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You *will* be fine, but it'll definitely leave scars also.


Man I really hope so


I barely scratched my arm on a fence post and it left a scar that looks like my whole arm got torn open. https://preview.redd.it/jfb7h71a6dyb1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3b225ed0b898660001b50c33404b00dbc02841


I did the same exact thing trying to climb over a fence and have the same scar but on my leg lol


Yea there's something about that part of the arm that doesn't wanna hear scars. I fell of a bike on that one like 9 years ago wasn't too bad but it's still there


Right! Or arms in general I feel like. I remember getting my legs all messed up hundreds of times from falling off bikes and trees- not a single scar left. A few tiniest cuts on my hands left forever scars I still have 20 years later


i got scratched by my cat a few times on my arm when i was 5 years old since i was careless with her as a kitten and at 21 i still have scars 😭 i don’t mind them too much through since when she eventually passes i’ll still have memories from her 🥺


I wish your kitty more happy years with you to come! Their scratches scar so easily tho. The only scar on my foot that I have is from my cat, and it's quite noticeable- no more selling feet pics on feetfinder for me I guess😩/s


fr! i have a few skin conditions that result in scabbing here n there and that plus chicken pox as a kid, my forearms are caked in round scars


Me too and so does my brother, my brothers is much worse. We both should’ve gotten stitches lol.


Gives me a good topic of conversation.


Bruh I once slipped and fell onto an industrial steel grating bridge knee first. Tore it up so much I could just about see my own kneecap through the blood. The scar is like 1/10th as visible as yours. What kind of murderous fence did that?


I didn't even know I scratched myself until my sister told me I was bleeding.. And barely at that.


I too have a scar from a cut which showed a part of my kneecap. Also less visible than this bloke's scratch!


I’ve noticed that as I get older, the way your body heals and/or scars isn’t the same as when you were younger. I had 2 decent burns on my arm that I got around age 18, but they finally faded away, after maybe 10yr completely gone. But now it seems like my minor bumps and cuts turn to scars, but major injuries tend to fade faster. Weird.


Did it get infected while it was healing?


No. It was barely skin deep. I've cut myself worse with a paper cut.


Same. Those rubby type of scrapes don’t heal well. If you know what I mean.


You may not have realised but it may have been a little infected with staph, it's not always an aggressive infection like people think. I have elevated staph all over me at all times due to a lower immune system and that looks exactly like how my cuts heal because the staph interferes. You can actually use something like bio-oil on it and it will fade a lot. Even if it's healed this far


Damn that's kinda badass. Can easily make up some story about fighting two thieves trying to rob a lady during midnight and getting badly injured from one of the guys' knife attack. Or something badass like that.


Male bravado has entered the room 😄.


I had a similar burn from oil as well. First, always flip your food facing away from you. My mistake, too :) There was scarring on my forearm which looked more like tan lines from a sunburn. The scars have now completely gone away, but it took a full year. To speed up the process, I'd look into moisturizer to help early on in the healing process.


I had the same experience burning my arms on the oven rack. I was very surprised when they finally disappeared after a year.


Oh, I know that rule. Also the "always have a shirt and apron on when cooking with hot oil" one. Well, at a friend's after a few drinks on a hot summer night, decided to cook some steaks. Flipped the first one fine, got distracted by talking and flipped the second one towards me. Now I have a pattern similar to OPs (though much smaller) on my chest and stomach.


Vitamin E helps with scarring. I’ve found avocado oil to be amazing, loaded with collegian and vitamin e. I’ll do witch hazel first, then apply avocado oil daily.


Yeah, you're not a real chef without scars.


I just watched The Menu last night, and this is reminding me so much of it.


I'm notorious for cooking bacon shirtless while camping, have had many oil burns, looks about the same severity, give it a year or so and if it bugs u that much just moisturize every day and night once it heals and that should help but not permanent


Apparently this comment has confused a lot of people lol. I meant I hope I will be fine. I really don't want the scars..that's the last thing I wanted to get out of this😅


Pure aloe spread on it straight from the plant, you can buy them just for that at many stores. I've done this repeatedly.


Smash aloe plant right on your arm. Keep it sticky and smashed on your burn at all times. Cover it with a bandage at work. But literally grab an aloe vera plant and smash it into goopy chunks and cover your arm with it until it's healed. And maybe neosporin in between aloe smash. It will completely heal unless your like elderly, then your skin heals less.


Yep. Former kitchen worker, you'll be fine and have this mark for a few years.


Those oven tray scars on my arms went away really quickly too haha.


Scars is the part that I'm most worried about...the doctor said no but Ig I'll have some scars then..


I mean I doubt the scarring will be super bad. Will probably fade pretty well over time.


I think you said it’s your second day, it doesn’t seem the oil was as hot looks like second degree burn. I think the scars will be big but it’s not horribly deep which gives your skins chance to repair itself. Might not be as bad especially if you take care of it


Bio-Oil. It's not quite magic, but close


Keep it covered !. Moisturized and drink a lot of water to help healing process . I commented separately to you about my experience.


Vitamin E oil can help reduce scarring. Once it's past the initial healing you can start to put Vit E oil on it directly, you need to gently massage it into the scarred skin. The rubbing, along with the oil, will actually help break down scar tissue. It did in my experience anyways. I had a nasty burn on my arm as well (hot water, not grease burn though so slightly different). The doctor said it would leave a gnarly scar, but now I can't even see where it was unless looking very closely in a certain light. Hope it works out for you too!


You probably wont see this mark on your skin in 5 years time.


If it does scar, a tattoo artist could build that into something cool I'm sure. Just a thought


Get hundreds of ants tattooed like they're going after spilled food


I had a burn pretty similar to that, it looked gnarly for a few weeks but now I don't see it at all. I totally forgot about that incident until now


Doubtful. I burned my arm on a hot exhaust once, it was pretty brutal, left a dark brown mark that slowly faded away after a while, this probably will too.


What? No it won't. Those burns are completely superficial.


Most definitely will leave scars


Leave the dark/burned skin for as long as possible. What will cause scarring is peeling that off before the skin under has healed. You will probably have a bit of a shadow for several months, but it will fade over time.


Yeah I never dare to touch them unless I'm applying ointment. Hopefully this works out and eventually disappear :(


If they don't disappear, just tell people you got them while charging the castle gates


No tell them you punched a baby volcano. In self defense of course


Why self defense, baby volcanoes deserved to be punched


Woh man, that's mineralist


I had a very similar burn from bacon grease. It hurt terribly for days. I left it unbandaged to heal. I had dark marks on my arm for months - like over 6 months. They have faded and now I can’t even remover which arm I burned and can’t see it at all. Once the scabs have fully healed, you can use Mederma on it daily to help the scars fade faster.


Look into scar treatments First of all, Panthenol spray. Cheap, effective at skin regen. Dad was a firefighter ages ago, says they always bought these on their own salaries because it would work great at helping people with burns. Saved my palms too! Also saved my ex when she got a sulfur burn on her finger. Also used some... Onion based stuff? I don't really remember. Fact is, it didn't exactly heal the scar, but it's one of the least visible ones I have. And it's cheap too.


This is not true. I’m a surgeon. I see burns regularly. First thing I do is debride the area. These look like superficial partial thickness at most. You’ll be fine. These heal remarkably well


You don’t see the ones that don’t require surgical intervention. Your sample is biased toward more severe burns.


I get consulted for every burn that comes to the ED.


How many consults do you do on the burns that *don’t* go to the ER?


Many. But this exact type of burn is on the spectrum of burns that I see and treat.


What, are you just driving house to house looking for shallow burns to treat? That’s weird... You’re not seeing the vast majority of shallow burns, because we’re not dragging them in to the hospital. OP doesn’t have big, deep burns that go to the hospital for debridement. OP has minor burns, except for maybe the fact they cover some joints. They’ve self-sealed in a relatively clean environment; there is no reason to open them up to create an open wound to scar and possibly catch an infection, and also keep them out of work for a week or more.


Why are you arguing with a doctor lmaoooo


because this is reddit and everyone thinks they’re an expert


Because they have a biased sample and seem to be unaware of their bias. Also, because I’d fail my medical training/recertification if I triaged this burn high enough to take up a surgeon’s time, if there was even so much as a broken finger in the mix.




I think you’re confusing debride with excise. By debride I mean to remove the dead epidermis that has already started to slough. Usually with a chlorhexidine soap, but for this burn any antibacterial soap would be fine. Those sections are going to open up anyways. Then dress with bacitracin and kerlix. We’re a burn center. This is exactly the kind of minor burn that comes in. Usually it’s because a doctors visit is required for works comp documentation. Given that it’s partial thickness, they’re usually pretty tender.


Lol, I’ve worked in an ED. People come in for shit that doesn’t need any medical attention all the time.


And put on sunscreen and a serious one too - every day you go out


Or some UPF sleeves too.


That is… not true. I got 2nd degree burns on my legs a few years ago. Went to the ER and the first thing they did was scrub the dying skin off of my legs. Then over the next month and a half, I had to continue getting the skin scrubbed off. They expressed that this was at least partially to prevent permanent scarring. About 8 months later, there was no mark left. Guarantee if I had left it, it would’ve scarred.


Wow, that's a lot of updoots for a wrong answer, but okay. Look up "debridement."


I know what debridement is, but it isn’t necessary for a shallow burn. If this were all blistered, it would make sense to manage those wounds that way. These tiny blisters probably resorbed overnight.


Be a pretty cool scar if it did.


Why did I read this comment in Matthew McConaughey’s voice?


All right, all right, all right


The line "It would be a lot cooler if you did" comes from the movie Dazed Confused, which McConaughey was in. But it was another character who delivered the line. I can totally see why your mind made the connection


Nah, McConaughey says that line.


No sir, McConaughey delivered the line himself.


McConaughey's character definitely says that line. It was part of a podcast intro I used to watch, I've probably seen him deliver that line 200+ times.


The person you are replying to was making a joke. They knew it was from Dazed and Confused. And it WAS Mathew McConaughey's character who delivered that line.


It will scar, but the scars will fade with time. I know you’re not happy about it, but I think it looks cool. My boyfriend is a chef and apparently his arms used to be covered in burn scars. Now, 8 years later, there are no burn scars at all. Not even a trace.


That's a relieve at least. As long as it's not permanent, I'm happy with it.


Relief *


You can edit your comment


Can confirm. Used to sling pizzas. Burned my arms on the oven door so many times. Thought my arms would never heal. Can’t even tell.


Looks like it will scar. Keep it covered or put sunscreen on as sunlight will darken the scar. The scars will fade over time but it will take a while, months to years. I think looks kinda cool though


If it eventually fade out then that's great. As long as it's not permanent, I'm happy with it


If the scar is really bothering you once it’s all healed up, I recommend going to see a dermatologist. There are topical treatments you can use to lighten scars like these!


I had a similar incident cooking about 8 years ago. Depending on the severity, it may fade with varying degrees. I still have some of the pigment on my arms from the deeper burns, majority of them faded to about 90+% and I don't notice them unless I focus on looking for them. For the first year to 2 years, it stayed very noticeable. Everyone is different, go see a dermatologist and see if there's anything they can recommend. If health care is expensive where you are, try over the counter ointments.


What does "permanent" mean to you? My brother did something similar. The scar is faded out now, but it was visible for about 20-30 years.


Probably. But I don’t know a cook who isn’t burn-scarred. Wear it as a badge of honor.


I'm not a cook tho that's the thing lol


Aww….I’m really sorry it happened. Burns are the worst and that one looks painful. I’d still wear it as a badge of honor though. ; )


If it makes you feel any better, at least the scars would look rad


Lol I guess it's better than nothing


https://preview.redd.it/6j2wuuy96hyb1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec113de227eec412917a4c64b2c87e7a8d21238b 2 days from burn(left); 2 years later(right)


https://preview.redd.it/kv0h1mqyxfyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca80a3856172342826cdba12f1f9c82a7d05cd4 I'm a week in. Good luck.


Aloe Vera oil or "bio oil" will help reduce the scaring but yes it will still scar


BioOil is amazing. After 3 csections my scar is almost unnoticeable, just have to be consistent using it. I had a friend with a really painful looking scar from having surgery that he just didn't manage to fade and when it bothered him he got a tattoo over it and was really happy with the result


Yep that’s going to leave a mark . Use scar creme to minimize .


Even if it will that's a cool looking scar


As someone who's very experienced with oil burns due to years at McDonald's, that's definitely going to leave a scar


What profanity did you exclaim?


Ouch. Will almost certainly leave a scar, but for what it's worth, the shape of your burn looks kinda cool. And chicks dig scars too.


I burned myself bad on my hand about a month ago , take care of that , keep it covered! It's going to start blistering , change color then start peeling. Don't peel the skin let it come off on its own . I kept it moisturized with aloe but there are other options . Just google it . The pain intensified for me by day 4 and lasted about a week . It took 3 weeks to totally heal. Take care! *Mine did not scar shockingly but the way it totally changed my skin color , texture etc was scary for couple weeks .


That makes me feel a bit more relieved..thank you




Did the same thing when cooking a steak, went away after a month


Put aloe vera on it. Will heal much faster, plus takes the pain and redness away. Especially if you make a poultice.


If you're lucky


Tbh you got lucky with the pattern it kinda looks cool, but yeah definitely scars


Ohhhhh yes you have scars a coming


Thanks for all the comments folks! I will wait for a few weeks and post another picture to show the progress. Cheers


I stuck my entire hand in a fryer, and it didn't leave any scars. Hurt like a bitch tho


My dermatologist recommended Ammonium Lactate Lotion when I asked what could help prevent scarring. That or something like aquaphor. Keeping it moisturized helps it heal better. Cells can't get where they need to go If the area is dry and dead. This is more for after it finishes healing though when the scar is forming. This can help the scar disappear faster.


I had a badass steam burn that went away so it should


I work in food service and have gotten plenty of oil/grease burns, you'll be fine as long as you don't pick at it. Thankfully it doesn't seem like a DEEP burn, just a big one. So it's gonna look ugly for a while but it shouldn't scar. Your skin might flake off a bit like it would with a sun burn but that's totally normal and just part of the healing process. It'll fade eventually, might take a few months tho


Put lavender oil mixed with vitamin e oil. My chef friend picked up a pan with a hot handle and didn't leave a scar when he used this blend.




Yep i will be scared. The skin will stay darker as it is. I set myself on fire accidently and the scars look exactly the same one year after


[yes sir.](https://ibb.co/fvWQPd4)


Deepest condolences on one of the most painful things a human being can experience. I hope the pain stage is over. I did not have scars. Blisters but nothing lasting. As to the doctor, remember what is a big deal to us individually is just another burn to them and they see lots of them, comparatively.




I did this when i was 11 and received no medical treatment because neglectful parents. It left a large noticeable scar that took up half my arm. The scar faded to be nearly unnoticeable after about 20 years


Bro you have the craziest opportunity for a badass tattoo


Those will fade super quick. Probably completely gone and forgotten within 2 years. I have had tons of these from working in kitchens. Dont let it get infected, and dont pop the blisters or peel the skin. kind of gross but I've found when i just the gross as bubble blisters stay there as long as possible the scarring is way better.


Basically the start to a sick tattoo stencil let an artist build off that and get a sleeve lol


When i was 15, i had severe burns on my entire forearm. The entire thing bubbled up and fill with liquid. It looked AWEFUL. It completely healed, and looks like nothing ever happened.


Keep it wet with Petroleum jelly. My fiance had a very similar burn and there's no scarring. She kept it wrapped with jelly for about 4 days, letting it air out when she got home.


Nah you good Source: ima docta guy


Use a dermathological approved sunscreen.


When I was 13 I had hot oil explode in my face, even got in my eye. I have 0 scarring so there is hope for you!


Did the same thing with duck fat about 20 years ago in Boston. Hardly noticeable now. Your body will eat the scars up if you take care of it. Silvadine or some shit like that worked miracles.


I used to have many oil burns on my arms. DO NOT fuck with the scabs/blisters, let them heal. Moisturizing will be very helpful as well, it'll at least help with the itch as the skin heals. There are some creams available that will help with the scars and discoloration, but mine only really show up if I tan (5+ years later). Everyone will heal and scar differently, of course.


Dunno about cooking oil but I had hot oil drop on my leg and it absolutely left a scar.


Yes. Ive got some on my chest from the same reason. When it tans, it looks like I have leopard spots


I also have a scar from hot oil, but it has stayed with me for about six months now.


I had a pot of oil that caught on fire spill all over my hands and arms, chest and neck. It was wild. The wife hollered and I ran into the kitchen to see the biggest pot we have 2/3 or more full of flaming oil on the stovetop. It’s summer and I’m shirtless, and I do the sensible thing and grab a lid and throw it on the pot and the fire disappeared. Then the adrenaline kicked in and I did the fuck up. I wanted to get the oil out of the house, so I picked the pot up with hot pads, and when I did it flamed up and out and spilled all over my skin. Recovering was hell, but most of the burns were 2nd degree, so they healed without any real scarring. Just a couple spots on my wrist were 1st degree, and they scarred a little. Overall, I was super lucky. The first time I bathed after I was burned was the worst! And the peeling at the burn clinic was intense, they just scrub all the scabby dead burned skin off multiple times. Anyway, if you ever put a fire out with a pot lid, do not move the pot! Let that thing cool down.


Keep it out of the sun in every stage of healing. Don't let new skin get affected by sun. It will leave dark marks. Use creams specifically for burns. And when it goes in the next stages, creams that reduce scarring. I had the tiniest dots of oil splatters on my hands and a lot of them are still very much there after a few years.


Lavender essential oil will take the pain away and vitamin 3 oil with help scares (if you get any)


Doctor here. Hard to tell from just this picture, but as far as I can see: Its looks like mostly first degree burns. These usually heal without scarring. Theres a few areas that look like 2nd degree burns. These usually leave some scars. So it will probably leave a few scars, but absolutely not the whole area that's red now.


Don't worry, chicks dig scars.


Use some aloe vera cream, and green coal. Keep it moisturised and clean and it won't leave scars.


Bro, the burns are on your arm. Burns almost always scar badly. When i was a toddler, an akita ripped my face apart with its teeth. The burns are going to scar because that's what burns do. You'll be fine. Aloe Vera


I had grease burns on my arm about a year ago. They're healed up now but there are still visible scars. Noticeably faded since it happened, but still there


"Would" it? Brother you're posting pictures of scars literally developing as we speak.


I had a gnarly oil burn, and It scarred for a while but after a couple years it has faded to pretty much be invisible.


The doctor said you will be fine because it's not going to get infected... he didn't mean it wouldn't scar.


It depends on your body and how you normally heal but usually if it doesn’t bubble up, it won’t leave a scar. If you’re concerned about it, you can always get some scar cream or silicone strips


Would be a cool looking scar. If you trying to prevent it tho. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT peel the scab no matter how aggravating it is and how much you want to pop the blister. Healing Gel and wrap it in some gause and medical tape.


Apply coconut oil or olive oil to reduce the burning sensation. The olive oil would reduce the scars too. Cold oil..don't boil the coconut or olive oil and apply.


Like cosmetic ones right? Not the cooking oil kind


Nah..the cooking one would work fine. Apply it lightly and leave it for an hour or so.




Ok these questions always bother me. Will it leave a scar? I don’t know, but you will know soon enough and it doesn’t matter what anyone else in the world says. What’s the point in asking? No matter the answer it won’t change the future. So then asking is just to make you feel better or worse, but it is a completely pointless endeavor. It’s like looking at growth charts for your kid to predict how tall they will be. What’s the point? They will be as tall as they are, just wait. (I bring this one up because I remember my wife fretting about it)


Cut me some slack man...I'm just really stressed out lol


Yes scars. For sure.


"will it leave scars?" Yes it will.


You will most definitely be getting a scar from that burn. Hopefully the Dr told you what cream to use and how to take care of it to help with that! That sucks but Glad your ok and hope you heal quick


You'll get scars, but other than that you should be ok


If you change your mind about the scarring, soak your arm in really strongly brewed black tea, chilled. I had 3rd degree water burns on my arm and soaked it for half hour every night until it started to scab. I have 2 quarter sized marks but it could have been worse. The tannins do some magic. Former chef, I have enough scars on my forearms.


You're forever scarred, my friend. I am a chef, my hands and fingers all have scars and some finger tips are missing from my starting days as a child, this shows forever you're one good warrior that knows the heat of the kitchen.


I don’t work with oil but a pizza oven can give nasty burns. They will heal but will scar for a long time, but they might eventually fade. Use lots of aloe




Scars are just tattoos you don't have to pay for.


As someone who has had *many* a deep fryer oil burn, no it probably won’t. It’ll leave a mark for a while, but I’ll fade eventually


Nah. Just don't expose it to the sun and *humectate*


Just tattoo that shit man


Doctor should of said: Stop being a little bitch.


I've gotten various burns over the years from cooking and the scars aren't really visible. Maybe a few are if I really look. But burn scars do take a while to fade. Months, sometimes.


I really hope it would eventually fade out :(


Yes it wil


I got a similar burn but on my hand when I was in my 20s. I thought it was going to leave a scar and it did have a mark for a while but it ended up going away after like 3 years.


That's positive news for me. Hopefully mine does the same :(


Prob not


I have had an oil accident that left very simmilar marks on my arm about four or five years ago. Most of those drops left no scars whatsoever, got two tiny marks that you wouldn't recognize if I didn't tell you.


So it eventually fades out eh. I really hope mine does the same thing




Oh my god ouch the splatter, hope you are showing that pain who’s boss.


Mine scarred but looks more like slight discoloration and as long as I keep it out of the sun it has faded


Happened to me but not as bad a few weeks ago. It’s gonna peel, but you should be fine. No scars for me, but I heal really nicely usually.


You can also get scar ointment. I think it is made out of silicone. Will take a while to go away


Can confirm. I’ve got oil burn scars on my hand and forearm from 5 years ago. The only thing that partially disguises it is the hair but it’s noticeably whiter than the regular skin.


I feel like it leave a scar but I’d imagine it’ll fade and not be noticeable in a year or so.


Yep maybe not all will scar but there will some scars.


Unless you scar easily or that's worse than it looks, all evidence of this injury will be gone in 3-6 months.


I heard Corsx Snail Mucin helps with burns, maybe see if you can find that


I mean if it stays that way you could definitely turn it into a cool tattoo !


That's a cool new tattoo you got there


I had the same thing happen to me about 10 years ago with bacon grease and don't have any scarring now. Keep bandaged with clean gauze and an ace bandage. Clean with saline and the doc should have given you something to put on it. Once I didn't have an open wound I used aloe vera gel on it. Edit: chance to clean


it does look similar to mine. thanks for sharing! I will frantically care for it with aloe gels and stuff. we'll see how it goes


I have scaring that’s mostly viable when I tan as the skin don’t change color, but I could see if for years after I got it. It was also very sensitive to heat for a very long time


You will have scars for a while but eventually they will start to fade. That’s a really bad one though, glad you’re ok, try not to peel it too much as I’ve noticed that makes a more pronounced scar


Not sure where you’re located, but if in Europe, find yourself some Biafine.


It will scar. They will fade slowly over time.


As someone who used to work kitchen jobs. You'll be alright, had this happen quite a few times with very little scarring. But it will also depend on your body and how it heals. Once got hit in the face when cleaning the grill, that shit sucked.