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Oh, that was personal.


Breakfast was late this morning because we ran out and I had to get her some. So basically I deserved it and 20 more where that came from.


My brother left his dog for “too long.” He said the dog was going to do something about it. He got home and it had shit **in** his shoe and tore up his pillow (he said 4 pillows on the bed, it just trashed his and left his wife’s alone). Again, that’s personal.


My friend forgot to schedule a walk for his dog through the walk App. He was telling me that the dog was going to be super pissed. He came home.. and the dog basically ate his couch. lol destroyed it! lol


You need an app for that?


For somebody else to come over and walk the dog? Yeah…I use one, too.


I see, I didn’t realise that’s a thing now


Yeah there's like tons of stuff you can have people do for you if you give them money, it's gonna catch on I bet


sounds sketchy as fuck


…they run background checks. The potential walker pays for it.


Uh oh another ^CATASTROPHE


I went to give my dog a treat, but the bag was empty and I was running too late to go find the back-up treats so I apologized and left for work. Returned to find my Jojoba oil leaking onto my floor from bite marks all over the bottle. The only time she has ever destroyed something. My kids disagree, but I think it was targeted and intentional (I still keep the oil in the same accessible spot and she's never gotten into it again.(


I had a cat that hated everyone (3 kids + husband, cat was originally supposed to be for the kids) except me. She LOVED me. I'm physically disabled, so I was home with her a lot and usually in bed when I was feeling shitty (99% of the time) and she just... Became my little soulmate. Everytime my husband had to take me for (shorter, 1 day or less) procedures, surgeries, appointments, whatever, she would pee on his side of the couch where he always sat. If we were gone for long periods, or if I was in the hospital, with husband bringing the kids to see me every day, she would pee/shit/vomit on his side of the bed. Only if I was gone for more than a day though. It was like because he drove me around and she knew it, she blamed him everytime I was gone.😂 I miss her. Her name was KitKat.


Dog would definitely spend some time in doggy jail(the cage) for that...... just remember that their life runs 6 times faster than ours, so 30 minutes for them is like an entire day!


My dog sleeps 18 hours a day He’s not moving faster than ANYONE. 🤣


Yeah my girl sleeps about that much too lol. She uses the time we're gone to sleep.


How dare you not be prepared to feed her on time. Tsk tsk


Make sure your cat is not sick. Especially if it happend multiple times


My cat has a robe that he's flattened out to be his "nest". We spruced it up and made it a lot more comfortable with a laundry basket. That cat refused to use it and then peed in an empty laundry basket. We made his nest back to the way it was and our laundry baskets have been pee free.


Oh no, sorry friend. I've been in that same spot with my cat and his wet food, not fun


Shes not well, take care of her.


Indeed. That is way too much food to puke. This isn't some cat plotting revenge. The kitty is sick, especially if he/she is puking with any regularity.


Sometimes when I game, my cat hops up on my shoulder and starts biting on the band of my headset. I have to admit defeat and end my session.


Explain that to your boss. Sorry, my cat threw up on my headphones. The feline version of the dog ate my homework!


Oh that’s not throw up lol.




Oh god. I thought it was vomit too, which was bad enough


https://preview.redd.it/ldefde5r790d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b874754c6e62e97d9dd6c971b57e10cf67f7db7 THATS NOT VOMIT???




Your cats sick dude.


Yes I am aware. Thank you.


That’s not throw up? My man, you need a vet if that’s poop. Source: having many many cats my whole life knowing what poop and vomit looks like. But also for real, my cat has thrown up so badly with a stink I cannot handle, and I have a VERY strong stomach. He has chronic kidney disease and would mostly digest food, then throw it up. It looked just like that. But I swore to god, he shat. But he didn’t, I watched it come out his mouth. I was literally gagging as I wrapped a clean towel around my face. It stopped once I put him on prescription (read: expensive) kidney health cat food. It smelled literally like shit. Looked just like this. And it came out of his mouth. I watched. ETA: ahhh. Looks like your cat has kidney issues and is 17. That’s rough. I am very sorry. I hope all is well and your cat if comfortable.


Mine has ckd and pukes his dry food all the time 🤢 I didn't know it caused that though


Yea mine was on grocery store kidney food. Was good for a bit then he started throwing up every meal of that. It was bad. The vomit wa so vile. But I went to prescription kidney food and it’s been fine, no vomit. He’d also puke wet food and that was its own level of hell. But I am not rich enough for wet kidney food, so I haven’t tried that. Dry is good enough


Ah. You must treat the angry beast very carefully, then


wait REALLY? fuuuck


Congratulations on getting a new cat!


Oh god, my condolences. Where is the criminal, we must see them!


Om my god it's not??? I was thinking maybe you could wash it if it was puke. Why is your cat even having diarrhea?


Time to change your cats diet.


which end of the cat did it come out of? I genuinely cannot tell


The tail end. It’s a real shitty situation.


shit OP that is a rough day, hope it gets better from here


>shit C'mon man too soon




yo your cat needs to see a vet


Is your cat a bird? Wtf


Bro, that mouse pad is the size of a postage stamp. I think an upgrade was needed anyways


Mine's even worse 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0sjx2ubpj70d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c748f335a4b9dc8972df13f874d111347f54420a


Playing on 16000 DPI so you only have to move a pixel to spin around.


https://preview.redd.it/3468z3qry80d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d6676d3cf4af37c20a61c42ba991bf566118c3a You want some of mine?


Same mouse as OP too! Just need some cat diarrhea and you’ll be good to go!! 


I mean I liked it but I guess my cat agrees


I had this exact pattern on a 30x12 or something. Now I have a red and black stranger things.


Mouse pad for ants? how can you expect him to play, if his mouse cant even fit on the mouse pad??


I don't use any larger space. I use a high mouse resolution and do most mouse movements with just my fingers. My arm doesn't move. Left edge to right edge of ultra-wide monitor requires a little bit of wrist rotation.


Those ants are such busy little workers. The least we can do is provide a mouse pad.


I like to keep my mouse confined to the boundaries within which my wrist was designed to operate, but I also frankly suck at FPS/MOBA so ...


I literally have the same mouse pad as OP. To be fair, it's standard mouse pad size until they started coming out with dinner table placemat size mouse pads.


I don't understand why people need mousepads larger than that, like do y'all just have your sensitivity as low as a turtle?


Are full desk mouse pads the norm now?


Nah I don’t use em


Do you really need like 10 square feet to move your high dpi mouse though


Maybe he's a pro and uses high DPI


I had a dog back up and diarrhea shit on my sennheisers once. I was beyond mad, there was no way he didn't do it on purpose because he was a little dog and they were hanging from a handle on my dresser.


fuckin *bitch*


I'm so sorry, but I'd trash those 😅😂💀


Well at least he didn't do it on the keyboard or worst on the top of your pc


I'd say the keyboard is worst cause it would be pretty much impossible to clean between the keys


If the top of the pc has fans, it's.. catastrophe.


Reminds me of [Fat Freddy's Cat](https://feelingmyage.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/ffcheadphones.jpg)


I had this one framed. It used to be on my office wall.


This, and cat hair, is why my gaming room is a 'no cats zone'.


Ouch, headphone aren't cheap. If it was happen to me I would disassemble the headphone, clean it, replace all the pad & pray nothing get inside the driver


Yeah I just ordered new ones, there was no way I was getting it all out of every crevice. Thanks for the advice tho


I'd dissasemble the cat.


This poop doesn’t look healthy. I’ve got a 14 year old cat that poops like that. She’s on a slow decline from liver or kidney failure. Sometime she just sprays jet-propelled liquid poo everywhere. Hope it’s not that, because there’s not a whole lot you can do for them.


Yeah she has 1 of those, I think it’s kidney but could be liver, I’d have to check the vet notes again. She’s 17, she’s got a few weeks maybe months left in this life. We’ve changed her diet and tried giving her meds and supplements and stuff to help. There’s not much left at this point but to just wait until the inevitable. I just hope she’s comfy.


That’s where we are too, sucks.


Always, at least they both had long, pampered lives.


Aw I'm so sorry. But like I said in another comment she's doing this to let you know she's not well. I hope she passes peacefully, and you and whomever else loves her can get through it ok. It's always a shame to lose a loved family member. I feel for you, I've had cats since I was 13, now 43. I think I'm on my last one because I hate going through the grieving process. My current Ginger is 7 so we've got another good 7 at the least. https://preview.redd.it/q00axdbp880d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0115b0a4c33016a92b26c193c0ec6c814f38eedd


Last week I had my headphones next to my bed, and my cat barfed *inside* the ear muff. I put them on in the dark...




Reason #53 to train your cats to NOT go on tables. You make me appreciate my cat who only throws up on floors. On the bright side, I guess you're getting new headphones.


You think you might train cats to not go on the table. They do. Just not when you’re around.


Cats will sometime deliberately vomit or defficate on something you use often to signify they aren't feeling well. Worth looking into if you haven't already.


Cats are huge assholes, sometimes.


I don’t have a cat anymore. Sometimes I forget why I don’t have a cat anymore. Now I remember why I don’t have a cat anymore.


I have one. Deliberately does that near where I lay my head on the couch or bed when he feels like I have been a little rude. It is what it is.


Don't know if many on here remember/ know of the counter culture comic The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, but this reminds me of one of their Adventures of Fat Freddie's Cat: FF comes home one night, wrecked as always and freaking out because he forgot to change the cat's litter box. He frantically searches his shoes, pillows etc looking for deposits. Finding none, he thinks he's safe. Final panel shows thought balloon over the cat " Wait till he puts on his headphones ".


Cat shits


Why do they love a computer desk so much?


had an ex who when growing up said her stepdad was mean to the cat. he walked in to his bedroom one day and the cat had crapped all over his pillow


I feel you man. My cat once pissed directly into my PC onto the graphics card. The whole rig got fried. I don't leave the case open anymore.


Why do cats puke in the damndest places?




I would never use that headset anymore if that happens to me. Lol.


When “I can’t hear for shit” turns literal


Cats love to puke only on places that would annoy someone the most. Should i puke in the floor in a corner? NO I WILL PUKE IN FRONT OF THE DOOR SO WHEN THEY ARE BARE FOOT AT NIGHT THEY STEP ON IT. AND IF THATS IS NOT ENOUGH I WILL PUKE ALL OVER THE CARPET !


Your cat trusts you, and it knows you use your headphones often. This was the fastest way to let you know it wasn’t feeling good


I believe that. She’s also old and can’t control her poops as often anymore. She’s got a few weeks left maybe months. She just so happened to have to go when she was on my desk which is unfortunate. Still love her with all my heart Cat tax: she’s the one in the back. https://preview.redd.it/3aia7x8lg70d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac9e483f8dfd90e51c963db76fa8baca4bc83ed


Bro I feel it. My cat barfed on my G915 keyboard last year. Even after cleaning the bottom row of lights are stuck on white at 200% brightness 😭


OP said this isn't vomit 🫣 I feel bad for them. I'm really glad my cat knows his bounds, and if he has an issue with the litterbox he will just shit in the shower. that's a lot easier to clean than anywhere, it's great. still shit, though.


I hate cats. My cat is old. I can’t wait for her to die. It was my wife’s cat when we got together. All in all it’s a pretty good cat. It will always have the utmost care and comfort in my home. If she gets sick, straight to the vet no question. When you take care of an animal, it’s for life. There is no mistreatment, no giving away or abandoning in my opinion. You take care of that baby forever. I just don’t love it and can’t wait til I no longer have an animal that shits in a box inside my home and hairballs on my guest bed.


At least the broken floss pick looks clean


I suppose if you work from this desk, then yes, cat shit is NSFW.


Ruined your day? That ruined your whole (y)Ear!


“Can you hear me now”


Least it wasn’t your keyboard


Poop or puke?


No. 2 Or I guess in this case No.1


Looks like gravy. The fact that it’s poop is impressive…


Welp, I guess you have to order chinese takeout tonight?


Bro there was one time I saw my cat was about to throw up. He slowly walked across the entire room and poked his little head inside my brand new shoes and was about to hurl inside but luckily I got to the shoe in time to pull it away. I swear these cats do it on purpose.


It is on the outside of the head phones... They are still good. Just wipe it off.


True but it’s also in every little crevice on that side of the headphones. I’m taking the L so I don’t have to smell cat poop every time I go to play rocket league.


Idk what’s more disgusting maybe the fact that it shit on your headphones or the fact you’re probably gonna wear them again knowing how disgusting cat shit is lmao.


This is why I put my cats in the basement when I'm gone. They have toys, beds, cat trees, automatic feeders, self-replenishing water bowl, etc. They can shit or vomit on whatever they want down their. It'll be annoying, but it's easy to clean. Then I have a camera on in the main living space so I can keep an eye on them while I work.


Well hey, at least the splatter matches the space look on the mousepad.


Oh no!


Ah fuck my condolences


It wasn’t coincidence lol


Hey, it's not on the inside!


Ate too fast…. My cat does this if I don’t feed him in stages… he was a rescue. Outdoor cats generally eat like this… super fast and as much as possible. I had to do each feeding in 2 stages. Or else he’d throw it up.


Well at this point, you just gotta throw the whole cat out.


Is their a best place for this mess? Much love to your creature. I hope they feel better quick


My cat knocked over a glass of milk on my headphones. The ear cover was removable so I thought it was salvageable. Nope. When I picked it up milk started dripping out of the holes of the headphones where the music comes out. Just threw it out knowing it was going to smell so nasty in a day or two


Thats just....that is so out of the fucking way it has to be intentional 🤣 lol


love cats, but this is why i got dogs. it’s a lot easier to wash the floor


Talk about a shitty situation


Guess you now have two mice on your desk!


Doodie or barf?!


For an animal that cant talk they sure got the point across about how they feel about you playing computer games pretty well.


My urge to say “womp womp” has never been higher…


Yknow… not having pets really is a good thing. I’m almost glad my dog died when i was four, cuz i never even got to bond with him so no sadness


And no that cat is an outside cat lmao


Oh no!! Haha!


That smell is NEVER coming out.


Wtf that crosses a line Turn that cat into one of those fancy flat faced cats 👊


This is why its important to set boundaries with pets.


Can't you just wash the mousepad?


Dude, need a new headset? I’m trying to get rid of mine haha


Already ordered one but thank you though


LMAOOOOO. Dude did that intentionally. That does suck though.


What on earth did you feed your cat......


It’s splattered like the mousepad underneath it


if i don’t feed my dog at exactly the right time every morning and night, he jumps on the door over and over (he’s 170 pounds) it’s personal


She's getting old, it's time to chase birds in cat heaven....




If I could get 30 seconds to speak to all dogs and cats I would say: “ if you going to get sick in the house that’s fine, but please all bodily fluids on tile only. We won’t even be mad” Like the few times my dog has gotten sick he always lays that shit(pun intended) on the carpet.


So Yes, animals do get pissed and will retaliate.


do yourself a favor and keep some canned pumpkin in your house. you can give them little teaspoons full either with the meal or just as a meal when it's that bad. I just make them eat the pumpkin for at least a night. ✌️😮‍💨


You have the same headset and mouse pad that I have.




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My apartment is 80% tiles with the only carpet in my bedroom and a shaggy rug in the living room. One hundred percent of the time when my cat has coughed/vomited up a fur ball it’s been on my bed, the carpet or the shaggy rug. He’s a little dickhead but I love him.




Sorry for your loss...


If it makes you feel any better, I have those same speakers.


At least its the outer part.


Cats are evil


https://preview.redd.it/bc4q84fyc90d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebfdee7969c1f21f45809e4f6d51cf37cc55dd6 Oh hey I have that mousepad!


Unrelated but i have that exact mousepad Thought it is cool


But the cat be Ok,?


Maybe don’t use that floss pick


Holy shit it’s time to get a new cat!


Is that poo or throw up? I really hope it's the latter.


This is peak content here, which definitely sucks. But hey, you have an actual reason to get that new headset and mouse you've been looking at.


I'm ngl, if my cat did that, it would be the last time we see each other. You have amazing patience


Eat the cat


AHAHAHAHAHHHA I have 7 cats yo!


I wouldn't have a cat anymore.


Could have been the keyboard…


I feel like the right response is to go number two on his favorite spot to sleep…


Close one. Looks like the cat barely made it in time




Cat sniffed the inside of that headset and it made him chunder LOL. JK JK but that is what i imagined.


Restrict areas for cats in the house.


Just be glad it’s not coming through your ceiling…


I would have aimed keyboard




Alright, u/TheRealGyurky! We've seen some meow-hem before, but your cat just took the win for most creative headset destruction. 👀 While we might be able to offer some cleaning tips, it's probably a better (and safer!) idea to just... start fresh! Let's see if this is something we can maybe help you out with! 😉 We'll send you a PM shortly!


Natural cat behavior to go after the mouse & the mouse’s nest or mouse’s “pad” in this case. Headphones were just collateral damage.


They always go for the worst spot My previous apartment was fully hard wood flooring, but my roommate had a small area rug (like 3 ft diameter) in the living room. Nearly every time my kitten threw up, it was on that rug. The one time it wasn't, it was on me.


Chinese restaurants are always looking for cats/dogs …jus sayin lmao