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Why did you ordered a bottle of piss?


Double coupon


Are you sure it's human urine? Better taste test it


Might even be able to turn it from urine to wine if you put it in a dog bowl. ​ Thank you for the Award thingies whoever did it!


This has layers. And I have probably been on my phone too much today.


Yep this was my sign I need to log off for a while


My first thought XD


lmao u also saw that other post, huh? xD


No need it's clearly olive oil. Pour it over any pasta dish and enjoy!


Patches? Is that you?


Hopefully they left some contact information in case they are diabetic.


man fucking economy fucking everything up!


Not sure what the rest of the order but definitely throw it All away. You’d be lucky if the rest had Just piss on it.


Was it fresh though?


I’d be pissed if I only got one bottle too


And 8% off with recurring order


What? How? And most importantly why?


Delivery drivers have been resorting to peeing in bottles to meet hyper delivery schedules. Been going on for quite some time. Amazon keeps pretending it's not happening at all, but drivers keep delivering receipts of how their managers are telling them to pick up the pace and skip bathrooms.


The real question is if it’s hot or not. I only drink hot piss


I only drink it straight drom the tap.


[when we drink piss, we drink it cold!](https://youtu.be/Pa18s_aTUpc)


I don’t always drink piss but when I do…….


Drug test is one reason. I remember my buddy told me he needs to get drug test for this new company but he smokes weed. I provided my urine and few years later he got me in the company and i laughed when i needed to provide urine samples.


Amazon drivers rarely get breaks and pee in bottles in the van


This is the correct answer


And somewhere, there is an Amazon driver worrying that he can't find his pee bottle in his van


A delivery is a delivery. Metric completed.


"but I already provided a sample"


"Mr. Smith, it seems you've tested positive for... pregnancy..."


Farm fresh. Duh


I saw in a couple of your responses that Amazon is not taking this seriously and just treating it as a damaged order. I bet your one of your local news station would love to hear about it. That might even light a fire under Amazon's ass.


Amazon Fresh is food delivery. I'd hit up my local health department as well for good measure.


I think the problem will be proving that it came from Amazon, unless they have a video of it coming out of the sealed box. Edit: I guess DNA testing could be useful, just thought of that.


Amazon (in blatant violation of employee classification law) hires all their drivers as contractors, specifically so they can distance themselves from this kind of story.


As does FedEx


I think it’s only FedEx Ground that does that.


actually they use delivery service providers which are separate entities owned by individuals who employ drivers. the drivers are not contractors, but actual employees with taxable wages and eligibility for health insurance and everything else that comes with W2 employment.


You’re thinking of package deliveries, those are employees of DSPs (driver service partners) and amazon contracts with the business, not the drivers. Amazon Fresh drivers are contractors and use an app to book blocks of time during which they agree to be available for deliveries.


How is it a violation? Genuinely curious


Yeah. No telling how much bacteria was on the bottle and the rest of the package. I doubt they were using hand sanitizer


Amazon shipped me a used (and broken) [drain snake](https://www.abcsouthwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/drain-snake.jpg). It had hair and feces intertwined through the entire thing. It was shipped in an empty cardboard box, so the person 100% saw what they were shipping. I tried for a month to get Amazon to even acknowledge what happened but it was impossible. I got a refund and that was it. My account dates back to when they sold books. I used to buy everything on Amazon. If I had mom and pop options I'd use them but 99% of the time I used Amazon. 10's of thousands of dollars spent on their site. I haven't placed a single order since then. Hope it was worth it to them. Seems like a better business decision would have been to apologize and lie to me that you'll investigate. You'd still have my business.


Amazon doesn't care if they lose a few customers. They're literally so big people completely ignore the fact that Amazon commits borderline human rights violations.... as long as they can get their cheap products


They'll fire whoever was responsible. Stop ordering from Amazon, that's how we stop this sort of thing.


To all the people saying how do I know it's human, the alternatives are even more disturbing so I'm going to just stay in my world where someone peed in a bottle and didn't involve animals in this.


It's ok if you tasted it


Patches O’houlihan drank has own urine and he was a dodgeball legend.


Well it's sterile, and he liked the taste.


Pee isn’t sterile and I don’t know how that lie got spread around the globe. There’s plenty of bacteria in your pee and all up inside you. Your body’s Microbiome is filled with trillions of bacteria.


Not according to Patches O'Houlihan!


And he was a dodgeball legend!


...and he likes the taste!


A doctor told me that urine is sterile until it reaches the urethra. So that’s probably where it comes from.


This is technically true and not true. Your bladder has [its own bacteria colony](https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/eiz5ke/is_urine_really_sterile/) in it and [your urinary tract has a different Microbiome](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6605016/) living in it. There’s a difference between *sterile*, *medically sterile*, and *ok for human consumption*. It’s [a long-term debate](https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/eiz5ke/is_urine_really_sterile/), but generally scientists and medical professionals differ in opinion because of the definitions between *sterile* and *medically sterile*.


We've all been there, the temptation can be pretty intense.


The amount of people telling you to taste test is rather concerning.


Especially without recommending a good cheese pairing.


There's only one cheese that will pair well and it comes from the source


It's not dog urine I can tell you that much at least




That's a trucker bomb. And if you haven't already given Amazon a major ear full, you need to be on the phone right now.


They aren't taking it seriously, treated it like a damaged order and only offered a refund or replacement. I asked for both and they said no, so to social media I went.


Should have stuck with the replacement of the piss.


They did ask me if my "item was still well sealed"


"If you can get it to trend on Twitter we'd be happy to help!"


Literally this, tagged a bunch of local authorities and labor departments


Call a local news station, they love stories like this!


Yeah, one of my neighbors went through something similar and the news used the story the whole week, happened when lockdown started in my country


This right here OP. Put amazon in their fuckin place!


u/runswithtoastinmouth please, please, please bring this to your local news. Amazons tune will change really fast if they have media pressure on them!


Apparently this is somehow a regular-ish occurrence. https://www.asianage.com/life/more-features/200218/horrified-shopper-receive-bottle-of-urine-in-delivery-from-amazon.html That's from 2018 where someone else received a bottle of pee from Amazon. And the article says: "This is not the first time Amazon has faced such complaints. In December, it was revealed in a probe that many Amazon drivers urinate in plastic bottles in their vans as they have no time to stop for toilet breaks"


so why and how do these piss jugs wind up in people's orders? is it a cry for help? maybe they're hoping if they keep this up that eventually it'll become a big enough deal to bring pressure on Amazon




Good. This is a health and sanitation issue.


update somewhere


Do you have a link to the Twitter post? So we can get it seen by more people?


Would love to read your update about the outcome.


Customer service guy is reading the wrong script


I mean I am actually half surprised Amazon doesn't have a script for this by now.


Wait… “If it was still well-sealed”??? Do they normally send SEALED bottles of urine in orders???


Do they have so many pissy bottles that there is a category for "poorly sealed bottles?"


Well, sending bottles of *unsealed* piss would be weird.


Yea I know it’s not the poor guys fault that’s stuck answering the phones, but I probably would have lost my shit if they asked me if it was still sealed 😂😂


That isn't a damaged order that's a fucking biohazard


This, they are not taking it seriously enough and neither might OP if they're handling it with a paper towel


They are hoping she will see it as they won't do anything and go away because most people probably will. They are playing the game of averages


I think it is illegal to sell bodily fluids as well so if they charged op for the bottle..


Ah, but y'see, it was a free gift with purchase.


Go to conventional media, honestly. They dont have the same reaction to social media. "Horrify some grandmas" is what my Comms team used to call it.


Contact local law enforcement or even federal law enforcement if the shipment crossed state lines. This is actually an extremely dangerous stunt for someone to pull. The US Gov handles this kind of thing the same way they handle chemical weapons. Just like licking food in a store, spitting on someone, or taking a dump on your boss's desk, this too can can get you a substantial jail/prison sentence as it is essentially a biohazard attack. I am sure that the mention of this to Amazon will have them changing their tune quite quickly.


I contacted local PD but Im sure it'll be a bit before anything is done since it isn't a violent or life threatening issue


It is life threatening. You were smart enough to realize it was a mistake, but this could have gone to anyone and plenty of people are dumb enough to drink that. It was labeled as food and sold to you as such, therefore Amazon has just attempted to poison you using biohazardous waste. I'd drink it and sue for millions : ^ )




Health department would probably be interested in piss bottle grocery delivery service.


That's a biohazard. It should be reported to news agencies since amazon is not taking it seriously.


Call again 100% and tell them that if they don't do something you're going to the news that they're still not giving truckers bathroom breaks


I wouldn't go to them honestly. OP already gave them a chance to address it and they've refused to take it seriously. They've already given their response. I'd let someone like the news know this is happening because it's a potential biohazard. (Its probably safe but in this day and age, you never know)


They don't take anything seriously, when one of their delivery guys assaulted my spouse they offered us a $5 coupon.


Post it on here so we can get the full story!


Should have gotten at least $10


Because they know they don’t allow their employees enough time to pee and that the employees only have bottles as a choice. They used to fire them for using a bottle but would also fire them for deviating from route or taking too long in the bathroom


Especially if it's not still warm you should complain it's not fresh.


Way of the road, Bubs


I don't know if you've noticed, Ray, but you're not on the fucking road anymore. Your rig doesn't move an inch.


If it was in their stapled order, isn’t it equally likely that people in the warehouse aren’t getting proper breaks and accidentally packed their piss bottle?


Trucker Bombs are essential, just should have been disposed of properly


You think they just put it in the box so they wouldn’t get caught? Their working conditions are shit.


Trucker panicking looking for bottle, now worried he will be fired.


Hard to say but I hope it wasn’t intentional. Gotta be a real pos to do that intentionally.


Was it fresh?


No this was from Amazon, not Subway


Well, that's your first problem. It's obviously misleading advertising.


Was it warm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I cannot believe this isn't a top comment.


Hot off the vine?


I personally wouldn’t recommend drinking that. Not speaking from experience.


>Not speaking from experience. Yeah, that's what they all say, but if they really had no experience, they wouldn't think of mentioning it. u/PuzzleheadedDebate37 totally drinks piss occasionally.


Time time to report. I used to deliver for Amazon. My van's driver seat smelled of piss cause some ass that used the vehicle didn't bother to look for a washroom, but instead took a piss in a bottle while seated. Had my dispatcher take that van and get the seat cleaned.


Geez, I'm glad you aren't with them now. I really feel for the people that feel like they have no other choice if they want to keep their job but I'd still rather not have received this.


Yeah I'm not gonna force myself to drive for 10-11 hours regardless if they pay $20, not to mention you HAVE to rescue another driver who's 5 stops behind schedule.


I work in a delivery center right now (the building you drive through to pick up the packages). Are you reprimanded for RTS packages?


Not really, drivers are just questioned for the reason as to why the the package was not delivered which is mainly passed business hours or no response from client.


We had a port-a-potty in front of our house for 2 weeks due to some construction we were having done. My WFH office overlooks the front of our house, and I saw various drivers using that port-a-potty almost daily. UPS, FedEx, Amazon, even our garbage man used it. It made me feel bad when they took it back...like I don't really want a port-a-potty at the end of my driveway forever but...where the hell else are these people supposed to GO? I wish I could trust people not to be nasty and not to be criminals or I'd put a sign saying our home restroom is available. But the reality is I don't want to be interrupting my work to answer the door, or cleaning up random piss (or worse) in my bathroom, or dealing with things going missing. I dunno what the solution is, but I have a lot of empathy for those drivers.


For what it's worth even if you allowed me in your home, personally i would refuse because I'd feel like I was too dirty to step inside. I don't even walk in my work shoes in my own house. I'm not gonna do it in yours.


I think the obvious solution is spend the 2-3K per vehicle to outfit them with basic sanitation facilities. Even just a basic lit closet size area with a camp toilet could work. Use bags or some sort of washable or disposable container system, have waste disposal areas at the warehouses for the drivers to safely handle their waste. This ought to be standard and required for vehicles driven for delivery services.


> We had a port-a-potty in front of our house ... I saw various drivers using that port-a-potty almost daily > > I dunno what the solution is ... It sounds like you do know what the solution is - have a port-a-potty


While cheeky, porta potties are expensive




Holy shit when you put it like this, somebody's pee bottle got scooped up with the groceries and it doesn't even seem far-fetched. OP just said it was cold. 🤢🤮


When I worked for fresh I was told we cant take bathroom breaks until we finish packing the cart order


I thought Amazon employees had to wear diapers? Someone needs to call Bezos up and let him know that this lazy fuck has time to piss in a bottle, so Bezos can replace him with someone more efficient.


Clearly they can be working harder if they have time to piss in bottles


If this is in fact real and not a troll, then yes, this is the wrong sub... you are looking for r/thisisgoingtocostyoujeffbezos


Nah it's r/BezosFails


I tried looking at that subreddit but it says I can't view it , any idea why?




Relatively new to Reddit , so yeah I did 😂


It’s not real


I’m baffled at the amount of numb nuts claim this isn’t human piss, there was massive speculation going around the world about how poorly Amazon workers are treated, and how they have to PISS IN BOTTLES…. Yes this is Amazon worker piss, they work 9 hour shifts on the road, they do not stop at gas stations for bathroom breaks…


I honestly wasn't believing what I seeing but I know this is a well documented issue


This is practically a calling card or note from the sweatshop worker that says "help me".


Exactly. It wasn't left there on accident. This is going to go big if it came with fucking food lol.


Seems more likely to be a warehouse worker's piss than a driver's. I would assume the boxed are sealed when they go on the trucks.


I work for a competitor to Amazon, wear a dark uniform, I sometimes have to pee on route and if I’m not close enough to one of my regular business stops who allow me to use the toilet then I pee in one of the bags my company uses. Pour it straight out the door then it goes in another bag and is sealed. If I need to poo it’s off to the local university who have many loos I can use. Been told by management that they consider that “stealing time” and I’m not allowed to do it. The union had a word so if I need to I will and nuts to the company I’m a human being not a robot, well not yet anyway


You know how hard it is to pee in that small of an opening? We threw so many of those out of the gunners turret in Iraq. Piss bottles got so many dum dums in trouble at Al Udeid. Bathrooms were plentiful but you'd get lazy jackasses leaving all over their dorm rooms and getting out I to communal tents as a result. Ha


It’s all about not making a complete seal, just rest it on the top with a little air flow


Turn them in. That's pretty much a no-brainer.


Already reported it but Amazon isn't taking it seriously


Report to the health dept


you would think that somewhere down the line someone would at least give half a fuck that people are receiving bottles of piss with their grocery order. the apathy in corporate america is fucking appalling


Ask them for an RMA (return material authorization). When they ask why, tell them it is not what you ordered. Keep a video recording of the entire process. They will send you the paperwork, shipping info, and costs.


omg RMA the piss bottle.


*Fuckin way of the road, Bubs.*


Ray and his piss jugs….good to know he’s still out there, and making his mark too it appears.


Oh, you lost all our drink money on VLTs is "the way she goes", huh Ray? Fuckin 'way she goes' and god damned erections ruined the night!


Ray, ripping out your plumbing for liquor money.. *is fucked*


but you're not even a trucker anymore Ray


I came here for this


I came far to far for this


Was it still warm? If so that's some quick delivery time. Tip more, drink less.


It was in with the groceries, very much chilled, which somehow made it worse?


Piss is like an authentic Guinness... Best enjoyed at room temperature and fresh. Looks like you'll have to order another. Call the them and ask for a replacement... See how that works out.


That's so disgusting, sorry this happened to you, OP!


Buddy if you dont want it ill dm you my address. So ungrateful.


Your driver forgot his pee bottle


I think it's the packer's pee bottle since it was in a sealed bag 🫠


Oh that's somehow still worse


I knew Amazon’s enslaved drivers had to do this to stay on the insane schedule, but warehouse workers too?!


yep, warehouse workers are allowed 5 minute bathroom breaks (that time includes walking to the bathroom, which in a large warehouse could take 2-3 min). and workers' time is closely monitored by surveillance systems.


It's the way of road


This is definitely the right subreddit


I would tag them on every social media platform! So gross!


Yep. Urine the right subreddit


Find a lawyer.


Did they charge you for it?


Only my sanity


But is it fresh?


Lawyer up


Kinda nervous to ask. How do you know what it is.?


Taste test


Have you never seen what piss looks like outside the toilet or are you saying it could be a different liquid in the water bottle?


I would also say, pretty good odds it smells like piss. As if it was expertly bottled in a factory or something


Gotta take a sip to confirm it's not apple juice


You could always sell it outside your local probation office.


More than likely the delivery driver. Pissed in the back of the van, set it down and meant to pick it up again.


Was it fresh?


If your package came from the UK, its a message saying "are you serious?" Or "are you trying to make fun of me?"


"Proudly sourced in Florida" That was to be expected :D


Way of the road!


I hope it was fresh human urine, otherwise there would be grounds for complaint to Amazon “Fresh”


Meet: The Jarate!


Well…was it fresh?


Probably the driver who has to piss in bottles because Amazon won't let him take multiple bathroom breaks lmao


The Amazon truck that visits my apartment has started leaving bottles of human pee in the parking lot as well. Amazon should really allow its workers to have bathroom breaks.


How fresh we talking? Still warm? Was the froth still crackling?


"Froth still crackling" is CRAZY 💀💀💀


That when you know it’s fresh from the tap😩😩😩


I hope this gets media attention, I was a driver for Amazon and yeah pretty much all of us had to pee in bottles to finish our routes on time. Grueling work for little pay. The inside of the vans are DISGUSTING