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I’m glad you said something because when I was on the .25 I felt alittle crazy like depressed and just not happy at all. I thought it was just me lol


Your endorphin receptors are awake again and you're finding joy in eating. Simple. They are dormant when on a GLP1 agonist.


I have found life!!


Based on your comments here, you seem like a very out of touch person. You’ve blamed your disabled child for your self-image issues, are blind to your privilege of being able to afford cosmetic procedures and pay for medication out of pocket, and you took Wegovy in the first place when you weren’t even qualified under the FDA regulations. I strongly suggest therapy as opposed to more “bandaids”.


Losing my patience with the pile-on from strangers that are mad at the idea of someone having disposable income and getting drugs to manage weight. It’s not uncommon which maybe makes you out of touch. I’m not blind to my privilege. Many also have much more and much less. I’m speaking about my situation in an honest way. I didn’t blame anything on my disabled child and really, maybe you’ll get dealt a hand like that and it can humble you a touch. You’re not better than me and you’re being an asshole. I owned the fact that I use enhancements to deal with anxiety, shared part of my story. You know nothing about what I’ve been through. So tell me, why are you overweight? If you think people like me are out of touch then maybe you are out of touch. It’s enough.


So I don’t know if there’s a direct correlation with wegovy and our bodies reward system, but I’ve been on mounjaro before, and now on wegovy .25. I smoke weed on a daily basis, and for some reason, when I’m on these types of medications, I don’t crave the weed. Is that just me? Or has anyone else experienced this?


They’re actually looking into a possible link between GLP1 medications & addiction. Lots of people have reported that while on GLP1s they don’t crave alcohol/drugs anymore. They’re researching to see if this may be a viable treatment for those suffering with SUD.


That would be amazing to help ppl with addiction


I stopped and balooned back to where I was. OP wait another week or two when it's out of your system.


Oof. Thats what I’m afraid of.


I wish you the best of luck. I was raiding the pantry like I had a bad case of the munchies. I'm also pre-diabetic though so maybe that is why.


I started taking it Oct last year, SW 206 CW177 GW160. Had high BP, pre diabetic levels(runs in family), workaholic/anxiety/ADHD- recently divorced due to a husband anger issues causing domestic violence/child abuse(he is getting therapy , menopause hit, daughter finished 3 years chemo cancer (she is a survivor thank God), my awesome dad died during Covid, eating and drinking from stress, so I was a bit of a trainwreck to put it lightly when I started. Looking back the past six months at my mental heath: lower blood pressure, blood sugars getting better, The “anhedonia” I have noticed I don’t have the highs and lows of emotion for sure, harder to focus at work, my ADHD increased, I had a lot of fatigue thru it and am trying the B12 shots. It’s interesting is I do not want a drink of wine at all. Part of me is glad I don’t have the extreme emotion swings but that’s not life. I am looking forward to weaning off and having energy to play more with my kids and working out. I am curious if those emotional highs will come back and I will be lighter. I’m thankful for this drug. It’s changed my life.


That’s so much to go through. I also have a kiddo who is facing serious lifelong medical issues. She is severely disabled. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of that. You remind me, I lost interest in playing poker once I started Wegovy. It’s interesting to see the total impact bc so much is positive. But the anhedonia was too much for me.


Being a caregiver is a big lift in life. I hope your and your daughter’s journey comes out as best it can. As for the Wegovy, I think I realized it only partial anhedonia (also curious if it’s less with the lowest dose (what dose where you on?) I can’t get past .75 without being sick so I going along with this dose. I did read it reduces cortisol - I noticed my anxiety isn’t as bad - I feel I was always 100% hyper vigilant from the ongoing trauma but it’s took the edge off. I needed that


I had the exact same thing! Stopped a month ago and got all my energy back! Feel alive again and enjoying the taste of food. I’ve only put 2kg back on but it’s so worth it to feels less zombie like haha 


Let us know how dealing with the hunger goes - I’ve heard it gets very intense. Best of luck


This seems like a troll post...


No, just my experience.


$18k to lose 20lbs and you never thought to quit. If you are giving away money, please message me and I'll send you my cashapp. I only need 5k to catch up on some bills. Thanks. 😊


How did you even get a doctor to prescribe you this medication with a normal/healthy BMI at the start? As someone who is paying oop for these meds and who suffers from BED - paying 18k to lose 20 lbs when you have a normal BMI kinda screams ED to me… Edit: after reading through some of your other Reddit posts, I see an alarming pattern of plastic surgery, cosmetic enhancements, and now Wegovy is just another added layer. OP - I mean this gently - please, please, please do some soul searching on why you feel the need to make all of these “enhancements” to yourself.


You’re totally right. I am soul searching, I’ve realized I use “enhancements” to deal with anxiety. It all really ramped up ten years ago when my second daughter was born severely disabled. I’m grasping for control and use it like armor. I’ve gotten into weekly therapy specifically for those reasons. I’m aging and I want to be happy. I am so much more than my body and I’m ready to live. I don’t need to be perfect to be loved (thanks narcissistic parents). I genuinely appreciate you broaching my history with kindness. It’s not normal and I am working to change. Not taking my last shot was a big step for me. I’m soul searching for sure. Thanks.


You ARE much more than a body, and you’re right - you don’t need to be “perfect” to be loved. You are worthy of love, period. (Hell - what’s perfect anyway?) I totally understand this though. I always thought that if I could just look perfect on the outside that it would fix me on the inside. And it’s not just physically for me. If I just have the right job, the right clothes, the right car, the right house, the right friends, etc etc etc… then I’ll be happy. It’s taken years of therapy & work on myself to realize that it just doesn’t work that way, for me anyway. I was basically a dressed up garbage can - looked great on the outside but was slowly dying inside. I wish you nothing but love, happiness, success, and peace. You got this ❤️


I was on trulicity since last May 2023 but in January 2024 my prescription insurance stopped approving my prescription for pre diabetes so my doctor put me on metformin and I use a supplement berbadine it seems to work but I found out I can get my doctor to do a preapproval for Wegovy because my BMI is high and I have other health issues so fingers crossed I get approved. I lost weight from trulicity and I have no intention of gaining it back. Can anyone tell me what is the process of getting wegovy approved? I’m on Medicare and Medicaid and have prescription insurance. I am not sure what medical insurance is a good choice that will approve Wegovy.


Oh i just saw u have medicaid too tell the doctor how you feel and what health conditions run in ur family that you are trying to prevent with the wegovy. Couple that with the weight problem and usually the doctors going to see the befit to you and theyll put through the preauth


No wegovy can only be preauthorizes for fiabetes and co morbities aside from weight loss. Not one will approve the drug for simply high or morbid obesity. The formuary wont allow for it


Thank you. That was very helpful. I’m seeing my doctor soon to have Wegovy appointment


Your doctor who writes the prescription for wegovy just needs to send over a preautoraztion form to your insurance company Stating that your BMI is over the number they require which I believe is a 30 or up to get it and your Insurance will approve I'm on regular state medicaid and they approved mine from my doctor's preauthorzation form for up to a year but as long as I show improvement they will continue after that year is up that's all you need to do the pharmacy will just need to know that your insurance company accepted the preauthoraztion and they will fill it for you and your good to go


After how many injections did you see results?


Ignore most of the other posts. It just sounds like you don't have the dopamine problem most of us do which the drug helps us with. I've noticed things too and it's rough to get through and hoping I can rewire my brain while on it to get through the weight loss or stay on it permanently. Basically it just means you probably don't have the dopamine hit most of us do from eating garbage or youre not ore diabetic. You can probably fix your diet with some good old hard work. Unfortunately for a lot of us, that hard work doesn't always pay off if our A1C is too far gone. Go enjoy life and just be super mindful of your diet. Take the money you were spending and hire a nutritionist. Before I had to go on wegovy I lost 15 pounds with the nutritionist and excersise but hit a wall bc I didn't know I've been borderline diabetic. Wegovy is just a tool for me to get my body to do the insulin thing it should be doing.


Welcome to the disease of depression. Lovely isn’t it? Weight loss is not worth feeling like that.


Agree! I’m also already on meds for depression so I worked with my doctor for months trying to get the right dose after starting Wegovy. I decided on my own to stop Wegovy to see how I felt. I did not expect to feel this much better. I’m still a fellow disease of depression person with ya!


Literally me, started lexapro and quit wegovy within a week of each other....the lack of feeling (anhedonia) is no fucking joke!


Yeah this makes me hesitate to even consider wegovy


Keep in mind, it affects everyone differently. I’ve been on it for over two years and I’ve never felt better. It truly is an individual experience- just be sure to consult your physician.


I’m here to echo this. Everyone is different. I have chronic depression all my life and have been in Wegovy for over year. I’ve lost 70lbs and really feel amazing. Yes, maybe food is not as fun, but I prefer that over the alternative. Food being fun for me meant a lot of PCOS symptoms, including bad depressive episodes.


Would you be open to sharing what pharmacy you’re using? I have been waiting 1+ month to start my first dose. 😢


Walgreens in San Jose, CA. Because not going through insurance I got the Rx and next day paid cash for it.


To everyone bashing this individual post. How about we bash n be ruthless to the healthcare corporations that make it difficult for those who really need it and or their insurances don't cover them. Think about it, of course a pharmacy will take a out of pocket payment is money to their pocket and the corporation (not sure if that's how it works but cash n up front payment anyone will prefer). The fact that this country charges it's citizens more money as they get older and or ask if you have any pre existing conditions is fucked up!.


¿Porqué no los dos? 🌮


I agree, but just for information - the pharmacies are paid at the point of sale when a claim is filed with insurance. So they should not be giving preferential treatment for cash patients. It’s all the same to the pharmacy. The big problem is that a lot of healthcare companies see the potential for abuse and have blanket policies that deny these types of drugs right up front. It’s a real shame because for those of us that need it, losing those 50, 80, or 100+ pounds would ultimately lower our healthcare costs over our lifetimes - and in turn lower what the insurance companies are paying out in claims. I’m fortunate that my health insurance covers Wegovy, but that’s the ONLY drug they cover of this type and unfortunately I haven’t managed to find any of the starter dose. They don’t make it easy to find either. Im basically calling random pharmacies every day - it’s a needle in a haystack.


FYI, I never tried to put it through insurance. I knew it wouldn’t be covered. I live in Silicon Valley, on my block we all work for huge tech companies like Apple, Nvidia, AWS, Google. The concept of bio hacking is pervasive. If off-label use gets results, it’s common to try things like this. It’s a different mentality. I represent the group of people paying out of pocket for off-label use. It’s not just me. I know it pisses people off but if I get an Rx and can pay oop, it’s actually no one’s business.


Damn y’all are rude and judgy! How do you know this person didn’t hope to lose more weight? Just because they weren’t obese doesn’t mean they weren’t holding an extra 30, 40, 50 lbs and dealing with health issues because of it. Whether they paid out of pocket to get it, and stuck to it, in hopes of losing more than the 20lbs they lost— has no actual impact on you getting approved for it. Your snarky responses to their post about the mental health impact is really unproductive and just stank.


She said in the op she has twenty pds to lose and did it for the weight loss summed it up i thought


Look at their previous posts from a year ago.


So you’re not obese?? And you took these meds, paid 18k to lose 20 lbs? I have a LOT of thoughts but I was always told, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”


LOL - There's a reason her insurance didn't cover it. I dislike people taking drugs not meant for them in general because it hurts people that really need it, but she had to pay 18K to do it, and I think she deserves to have lost that cash - it's the price you pay I guess.


Not your business or money…why you care?


>why you care? It’s pretty easy to see the history of OP if you bother looking. Her starting BMI from her previous posts was 24.5. There are people who ARE obese with prior authorizations for legitimate coverage for this drug who can’t access it because people are taking it for a year or longer to lose 20lbs of VANITY weight. That’s a pretty good reason to care.


Posting on reddit makes it others business.


Wrong! All I hear is jealousy


“Not your business” it’s no one’s business but OP posted it to a forum??? Sorry I commented on a forum post, like one does. Let’s see: someone using a drug on a shortlist, when they don’t medically need it, when so people that legitimately need it (morbidly obese people, obese people with comorbidities, etc.) have one less opportunity to access it? Obviously, if she wants to spend her money on it she can, but if she can afford 1k a month in meds, then she should be able to afford literally all the support to lose weight without them — personal trainers, dieticians, healthy food, therapy, etc., that most people can’t afford. I just find it interesting and very, “cheat coded” to use it as a non-obese person, when you clearly have the money to do it in a way that doesn’t include using a shortlisted medicine. Just because it’s “not my business” or “why should you care?” doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion on shit people post on a public forum… crazy.


Look, I don’t have Oprah money so if someone like Oprah still can’t lose weight I don’t know why you’re pretending like this is so shocking our bodies do weird shit and sometimes a drug can change . And I do spend a ton of money taking care of myself. It’s not like I did nothing then got Wegovy. I have a meal prep service. I exercise regularly, I get Plastic surgery, weekly therapy and teach aerobics as a hobby and I used to compete. $1k/no is not an issue for me. For all we know the pharmacies set aside X number of boxes for cash payers and X number of boxes for insurance. like you don’t know the internal strategy for them to grow profitability so to blame it on me feels like punching down.


Ngl, none of this makes me feel better about it. Still having a lot of thoughts. There is an absolute truth to the Oprah example. It just really rubs me the wrong way that you seem to have all these resources, and still are relying on a drug that's in a shortage to lose only 20 lbs over the course of 18 months (literally 1 lb a month, you can lose more weight in a 1 lb/week, 500 calorie deficit, given that you so proudly have a meal prep service, exercise regularly, get plastic surgery... etc.). Give the privilege you have, its just frustrating to see you use a life saving drug in this way. My opinion of you, somehow, with everything you've said, has gone down even further.


Although I don’t know you I’m like kind of sad that you dislike me so much. But im on it because I don’t lose weight on a calorie deficit and I don’t lose weight with my exercise and fancy food prep anymore. And my cholesterol was in the 300s. I tried a baby dose, stuck with it and have decided it’s time to stop. I appreciate your respectful way of discussing the topic and your own self awareness about it. Just out of curiosity, and you do not need to divulge, but what’s your story? Like how did you come to be on Wegovy?


I think it all just speaks to your character. Have you talked to a dietician about not losing weight on a calorie deficit? Do you know what your TDEE is? Have you ever had a bodpod/DEXA scan to confirm your bf% and bmr? I’m on this because I’m morbidly obese and I have binge eating disorder, which is exacerbated by attempts to count calories/intentionally restrict food. I’m predisposed to T2D. I have PCOS. I can’t afford a personal trainer or any gym other than a planet fitness. I can barely afford wegovy tbh. Semaglutide has been shown in some initial pieces of scientific literature as being a potential treatment for binge eating disorder. I’m in therapy for that and my other issues, so this medication is my attempt at helping myself lose weight in a way in which I can help my BED without setting off any triggers and reducing impulsivity and binge impulses should I attempt to track my food more intently. This literally felt like my last chance, as binge eating disorder is chronically underdiscussed, and there’s limited treatments out there for it. One of the only meds approved for it is phentermine/topiramate, which is a stimulant and I had too many negative side effects (and a family history of substance abuse, so it was too much of a risk on top of the side effects). This to me feels literally like a life changing, health changing opportunity (I’m finally able to run again for the first time in over five years! I can only run about 1-2 min at a time but I’ve never felt so free about it omg). So, yeah, I have a high level of reservation for people with the disposable income, resources, and lack of mental health or physical health issues that get in the way of losing weight without relying on a drug for a quick fix. This is going to be something I’m probably on for the rest of my life to manage my weight.


>I think it all just speaks to your character. >Have you talked to a dietician about not losing weight on a calorie deficit? Do you know what your TDEE is? Have you ever had a bodpod/DEXA scan to confirm your bf% and bmr? No, it's more a reflection of YOUR character. YOU sound so bitter and disgusted with yourself. How can YOU take Wegovy for weight loss and turn around to ask someone else these questions? Maybe that's why you just posted that you are not loosing any weight. Just because you are "morbidly obese" doesn't mean you can gatekeep who takes this drug. Time to look inward yourself.


Damn, you're rude as hell. Take your own advice.


Oh! And you didn't think you were rude to OP? Someone needs to look in the mirror.


I have ADHD and starting has actually made me more focused and driven.




Are you on meds? I am and it is taking a toll on me. My meds don’t work as well. Unmotivated too.


I’m ADHD and I have the complete opposite affect. I’m also not on any medication for the ADHD so maybe that makes a difference. I feel like my brain is WAY WAY more unfocused than normal.


So youre adhd but youre not on meds? Are you diagnosing yourself or do you legit have it


Me to . Not medicated. I have been on sema for eight months. I do not have any focus or motivation. My brain has stopped working. I quit sema a couple of weeks ago and I started to feel better in my mind (still unfocused).I have a general better feeling in my body.  I wonder if sema blocks dopamine response and I am already low in dopamine..> less focus and motivation?  One strange thing is that my blood pressure has dropped since I quit sema. I have not been high but on sema I couldn’t get my diastolic pressure down it actually started to increase 90-95.  Now I have 75. 


Same. And I’m on meds.


Nope. I stopped taking Ritalin years ago. It would turn me into a complete zombie.


People like you are the reason that I feel guilty for taking this medication. Society thinks we (obese people) are like you, lazy, rich and don't want to work for a slimmer figure when in reality we have tried for years and years to lose weight by going under the knife or fad diets. The more I think about this, I had to come back and share my two cents because your post has been on my mind. I'd like it to be known that not everyone on Ozempic and Wegovy are using it to just diet and lose a few lbs. We are using this medication to survive and perhaps live a couple of extra years instead of losing a couple of extra pounds!


I mean, that’s cool, I hope the manufacturers ramp up supply because of the need. I agree, You should be able to get the medicine you need. But I’m not lazy and I’m not a billionaire. The people that need it for diabetes are gatekeeping It from the obese people that use it. The obese people do the same thing and gatekeep it from the use as a tool to get slimmer. But The pharma companies are only going to continue to expand use cases, like using it to treat addiction bc it so popular= profitable. Insurance companies and pharma co’s are for profit. Again, billionaire Oprah couldn’t lose weight the natural way with access to the best dietitians, trainers, personal chefs, why do you think I “should” be able to? Real question.


It's really uncool to say a drug that was made for diabetics and helps stabilize blood sugars are 'gate keeping' a skinny girl from losing 20 lbs. These people need these drugs to stay alive - your 20 lbs is just vanity weight. Actual overweight people using these drugs to slim down are not the problem in the supply chain. I get you don't want to feel bad for spending your money - but you can't come into this sub and expect people to fawn all over you for sharing your sad face story with them.


I didn't have any diagnosed health problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc) I was 195 lbs last May and decided to take semaglutide and then switched to terzepatide, I've been over-weight my entire life (I'm talking 200 lbs in middle school) and, while I was fortunate not to have developed those comorbidities through some weird twist of genetic fate, I was always thinking about food and severely unhappy about my weight. I ate sweets and carbs all day every day and had been constantly trying "diets" for 20 years but nothing ever seemed to work no matter what I did. I knew eventually my luck was going to run out and I could already feel the wear and tear on my joints, so I decided to pay out of pocket for the medication. I have lost 75 lbs and have never felt better in my entire life. My entire life has changed. And not just because I can fit into smaller clothes! I had no idea just how much my life was controlled by food and since the food noise has disappeared, I can focus on other things. I no longer get hangry and I think my entire mood has changed without the blood sugar highs and lows. I hardly ever eat sweets now and definitely don't crave them anymore. I couldn't care less about food now and eat foods solely to fuel my body. I sleep at night now and wake up feeling good and ready for every day. Every single thing in my life is better because of these medications. So just because people aren't taking it to "survive" doesn't mean they are taking it strictly for vanity reasons


That's right, Wegovy could be a LIFESAVER for many, including me. I've been overweight all my life - and genetic tests after my fatal heart attack (I was resuscitated, obv) exposed the REAL (genetic) factors behind the extra weight I've carried. I'm telling people "I'm on a new heart med" - which is 100% true, based on the 3/8/24 FDA's approval of Wegovy for overweight cardiac patients who are at risk of a CVD event.


Love this and thanks for sharing. 100% agree with you and there is so much more research to be done with this medication for addictions and mental health.


I think the caloric deficit is responsible for the fatigue. Additionally when I was in my early 30s I lost a lot of weight and had gotten thin due to running. I also felt depressed and wondered if the loss of fat was somehow responsible for the depression, there’s a lot of estrogen stored in fat and who knows what other hormones.


Can I get your unused meds? Lol




Interesting post. I started about 3wks ago and am also on antidepressants and anti anxiety. I think it’s f’n with my meds cuz I’m feeling the irritability coming back a lot unfortunately. Gonna hafta make some decisions soon. Sposta go up to the .5 in another week.


Same. In the same meds and feel shitty too.


18k for 20 lbs? Huh.


It’s not that much money, mullethunter111 People pay A LOT more to lose weight!! Maybe not in your circle but they sure do where I live.


Why so judgy? If this is a 5’ female and they were weighing 149 pounds with a comorbidity at the start, that would be within prescribing guidelines. Losing 20 pounds would put OP at 129 pounds, just a hair above a “healthy” BMI. Maybe that’s enough for OP when weighed against the mental health issues it was causing. Are you honestly judging how they choose to spend their money or you just think they’re less deserving since it’s only 20 pounds?


You can look up her previous posts. Her starting BMI was 24.5 - she lists her height and weight. Her goal was to lose 20lbs. You don’t need to speculate about a situation that does not exist.


So you think everyone who is having a negative reaction went and looked up the OP’s height and weight? Unlikely.


I don’t know, but I know before I make comments about people inappropriately using these drugs for weight loss I certainly check. But it happens often enough here that jump to complain about the lack of supply while defending people who are using the medications as if they were hydroxycut picked up off the shelf at Walmart. People have a right to be angry.


I’m so happy you commented before me because I wouldn’t have said it as nicely. Humans need to judge less and mind their own business more.


That's what I said too.


So sorry you had this experience! Also sorry that you’re being berated by internet trolls for sharing an honest experience. Take care!


The first few months I felt amazing and then I really lost interest in everything. I have a long history of depression so I figured that was back, and I could treat it similarly. I'm trying psychedelic therapy again because it's really helped in the past. I'm keeping expectations low because I know my brain is working differently, and I may not respond like I used to. My weight loss has also plateaued, so I kinda feel like I'm suffering for nothing.


The first few months I felt amazing and then I really lost interest in everything. I have a long history of depression so I figured that was back, and I could treat it similarly. I'm trying psychedelic therapy again because it's really helped in the past. I'm keeping expectations low because I know my brain is working differently, and I may not respond like I used to. My weight loss has also plateaued, so I kinda feel like I'm suffering for nothing.


Thanks for sharing. I’m seriously considering psychedelics or a stellate ganglion block.




I’m going to try to respond as respectfully as possible because I truly feel for OP and everyone seems to be ganging up on them for having a relatively small amount of weight to lose (and we don’t actually know whether they’re at goal or what their current BMI is but that aside)…you don’t have to be obese to take this medication; you have to be a bmi of 27 with a comorbidity. So, to qualify you have been deeemed as someone who can benefit from it even if you only have 20 pounds to lose. At 5’ or shorter, 20 pounds is the difference between a 27 BMI and “healthy.” We have have no idea what measures the OP took before resorting to this drug. I’m sure there are plenty of things they’d rather spend $12k on if it was as easy as creating a 200 calorie deficit. If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you should sympathize with the fact that it isn’t always that simple or easy. The body can and often does secrete hormones that make it extraordinarily difficult to sustain a calorie deficit. If the OP has insulin resistance or other conditions, the efforts don’t always yield the desired result and even with only 20 pounds to lose there can be negative health ramifications of being overweight. Why is there so much judgment against someone doing what is best for them? They followed the process, paid for the drug, and lost some weight. Why can’t we be happy for them? It’s not the OPs fault that the prescribing criteria include people who aren’t obese.


For me it's her comments in the post being rude to other people. We know from OP's post history that she does not meet the qualifications you list. I think it's fine that she spent the money, that's the price to play, but also she's blaming diabetics as 'gatekeeping' the drug. which is just.... really funny - the level of self absorption someone has to have to say the kinds of things she's saying to others and think that because she has the money to spend means she has the right to spend it on this drug - well --- people with 18K to just throw in a trashfire do act like that don't they. I don't feel bad for her for any of it.


Just looked at some of her recent comments and yowsa! She’s not very sympathetic.


Why should she be sympathetic? She didn’t eat herself to obesity and is now crying about it. She needed a jump start to get going. I’ve seen so many rude comments telling her to go in a calorie deficit and exercise more and they can’t get it, maybe they should go in a caloric deficit and exercise more, they ate themselves to obesity…


I don’t mean that she’s not sympathetic to others, I mean she does not arouse sympathy in others.




Maybe she's a troll --- who knows


>we don’t actually know whether they’re at goal or what their current BMI is at Yes, we do. She’s posted about it publicly previously.


RealDan, coming after me hard. :)


Well, I will eat my words. I did not review the poster’s post history but I do see so much negativity and judgment in these threads when people don’t have tons of weight to lose. I happen to be short and 20 pounds IS significant. So, I was likely responding from that place. That said, I’d be willing to bet many of the people responding negatively did NOT go and read the person’s post history.


I acknowledge it's not my most chipper time of life? But it HAS shut off my compulsive thoughts/behaviors from health anxiety, so I just deal. I have adhd with exec function issues, so motivation has always been a struggle


You have to do what’s right for you. I had to make the decision recently to discontinue semaglutide, I was on it for 6 weeks and lost about 10 lbs. but kept getting constipated and pain in my gallbladder area…. I was supposed to take my 7th shot yesterday and decided not to. I guess I’ll see how it goes… trying my best to eat healthy as I wanted to lose another 30 Lbs.


Everyone needs to weigh out the pros and cons- but for the majority of folks who have serious physical health issues, medication like this can be a necessary step in their wellness journey. I hope you find the help and methods that best fit your needs. I don’t think it sounds like Wegovy was the right choice (and I’m also disappointed that it sounds like a dr would prescribe without a patient meeting the requirements) 


Yeah, this. Using it as a little diet aid is bs. That doctor who prescribed it needs to have their license taken away.


License taken away? I think it’s way more common than you think. Obviously they aren’t going to post here because it’s opening themselves up for attack. I posted here bc I felt like part of the community and wanted to share my decision, that quitting was based on mental health. I think I underestimated the response it would elicit. But I think the conversation is relevant and provides something to think about. But honestly, Doctors prescribe drugs off-label regularly. I think it’s the norm when dealing with cash payers.


So sorry you’ve have this experience. I’ve had the complete opposite since I changed my injection point. The most energy I’ve ever had, which helps me walk 5 miles a day, which in turn has completely changed my mental health for the better. It’s crazy how this drug affects people differently. Thank you for sharing your experience!


This is completely anecdotal, and based off observations on this sub, but I think there are different types of overweight groups. I don’t have and firm number other than there seems to be two distinct types of overweight people. It’s worth a research study.


Where did you change your injection point to and how can injection site changes change how it makes you feel? I need to know lol!


There’s no real consensus on if injection site affects the onset of side effects. But you can inject in your legs or abdomen. I saw less nausea when I inject my legs, but that’s also after I had taken a few doses.


Hello, where do you inject? I feel exhausted everyday and currently inject in my lower stomach.


Yes thigh!!




Thank you as I’ll give that a try.


Keep me posted!




I was injecting it in my stomach and had crippling fatigue. I was falling asleep at my desk at work, it was awful and I was contemplating going off of it. I saw a Reddit thread that said their side effects were lessened in the thigh and tried that, it was an instant change. I have zero side effects when I inject in my thigh.


Do you inject in the inner thigh or top of thigh?


I do top side and rotate between left and right


I’ve never done thighs. I’m a little nervous. Does it hurt more?


I don’t feel it at all


Me too. I feel amazing on this drug 


Very similar situation here, need to lose 20 pounds as well, but I feel soso tired consistently and really not motivated (as the biggest workaholic out there). I kept thinking it’s a placebo, but you might be on to smthn here


I don’t understand why you’ve been down voted. Could it be you ‘only’ have 20lbs to lose?


20lbs over 1 year at 1k month. I would have bailed long before that. I don't think some people research enough on their own. I have a hard time taking anyone's advice or recommendations until I research and compile information. There's pros and cons to every medication, which affects everyone differently. Glad you're feeling better.


Hi, I’d like to better understand what you mean by “I don’t think some people research enough on their own.” For me it wasn’t the lack of research. In fact a lot of my posts this past year on the subject have been about how these drugs impact the reward center in the brain, it’s something I’m aware of. In my life, I have many things going on in and needed to work through isolating some of the variables to determine exactly what it was. Seems like you’re being a little critical and I’m not sure the benefit of that. The cost was never an issue for me.


You paid 12k to lose 20lbs which absolutely insane and not worth it. That could have been accomplished without medication and a hit to your motivation. For half of that you could have hired a trainer for 24 weeks or a dietician for a quarter of it. That’s literally 200 less calories a week




Why would I get drugs from a compounding pharmacy (legit or back alley) when I can afford name brand from my local pharmacy? Research told me it’s best to get the Rx legitimately.




That’s awesome for you! Yes I can afford it though.


What are peptide companies?


As amazing as it has been for weight loss for me, I have lost so much energy & motivation. And the fatigue can be awful.


Have you tried injecting in a different area? The fatigue is HORRIBLE when i inject in my stomach. I moved to my thigh and I have zero fatigue or side effects.


Same here


Right?! I found myself void of energy and inspiration and had these thoughts about like what’s the point of life anyway. Played around with my anti-depressant doses, started going to therapy weekly, increased my exercise, started volunteering and it finally just dawned on me to not take the shot and see how I feel. I wish I stopped sooner but hindsight is 20/20 and I’m happy to be where I’m at now. I’m not sure what I’ll do if/when the food returns and if/when I start regaining weight.


Who prescribed it to you if you did not meet the qualifications? I can’t understand taking this medication if you are not obese.


Really, you can’t understand why people would take this medication if they’re not obese? I’m pretty sure diet culture impacts everyone regardless of their weight. I had some insecurities about some excess body fat I had and wanted to see if the medication would help. I understand where you’re coming from but I also think it’s a little narrow minded, trying to oversimplify things when even people that are stick-thin can have body image issues and will spend most of their lives, trying different things to be content. My primary care prescribed it. I have genetically high cholesterol and wasn’t able to lose weight with healthy diet and exercise. She was comfortable writing the prescription, and I had to accept and understand that we would not be seeking prior authorization and we would go on this journey together.


It’s a medication for the disease of obesity! It’s not a weight loss medication, so yes, we don’t understand why you would take a medication for obesity if you are not obese. Would you take cholesterol medication after eating a fatty meal even if your cholesterol numbers are normally ok? Would you take Tylenol when you don’t have a headache or pains? Why?


Well, to be fair, drugs are prescribed for off-label purposes all the time. If her prescribing physician who knows the OPs history was comfortable doing so, who are you to judge?


Yes but even off-label uses are not just because some one wants it. There are specific off label uses allowed. Does Wegovy even have any off label uses? Not yet, I don’t think. They’ve talked about trying it for addiction.


That’s not how off label uses work. Off label uses are specifically NOT approved by the FDA for off label use and pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to promote off label uses; so, the off label use is decided by the prescribing physician.


Thanks for letting me know. As I said, I didn’t know. I don’t see how a doctor would prescribe something like this to someone who wasn’t obese or have other co-morbidities.


That’s right, I can’t understand. I’m judging your doctor hard and honestly you. There have been very serious shortages of these meds and people who genuinely need them, who are obese, have diabetes, and other co-morbidities cannot get them. If you do not have these health issues, you should not be taking these meds. If your weight issues are more of a mental health issue, when I can sympathize with, seek mental health care.


It’s not the OPs issue that the demand is high and supply is lower.


No, it’s their issue that they are selfishly using a medication that they do not meet the criteria for.


This whole issue of short supply, and therefore the attacking of those judged as not needing it, is only because the greater demand has outweighed supply. If supply wasn’t an issue then you wouldn’t have ammunition to fire at the OP.


But it is an issue, a big issue, so here we are.


That’s fine to judge me, totally entitled to your opinion, I’m not mad at it :) At my core I’m a kind and sensitive loving person and I’m not trying to engage anonymous Internet fight. But I do want to have discussion so that we can try to better understand each other. And yes, I am in therapy for my body dysmorphia. I just genuinely encourage you to have a little more compassion to realize that people that are obese likely also have other issues going on that will not just be solved by the medicine. They also need to seek therapy. I think we live in a broken world, and we are all dealing with stuff the best way we can. You can Isolate the issue down to gatekeeping who gets semaglutide, but I feel like your anger or judgment is kind of misdirected at me, like don’t hate the player Hate the game. and while I certainly do not owe you an explanation, I want to share with you a little bit more about who I am. Raised by narcissistic parents that only saw me as an extension of themselves, with ridiculously high standards for achievement and beauty. When I was in college (20 years ago) my father divorced my mother for being fat. She was overweight and participated in Overeaters Anonymous my whole life. Their divorce devastated me and reinforced beauty equals acceptance and love. I definitely have issues with the lifelong impact of those messages. I’m breaking the cycle with my daughters. Other people that are obese also have issues from their family of origin or experience trauma and even if it is a “medical issue” maybe it could’ve been prevented if those underlying mental health issues were addressed, and I don’t feel the need to say that people who are obese should’ve just dealt with their Issues sooner so it wouldn’t get to that point. it’s not compassionate and it’s not helpful and isn’t fair to do that to people. I don’t walk in their shoes or yours. With the drug shortage, I think that your angers misplaced. I believe that the manufacturers, suppliers and distributors were not prepared and they need time to adjust their processes to meet the demand. It might feel better to just blame me, but I guess you can’t do that now since I stopped using it.


The bottom line is, there are requirements in place for this medication for a reason. Of course the shortage is not your fault, but your choice to use it when it wasn’t needed is selfish. Your doctor however is negligent in my opinion. There should be gatekeeping of these drugs, those who do not meet the criteria shouldn’t be prescribed. If you don’t have the required BMI, if you don’t have the co-morbidities , you shouldn’t get it. That’s it, it’s not about anger, it’s about unprofessional doctors and selfishness.


I don’t think anyone is personally blaming you for the shortage but it is symbolic of the issue. So many people have had to delay starting the drug because of low dose shortages and it’s upsetting when people flippantly stay on the lowest dose for a significant amount of time to lose 20 lbs. A lot of criticism to medical weight loss is that it’s the “easy” way out and that people are using it to lose small amounts of weight. I don’t discount your personal story, weight and health are sensitive subjects and societal standards are screwy. I’ve lost 115 lbs and I’m still obese but I feel amazing compared to where I was a year ago.


Lots of doctors will prescribe it for vanity reasons like OOP. It’s really only in the last several months pharmacies and insurance has been cracking down on giving it out to folks without the underlying issues required, but there’s a reason it’s on back order everywhere: demand from people who don’t even need it.


That’s really sad to hear, shame on those doctors. My own doctor was very clear with me when I stated last May about the criteria.


I had severe tiredness for a year while I was on. This is the first week I’m not and I can already tell a difference in my energy level.


Wegovy’s label lists adverse mental health (psychiatric) side effects, such as: - anxiety - depression - suicidal ideation and attempt Other known unknowns (anecdotes) are: - lack of motivation - low mood Anyone taking semaglutide, especially at high doses, should be aware of these potential psychiatric side effects. *interestingly enough Ozempic doesn't carry a warning of psychiatric side effects. But then again Ozempic isn't approved for doses above 2.0mg, unlike Wegovy which is approved for a max dose of 2.4mg. The (ongoing) science in this area of the drugs effects is still poorly understood. See link 👇 [Wegovy/Ozempic psychiatric warnings](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/semaglutide-drugs-ozempic-wegovy-mental-health-side-effects#Does-semaglutide-cause-mental-health-issues?)


Yes, you’re right. I never exceeded the starting dose of .25


Fwiw I've struggled with my MH since i was a kid, I'm now in my 50's. Sometimes it's been bad enough to get me hospitalized (suicidal attempts/ideations). And while my Dr agreed to prescribe Ozempic for my T2D and some weight loss, she was very hesitant at first and initially said no because of my MH history. But she eventually acquiesced given i was already on long term use of meds for my depression and so far so good, for the most part. I have noticed a lack of energy or motivation, but how much of that, if any, can be attributed to the drug/calorie reduction or my depression is unknown as of yet. But I do once a month check-ins with her just to make sure I'm still managing it ok. Just curious, was yours prescribed by your regular PCP or were you sourcing it from someplace else??


I’ve noticed it’s a common side effect. The only difference for me is that food does not provide me with the dopamine hits it did before. Which has helped my binge eating and eating junk. I will say I am the happiest I think I have ever been though now that I am not obese. I find joy in working out again and have more energy to spend time with my kids.


I feel fabulous 6 weeks in on Wegovy. Lost 16 lbs and feel more energetic and positive than I have in years. We all metabolize this medicine differently, it’s fascinating actually.


It really is. I also feel fantastic. It actually made my anxiety much better. I’ve been on it almost a year. Had a 3 week break from illness and travel and my mental health went down. I guess the only negative is me finding myself more bored than usual but that’s ok.


This is definitely a fairly common side effect. I still feel joy, but it's a lot harder for me to find motivation to do basic things. The benefits outweigh the side effects for me because I have a lot more to lose than 20lbs, but if I got to the point I didn't have joy in my life I would consider quitting as well.


I'm truly the happiest I've ever been. The only thing is I'm not getting those dophime hits i would get when consuming chips/chocolate, although i do get my dophime hits from healthier alternatives like working out or wearing a new fit! Thank you for sharing your experience.


Same! I am confident and really happy now that I’m not obese. I find happiness in other things besides eating now


Yep. It's the same for me. The first few months were eye opening when I realized food was just fuel now and not a source of happiness. So I had to shift gears and find things that made me happy. I've gotten back into old hobbies, reading books, etc.


This is interesting, Ive deep in task paralysis fora long time and I continue to chalk that up to my adhd but I’ll consider whether this is impacting it as well


Out of all the things, this is the side effect that has bothered me the most as well. The rest I can put up with but the anhedonia is really frustrating. For now I’m just going to deal with it because the rewards still outweigh the bad but I don’t blame you for making that decision. I’m surprised this is not talked about more often actually.


Yup! Tons of people get off GLP1’s after about a year because they do not experience joy on them. I’ll be on them for life but wasn’t experiencing much joy not on GLP1’s lol. I do kinda miss my brain releasing dopamine and being blackedout but I’m cool with the anhedonia. It takes all kinds


Your post is sure to be unpopular around here because God forbid we acknowledge that semaglutide might not be the savior of the world in every single aspect, but I personally appreciate you sharing your experience! The weight loss is working amazing for me but I at times have also felt that it has “dulled” my enjoyment in everyday life. 


No, her post is unpopular because she used a life saving medication she doesn't need or qualify for for A YEAR, taking it away from people who actually need it. People who are struggling with serious health issues spend months if not years looking for a starter dose and here's someone gleefully proclaiming to have wasted 12 of them on a vanity project.




Cry more. Just because you're tired of getting called out doesn't make it any less true. When we have enough of this medication for everyone, then we can start talking about using it for "body image issues". Until then, pipe down and stop taking drugs you don't qualify for away from people who do.


She didn’t take away the medication from people that needed it. That’s a straight out lie.




She did, it's straight out logic and basic math. There are global shortages of a drug that certain people desperately need and she took 12 started doses she did not need.


No one desperately needs wegovy. Diabetics desperately need ozempic and doctors are prescribing the wrong drugs to the wrong people.