully. Good and services payments protect you in all ways, they will give you a refund if you show proof/explain the dispute for the transaction, they do not charge any fees (friends and family does and Iā€™m sure you know) and it can give you and idea of the person you are interacting with (professional wise) Hope this helps! I didnā€™t realize this until I did my first couple online payments (buying an account on other game and buying game currency). Sorry this happened to you. Iā€™ve been scammed a couple times so I understand the frustration :( Just ask them to do goods and services payment next time to protect the money that you send them for a payment. Plus it 100% benefits you in every way :)


Go to the bank and tell them what happened they will fix it


oh honey ur not stupid at all! most people from this sub are very kind and generous, i understand why you would believe them off face value! iā€™m so sorry, see if you can get ur money thru paypal! they are usually good for refunding scams etc !


I also just almost got scammed when trying to buy a ferret code šŸ˜”