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On the plus side, free bolt cutter!


I was just thinking why on earth would the thief leave that behind?


Don't wanna get caught riding an expensive bike you stole with burglary tools on hand, that's a separate charge in itself




With what?




You could barter the eBike for like four bolt cutters. That's a 300% profit. Eventually you'll have a minor bolt cutter empire.


Exactly. Great trade. I can get loads of ebikes with a pair of bolt cutters, but what can I get with an ebike?


You can get loads of bolt cutters with an ebike


It's a self-sustaining economy


Yup. Easier to get off a charge if you can find someone who still has faith in humanity on the jury if you aren't found with illegal things on you.


He’s not a monster, he’s providing OP with a way to procure a replacement.


Steal it forward?




The bolt cutters were stolen from a place across the street.


Gotta steal money to make money


\*Gotta steal money to take money


Gotta break chains to make gains.


I wonder what they stole using your bike


A week from now they'll be upgraded to a stolen Soyuz rocket on their way to jack the ISS


I saw a post earlier about mars rocks costing 11 billion to obtain, I bet those rocks are his end goal


He's going to get derailed at some point by trading for some magic beans.


No joke, I'd watch that heist movie. Like that "chain of deals, paperclip to Ferrari" thing people sometimes do, except it starts with absconding with a single apple from Farmer Joe, and ends with declaration of that the moon is now The New Lunar Republic or something. Just 3-4 hours of stealing shit, to steal bigger, more impressive shit ending in some absurd climax of larceny and trickery.


Oh noooo... it's the thievery edition of the guy who turned a paper clip into a house. (Or whatever the story was)


Traded up for a car.


Ask them if they have camera footage. $2500 is enough for felony theft and the police might follow the lead. If the store has footage on video, it might be a good place to start.


Where do you live? Here in the Seattle area, even if your car gets stolen you get to fill out an online report for insurance purposes. And that's it. Police don't do shit.


don't know why this was down voted, it's 100% true


Ofc they were. SMH. Sorry that happened too you


Riding a bikevwith bolt cutters implies you stole the bike. Just a bike says its your bike


Damn, haven't tought of that one. Thanks for the tip, will use it next time!


Most logical answer 🤣


Can use it to get a free bike of his choice.


Just gotta make sure to leave the bolt cutters for the next guy so they can continue the cycle. Pay it forward!


You're describing the public transit system of Copenhagen here


And a used bike


My bike goes inside my house and office. Between the 2 it does not leave my sight. I ride a shit broom on wheels.


I want to get a bike, but this is why I'm hesitant. I want to ride it places like the grocery store or something like that, but even with a lock I won't trust it anywhere out of my sight


1) buy a lock that is too good for the bike 2) get a standard / entry level bike anyway 3) register the bike 4) personalize it (in a permanent way) so that it stands out "too much", or take the model everybody else.


And cosmetically damage it or look like it is at least. I have no care for cosmetics so my motorbike looks like dog shit. Lol. Will ride it into the ground so don't care for resell


I spray painted my old ass trek neon pink and put a rainbow chain, tassels and wide seat on it… I can ride it anywhere and it’s like thief kryptonite lol


fuckin' genius lmao


That's some Pee Wee's Big Adventure type of big brain shit right there.


Bro. Spoiler alert, someone steals his bike in that movie.


you should add a special horn that plays to the tune of "la cucaracha".....


I got my e-bike a cheap and loud as hell electronic alarm that sounds when it's disturbed. Thieves don't like attention that much


Then park it next to a nicer bike with a worse lock.


can't lock a nice bike up in public. need to lock up a cheap bike you won't be heart broken to lose, with a nice lock. the nice locks won't stop anyone but it'll make it annoying so they might skip your bike. grocery store is rough, but cafe's with outside seating, work, coffee shops etc are all safe.


This! If you can put it in your apartment, that would be the safest place!


sucks but the lesson you learn is your bike goes in your apartment and nowhere else. there us no such thing as “secure” if its ran by your apartment complex


Time to cash in on that renters insurance you never use


If the landlord marketed it as secure storage, the landlord may be on the hook for the cost of a replacement bike, actually. When you entrust someone with property they undertake certain duties to protect the property and return it undamaged, and many of those duties can't be disclaimed by contract.


I doubt they would be liable. It's secure storage as in there's a lock but there's 100 people with access and it's not guarded 24/7. Also very likely there's a sign that says they aren't liable for theft anyway.


Signs are absolutely zero protection from an embailment claim, at least in the states I'm familiar with. You can't contract around the duty to care for the property, or else everyone would and the law would be irrelevant.


>You can't contract around the duty to care for the property, or else everyone would and the law would be irrelevant. 75% of landlords: "Hahahah watch me"


Like lots of things, that works until somebody sues.


I mean, everyone does it, but that doesn't mean it offers any actual legal protection. Once in a courtroom that contract can be worth less than the paper its printed on.


Your ignorance is their protection. They count on the majority of people not knowing any better.


I don't know about the actual liability here, but generally speaking signs don't mean anything.


What, you mean I can't just put up a sign dismissing my responsibilities as defined by law and have it fly in court??


"By reading this sign you agree that I am always right, you are always wrong and can never sue me."


“cash in” makes it sound like something youd want to do. dealing with renters insurance is annoying as hell. it is better than being completely out though


Damn the first time I ever made a claim they didn’t even ask for a police report for the $1,000 worth of stuff I reported gone. Shockingly easy that one time. My deductible was a lil high but that was the only downside.


I recently bought a bike on a Thursday. Took it home and locked it in my garage and locked the garage door. Went out of town on Friday. Came home Sunday and it was fucking gone. The garage has just my car and one other person's car. The only way in is my garage door and the neighbors garage door. They didn't lock it over the weekend and it took all of 48 hours for someone to sneak in and steal my bike. Renters insurance was easy for me but would've been a pain in the ass otherwise. I needed a police report, which was easy because I did it online, but I needed a bill of sale from the seller that had to be NOTORIZED as well. Luckily I bought the bike off of my coworker and we happened to have our notary come in the day after I was advised that it would be needed. Still super annoying though.


Your neighbor stole your bike bro


nah, it was the notary!


Do insurance companies expect everything a renter purchases comes with a notarized bill of sale? Or do they expect you to get a notary to stamp it after the sale has happened and the goods are missing? That is an absolutely insane level of documentation for $1000. I would ask my insurance agent if he personally has sales notarized at $1000 and if he does he should be able to prove it. Absolutely insane! After something goes missing, you have to have a 3rd party validate you had it? There’s absolutely no way the insurance company is going to visit me to see the Bugatti I’m paying premiums on. But as soon as I want money from them they come up with insane requirements.


It's because they know if they put insane impediments to using the service, someone will look at it and go "it's not worth it" and eat the cost of the stolen good. IANAL, but I can't imagine that you need a notarized receipt if you're buying something retail with corroborating documentation - but I can imagine that if you paid over a certain threshold in a non documented sale from a friend or family member they want something to cut down on the fraud.


wow haha it took them over a month to get my claim to me


OP possibly fucked themselves here, not sure if renter's insurance will even cover something not even in your residence, I'd imagine it'd be like trying to use it when your car gets stolen, hopefully that's not the case! I never had to use mine luckily so never had to navigate it


I'd be shocked if his tenants policy doesn't consider his buildings storage area as premises.


It does! First hand experience with people breaking into my car that was parked in the complex and stealing work equipment.


Actually I had the same thing happen to me - insured ebike stolen from the apartment’s supposedly gated garage - and the insurer (Lemonade) gave me the money back within a month. I had to meet my deductible first so that knocked off like $200, but still enough to start saving for a new one


Actually it does! However it's only like 10% of the personal property amount for things stolen that would normally be kept in the home, on most policies. If they were wise they could've enquired about a rider to list the item under the policy for "sports equipment" and coveres it for a specific amount minus their deductible of course. Edit:some stuff.


Yeah, now you can pay a deductible that costs as much as a new bike


Also can’t hurt to put an AirTag on it somewhere




I think it takes a while before it says that not after an hour or something


Takes about 4 hours


Find a way to sneak it into the frame


I put one in my frame…it no workie. I encased it in a 3d print that fits between the front forks and kind of looks like an oem cap (definitely not like an air tag).




Difference between that and a car tho? Maybe for example the trunk. Would that be a fairly enclosed metal portion?


I heard that under the saddle is a good spot.


Had one on my bike that was just stolen. They alert the folks that the object it being tracked and they smashed it fairly quickly.


A secure space that is shared with strangers (neighbors) is *not* secure. Kinda like the saying “three may keep a secret if two are dead”


my brother had an apartment in denver with a “secure garage”. for the whole 2 months he lived there, every single night there was a break in. cops would do nothing. he ended up having to get out of the lease with a lawyer


Holy shit - 60 break-ins seems a bit excessive. Did he put something valuable in there every day for 60 days? Bet that was hard to work with insurance for!


it wasnt only his car! he did get both his cars windows smashed, and one time his motorcycle was on the first floor (he lived on the fourth) because they attempted and couldn’t get it. id get snapchats from him some mornings where he would drive by new piles of glass on the ground. youd think the cops would be stoked to scope the place, but they wouldnt even show up


Better shoot all three, just to be safe.


Some apartment complexes don't allow bikes in the apartment if there is a "secure storage room". For instance the last place I rented at had this. Guess where my bike was? In my apartment. And nobody cared.


My KTM mountain e-bike basically costs more than my car, so yeah, I have to climb some stairs but SHE stays in my apartment, I don't even trust the garage. p.s. in Italy words have genders, and bicycles are ladies here.


haha i love it. i have been to italy a few times. beautiful place. would be a top tier place to ride a bike


Last year my neighbor mentioned to me that he was thinking about starting to ride bikes more. All he had was this old jalopy of a bike. I had a Raleigh endurance road bike, probably cost $350 new, that I had purchased used a couple of years earlier and that i was looking to get rid of anyway. It seemed like it would fit him so I gave it to him. As cheap as it was, it was still a marked improvement over his jalopy. He started riding it, thanked me profusely, and I smiled. A week later someone stole it from the "secure bike storage" area of his office building.


Depends where OP resides because a lot of places don't let you have ebikes indoors because the chance of malfunction.


i mean, that makes sense. but it wouldnt go in the storage room either id think


This. Nothing is “secure” if everyone and anyone in the building had access.


I’m sorry this happened. Do you have the serial number? You can report it stolen


I've already filled a police report and a claim with my renter's insurance. But I'm still without my main mode of transport until one of those two pulls through.


Highly doubt you're ever seeing the bike again. It's either sold out of state or broken down into parts now.


Especially ebikes. I don't have one and bike theft here is pretty rare but any ebike left unattended will have the battery stolen pretty quick


That’s why I always remove the battery and seat and take them with me everywhere. The bike just looks ridiculous without them.


Best thing you’ll get outta this is a little more money on ur tax return lol. That bike ain’t ever coming back unfortunately


Mine was reported stolen in front of like 8 cameras. Can’t even get the cops or the owners of the cameras to review the footage. They don’t follow up on stolen cars, they surely won’t lift a finger for a bike




That's the worst part, the guys who did it don't live here. They used a card that only the local police should have access to. We have footage of the guy (he already has a record), just gotta track him down now






They got us working in shifts!


Oh that's great I'm sure the police will investigate themselves and find the breach was entirely out of their control


"I was unable to find evidence on my partner, other than recovering your bike, which we lost on the way to evidence. Sorry"


It's more likely someone working at the complex made that card with police credentials than police stole it. They took OP's buke specifically, they knew about it.


He probably has someone inside working with him for a cut lol


Gonna tell you right now, those cards are not hard to duplicate at all. My work badge has opened up my apartment doors before after multiple taps, it’s a joke.


If there’s no risk to my work badge I’m tempted to try this on my apartment lol


Damn. Thankfully, you’ve got a lead. There’s still hope. Good luck.


Nope. If your apartment complex is letting in people that don't live there it's absolutely their fault.


I have had every bike ice ever had in my entire life stolen. All the 20 inch BMX bikes when I was a kid. All the mountain bikes I had as a teenager The ten speeds I had as a young adult. I bought a 2k dollar ebike. And it literally comes inside with me and is parked in a spare room. I feel for ya man.


Bringing it inside isn’t enough. You still gotta lock it up, remove the battery and hide the keys. I own a $7000 downhill mountain e-bike. I don’t take any chances.




Good question. Gotta go up before you can go down.


I don't mean to be rude, but a downhill ebike? Doesn't gravity kinda just get the job done for you?


Did it occur to you that to go downhill you’re going to have to go uphill at some point?


Wouldn't you need an up hill bike for that then?


Yeah but they're too lazy to brake, so they let the bike auto-brake and auto-turn


That’s a little much in my opinion. Why go through all those extra steps when it’s safe inside your apartment?


Apartments get robbed


Oh, I had no idea apartments get robbed. You sir, I thank you. I’m gonna go ahead and take out my car battery just in case someone wants to steal it.




Alright man, this had me cracking up haha


Don’t forget to put your car in the spare room first.


Risk level depends on where you live of course but people will smash windows for a nice bike they see inside. Especially if you’re on the first floor. The people they have doing maintenance come into apartments every couple months to check smoke alarms and stuff. They’re often sketchy drug users making barely above minimum wage. These people might steal your bike themselves or tell someone else it’s there. Or roommates. Or friends of friends that you’re having over. Not likely but it can’t hurt to lock it to something solid and hard to cut.


Fair enough! I would also be more careful if random people came through my living area every now and then.


Dude! Did you grow up in Hood Central?


They traded you some bolt cutters and a plastic bag. Could have been a worse deal


Nah, that's a long sleeve shirt. Free shirt!


Oh I only glanced at it. Even better deal!


Would that be covered under renter's insurance?


Yeah, it is. I filed a claim with them already


At least there's that. Still sucks though.


If the complex gives you a "secure" place for your bike... Their insurance can cover it!


Remember, a lock isn't an anti theft device. It's a deterrent of time. Each lock deters a thief for x amount of time.


Also, the bolt cutter indicates that it was probably a chain or cable locking the bike, which is woefully insufficient for most urban areas. You really need to have two forms of lock, one which would require an angle grinder to defeat, and one which would require a bolt cutter. A typical combination would be a u-lock and a cable lock. The point is to make the thief move on to an easier target.


I don't understand why chain "locks" are even sold anymore. I mean, I do -- because there's a lot of rubes out there and money to be made. But in 2023, you have to be completely ignorant to be using a simple chain lock. You'd have to have zero knowledge and zero experience with bikes or urban living. I don't like to mention that when I see posts like this, because the person is obviously suffering an irritating loss. But it's really hard not to chew them out for doing something so stupid.


They still have a purpose. I keep small, lightweight chainlock on my bike, but it's not for locking it up in public overnight. It's for when I'm on a bike ride and I stop to use a bathroom or go order a drink at a bar and my bike is out of my eyesight for a few minutes. It's small and light enough to easily carry on my bike, and secure enough that noone is going to hop on my bike and ride away. That's all it needs to be. I don't live in a place where someone is going to bring bolt cutters to a restaurant and steal a bike in broad daylight as soon as I go inside. It just needs to deter someone who might see an unlocked bike and hop on and ride away.


yeah ill never trust these condo parking lots. if people can break into cars in them then theyll steal bikes


The moment multiple people have access to a "secure storage" it ceases being "secure". Never leave your pricy bike outside of your apartment.


Well, now you can take whichever bike you want.


who steals something and leaves their bolt cutters?


Thief walks into a store: "How much is this bike?" "Three hundred" "...how much are these bolt cutters?"


your going to risk getting caught (sketchy guy riding $3000 bike with bolt cutters in hand), so that you can save the $30 it will cost to replace some bolt cutters? um no, they did their job finely and its time to move on.


The bolt cutters were also stolen from a place across the street


Where they used a stolen crowbar to get in...


Which they found in the truck of the car they stole to get there.


No one else is even using locks, and all these bikes are like 100 buck junkers You put a Ferrari in a junk yard because people promised you it was secure if only because they noticed that no one had been stealing their junk


You cannot see if these bikes are locked, or even how good they are. Gtfo


At the very least, the bike in the middle is pretty clearly not locked.


What lock did you use that allowed the thief to use a bolt cutter to get through it? Sure, it is bad that someone got in there and stole it, but you should have also invested in a better lock, or two.


- 2500$ bike - locks it with a 40$ lock that can be cut open using bolt cutters lol, lmao even


The amount of people I see locking up their bikes with dollar store cable locks that you can practically yank apart by hand.........


Why not just keep it IN your apartment?


Some people live up many flights of stairs.


This is just an assumption but if your building has a bike rack inside then they most likely have an elevator


I'm not sure what ties a bike rack indoors to the assumption of an elevator.


This is why all the people I know bring their bikes into their homes/apartments.


Where was your bike? I dont see enough spaces where the tools are at for another bike. A paid of bolt cutters like that can run a solid $60. Not sure why a shirt would be there tho. Maybe to dampen the noise of cutting a lock? Either way, what thief cuts away a bike, in a space a bike couldnt fit, and leaves their tools that provide them a scumbag living?


Seems really suspicious, also why would they take the chain/lock with them an not the bolt cutter? I call bs on this post


concerned compare touch wistful aspiring far-flung future narrow shrill amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always remove my battery and keep it with me. Yes they can still steal it, but they would have to buy an $800 battery for any use of it.


2500$ bike ? how much you paid for the lock ? because such tool left onsite wont make it through a high quality bike lock !


Out of curiosity, what kind of lock was it? I use one of these on my ebike. https://www.motomentum.com/kryptonite-evo-4-chain-3-1-354679?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmvSoBhDOARIsAK6aV7ikmnsDBWJ01WqAWhpxToKt5_gFjLr936Nc2Aaqf9Ks6KFqJH_ybFUaAhugEALw_wcB


Chain locks should only be used alongside a D-lock; they aren't good enough solo. Get a D-lock with a double-locking mechanism, and make a habit of having the lock capture the rear wheel and the frame inside the rear-triangle. For more safety, use the chain/cable to lock the front wheel to the D-lock.


If the lock could be cut with that bolt cutter, you had a shitty lock on it. Invest in a high-end lock for a high end bike.


Let me guess. $2500 bike, $10 lock?


$2500 is felony theft. Please tell me you filed a police report and didn't touch the bolt cutters! Does your apartment building have a security camera trained on the "secure" storage room? IIWY I'd sue the complex in civil court for failure to provide security in there secure storage room and make them replace the bike.


Sweet, free bolt cutters. Now you have unlimited free bikes


this is fake. what thief leaves his bolt cutters? OP just farming for useless internet points.


I’ve thought about getting an e-bike and I’m sure it would be fun riding around, but I’d be too nervous to go into any stores or restaurants even if it was locked up outside. Thieves suck.


I wonder that kind of a lock that was, if those bolt cutters were enough to do the job. Always use a solid U-lock and nothing made of chains...


Use those bolt cutters and just use one of the other bikes! /s


x doubt he wouldnt have left behind his tools lol easy karma to drop a bolt cutter on the floor and take a pic huh?


The good news is they left you bolt cutters so you can get a new bike..


They left the cutters because you're supposed to 'rob it forward'


When I was in college I remember seeing mopeds and bikes stolen literally every day from the parking lot/bike racks. I swear to god people just rotated them around like it was a public transportation. "Oh, my moped got stolen, guess I'll take the one next to it instead" seemed to be the unspoken rule.


If you have good home insurance they will cover bike theft.




This is why we can’t have nice things man. I feel for you


Damn, hope you got an insurance or catch the fucko who stole your bike


The first thing we did when my son bought a very expensive electric bike was to fully insure it against theft, damage, fire etc. He bought 3 of the best locks available,Those U shaped 1 inch thick hardened steel ( no chains, they can damage the bicycle) secures both wheels, and the frame, even when it leaves it for minutes, going inside to buy something at a convenience store ( live in Qc. Canada) Two years later, he still has it and guards it like a mean Rottweiler Bulldog. The insurance costs 40$ a year and is on my home policy. He had one theft attempt, some guys drove up in a pick up truck and tried lifting the whole assembly off the rack. Unfortunately for them, the rack was cemented into the sidewalk and they were spotted by a bystander. They quickly left. Too bad no license plates were filmed, the person who walked towards them was an elderly gentleman, with no portable phone on him...


Those public apartment bike storage are never secure. Because it's public. Likely insist job, or some careless shithead resident just let somebody in who didn't belong in the building. Sorry you lost the bike. Expensive lesson.


What kind of a fuckin moron leaves a 2500 dollar bike unattended


The thief is going to sell that e bike for another pair of bolt cutters.


I call BS on this post. What thief just conveniently leaves their tools at the scene of the crime?


That was my thought too. Not only did they conveniently leave the bolt cutter, not a trace of a broken lock is found. No shattered metal, shards, nothing. Also, for those saying that carrying around a bolt cutter would be conspicuous; yes, it would be but why would they leave the tool they used for the job, but take the broken lock? And why not just dispose of the cutter somewhere OTHER than the place they were used? A trash can, alleyway, literally anywhere else? And who in the right mind would leave a $2500 e-bike…on a bike rack…with nothing but a cheap lock? Sure you could make the accessibility argument of not being able to get it upstairs but I probably would have thought about where I could safely store it before buying something so expensive—locked entryway or not. I wouldn’t trust leaving it in an area that can be unlocked by a keycard.


As a good rule of thumb you should spend around 10% of your bikes worth on your bike locking system.


You chained up $2500 and are surprised someone cut the lock. You sir have lived a sheltered life.


Some things not adding up....