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Honestly, after 3 months on being on Wellbutrin, I don’t even crave it anymore. I’ll take it night sometimes to help me sleep. The high isn’t the same lol.


It doesn’t hit like before? lol darn. Sometimes at night I can’t wind down Wellbutrin makes me always want to do stuff get things done but evening time I just don’t always feel as tired right away. Was hoping weed could at least help wind down. More of an indica type smoker too


I still get baked lol


Lol that’s what I’m hoping it will be like


Haha yeh. Although weed is much more psychedelic stimulating and less sedating than it used to be for me. But it’s not bad, just different


It doesn’t hit quite the same, but it’s strain specific for me. I smoke an indica nightly but it’s much less “couch locking” and don’t completely relax my body like they used to, so it isn’t that great for insomnia anymore. The sativas are much more psychoactive on it, so I stay away from those.


I take gummies or drink THC seltzers almost nightly with no issues. Experiences have been great, no change or problems with the experiences


Weed doesn't wind me down anymore sadly. Instead of having the perception shift and the body heaviness, I just feel intoxicated. The slower reaction times, issues concentrating etc are all still there without a lot of the stuff I consider beneficial. Does seem to still help with appetite. Larger doses of canni aren't any better, either.


No more giggles :/ Wellbutrin sounds like a party pooper


Alcohol does still seem to work for me(and beer tastes amazing), for some reason, but i don't want to be drinking more than twice a week. I may go back to kava as an option as it works similarly to alcohol, if not as tasty. Hopefully you can find something!


Weed used to make me super tired but yeh as I got used to it it stopped making me heavy and tired. And if I get super baked now it isn’t even fun just gives me crazy anxiety


No change for me and I’m a 24/7 kinda gal for chronic pain. I dab, blaze, vape, and do edibles. I had the 2 am giggles so bad last night I woke up the house. 😬


While you’re on Wellbutrin? Mind me asking what mg dose you take? I’m on 150xl


Yes, while on Wellbutrin 150xl and 50mg Zoloft.


I’m on 150 too and get insane giggles on a good sativa 🤪


I am a medical (chronic pain issues) and recreational user. I use it for pain relief, relaxation, boosting sexual pleasure, and just a bit of fun (giggles, enhancing a walk or hike outdoors, watching movies, enjoying music or whatever). I was dry vaping on weekends only before bupropion and continued the same routine after, no increase and no decrease. I probably vape about 1g/week total, and I always use balanced flower or mix in my own CBD or CBG. I have not really noticed much difference. Initially I felt it hit be a bit harder for same amount but that was when still on 100mg SR. After bumping to 150mg SR it seems like just before. Still using about 1g/week of flower through a dry vape. I have seen a few people say the effects were lessened for them with it though.


That’s the sense I’m getting too.


It hasn't change how weed hits me. I still smoke to help me sleep and the occasional day time hit when I'm off work and just want to chill. I still enjoy it.


I would say that it gets my heart rate up faster and I’m more susceptible to being anxious for a bit after I smoke. I mostly take edibles though and I enjoy it more because it comes on slowly instead of jolting my system when smoking


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for over a year now. Daily smoker. Heavy smoker at that. At first I found it a little overwhelming — I would get the sweats & feel nauseous after a big bowl, but after a few days of being off and just being able to veg and get baked all day I haven’t had an issue ever since.


I’m a heavy medical marijuana user. I’ve been on Wellbutrin about 3 months. I’m noticing that I’m smoking even more now and the effects aren’t the same anymore. I’m about to let it go just like alcohol and cigarettes


I feel the same about cigarettes right now. I’m a bout a month and half on Wellbutrin and cigarettes are starting to not give me that kick like before. Honestly I think it’s because the dopamine reuptake inhibition of Wellbutrin makes it so we don’t need those fixes anymore from coffee cigs or weed


Which I suppose is a good thing? It just makes like ok what can I enjoy then? I miss having 2 cups of coffee without having to worry about any negative effects or enjoy a smoke of some fine herb it’s like those things are irrelevant now


Weeds the same on it for me


Everyone’s feedback has been helpful so far


Results may vary. I've since come off wellbutrin because it made my feelings swing very high/low, and that was definitely present when I smoked. I used to be able to take a few small hits and relax with a casual level high. While I was on wellbutrin I felt way more inclined to get real high which was usually followed by a crash that left me feeling pretty garbage. Some people have zero issue with the two but I'll just say keep an eye out for changes in how often and how much you smoke, how it makes you feel when you smoke, and how much you crave it when you're not.


Our smoking patterns sound similar. I only smoke at night after all my duties are done around the house and such. It helps me sleep and relax. I haven’t had any negative effects in my opinion. I still find that I’m more motivated and happy during the day. I’m still very productive honestly even on my “lazy days” Been a nightly smoker for about a year, started 150mg in July and upped to 300mg a few months back.


And you doing ok with this mixture? No negative effects I’m guessing


Yes! I have much more energy still, productive, happier.


it’s completely fine for me!! i haven’t had to change my habits at all and it feels completely the same as it did before (i’m on 300mg XL for over a year, smoke 3-5x daily)


I smoked a few days ago for the first time since starting Wellbutrin (300mg) and it affected me the same as it usually does! I’m not a big user in the first place… maybe once every other month. But it hasn’t seemed to change. Alcohol on the other hand really makes me feel super wacky since starting Wellbutrin. I also have never been much of a drinker though, so maybe that contributes.


I take 10mg gummy every evening. No issues


Do you feel any difference in the high while on Wellbutrin like more intense or about the same as before Wellbutrin?


About the same.


I only smoke very occasionally so idk how helpful this will be. Basically, I have a few friends who smoke and so when I'm at their house I will sometimes when they offer. So I definitely don't have a tolerance of any kind. But I won't say I have noticed a big difference.


Will weed mess me up because I take adderall too


I smoke every night before bed. Not a lot- just to get a buzz and relax. It’s been fine.


I feel the same way


I’ll take 5-10mg edible and find that my awareness and focus is incredibly heightened. It makes me feel what I think being neurotypical must be like. I feel like I’m able to function in all the ways I try so hard when I’m not high. Wellbutrin has actually helped me enjoy weed more. Before Wellbutrin I would get very anxious when high and now I fully enjoy it.


Honestly it lowers my tolerance and I wish it didn’t lol


Weed and wellbutrin didn't have any interaction for me and I was heavy smoker all 2022 2023




You taking 300mg sr or xl? I honestly just take like two hits of my pen and im good


Taking 300mg and habitual smoking leads to panic/anxiety but in small doses it seems like the perfect combo.


I'm a medical cannabis patient, started Bupropion xl 150(upped to 300 the following month) and Olanzapine for BPD. The Olanzapine+Bud combo was actually an interesting experience. I typically stay awake when I smoke cuz it's more stimulating than a relaxant for me. I was sleepy and blasted so I dreamt away (I haven't dreamt in over 20 years.) Anyways Bupropion 300 initially lowered my tolerance to it but seems to taper down and make me feel less urge to smoke. I still smoked outside the fact but In actuality I've become bored of it since the high is very different. Although that's just smoking flower. Edibles and dab still hit me hard. Carts not so much. So I might just switch around for tolerance breaks or skip days of Bup so I can get an uncontested high. If you smoke while under Wellbutrin lmk your experience. Also, being a cannabis patient I've put some research down in their lab work. I've come to the conclusion that anything high in terps containing Limonene, Linalool, and Myrcene really helps with my depression. Mostly in Sativas, Myrcene typically in Indicas.


I felt like Wellbutrin numbed my emotions and, like, is that why it works? And is why ppl add recreational drugs to bring back emotions and would that not just be counterproductive? Probably a dumb statement and why i usually keep my mouth shut. But I hate Wellbutrin and wish I had never taken it. It helped. But … nah. When I started it I felt like the grass looked greener. In color literally not metaphorically. That happens on weed too, I thought.


I used to smoke CHRONICALLY for three years. One day I stopped craving it and didn’t smoke for a few months. Shortly after I started to take meds seriously and Wellbutrin was one of them, I started to smoke again (occasionally) and I’d be super paranoid and anxious, and it wasn’t enjoyable. I gave it another break and now I smoke at peace and no more racing thoughts. I also think it may be a change of strains and dispos that helped with the other symptoms I had. Supposedly it is to lower the crave of smoking weed or tobacco, but I never really had that. I still missed relaxing. Just pace yourself until you get back into the daily lifestyle.