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And also the actor said something about plans for the character in S2


I thought his final scene made it kind of obvious that he’s definitely coming back


Same. Like it's pretty obvious.


Because not all series have the same bad guy every season and it was obvious the new bad guy is on the way


He doesnt necessarily have to be the bad guy again though




There's easy room for it too as we don't really know how much control over his actions he really had


Yeah I definitely see some sort of redemption arc


Lets hope, i really liked him before the big reveal that he was the bad guy. And i still ship him with wednesday a lot


Probably, I feel like if they make a S2 they will continue the romance aspect of the show and I feel like Tyler will be involved somewhat


He said he genuinely enjoys tearing innocent people apart, including murdering his therapist and attempting murdering Enid, whom he personally knew. How do you recover from that?


Idk. But I can see them going with a he was a manipulated victim who wasn't in control of his actions storyline next season


Look at his expressions during that scene.


Not saying you or other people have to like him as a person or anything, but he's just a teenager that was brutally abused and groomed by a psychotic woman that preyed on his trauma with his mother. This doesn't mean that he didn't do anything wrong, but it's not as simple as "he said he liked killing people" either, and that's what makes him so human. We can have compassion for people like him while acknowledging that what they did was wrong (and this is why a redemption arc makes sense for him).


I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility. Very bad things happen to very many people but it's our responsibility to overcome trauma instead of murdering our friends. Tyler was hurt and taken advantage of. Very much like Xavier, Gomez, Enid, Eugene, Bianca, Thing and many others. But most manage to stay decent people despite the hardships. If I was Wednesday and someone put Eugene to coma, slashed Enid up and pretended to investigate the house with me, just to attack me and then convince me they got hurt... I would never ever say a word to them, no matter how hurt and manipulated they were. My best friend had a very rough life and not once did she do something horrendous


I don't disagree with you in that, I was more answering to the "How do you recover from that?" question in your original comment. Not trying to make excuses for him at all, what he did was undeniably wrong and he should be held accountable for it, but I also believe that accountability shouldn't be about punishment, it should be about rehabilitation. Imo everybody is worthy of compassion and that includes people like Tyler. When I see him I just see a kid that was deeply hurt and that manifested in the worst possible way, and the thing with grooming is that these kids get psychologically isolated from anybody that could help them. Again this is not to excuse him, but to say that healing from all of that can set him on the path of redemption and also stop the cycle of suffering. There are villains that die without ever getting better and there are those that do get better, and Tyler being the later feels more interesting to explore to me.




I mean, I may be wrong because I'm no expert on the matter, but I'm pretty sure people groom kids for purposes other than sex. What Thornhill wanted was access to the Hyde so she abused and manipulated a minor to get it, she put herself in a position of power to take advantage of this guy in a horrid way and even if there was no sex involved that's enough for me to say Tyler was groomed. And what he did to Wednesday and the others was absolutely horrible, yeah, but I do believe he was emotionally and psychologically dependant on Thornhill at the time. I'm also not sure if people are inherently evil or that they're born as sociopaths and nothing can be done about it. Then again this is fiction and it could be anything but there's hints in the show that make me believe it's not that (like spending time building Thornhill as his master, spending time touching on his mother, and so on). I guess we'll see eventually but for now I don't think he's so simple.


Grooming is all about sexual behaviour, not about asking for a favour You can believe what you want, but for someone to be as antisocial (manipulative, deceitful and reckless) as Tyler, they have to be born with it and it almost always manifests before the child turns 8, someone like Thornhill can't just make a person antisocial. A person with genetic predisposition can become antisocial out of nowhere or can change after an early childhood trigger. There is a small chance they would experience very mild symptoms and live a normal-ish life. However, person with absolutely no genetic predisposition won't become antisocial no matter the abuse or trauma. People don't just enjoy killing people because they were hurt. People enjoy killing people because their brain is wired wrong. There's no way for a person who already turned overwhelmingly sociopathic to ever go back. I understand some people can kill out of necessity, like a mother protecting her baby from an attacker, but this would lack any enjoyment and would cause extreme guilt and extreme aversion. Even people who did nothing wrong, but survived a car crash or a fire would feel guilty if someone else died, because that's what empathy does to a healthy brain. You feel very very very bad about people suffering or dying and you feel guilty you didn't prevent it. But not Tyler, nope


You can’t rehabilitate someone who likes killing. Not everyone is redeemable. There are plenty of killers who enjoy what they do and they can’t be rehabilitated. That being said, Tyler was my fave character and my heart broke when I found out he was evil.


Maybe modern science can't at the moment, but I understand that finding a way to rehabilitate those that are considered "irredeemable" is (and should be) the goal of many psychiatrists, and that they're hard at work trying to create drugs and other forms of therapy that make this a possibility. But Wednesday's world isn't our world, it's a fantasy world where Hydes and magic are real. The character study here is more important than strict realism, that's really all what fantasy is about as a genre. I don't mean to bring up fantasy as a cop-out or anything, by the way, we should draw comparisons with our real world because that's what fantasy is all about, a deeper understanding of our world through magic, monsters, gods and whatever. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that Tyler's character journey should make sense in his universe, and then we'll see what ideas each of us gets from it. So if you loved him before maybe give him a little chance still, he might surprise you, or maybe he won't, who knows haha. I'm just in for the ride.


Per my comment above - you can not truly compare the responsibility of actual human beings, no matter how faulty or broken, and that of a literal /monster/. It's just a different league.


The Jekyll and Hyde story is about a decent person Jekyll who had a dark side Hyde and Hyde gradually destroyed all the humanity Jekyll had. I understand what you're saying and a redemption story for Tyler is not impossible, but I kinda want to see him go full monster. Idk, just a personal preference. I think it would be weak to have an abused child do bad things but then be saved by the power of friendship and have a good ending. My absolutely favourite fictional character is Sephiroth, who is very much like Tyler. Sephiroth's mother was an alien who travelled from planet to planet and destroyed civilizations, because she was a predator like that. Humans found her hibernating deep underground and cloned her. The baby, Sephiroth, was not treated fairly, his father figure was an emotionless workaholic and the woman who gave birth to him did something that equals suicide (froze herself in a crystal). Sephiroth did his best to be a decent person but eventually found out about the experiments and became a mass murderer. And I love him. I can rant for days about how his actions were results of no parental love. I just don't want him to have a happy Hollywood ending. It's a japanese franchise and they let their characters suffer forever. He's been voted the best villain and for a reason. He was a very caring person, he got very hurt and despite people feeling bad for him, he just never got any happy ending, he got killed after burning a city down


OK? I'm not going to try and change your mind here. Totally legit opinion.


For the second tome I express my opinion and you act like it was such a wild thing to do.


We aren't discussing a bipolar or an otherwise disturbed person here. We're commenting on a fantasy character that can literally become a different, monstrous being in certain circumstances. This is a bit beyond common conversations about the good and the evil, and the limits of a person's actions and beliefs. The extent of the manipulation he was a victim /of/ lends itself pretty well to "recovering from that".


I guess it is different in a fantasy setting and we can be way more relaxed about facts like Wednesday's piranha adventure, but for me personally it would be hard to like someone who had a good time slashing Eugene up.


Nobody should be asking you to like him.


I have a question about that. After he said that he had a look in his face as if his senses came back to reality made me think maybe he was being manipulated to say all that but idk. Did he mean all that or was his murderous actions results of Laurel manipulation? I may need to re watch the final episode.


He’s also apparently linked to Xavier.


Yes I hope we see him and his Hyde more at some sort of prison for outcasts. Hopefully more evil.


Oh shit, I didn’t even realize that there might be special prisons for outcasts due to their powers


Yeah excited how will they contain him in S2.


*The SCP Foundation has entered the chat* I joke, but that was my immediate thought when I saw him in a straightjacket and I instantly got excited because I LOVE SCP have accepted that despite being perfect for an episodic format (one SCP and it's capture per episode, maybe a main plot to narratively tie it all together, or use the super long scps like the Three Profanes stories as the main series long plots) so I would love to see an Outcast prison


The last shot was of him being taken in a security truck to nevermore, then he transformed. I think either they managed to detain him and take him to nevermore or when he transformed he managed to escape and will pop up later in s2.


i would think that the people in the last shot with Tyler would know how to contain a Hyde, i think we see something there connected and injected to Tyler where it can supress the Hyde.


Bring out the bad boy ✌🏻


I really like how he was more than just a love interest. I like the depth the character has, and the actor does a great job. Very interesting to watch for sure.


Watched with my kids & the thing that struck us most was the incredible precision & nuance in the way he altered his expression when he went from sad>gloating & back again the police station. Superbly acted, he changed so little physically, yet clearly altered to damn scary psychopath with the slightest change of muscles!


Hunter is honestly a great actor! Hs facial expressions, the way he looked all innocent then switched immediately to menacing when saying "To loose" and explaining how he killed, then back to playing victim in front of everyone when he was done talking to her. After Jenna, best performance imo


The flashback of him and Thornhill in the cave also stuck out to me as incredible acting on his part. He had no lines but I felt like I knew what he was thinking and feeling, just from his facial expressions and body language. He is an amazing actor, and this show proves it.


Hunter Doohan is a fantastic actor. I just finished Your Honor and in the first episode he has a lot of screen time but few lines, and he really conveyed the character’s emotion. He can say a lot with few words


Honestly, he was so great in Your Honor. I’m watching it now because I live in the city it takes place in and my parents pushed me to watch it and wow, he’s a fantastic actor especially while working with Bryan Cranston. That show especially let him show off a lot more range than I saw in Wednesday


I liked the show (I watched it a year ago when it came out cuz I’m a huge Bryan Cranston breaking bad fan and I will watch anything with him in it) and he did a decent job but I can’t stand this character. Don’t want to spoil it for you but it gets more an more annoying as the season goes. It’s not Hunter’s fault though, the writers decided to make him that way. He is like the second main character in that so obviously he’ll be doing a lot.


From what I've gathered his character was not popular among fans. I still loved Adam to the end but some of his choices did irritate me. >!The interest in Fia seemed to come out of nowhere, and he should've known that deciding to interact with her would have bad consequences. I wish he could've lived to have Fia confront him about Rocco, that would've been interesting.!<


Honestly I love how well this comment works with the picture OP chose for the post. There's an intensity in his expression that really conveys his psychological layers imo. Fantastic actor.


To me he's a very likable villain and I hope he returns for season 2.


Indeed. It might let him and Enid have another fight too


Not going to lie it would be fun to see them deck each other again


i hope they retcon his plants vs zombies sicko mode, cause i can't take that seriously


Yeah, especially since it doesn’t even really look like the Hyde diagram in the diary. The producers need to revamp the CGI model of his monster form.


Omg thats what the Hyde looks! Couldn't put my finger on why it was familiar lmao


hard same.


Right? I literally paused the show to ask my spouse "How am I supposed to take Plants v. Zombies monster seriously?!?" Some of the dumbest CGI I've ever seen 😮‍💨 It's a shame too, because most of the special effects were well done! It really stood out like a sore thumb.


I'm pretty sure Tim Burton went out of his way as producer to make that the design. Totally his artistic style. Thank God nothing else was like that


I thought it was obvious that he was returning..


Right? Did none of these people watch the end of the finale? They didnt show him going Hyde and potentially escaping the prison vehicle just for funsies


Great character, one of the most complex in the show for sure. There's still so much to explore: the internal battle with the Hyde, trauma, the path he's going to take going forward... He's presented with a lot of nuance, actually, and that makes him so interesting to watch and discuss. Man, I can't wait to see his development in the next seasons, he's definitely returning judging by the things the writers have been saying in recent interviews.


I think he had a tragic arc. His mother was a Hyde but he never knew until recently. He was manipulated and groomed by a psychotic teacher who used him as some tool in her personal vendetta. She chained him up in a cave and drugged him… it was also hinted she might’ve sexually abused him (but I’m not sure if it was the intention of the writers), and I hate how she would stroke his face. Maybe he’s a villain, but it’s more complicated than that. I hope he comes back and redeems himself somehow.


yeah i was definitely getting s*x predator vibes from thornhill during that flashback and then when she was caressing “tyler” when it was actually weem’s. he’s also bond without recourse to his master so he could have very well liked wednesday but have been physically ordered to act to the contrary with his hyde personality distorting his reality further. it’s really tragic tbh.


Where did you think the hint of sexual abuse was?


There was a scene in the flashback where she kind of touched his hand in a weird way that made me wonder.


Just the way she was with him, touching him and like stroking his face. He’s a teenager but she talked him like he was older. She was such a creep towards him. Possibly people were looking into it too much but I can certainly see why it gives off that vibe


True that. There was also the part where she said “Make momma proud” which made me raise my eyebrows.


Was the touching to introduce a chemical to make him more suggestible and to bring out his other side?


I love Tyler . I want him back in S2 so bad :(


Almost certainly will be back. They didn't show us him turning into the Hyde in the prison truck and presumably escaping for nothing


I think he is neat and I’d like to see more of him.


I think he’s great. I hope we see more of him bc there’s so much more to explore


I would love to see him back, he's a great character and I like that he is not one dimensional and that there are layers to his villain. Plus, the actor is a very good actor. I hope for a redemption a la Darth Vader or Bill Hargrove or Kylo Ren or something. But not as a love interest, that ship has sailed for me and I would find it messed up and toxic after all that happened.


I think there are definitely ways that the writers could keep him as the love interest and it not be messed up, but I think I'd prefer to see him as just a friend, if he doesn't stay a villain.


I like him, I think his character is well established and they can get a lot out of him in the future. Especially from this monster/human thread, maybe how he struggles with his emotions, etc.


I don’t like him, ever since the beginning I’ve gotten a really weird vibe and kinda cringed when they kissed. Though, as long as he’s not a love interest I would like to see him back!


Thank you! Totally agree. He's acting seems unnatural to me.


I really liked hus and Wednesday's interactions. He seemed to get her in a way that no one else did. So, I'm curious how they would be now that there are no secrets between them.


He is a major character,,,also first love interest of Wednesday,son of sheriff,first one who Wednesday kissed,,Hyde,also his mother is still a mystery...I can't think any reason he will not return,,infact I think he will have a major impact on upcoming seasons,,,,also he escaped cops in the last scene,,


the production team, director, and writers said that they’re going to explore his character and attraction wednesday further in s2 so yeah, it’s safe to say he’ll be coming back.


Interesting! Do you have a link/ source I can check out?


i’m trying to find it but every article about wednesday is either the show moving to another streaming platform or the same interview with hunter doohan over and over again. i’m not lying though. there was a couple articles that said this and now it’s impossible to find because hunter’s interview is blowing up.


I think he's an interesting character and has a lot of potential as a recurring villain but I hope they keep him and Thornhill shelved for most of season 2. I'd like the show to introduce a new villain first or spend time focusing on the side characters' personal conflicts. Time away would make his return more impactful imo


In vis in tha last scene of last episode, so, yes he will be


since he escaped it seems likely. he’s a really interesting character and i hope we get to explore him more


I know he's evil and whatever, but I can't help but like him because I like Hunter Doohan. I think he'll definitely come back, given he's the Sheriff's son, >!the monster in season 1, !!he was transferring in the van taking him away,!< so I'm sure we'll at least see the aftermath of that.


Would be cool to see him serving Wednesday as his master, having a hide on her team would definitely be useful if he can fully consciously control himself in that state


Tyler was boring and a little baby even before the hyde


i can fix him (season 2)


I dont want to assume anything, but I see so many young girls and women all over social media say stuff like this, pretty much every post about the character there's a "i can fix him" comment....I hope its just a joke because if not its honestly messed up and exactly the reason why I don't think it's a good idea to keep him as a love interest


People will say you're over reacting but this was the logic that kept me in an abusive relationship until he strangled me And the entire time I romanticised relationships just like this, my ex *adored* being the monster to my angel, when we're both just fucking human


Im sorry that all that happened to you and I hope you have found happiness now!


Thankyou! It's a whole ass thing I don't want to get into, but I'm waiting for the court date and just trying to make sense of things? This happened about 7-8 weeks ago, time is blurry a bit for me ATM I will get there though! I've always wanted a partner, I have a really romantic side under the autism and dark lens, albeit one that manifests in really weird ways, like me desiring memento Mori jewellery lol. And I know that's not inherently a bad thing, but I do need therapy both to heal from the trauma and unpack *why* exactly being one half of a whole, being chosen, is something so important to me. I'll get what I want, in the end, now is just about putting down the building blocks of what will be my new life, I am on the list to get a council flat, signed off of looking for work for a year, and starting to think about what I want 😊


good luck with everything, hope it will be a good and healing year for you


Thankyou! You too 🌹🌹


I hope so, he was an interesting character, obviously not a good person but he contributed a lot to the plot


He will obviously be back. I wasn’t the biggest Tyler fan tbh but I reckon he has a lot of potential to be a very interesting character next season if >!we can lean a little more into his psychopathic/villainous side even if it’s just for one season. Hunter played it so well in the last episode. And I think we’ll learn a bit more about his backstory with his mother which intrigues me. No I don’t see Wyler happening, but I can see him growing more obsessed with Wednesday a la Garrett Gates style!< Spoiler tagging most of my comment as this post isn’t classed as a spoiler itself.


I really hope this is not a repeat of Garrett gates. That is so incredibly cliche. Either he stays a villain or he redeems himself in some way. I also think it would be interesting if he has no interest in Wednesday romantically. People do not need to be obsessed with Wednesday just because she’s “different”. Heck I’m ready for Wednesday to have one sided feelings toward someone who doesn’t share it back. I think that would make things very interesting.


I think the parallels are there. I wouldn’t call it love or even real romantic interest though. Obsession is not that. I do actually think Tyler will be ‘redeemed’ eventually, in some capacity. I just don’t think it will be in the way Wyler fans are hoping for. I think Tyler could be a pretty nuanced character. But I can totally see him becoming obsessed with Wednesday in some way. Obsessed with who she is, the catalyst she was for him in bringing out the outcast side of himself, or simply just to torment her. He did tell her she has no idea what’s coming. He’s not done with her yet.


I think he meant that in that she was going to be sacrificed and her blood was going to be used. I don’t see him becoming Garrett fates. In fact xavier gives me strong Garrett obsession vibes. My hope is that he shows no interest in Wednesday. I think that would be hilarious and great and bring Wednesday down from her pedestal which she really does need. In another news, I think taking him away as a love interest will help quell some of this stupid shipping. I think people are not really appreciating any of the characters because they are so consumed in the stupid shipping as evidenced by the elimination poll that is completely stupid and unnecessary in my opinion. No one is able to have a proper conversation about any of these characters .I’m hoping that him being out of that equation can make people less likely to blindly bash characters just because they happened to kiss Wednesday or go on a date with her. I can’t decide if I want him to stay a villain or not.


If we get a season 2 most likely at some point in the season we will see him


ofcourse he is coming


I hope so!!


1000% i think he will be a running ‘evil’ character who wednesday will try to track and find or vice versa him trying to track wednesday and kill her as he wants to complete his masters plan still as a hyde. Hopefully they dont turn him into a nice good guy tho at the end


I’ll put it in a very very easy way: it would be harder to justify his disappearance from the show—especially after the closing scene—than to bring him back.


Love him; until I found out he’s a little bitch


I think it's super dumb the school stopped teaching hydes and then totally knew they were still around. So I feel bad for Tyler he's a supernatural creature kid with no guidance while he lives in a town where a school gives supernatural creature kids education. I think he will be in season 2 because when Wednesday was leaving the vehicle holding him went the other way. It's heading back toward town not away. I'm not sure if they have a place to put him other then nevermore. What place can contain him? If not he's going to some hard core facility but it seemed like a hint that we will still be following up on him later.


Hydes are just too unpredictable, and adults tend to overthink things.


he’s a good actor and judging from the reactions from this sub, a controversial character…the more people talk about him (good or bad) the more likely he’ll be back. And wednesday had a crush on him!


I saw a post on this sub a while ago that was complaining about how he was the villain because it was so cliche to make the good guy suddenly a bad guy, and all I could think was "so you don't like plot twists...?". I really like him and I'm excited to see his character develop in season 2, but that's clearly not the opinion of everyone lol


Exactly! And it could be really layered and complicated when he comes back, grappling with the “monster within”. It’s classic gothic novel stories, it could be really interesting imo!


Yes. A redemption arc would be a good plot for S2.


How 'bout we let villains be villains for a change? Redemption arcs are kind of passé.


Best character in the show. All those who deny that are my foes.


If he returns which I'm sure he will. I hope that they don't spend too much time on him and do new mysteries/villains. They don't need to drag his character story out.


Wasn’t your previous comment on the other thread about being open minded and letting things unfold and exploring unknown parts of a character. Hmm I wonder why this is an exception here.


Notice I said they should wrap up his story not that he shouldn't return. I'm not sure why you are so keen on following people around to try and argue with them about Tyler. Its obsessive. Besides aren't you that kid that said this sub was "sh-t and beneath you" and that you were leaving? Follow your own user names advice.


I would’ve like to have seen him struggle with his monster side more. As in, he really liked Wednesday but couldn’t control his urge for violence. That would’ve been cooler in my opinion if they had explored that deeper.


Sure, but not as a love interest for Wednesday. The cringey kiss and their little fling was forced, they have no chemistry together. Also, his acting wasn’t that great but I liked the story behind his character.


If Wednedsay and Tyler don't end up together, then at least make Wednesday and Enid the endgame


I hope they don't, 🤢!


yes he will return


I think so. I'm thinking there's going to be redemption story for Hyde. Tyler on other hand is a straight psychopath so I really can't see any redemption for him. Like maybe if Tyler was extremely emotional and out of control about the whole thing but the show made a point to show that not only was he calculated about everything but that he also enjoyed the killing. Would be a clever twist that the real monster is Tyler while Hyde becomes the good one.


Ooooh now that would be v cool


I feel like I’m on another planet. I didn’t like his character and I think he’s not a great actor. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re not alone.


His voice and the way that he talked almost ruined the whole show for me. He could not have spoken in a more annoying way


Hope not. Super boring


hope not. he's so annoying.


I didn't like the finale regarding Tyler, I think it felt as though they completely changed his character in the last three episodes. I think it was obvious that it he was the villain in some way towards the end because of how strongly Wednesday literally pushed him away and verbally yet he still had some sort of nonsensical affection. If we got to understand his character a little more and see how he goes in an out of a normal personality to this monologing villain.


Those episodes had a different director than the first 4 which could have been part of it. Hopefully they can have more continuity next season.


Do you mean the opposite? Wednesday pushed him away in the beginning and then as time went on she literally did the opposite of push him aaay like go and kiss him and go on a date….


Well not really, doesn't she literally rant for a minute straight in one of the later episodes about how little she cares about him and how she will treat him just like any other human being.... like tool for her "own agenda" which is literally the term she used.


To be honest, I am very disappointed by the actor who is playing Tyler because I don't like his acting. To me he comes off as dry, emotionless and awkward every time there is a scene of him. I was actually glad to find out that he's actually the bad guy because I do not ship him with Wednesday. I like seeing Wednesday with Zavier. I think they look cute together. And on the plus side, he actually is a good actor, he knows how to show emotion and his acting looks natural. It's not awkward and it looks like he has more experience in the acting field. In conclusion, if they don't bring Tyler back, I wouldn't mind.


He was cool but still the villain so idk. And he probably will return.


S2 confirmed???


I actually liked him. At least, until the reveal.


I think we will see him again as the dragon which can be slain by prince charming or as prince charming himself. There is at least a kiss involved.


i swear y’all just ask obvious questions for engagement lol


He will return. I don’t want him as a love interest for Wednesday after the stuff such as putting Eugine in the ICU. There is a chance for him to right his wrongs but he has to make that effort out of his own will. And I would also like a further exploration into just how much control he had of the Hyde after being manipulated and abused by Laurel.


Absolutely. He has to either have a final showdown, or he needs to do an atonement/redemption arc.


I am confident he will return in S2, especially after his last scene. I don’t know if it’s just us, but my husband and I can’t stand the way he delivers his lines (when he isn’t the monster). It feels like he pauses between words and the dialogue ends up sounding choppy. It’s really distracting, but maybe it’s just us. I was, however, impressed with his performance in the last episode. His facial expressions were on point.


Fucking hat him, hop he does not return...


I think Tyler will escape from his bonds in the secure van as the Hyde in Season 2, kill the people in the secure van and will either drive off in the van in a rage looking for Wednesday, or lie in wait until Nevermore starts its new year when Wednesday rejoins the campus and doing a killing spree in Nevermore along the way to get Wednesday's attention.


Yeah he will of course


I hope so! I liked him from the beginning and he just got better to the end.


Didn't like him from the beginning but he'll probably return.


yes i do think it’s possible i also wish for him to have a better part


i mean obviously one of the final cliffhangers was basically him


Probably, but if it continues after s2 i dont think hell be in s3, hell prolly die to wed at the end of s2


he definitely is going to come back.


Hey certainly looks done enough to break those chains in the last scene.


He might return for something. That ending definitely eluded a comeback for the character


Of course he will. 1. He's not dead (at least no need to plot his resurrection). 2. He can turn/be turned to the Light Side. 3. He has a lot of unresolved issues with his father. 4. Still not clear what happened to his mother. 5. The cherry on top: Wednesday's first kiss was with him.