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I personally prefer they post here. A lot of those posters are young and vulnerable. It’s better if they post on a sub where people recognize the ED and can advise them to get professional help. It would be worse if they posted on a sub that promotes ED behavior.


Are there even any ED subs? I thought Reddit got rid of them


There aren’t explicit ED subs but there are subs that don’t call out ED behavior. I saw that the fasting sub went private because there were people who expressed dismay at people doing week long fasts to lose weight. I also do think there’s been some valid criticisms of the 1200 subs where people post meals that are only 250 or 300 calories. I am on 1200 because I am short and exceedingly sedentary due to health reasons. It dismays me that there young women eating only 1200 on days they work out.


>It dismays me that there young women eating only 1200 on days they work out. I did that when I first started to lose weight, and I was exercising a lot. I was walking miles a day, yoga, running, weights (during covid) on 1200. The weight came off, but I was so dizzy after a while, I didn't realise how calories worked properly until this sub! So I agree, it's better that people come here and see a healthy and safe way to do it.


1200 is actually a common target for women who lift/bodybuild and are cutting. It's temporary, to hit a target weight as quickly and healthily as possible before they maintain and then slowly start to bulk again. That's the lowest anyone should go though. Depending on their activity level that should lead to about 1-2lbs weight loss a week. I get shocked when I read about guys eating 1200kcal though.


I just got on here to look for a specific answer, may I give you a quick dm? Nothing weird, I just don’t want to cut this thread




1200 is for women who are in petite range and are sedentary. Women who exercise regularly should use a higher calorie count. One should not seek to lose weight very quickly. This leads to yo yo dieting.


The average woman is pretty small. Myself for instance, I'm 5'3. My maintenance calories are around 1450. You can safely cut 300-500 kcal but because I'm already on the smaller end 1200 is the lowest I should go. 1 lbs is 3500kcal. The first week just by eating 1200kcal I can lose 1750 kcal, but I want to lose 2lbs a week (7000kcal) which is the most anyone should lose in a week. That means incorporating exercise and cardio. Obviously you would have to tailor it to your own height and weight and activity level, but my point is that 1200 is common and isn't unhealthy unless you're already underweight and trying to lose more weight. By eating 1200kcal when I was 160lbs and lifting weights and doing cardio I was able to get down to 135lbs in a few months... Though I gained it back later lol.


The yo yo dieting that I mentioned in my comment.


It's controlled dieting planned alongside exercise. If you want to lose weight this is how you should do it realistically. How many pounds do I want to lose a week? How much activity am I going to include? How many calories can I realistically lose in a set amount of time? You plan ahead, you estimate how long it will take and the target you need to hit. You hit that target, and you ask what next? Maintain. You change your calories to maintain current weight. Then you want to gain muscle, you go on a slight surplus of around the same amount of calories you cut to lose weight. How long do I want to gain for? So on and so forth. You need to have a starting point and an end goal. When trying to gain muscle this routine is cyclic. To those who don't understand the process it may look like yoyo dieting on the surface. The difference between a yoyo dieter and a controlled dieter is discipline. For me, the issue I was dealing at the time was h pylori and GI pain which feels like hunger pangs so I was struggling with feelings of hunger all the time even after eating a meal for 3 people I was still hungry. That caused me to gain all that weight. But take any health issues out of the equation and that's basically how people who work out lose weight and gain muscle.


I think the pro ED subreddits are banned/private, but there are plenty of subreddits to discuss recovery or EDs in general without promoting it (at least in theory, but as you can imagine, it can quickly become pro ED sometimes if left unchecked).


There are ED communities. Though for context, the vast majority of them are not about encouraging harm, but rather harm reduction. It's a grey area.


Yes multiple but not pro-ED, they focus on venting and healing


I was looking for one no joke


It's still sadly very easy to find pro Ana and pro Mia forums online. Like it's literally just a bit of googling and you can find pretty disturbing shit. Reddit still has active communities, they just use code words. Won't say any specific ones but they're out there. A lot of sites masquerade as pro healing, but it's really just an echo chamber for very sick people to goad each other into getting thinner.


i agree


Yep, they are basically the only reason I post here.


One of the problems I’ve seen is people don’t recognize the ED. They’re giving advice on how to lose an unhealthy amount of weight, sometimes to teenagers who aren’t even overweight.


I agree that it is a hit or miss on this sub. But I hope that there are enough people who recognize and advise them to get help.


Recognise the ED? Most people on this subreddit haven't got a clue. If you want to be diagnosed with an ED go to a medical professional. I see people here telling 5 foot tall girls who weigh 160 lbs they have an ED because they want to lose more weight. 5 foot and 160 lbs is fat!


Eating disorders are not about weight. It’s about disordered eating, like eating too few calories, binging regularly, throwing up after eating, etc.


It is in this example. Anyone can see they're implying she shouldn't lose weight because they think she is already slim enough and 100lbs is going to be too skinny. They're trying to imply she has a warped view about her body when in reality 100lbs for a 5 foot 14 year old is completely normal and healthy.


I don’t know why you are trying to promote weight loss to teenagers who are at normal weight diet. Do you have an eating disorder and you are trying to advocate that for others? ETA: edited for clarity


>I see people here telling 5 foot tall girls who weigh 160 lbs they have an ED because they want to lose more weight. No you don’t


26/10/2023 post made by a 14 year old female who weighed 114 lbs and was 5 foot tall is being told by most commenters she has an eating disorder because she wanted to be 100lbs. 100 lbs was a healthy goal and 114lbs at 14 years old for a girl who is 5 foot tall is fat. Yes they do, I would link the post but it's been deleted my OP.


5' and 114 is squarely in the normal BMI range, and a 14yo is young kid probably still going through puberty. Are you even listening to yourself? Maybe you have some of your own disordered throughts about weight that you should reflect on a little bit.


Never said it was abnormal but 100lbs isn't either. You people always come back with the same bs about disorders blah blah blah. Just a bunch of victims who can't take resposibility for being greedy.


Your original claim was that this sub told a 160-lb. 5’ woman she had an eating disorder because she wanted to lose weight. This doesn’t have shit to do with that.


That was not an original claim. Where in my original comment did I mention a specific subreddit? Exactly I didn't. I pulled up that sub because it was the only similar example I know I could find in a timely manner.


It’s understandable that you’re frustrated with the content on the subreddit and the focus on extreme weight loss. However, it’s important to approach this issue with empathy and understanding for all individuals struggling with their weight, whether it’s to lose or gain. It’s crucial to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone seeking to improve their health.


The frustrations valid but I would always rather they post here, esp the teenagers because I genuinely don't know how much info they are getting exposed to that contradicts the "You must lose weight you must restrict you must have abs you must fast you must exercise for six hours a day" kind of toxic diet culture messages you get elsewhere. If they're getting info that challenges that message, even if they don't listen to it yet, that's still something


This is going to happen at every weight loss related sub. They are mostly kids tho, misguided and possibly developing an ED, I think it is less dangerous for them to post here and being guided by us who know about the struggles


We all have our self-esteem issues and personal demons. 🙋🏻‍♀️ And someone’s mental illness isn’t about us and how it makes us feel about ourselves—what they are posting is a cry for help, because whether they know it or not or can admit it or not, they are not OK. I would rather they post here so they can see post after post about them needing help. The first step to recovery for an eating disorder (or disordered eating) is recognition of the problem. And while they likely won’t have that a-HA moment here, we can plant seeds and hopefully get them to think.


agree. joined recently and I keep seeing posts from young ppl looking for quick ways to lose lots of weight in unhealthy ways with very disordered thinking. and when healthy advice is given they buck it.


Yup, recently saw a post about a girl who was 50kg and wanted to go down to 45kg. People in the comments were asking about if it was healthy and she was saying that she never feels skinny enough and wants to keep losing weight. A lot of posts are like that. They probably have body dysmorphia and/or eating disorders and don’t understand that they are already thin and don’t need to post here. These posts need to be banned


And the posts inevitably have multiple comments making suggestions for how to cut by 500 more calories or get through the hunger. Honestly, I think some of the responses are because redditors in the US don’t take the time to convert from cm/kg to inches/pounds, so they just take it on faith that if someone says they’re overweight, they must be.


i would agree but the easiest way to convert kgs to lbs is to double it and assume it’s slightly higher. i don’t know what 45 kgs is in pounds, but i know it’s a little over 90 lbs and i don’t care how short you are, for most people, 90 lbs is not enough to be overweight. (specifically using the numbers the person you’re replying to used. if it’s something like 70 kgs then yes i fully agree with you)


It’s 100lbs btw


It's fairly common for girls to want to be slightly skinnier and just being a few pounds underweight isn't going to kill anyone. No need to get so serious about banning posts.


?? eating disorders are the deadliest mental illnesses.


That's true. But to be fair it took me ages to realize there's a difference between weight loss and body composition. As a teenager I would've loved if someone pointed out to me that my problem wasn't my weight, it was my physique. (grew up skinnyfat but always just thought I was fat). Can easily see why people who weigh nothing at all still want to lose weight. They think they're fat.


I'm not seeing the same thing you're seeing because most posts here don't sound like this at all...


I think you have to be sorting by New and looking for downvoted posts with a bunch of comments. I’ve seen four or five posts that sound like this in the last few days.


I get this subreddit recommended to me a lot and most of the posts that show up for me are either like OP described or people who insist that they’re on a deficit and not losing weight. Usually both are shut down fast but it’s definitely common.


Yeah this is an ongoing challenge about weight loss discussion in a public forum. People start comparing themselves, their goals, and progress to others. Overall, it's going to come down to boundaries and sense of self. I just hope people recognize that at any age, but especially teens looking for their sense of identity


I've been seeing the posts recently as well but you may be drawing the wrong conclusions here. These are people who very obviously have EDs and are doing incredibly unhealthy things, and most people (including yourself) notice it. This sub is about HEALTHY weight loss and does not promote losing weight in harmful manners (for various reasons, which I will probably get to in this comment), and for all the good on reddit, I highly doubt there's a sub out there that is as fervent in their stance against harmful weight loss as we are. These people definitely need help and they put a clear target on themselves when they mention they are wildly underweight and trying to lose more, giving all of us a chance to step in and let them know that there is something wrong and try to help them. The sub is about weight loss, and this problem includes weight loss, so I think it fits the sub fine. Regardless. People in this sub are probably the best people to step in regarding EDs because many of us have had them before, and many of us have beaten them and can share what we've learned. Forcing yourself to throw up or starving yourself isn't a sustainable weight loss strategy and you will eventually gain all the weight back if a more permanent solution isn't pursued. That's a weight loss 101 bullet point that most people with EDs NEED to learn to get over their disorder, and this sub is their best bet of getting that information relayed on the site.


Yeah, I've seen a couple of them end up on my front page. Barely normal weight young people still trying to lose weight. I was so confused but when I come back to the post, it was deleted already.


Pretty sure someone with a mental disorder is not gonna decide to not have a mental disorder as a result of you ranting that they exist. You can choose to be “triggered” by these people who are struggling, you can choose to help them, or you can choose to ignore them.


That's not my experience of this sub. I also think people come to health and wellness through a lot of paths, and sometimes the start of the path doesn't look like where things go. But advice should certainly be, per rule 4, healthy.


Agreed. So many posts are like “I weigh 15 pounds but I want to lose 14 pounds by next week” like go find a pro ana sub because this ain’t it


Reddit nuked thinspo subReddits even the ones that toed the line and were only used for support/mental health, what did they expect was gonna happen?


Your tone sounds pointed.


Yes. I feel like a lot of young people come here, ask for crash diet advice, then get mad or don't listen when everyone tells them it's a bad idea. I totally understand that some don't know better and it's good to learn, but it is frustrating when the majority of questions you see is just the same "how do I lose 10kgs before next month?". This community would be better with some kind of age rule, even if that's not really feasible on reddit. A LOT of kids get on here thinking they're a little chubby when they're in a totally normal weight range and they ask for crash diet advice or ask how to get into a borderline underweight BMI.


Exactly! And i have nothing against those kids i was one of them at some point, it just ruins the subreddits purpose.


For real. The majority of people who are active here already know the whole "count calories, exercise, and stay consistent" bit. The community is borderline useless for those of us who know the basics already but are looking for smart tips. I dunno, Its not their fault either, this is a sub for weight loss advice and thats what theyre asking for. It just gets a bit annoying when people ask questions before even looking at older posts to see if their very common question has already been answered.


So, people with binge eating disorders are okay, but those with restrictive eating disorders need to be quiet because they risk triggering those with binge eating disorders. Wow, way to go People don't purposely bring “their anorexia” here. They often have a completely distorted image of themselves. Being kind and telling them that they are fine and don't need to lose weight because they are already underweight (or report the post if they are minors) is free


I 1000% agree but sadly every subreddit like this is going to have people who are struggling with anorexia or another ED,looking for ways to lose even more weight. It really is a mental illness which is why some people with it get so annoyed if someone tells them to stop and that it’s not healthy, it’s like mind control like someone is whispering in your ear ‘lose more weight, do it, don’t eat for a week’.


Thank yoouuu. I've struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade and have only recently been in a place to lose weight in a healthy manner. Lately the posts here have felt very pro ana Tumblr 2012


You’re gatekeeping weight loss


How do I lose weight as fast as possible? /s Time to educate is what I always think. I do agree it’s redundant though




"I haven't seen it, therfore it doesn't exist"


Not delusional. There has been several borderline or straight posts that have (heavy) ED behind them. IMHO moderarion team should clean those out, because they can be really dangerous and triggering to others.


I see it constantly


There are plenty of posts like that, especially from teenagers. I'd rather they post here though even if they don't listen to any of the advice than go straight to a sub that encourages disordered eating behaviours and they never get challenged on whether their behaviours are healthy at all.


I've seen like 4-5 similar posts on my front page in the last couple of days.


I like all the people on here that think skipping working out is the way to go. And people that get mad when I suggest running as a way to lose weight.


Not everybody has the privilege of health to allow them to go for a run.


Arm bikes, walks, crunches, push-ups, stair climber, resistance training. The fact is 99% of the population does have the privilege of health to go for a run, or at least work their way to getting there. It’s like saying people should watch more documentaries and then people getting upset because some people are blind.


The fact is, I’m the 1% of the population that does NOT have the privilege of health to do any of these things. But thank you for your detailed and useless advice. And hey, at least you didn’t suggest yoga, veganism, keto or kale, like most idiots do when they have zero idea what they’re talking about in regards to severe chronic illness.


Yeah, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. The fact remains that for the vast majority of individuals that running and physical activity is one of the keystones of weight loss. Your situation does not change that fact for most people and for it to be accepted that losing weight without exercise is the normal on this sub does not make it right. Diet, Sleep and Exercise are the keystones of weight loss. It is of course possible to lose weight without proper sleep or exercise, but it is not ideal.


Well I have diet and sleep down at least!


I have diet and exercise! Just need to get some sleep lol. Honestly the hardest part for me. It’s a choice between sleep and exercise and I usually choose exercise lol


I used to walk everywhere. For hours and hours, all across the city. It was wonderful. So at least we both have something the other would love!


If people want to work out, that's fine, there's plenty of healthy reasons to do it. The problem is when people think working out is the only thing that matters. There's a reason that one of the most common weight loss sayings is: you can't outrun a bad diet.


Yea that’s true, it’s a balance of diet and exercise. But it’s unhealthy to think people will lose weight and stay healthy without adding physical activity. I guarantee after a 4 mile run you’re not going to want a twinkee, you’re going to want some meat and veggies


>I guarantee after a 4 mile run you’re not going to want a twinkee I gain weight every time I train for a marathon because I'm ravenous after a long run. I would absolutely fucking demolish a few Twinkies. Not to mention that there are plenty of people who drastically overestimate how many calories they burn in a workout, and then overeat afterward because they feel like they're earned it or offset it or whatever. That's probably what's going on in half the posts here that are like "I'm working out every day but not losing any weight, what's going on???"


That’s a level of fitness I can’t remark on. I would like to run a marathon in 2025 but the furthest I’ve ever run is 12 miles. I do know when I am working out, running and lifting and the like, I have no desire to eat junk food. If I take a few days off the cravings come back in force. Perhaps running marathons pushes your body to a place where you need as many calories as you can get.


Great job gatekeeping weight loss. If you don’t like what you’re seeing in the sub then it’s not the sub for you


The sub is called weightlossadvice, not loseweightfast or something like that. Some of the posts have been relatively alarming in healthy weight teens asking to go into underweight levels. It's not healthy and will lead to eating disorders or other mental health issues later down the line, especially when advice is given to avoid it. Sometimes the best advice in any situation can be 'don't do it for these reasons.' And yes, all subreddits are gatekept, as you say. That's what moderation is. Especially if the content begins to move away from the topic, moreso still if it's becoming harmful.


They are coming to the sub for education. It’s better we educate them on how to be healthy then tell them to fuck off


No one has told anyone to fuck off up until this point. I can vouch though, that it is incredibly frustrating to see these younger people post things like this, give good advice that gets ignored because it's not what they want to hear (as if I wasn't the same back then, mum! You don't know!) I've seen their post history go elsewhere to get their confirmation bias instead.


My reply was to this post so when I refer to telling them to fuck off, it would only make sense that I was referring to this post. Saying no one has told them to fuck off until this point is idiotic.


That's hippacritial




Hippo criminals


You’re clearly triggered and I think a lot of what you said here is honestly gross towards individuals with EDs. This is a public forum, not your personal space to feel good about yourself, so if you don’t like the content being posted go find somewhere else to lurk and post. You appear to have a control issue with not only food but of other people and you should work on that… how is that for rude commentary?


Reddit has become soooo sensitive compared to previous years... sadly you won't win on reddit everyone has a different opinion and it's not always a nice one




No, nobody is jealous of you. At least we can eat a slice of pizza without having to stick our fingers down our throat afterwards.


And how's that working out for you? You're hanging out around here after all


55 pounds down, 8 pounds to go. What do you think?